/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2274 - PANDEMIC EDITIONS

► Detected: 226,281 ► Died: 9,282
LIVE: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

JP Morgan forecasts -14% GDP growth for US Q2, worst since WW2

U.S. Air Force quietly imported 500,000 testing kits from Italy

37 years old enforcement agent dies without previous conditions

Teen death without previous conditions suspected in South Korea

Dutch health minister collapses during parliament debate

Virus doesn't show up on throat samples

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

Reinfection possible and even deadlier

Patients infectious after "recovery"

Ukraine on lockdown, 42 million people

Event 201: 65 million killed by CoV with 10% CFR

Venezuela under full lockdown, 32 million people

Wartime conditions in China

Infected in Sudan only discovered post-mortem

12:36: 24 new cases in Wales, United Kingdom.
12:27: 719 new cases in Switzerland.
12:12: 39 new cases and 3 new deaths in Scotland, United Kingdom.
11:49: First death in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
11:43: 80 new cases in Iceland.
11:38: 102 new cases and 3 new deaths in Switzerland.
11:17: 2,378 new cases and 129 new deaths in Spain.


Attached: CVG.png (1278x832, 1.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:


China +34 (+8) Iran +1,046 (+149) Spain +2,378 (+129) Germany +1,305 (+3) US +205 (+5) S. Korea +152 (+7) Switzerland +232 (+3) UK (+4) Austria +197 (+1) Belgium +309 (+7) Denmark +75 (+2) Japan +9 (+3) Portugal +143 (+1) Greece (+1) Luxembourg +132 (+2) Indonesia +82 (+6) India +28 (+1) Russia (+1) Mexico +25 (+1) Croatia +13 (+1) Argentina (+1) Bulgaria +2 (+1) Algeria +7 (+1) Curacao (+1) Norway +100 Sweden +30 Malaysia +110 Australia +113 Cze. Rep. +50 Israel +96 Finland +41 Pakistan +73 Iceland +80 Poland +38 Romania +17 Thailand +60 Bahrain +12 Estonia +9 Philippines +15 H. Kong +15 Peru +10 S. Africa +34 Lebanon +16 Kuwait +6 Armenia +12 Taiwan +8 Colombia +9 Serbia +8 Latvia +15 Hungary +15 Brunei +5 Faeroes +14 Albania +5 S. Lanka +8 Morocco +4 Malta +5 Palestine +3 Bosnia +6 Kazakhstan +8 Georgia +2 Tunisia +10 Lithuania +2 B. Faso +6 N. Zealand +8 Uzbekistan +5 Bangladesh +4 Bolivia +3 Congo +7 Guam +4 Honduras +3 Cuba +1 Ghana +2 Tri. & Tob. +2 Fr. Polynesia +1 Tanzania +3 Bahamas +2 US Vir. Isl. +1 El Salvador +1 Fiji +1 Nicaragua +1… Total +7,493 (+339)

Attached: CVG.jpg (720x480, 78.72K)

>Virgin Islands hit even though no one goes there
Based Chad still untouchable

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She's still clean, right bro's?

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China 80,928 (3,245) Italy 35,713 (2,978) Iran 18,407 (1,284) Spain 17,147 (767) Germany 13,632 (31) US 9,464 (155) France 9,134 (264) S. Korea 8,565 (91) Switzerland 3,347 (36) UK 2,626 (108) Netherlands 2,051 (58) Austria 1,843 (5) Belgium 1,795 (21) Norway 1,691 (6) Sweden 1,331 (10) Denmark 1,132 (6) Japan 923 (32) Malaysia 900 (2) Portugal 785 (3) Canada 727 (9) D. Princess 712 (7) Australia 709 (6) Brazil 529 (4) Greece 418 (6) Pakistan 380 (2) Ireland 366 (2) Luxembourg 335 (4) Poland 325 (5) Indonesia 309 (25) Slovenia 286 (1) Thailand 272 (1) Bahrain 268 (1) Philippines 217 (17) Egypt 210 (6) H. Kong 208 (4) India 197 (4) Turkey 191 (2) Ecuador 168 (3) Iraq 164 (12) Lebanon 149 (4) Russia 147 (1) S. Marino 140 (14) Mexico 118 (1) Panama 109 (1) Taiwan 108 (1) Croatia 102 (1) Argentina 97 (3) Bulgaria 94 (3) Algeria 82 (8) Hungary 73 (1) C. Rica 69 (1) Albania 64 (2) Morocco 58 (2) Moldova 36 (1) Dom. Rep. 34 (2) Azerbaijan 34 (1) B. Faso 33 (1) Martinique 23 (1) Bangladesh 18 (1) Ukraine 16 (2) Jamaica 15 (1) Cuba 11 (1) Guatemala 8 (1) Guyana 4 (1) Curacao 3 (1) Sudan 2 (1) Caymans 1 (1) Cze. Rep. 572 Israel 529 Qatar 452 Finland 400 Iceland 330 Singapore 313 Romania 277 Estonia 267 S. Arabia 238 Chile 238 Peru 155 S. Africa 150 Kuwait 148 Armenia 122 UAE 113 Slovakia 105 Colombia 102 Serbia 97 Latvia 86 Uruguay 79 Vietnam 76 Brunei 73 Faeroes 72 S. Lanka 59 Cyprus 58 Jordan 56 Andorra 53 Malta 53 Belarus 51 Palestine 47 Bosnia 45 Kazakhstan 44 Macedonia 43 Georgia 40 Oman 39 Tunisia 39 Cambodia 37 Lithuania 36 Senegal 36 Venezuela 36 Guadeloupe 33 N. Zealand 28 Liechtenstein 28 Uzbekistan 23 Afghanistan 22 Macao 17 Bolivia 15 Fr. Guiana 15 Congo 14 Reunion 14 Cameroon 13 Maldives 13 Guam 12 Honduras 12 Paraguay 11 Rwanda 11… Total 177/251

