What is the actual reason black people are so dumb? Dont give me oppression and socio economic status bullshit
What is the actual reason black people are so dumb? Dont give me oppression and socio economic status bullshit
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Brain size
>What is the actual reason black people are so dumb?
Oppression and socio economic status.
He clever, he train for spac misson.
social construct
You say he's dumb, but think of the royalties he gets for the dance he invented.
Sadly this. Prefrontal cortex is significantly smaller than in humans. Makes reasoning and long term planning/perception of consequences impossible.
>Dont give me oppression and socio economic status bullshit
It unironically is this, but they're also retarded on top of that so it makes it a million times worse
They evolved in an environment in which future planning was not as important as other environments.
>What is the actual reason black people are so dumb?
>evolve in the figurative embodiment of the Garden of Eden
>never develop delayed gratification
Basically this.
They never had to be smart. You can live day to day, minute to minute in Africa. If there is food you eat it, if there is pussy you fuck it. Things have been like this for Africans since the dawn of time. The schedules, the sense of time, the urgency you feel. These things *do not* exist in the African psyche. Even a 20% mutted African American struggles massively with these concepts. Africa simply does not have them. It is the land of plenty and as such there is no need to think ahead so they never learned how.
>adaptation spared the brain
stunted prefrontal cortex
did he died?
How do I play webms on my phone?
No, watch to end. He's fine, just stunned.
They evolved in the literal garden of eden. They had no impulse to develop traits like long-term planning or impulse control. Europeans had to do this, because the environment will try to kill you for several months on an annual cycle.
Discipline and social structure are different too. Africans that fuck about and get caught get the everloving fuck beat out of them starting from a young age. If you can get away with it, it's all good. If you get caught but not beaten, it's all good. If you get caught and beat, try not to get caught next time. It's like a poorly trained dog that doesn't act up,but only when you're home. Families are more spread out as well, kids and adults live with and care/care for extended family, so if someone slacks, it's assumed everyone else will pick it up.
This echos even to the modern age, and now several political parties entire platform is pandering to these rapidly reproducing vote cattle. They get gibs so they don't burn cities down, and get headpats when they feel bad, along with more money. They are spoiled twelve year olds with adult bodies. If you wouldn't expect it from a spoiled 12 year old, don't expect it from a nigger.
If you're not willing to beat a nigger until he can't stand up to make him listen, then don't expect him to.
You said the actual reason
Sub-Seharan Africans have no neanderthal DNA as they didn't make it that far on the continent. Neanderthals had a bigger brain which was obviously passed on by their genes, which is why most of the worlds inhabitants are more inteliigent than them.
Step one: Find a large stone or hard corner.
Step two: Smash your piece of shit iPhone into as many pieces as you can and ship them off to Tim Apple.
Step three: Buy an android and watch vidya on your phone hassle free.
>live your entire life in one city/town
>sexually promiscuous
>have children left and right
>nobody knows who their father is
There's actually a lot of inbreeding happening in black communities and nobody ever discusses it.
They arent people.
Also, not sure if this is true, but it seems correct:
Niggers have an oversensitive startle reflex. Blacks are generally VERY easy to spook, and the have a much harder time suppressing the natural flinch and blink that comes with sudden loud noises and bright lights. Guns produce both, spoiling their aim and making them such legendarily bad shots.
Tyrone Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Genetics, it defines everything including how an animal behaves
It's genetic.
>At each poverty concentration level, the violent crime rate is substantially higher in black than in white census tracts.
Source archive.is
>Melanin concentration may directly correlate with aggression.
Source: sciencedirect.com
>Race is a better predictor of crime than poverty.
Source: colorofcrime.com
>The Black-White IQ gap in America is equal to the gap in South Africa, even though SA is ruled by Blacks.
Source: psychology.uwo.ca
>The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.
Source: sciencedirect.com
>93% of Black men who are murdered are killed by other Black men.
Source: bjs.gov
>The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.
Source: sciencedirect.com
>The percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in an area, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime.
Source: colorofcrime.com
You speen me reyt round
Black Americans have an average IQ of 85
In 1959, the American Association of Mental Retardation set the threshold of mental retardation at
gun fingers?
Imagine if this had happened in China, the brush would have spun into overdrive and centrifuged the meat right off his twirling bones
>They evolved
are you sure about that?
Niggers are not homosapiens they are evolved from monies, whereas white man was created by God, or some solar or galactic entity
their brains are dumb, not as smart as white brains
And then caught fire, then the ground underneath would have collapsed and flames would have erupted from the hole, then everything would fall in the hole, followed by a scooter, which then exploded
Sjw propaganda niggers are not related to humans in the evolutionary tree.
Thanks, friend.
Black people aren't dumb, they're just different. They're adapted to a different environment. Is a lion dumb? Is a monkey dumb? Is a dog dumb? Sure, in a way, but in other ways they are superior. Niggers are violent, impulsive, short sighted, highly sexed primitives. However there are environments in which they are superiorly adapted than Europeans.
So she's saying she took the education budget to buy herself some nice things because she's in charge of it so it's her money?
..and the poisonous gas would leak out and kill the first responders
webm soundtrack youtube.com
Lack of functioning neocortex. Other genetics. It's all biological. They're the literal missing link, but we can't talk about that.
I don't know.
But that nigger is high and a kite.
Which is a good job because someone would drive their truck over the first responders and only stop when hitting the ambulance and being stuck, which causes the poorly secured load on the truck to simultaneously explode and fly through the truck cab due to inertia which hits the ambulance which then explodes, causing a nearby building to collapse on the scene
>muh black skin doesnt get sun burn
there are exactly zero environments where white people cannot thrive better than black people
Inuits in Canada live in incredibly harsh conditions and are about as dumb as a nigger
Learned victim complex
Not having a stable household. No genuine father figures to red pill the kids about life, every role model is a professional athlete, or rapper, and spending time with other people in the same situation distracting one another with parties, drugs, or violence to fill the void.
Great post.
I wish more writers would talk about the lack of a concept of time in the black psyche. It was too complex and abstract for them to develop.