Realistically, which woman will he choose as his running mate? No Malarkey plz

Realistically, which woman will he choose as his running mate? No Malarkey plz

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Loretta Lynch b/c of deal @ Tarmac Meeting

Can't be Kamala Harris otherwise he would have specified a black woman to capitalise on the woke bux.

If he was smart... Klobuchar

But he’s not smart so who fucking knows

Genocide Clinton

I don't think it really matters because he won't have an opportunity to pick anyone at this point.

Harris or Kolbochair

Krysten Sinema

Warren probably

>No Malarkey plz

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Elizabeth Warren obviously so he can bring in progressive voters and unite the party - that's her reward for staying in to fuck Bernie on super Tues.

Hillary, absolutely. Then if they win Joe will be deemed unfit for his position, or he'll commit an unfortunate suicide via two shots to the back of the head, and she'll take over.

hitlery cunton

The Georgian gorilla

Hillary. Then he’ll retire for health reasons six months into the job.

>Biden announces Mayor Pete as VP


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so cucked they have to pander to women to get a nomination a corporation decides anyway. pathetic
and what kind of s oy boy fags follow this shit?

>choosing someone based on gender and race

I thought we weren't supposed to do that.


Why is Biden such a niggerlover, jesus. His entire career is defined by kissing black ass.

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Because he's a democrat.
That is their entire political strategy.

He seems desperate.

Hahaha lol just losing any and all faith in the system they raised me to believe in

Clinton and then he will resign allowing the her to claim her throne back from racists, just like GoT!!!. Think of the movie that will be made? Maybe a trilogy? Omg it would win so many grammies!!!

He already picked Klobuchar. It’s how they got her to drop out so fast.

Because winning Florida all but ensures he's winning the election. And with ex convicts (ie urban basketball youths) now being able to vote in Florida he needs that BBC.

My guess is he's gonna pick a Latina woman as VP to clinch Arizona and that's it. He won't need MI WI PA or NC as long as he gets hundred thousand more Spics and Blacks to vote

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His outright statement of this is illegal discriminatory hiring. Do he's going to run into some shit if he's elected

Pause what you're doing for a minute and contemplate the fact that all across the United States right now there are hundreds of thousands of people who read a headline like this and unironically get a warm feeling of righteousness on top of a semi chub

>black woman for scotus

If it's not the Giggress Niggress or Hilldawg I don't really care

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BASED bimbo

Harris, Clinton, Klobuchar, or Loretta Lynch.


When will people in this country ever learn that it does not matter. There was a black man at the head of the table for 8 fuckin years and niggers still want reparations and free stuff, commiting crimes, aborting and ignoring education. Yeah, a black woman will change everything boys. Fo' sho' yo.

Hopefully theres woman what will pass the smell test.

> blacks are 13% of the population and we need 2/9 supreme Court judges to be black

> Jews are 1% of the population and only a bigot would even mention that 3/9 supreme Court judges are Jewish

> White Protestants founded this national and are still the single largest ethnoreligious group... Only a bigot would complain that there's not a single white protestant judge.

>nominates Hilldawg
>Hilldawg's Mossad-CIA infect Biden with coronavirus after taking office
>Hilldawg is pres

Warren, as a reward for drinking Bernies milkshake in the primary.

Likely one of these cunts

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Thank you

Trump would be ecstatic.

This guy gets it.

Too bad Buttigieg didn't win, then we could be like "here's the gay guy and the obese woman."


It will be queen she boon Abrams

He should ask for Romney's advice.
I hear he has binders full of them.

>I'll pick people who don't deserve the job just to get the votes since people vote based off identity rather than merit!



no bully

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He said a woman

>End game democracy has people in powering pandering to the lowest IQ voters because they have the most quantity
>Democracy will always by nature lead to the stupidest of people deciding the future direction and actions of your country
Systems broke, need a new one.

They already tried this with Wally and the Beaver.

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he will fully transition publicly while living in the Vice President's mansion including live stream dilation.
after 2 years, they'll heart attack Joe 3 times to the back of the head and the tranny will finish out that term and could run for 2 more under the 22a.


mfw mainstream presidential candidate will openly pick Supreme Court based on race and gender. How is anyone outside batshit antifa and jews fine with this?

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Pete Buttegege

Warren for VP, Lynch for Supreme Court

Unironically, Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer

isn't the best strategy to pick a VP that would help you carry a state that you wouldn't otherwise win, probably that fat nigger from georgia desu

No malarkey, eh?
OK, I'll give it to you straight. Women are terrible people. They're literally the worst. They lie and manipulate. It's not their fault, they don't know why they do these horrible things to actual humans. They do all sorts of other terrible things too, but not really relevant to this conversation. One thing that they do that is though. They secretly wish for all women more successful than them to fail. They want to see it. It's envy. They will do everything they can to make sure women who they precive as better than them fail.
Haven't you guys ever been in a relationship? Other women will try to fuck you non stop when they know you're in a relationship. It's envy. They will stop wanting to fuck you as soon as you stop being in a relationship and the pussy smell fades.
They're destroyers. They work on pure envy. They hate to see other women in a better position in life. They will pretend to be nice, and a friend of this woman while secretly doing everything within their power to make them fail. And then they will be there, as a shoulder to cry on and act like they didn't do it.
Like I said, they don't even know why they do it. They can't tell you why it feels good to destroy. But they all know, deep down, late at night they stand in front of a mirror and smile to themselves knowing what they've done.
Him choosing a woman VP will lose him a lot of the male vote and almost all the female vote.

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this season, Joe is the insurance that his VP will be President if they can cheat out a win.
I can't wait until Coronachan is the reason they implement some shitshow election method like Iowa and that's how the National elections get thrown to the Dems. it's coming.

Unironically if you can't see the writing on the wall, then you don't deserve to live anymore.

Biden is a pawn. DNC and Clinton know that she wouldn't win again, so they set up Biden to win. Biden gets the nom, he says Hilary is his running mate. If Biden then manages to win the election, he'll be ousted within 3 months due to dementia or being unfit mentally or "suicide" or "heart attack".

And just like that, Hilary becomes our president. You have the IQ of a literal amoeba if you can't see this.