► International 144,699 (6,032) CFR: 28.1%
► Western 107,052 (4,495) CFR: 41.8%
► European 93,937 (4,227) CFR: 41.1%

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 348.91K)

>100 dead in USA

Happeningfags really clinging to this one huh?
Kinda cringe not gonna lie.

But of course, How could I forget
Yes user, all the doctors and nurses and medical experts and scientists and virologists and news reporters and police and civilians and families of victims are all lying to us and concealing the truth.
Only we, here in these /cvg/ threads, know the real path and outcome of this virus.

Xi visited Wuhan last week; the traffic in all cities is up.
The carbon emissions are up, the people are back to work.
The numbers in South Korea, Singapore, Japan, etc... are dropping.
The death rate is far lower than you faggots are shilling, we have 100,000s if not several million undetected because it's just a cold for most people; they never need to go to the hospital and get tested.
The CFR is clearly way lower because of this, most likely near Influenza levels.

It's sad to watch honestly, claimed-to-be grown men pissing themselves on a Mongolian basket-weaving form over a cold that is easily containable.

Let's be honest here, this virus is over hyped,

9/11 was a way bigger happening on here and in real life.
This will not have nearly the same impact, economically, socially or otherwise.

>Major Impact of 9/11, Something Corona will never do:

Happening over.

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probably fake but still based. Anyone who knows they have the virus has a holy duty of spreading Corona-chan far and wide, preferably onto brown people and Jews.

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Every 3 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus in Italy
>Every 3 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus in Italy

Every 3 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus in Italy
>Every 3 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus in Italy

Every 3 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus in Italy
>Every 3 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus in Italy

Every 3 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus in Italy
>Every 3 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus in Italy

Every 3 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus in Italy
>Every 3 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus in Italy

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Who else /public lockdown/ here? Quebec reporting in

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He doesn't even need to buy water, a lake with his name on it is placed right torwards his mouth

I will spread it onto every fag who tries to downplay the Chinese origin of this virus

>the traffic in all cities is up

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he's losing it bros


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I think im too late to stock up bros. the virus is a gonna be a pandemic in stockholm. but I live in a medium sized town who is kinda safe for now. how long time do I have before shit hits the fan here?

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You know, they didn't just start with bats...

Attached: Why you shouldn't have a Hopa.gif (400x400, 3.58M)

Nigger tongue my anus

Friendly reminder that if you actually believe that this virus is of chinese origin, bioweapon or not, you are braindead.
America created Corona-chan to punish China, Italy, Iran and Russia for "Silk Way" project.
I can bet my anal virginity that mutts already have the cure. They will release it as soon as economy of said countries is destroyed.

Friendly reminder to shoot your local amerimutts on sight for their crime against humanity.

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It's still worth it right bro's?
Sure your hopa will likely be born with:
>a tail
>and weak lungs
>probably look nothing like you
but hey at least he'll be good at math, right!?

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Anyone save those Dpt Homeland Security transit paper pictures last night?

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Anyone has the twitter screencap in which the WHO says "there's no human-to-human transmission"? I need to redpill some normalfags and I'm afraid chinks will memoryhole it.


>doesn't even show what city
nice proof, doomer faggot.
things are back to normal and perfectly fine in China, just let it go already.

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>Every 3 minutes
They should lower it to 1.

>kinda safe for now
>I think im too late to stock up bros
So you're saying it's safe to go to the store but you don't have time to stock up?
Are you lazy or just retarded?

Let me tell you something, daydreaming for the end of the world cause it's the only thing that releases any microscopic amount of dopamine to your dull brain, it's fucking sad.

