Brit/pol/ - corona camp edition

>Answers promised after school shutdown confusion

>40 London Underground stations to be closed

>Italy deaths rise by record 475 IN 24 HOURS

>Europe sets up emergency lifeline worth billions

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Other urls found in this thread:” &autoplay=1&rel=0

start forming raiding parties.

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Seethe harder you big girls blouse

It's time for my real life Fallout playthrough

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Steal a cow

Can't wait to see what London looks like next week

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Can always use this next

Why, its just another shit doomer thread, fuck off you virgin shut in spastic

Relax m8


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survival bump

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i’m literally never wrong

>My underground station is gone

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why is the number of "recovered" so low in every country? it's almost like you never truly recover from this virus.

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good man
me too

i'll expand on the attraction of indian women in a future post because it's a very interesting and exciting topic

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Someone be a top bloke and give me the start forming raiding parties tweet pls

If you live in London and are white NOW is the time to leave. The army is already deploying in and around the city, complete airtight shutdown is coming within hours.

Don't listen to the governments pathetic attempts at panic control, they are wargaming for civil war level events, think Katrina and the LA riots. Remember what happened when one nigger with a gun got shot a few years back? Well there are 147,000 more non whites in London now and imagine how they'll start behaving when the food runs out.

Whites are weak and stupid when compared to generations of the past, we've been breeding runts for 70+ years, those who would never have reached adulthood only 100 years ago are breeding like rabbits while the smartest people stopped reproducing in the 1970's.

Say what you like about niggers, arabs and all the other third world filth, they come from genetic stock that was forged in some of the harshest environments on earth. They may not be fit for building civilizations but they are bonded by blood AND FAITH and do know how to chimp the fuck out, they elevate baser activities like looting, rape and murder into an art form.

Also did you not notice the numbers of commonwealth troops being deployed? Who do you think the Nigerian and Pakistani soldiers are going to be protecting? If you're white and in London you will be a target for everyone else, including the authorities.
R U N!

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>The army is already deploying in and around the city,

The NHS worship is on full display for all to see.

*except about apexes, flag carriers, battle rifles, sub props, and codified constitutions.

Based and Semi-LARPpilled

people like you are why the empire fell

where is the spastic that thinks norway is filled with tropical diseases? i didn’t finish bullying him

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Well that's it lads. Off work for a minimum of 6 weeks at full pay. Should I turn to alcohol or get fit?

but i’ve been right about all of them

I have a designated bum towel

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The empire was a mistake

only spastics support the empire

Lmao you didnt know what half of them were. You still rowing your chariot along?

if you have the thumos you can make significant gains and still get drunk regularly

gimme her name son

God I wish that were me.

Wouldn't get fit, gyms are a breeding ground for virae. Just get a few brewskis in and play vidya.

anybody got a link to the coronavirus bill?

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>go spend loads trying to teach darkies to read the bible while people starve at home

not right now, trying to stay sober

Because were near the start of the outbreak here

you mean liberals, leftists, muslims and commies?


Nigs chimping out, be prepared boys.” &autoplay=1&rel=0

no it wasn't. cultural Marxism, bolshevics and muslims are

>go outsource english labour to the third world to benefit nobody but the city of london’s elites

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you’re not very old are you?

why have u just linked noncery

I have weights etc in the garage and I live in the countryside so I could start running with my dog twice a day. Or I could start working my way though my whisky collection.

These negroes get it

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Ive got about a years worth of supplies in storage. On reflection, Im going to donate it all to the impending catastrophe that is to be london. Wont anybody think of the children?

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Ffs shops round my way have been fine, totally normal, then today, cleaned out. Its all about perception - regardless of reality if people think shit is falling apart theyll be retarded enough to make it happen.

for how much newfag larp about mosley, very few seem to have listened to him

ffs am I going to get a knock on my door now

fucking this

bought the history of western philosophy from plato to kant
gonna make brain gains during qtine

Kek. You clicked the link. Dont trust vimeo links la

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God I hope that cunt gets the coronavirus.

Its boring innit

Which Poo would you do? Which Paki would you facki?

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lesson learned

You fucking need it tbqh

>whisky collection

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Fuck this, post /chavgirls/ instead

who the fuck collects alcohol?

Roger that

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ahh yes i'm sure you know the whole of western philosophy

>he didn't prepare
lmao... i bet you were one of those 'its just a cold' people too

How come when I search for paki foot fetish it links back to pol?

objectively speaking


Like this?

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Low priority to catch up with mild cases. Waste of a test right now to retest someone.

Not what I said you fucking imbecile ffs

it is just a cold

This is paki general

why do people assume that we're going to get a vaccine? this virus is like a combination of the viruses that cause SARS/MERS and AIDS. there has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine of any kind and there never will be one.

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