This is the face of white nationalism in Portugal.
What does Yas Forums think about it?
This is the face of white nationalism in Portugal
Other urls found in this thread:
Whiter than most American posters
You aint white niggerino
I support portugals right to exist,
Has anyone ever told him he is not white? What's his social media handle?
I’m pink
>t. alberto barbosa
He looks like a mulatto
He is white
Based Portugal
stay safe friend
kys macaco
he looks like a gypsie
That’s pretty dang white to me
wow nice new German you have there
looks pretty fucking chad and white
Pic related is face of greek nationalism (spot the greek nazi among the germanic liberals)
Portuguese aren't white, you're the arabs of europe
He LITERALLY doesn't even look Portuguese. He looks like a fuckin Brazilian or an Arab. That is not the Portuguese phenotype. What is going on there?
yes he is my son. how do you know?
He fits the profile
Fuck, imagine taking cum from this ethnochad.
I’m in, girls.
he does lmfao
He looks like a med
To Yas Forums anyone who isnt blonde and blue eyed is immidiately a nigger, but that guy legit looks quite white
Compared to average Greek or italian, OP's pic is an aryan god
>Portuguese aren't white, you're the arabs of europe
This is the classic Portuguese phenotype, generally. This guy looks like a literal Arab.
>This is the face of white nationalism in Portugal.
He is a certified White Nationalist as long as he isn't doing anything and trusting the plan.
this guy looks like the whitest man in the mediteraanean
Bullshit. I'm half Porto, half German. This guy looks NOTHING like any of my family or anyone in even Lisboa. WRONG
no fucking way. this guy again. dude you are such a weird looking faggot. please stop posting on here.
anything is white to you, you fucking nigger.
THESE are Portuguese people
nigger detected. please hang yourself.
he lives in the americas (is part amerindian and black) and obviously he is not portuguese. But nice larping.
his dna
But nice try shill.
he would be considered a gypsy here nigger
THESE are Portuguese people
I like his jaw.
He doesn't look like anybody is Lisboa because hes a lot fucking whiter than anybody in Lisboa
Cope. Average Romanian is a gypsy compared to him
These are Lisboa singers. THESE are real Portos.
Med Kara boga? with a tinge of North African, of course
furthest thing from being white with that nigger hair and his shitskin, feel bad that he’s confused though.
No he wouldn't. Gypsies are shit-brown while this guy has a greyish thent to his skin. At worst i'd mistake him for an arab but definetly not a gipsy
That dude is not portuguese ofc.
portuguese people:
source:my ass
well, you can thank subhuman shitalian and negroid blood mixing in the US for that
THOSE are real Iberians
And these are too.
not really
Yes, he has our flag then....
look at these "french"
Nice try ,Schlomo.
imagine being so insecure about your ethnic phenotype that you open a blog with cherrypicked photos
TRUE Iberians
What source retard, do you think we don´t know who is native of portugal, spain, france or england and who is an immigrant. rotfl
Bottom right is not white.
>muh jooooooos
take your meds
I literally have provided MULTIPLE videos showing the ACTUAL Portuguese Iberian phenotype. You fucking KIKES are liars.
I didn´t made that, but why are you sad on a page with european phenotypes? and showing them is insecurity? says georgia a non european country..
Stop with the bs, that dude is nothing like a native portuguese. Is the typical macaco and i am pretty sure is not in a white nationalism because he isnt even white. Is just a fail experiment.
What is an agent provocateur 200 please!
Iberian phenotype AGAIN
Legit Zilla
Those ppl are mostly TV fags and feminists.
GArbage regardless if white or not
just kidding mate
Portugal is fine and dandy. I love Portwine. stockpiled two bottles (together with wide selection of other stuff) for the shitty days ahead
>You fucking KIKES are liars.
meds are not white ,Schlomodiah
Fuck Lisboa and fuck niggers.
Iberian musicians
Shills want to promote the new "europeans" (non whites immigrants) as natives of our countries.
sfu turkish scum
The face of a blatant faggot
those dudes look portuguese to me
Iberian phenotype...ONCE again.
Would pass as 100% white in the usa
That's a Berber. Counts as white.
okay :(
stay safe. I'll play some fado now
she cute
That guy looks brazilian as fuck.
Why does it looks like he lives in his grandma room?
i'm sure they do ((( )))
Are you telling me he isn't white?
Portugal thread
Hot. he can breed my wife.
Iberian Phenotypes...once AGAIN
it's a nigger. niggers are not the white face of anything, rabbi.
portugal is an honourary white country
he's not white, he's some mutt in Canada or the USA I believe
>i'm sure they do ((( )))