Man, I wonder why nobody on any other board in any other thread beside /CVG/ believes this shit at all.
It's almost like all sane minded people realize it's a nothingburger, cause you only find fearmongering like this here on /cvg/.
Man, I wonder why no person in the real world has been talking about this for weeks. (You'd know this if you ever interacted with real humans for once.)
It's almost like it's only the depressed fucking weirdos who want to see innocent people die, huh weird.
Who really surprised though? These were the same retards who thought Ebola, WWIII and North Korea were going to be the end of the world
Man, I wonder why none of you can provide tangible evidence for all the bullshit that pours from your gaping maw.
It's almost like circle jerking with a bunch of depressed doomposters makes you blind to the fact that this is nothing.
Maybe go outside, take a few days off the internet and go for a run you fat fuck.

You niggers are the most cherrypicking and evidence-ignoring group by far. Just hide anything that could prove you wrong.
If someone has a question that is opposite to your retarded apocalypse wet dream scenario you just say

Happeningfags are just conspiracy theorists with a 100% critical failure rate.
It really does get more pathetic every time you're wrong, especially the fact that you keep coming back to blow eachother in some Mad Max imagionationland dream that will never come true.
Sorry to burst your bubble faggot, Modern society is way too stable to collapse. Especially not to some pussy virus that only kills people who are already half dead.

Like always retard, we're fine.

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>this Pixiv user has deleted their account
fuuuuck. Thanks. This looks like a trace/shoop of an existing illustration but it's still nice.

Attached: 79122567_p0 - 最近のコロナウイルスです - 女の子,ロリ,コロナウイルス,新型冠状病毒,冠状病毒,擬人化,Corona-chan,公主电晕,コロナちゃん.jpg (3000x3600, 1.22M)

He's been losing it for a while now

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>you don't get to go to Florida and catch HPV from a Miss Piggy lookalike who looks 10 years older than her age
lmaoing @ amerimutts

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>They cannot short us to zero
That's where you're wrong kiddo

Corona chan give milkers

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You're already infe..


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keep us updated here brah.
it's not everyday that armed foreigners, chinooks, and local military having outposts near harbors are in a small jungle town while a fucking pandemic is on!

It's sad knowing that some anons who've been posting in these generals since the get go are now dead from suicide, like Gary and others. RIP bros, the Happening was too much for you.

had to restock my supplies today and decided to play the following at max volume on my shitty bt speaker that i mounted on my shoulder
was just missing some radroaches
also scored a first person asking where i got the mask
pointed him to the right website, specified the price, model and urged to get a new filter so he wouldn't poison himself with asbestos

Attached: blyat.jpg (600x800, 65.28K)

>Hello, I bring you here this.
Ok... what's it.
>It's called Coronavirus, It's a new type of virus.
Where did you find it?
>Well, it came from Wuhan from misterious sources, someone said it came from bat soup.
Bat Soup?
>Yeah, Bat Soup.
So you eat one of those and get an strike out right away
Frozen image text: "(COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the virus strain severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)."
Ok tell me more about it
>It has an infecting ratio really big and can hide on you 2 weeks until it ruins your lungs and kills you. It's gonna be the end of mankind.
Ok. You wanna pawn it or sell it?
>I'm gonna sell it.
Ok, how much?
>It's gonna be an Apocalypse and Human extintion
Insert: During decades I have been expecting for a Happening: WW III, nukes, apocalypses... And I'm not lose the opportunity to get this.
I give you a flu.
>I can't accept that.
It's not worth more than that, best I can do it's a flu.
>Insert: "I come here with a really unique thing, I wanted a high price for it but I'll accept Zombie Apocalypse at least"
>Give me at least some kind of Apocalypse or something.
Hmm... I've got a friend who's an expert in Viruses, I'm gonna make some calls
>Insert: I think the expert gonna agree with me that this is more than just a flu.
Hi Tedros welcome
>Hi Rick
>Insert: My name is Tedros Adhanom, General Director of WHO.
What do you think?
>It's really a virus, I don't have doubt of that
So it's not a fake?
>It's not a fake Rick, this is a real virus, but it's from Wuhan where the Goverment of China has took control over it.
>But it already crashed several countries and the world capitalist market
>Not more than a pandemic, Rick.
Thanks for coming Tedros. I always trust my experts so I'll give you an epidemic.
>But he said a pandemic
He said no more than a pandemic, like an epidemic at least, It's the best I can do.
>Give me at least a controled pandemic.
Ok I can live with that.

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You niggers are the most cherrypicking and evidence-ignoring group by far. Just hide anything that could prove you wrong.
If someone has a question that is opposite to your retarded apocalypse wet dream scenario you just say

Happeningfags are just conspiracy theorists with a 100% critical failure rate.
It really does get more pathetic every time you're wrong, especially the fact that you keep coming back to blow eachother in some Mad Max imagionationland dream that will never come true.
Sorry to burst your bubble faggot, Modern society is way too stable to collapse. Especially not to some pussy virus that only kills people who are already half dead.

Like always retard, we're fine.

God do I wish it was happening, you have no clue.

Not cause I want millions of innocents to die, nor cause I want society to collapse.
But if it did collapse, I'd fucking kill so many of you happeningfags you have no fucking clue.

You would feel so protected by your beans and dragon dildos and then I'd come along and fucking kill you just for being a retard.
You would have absolutely no defense, you're all limp wristed depressed pussy faggots.

I would bust through your door and suplex you so fast. There would be nothing you could possibly do.
I wouldn't even need to follow up with anything, the suplex would be an opening and finishing blow, instant fucking death.

I fucking hate happeningfags.

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Corona chan should be a qt Nip, not a chink roastie

13:00 to 14:00
the EU borders are still open for refugees


New Diamond Princess Figures:
>still 7 dead
>527 recovered
>14 serious,critical
>700 were infected total
>average age of the 2500+ passengers on the ship is 58
>possibly even higher for the 700 who got infected
>everyone who died was over 70

>Italians are only testing the serious cases which grossly over-inflates the mortality rate
>even then the ones dying are mostly elderly
>there are literal 98 year olds who test positive croaking it in hospital and being added to the death count as corona-deaths

>the flu kills about 40000 each year in the USA, which is about 1million a year in the whole world if you proportion it to the world's population (obviously it's much higher because third world countries don't have the same healthcare as the USA)

>Even the koreans aren't testing everbody, and their numbers are likely missing many more mild cases - which means even their low mortality rates are an overestimate.

Are happeningfags ever gonna admit they went way overboard with this?
>inb4 more autistic screetching about (((expert projections)) and jewish estimates
We have a completely closed sample of 700 elderly which proves a 1% mortality rate. Among the elderly. This is flu-tier. I think even the flu has a higher chance of death among the elderly.

Attached: itshabbening.png (500x375, 177.07K)

You're out of toilet paper, aren't you?

whats the mask?


Anyone watch this yet? Davey Icke on the virus. Classic doom porn

corona chan is cringe as fuck to be honest with you my familias

>Yes, goy, your wellbeing is (((our))) highest priority
*rubs hands*
>hehe these silly goys fall for the easiest tricks

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>chilling at home while pensionati die be like

Attached: IMG_20190810_174233_131.jpg (1080x1080, 110.65K)

>enter corona happening general
>it's filled with corona happeningfags
>how could this be happening to me

Losing it? He just reached 'hate china' status.

What'a the final solution to chinese """people"""?

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A Jew and another scientist were arrested for receiving millions of dollars from a Wuhan lab here. The media quickly swept it under the rug. This is a bioweapon gone wrong funded by China, but China is retarded so it broke quarantine.

Can the happeningfags get any more bent? Here's just a little more proof you're retarded.

I'm laughing so fucking hard I can barely type this!

Man, I wonder why nobody on any other board in any other thread beside /CVG/ believes this shit at all.

It's almost like you fear mongered and misinfoed yourselves into believing stupid, outrageous claims that aren't based in reality.
Not really a surprising thing to happen when schizos gather to circle-jerk each other.
Think flat-earthers.

Happeningfags are just conspiracy theorists with a 100% critical failure rate.

Attached: .....png (65x194, 11.14K)

>geepee5 filter
yummy asbestos YUMMY!

FEMA takeover confirmed

>We have a completely closed sample of 700 elderly which proves a 1% mortality rate. Among the elderly. This is flu-tier. I think even the flu has a higher chance of death among the elderly.
Don't ever let a good crisis go to waste.

I'm going to say the c-word

Why the fuck would you expect them to close the borders to their precious refugees?
There's no need to stop white genocide phase I just because Phase II has started

>less than 10 000 deaths

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What if the elites released this virus to combat the Global warming? just kill enough people, mostly boomers whose fault it was afterall and incinerate them for SO2 wich is known to cool down the athmosphere in huge amounts kek.

Attached: GETTY-corona.jpg (1280x720, 566.94K)

All patients were detected very early and got treated in the best Japanese hospitals.

Woah dude, nice burger!

You might wanna put something in it though, it's so empty with no substance or proof or burger.

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She probably is that type of piggy who thinks she it hot also.

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>They cannot short us to zero

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a big white dick

soviet gp5, usually sold with a 50 year old asbestos filter which you should replace immediately
calm your tits, got two modern ones the following day

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The city is Beijing.

just wash your hands bro

Is it true that there no new infections in italy?

Are these numbers accurate? The who shows different nums