Why didn’t the other East Asian Countries like Taiwan, HK, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, North Korea etc... get hit as HARD as western countries? Sure they still have a worrying number of cases but unlike the west, it seems they got this shit under control. Even a literal shithole like India somehow managed to contain the spread of the virus.
Memes aside
They all lied retard.
Because it makes them look weak. China, for one, does not want to look any weaker than they have been looking.
Taiwan was already sanctioned by China (Chinese tourists couldn't go there).
Japan is hiding its numbers/not testing because they don't want olympics to be cancelled.
Hong Kong is in chaos.
Singapore, dunno.
South Korea seems to be doing the best in the world.
North Korea, starving to death.
Vietnam, probably people have it but just dying like it's a normal thing.
Because Wuhan flu is political weapon, not biolocial
Asians lie.
Nice digits.
Maybe white countries want to be infected
Asian countries have a culture where community is valued more than individualism. Western societies value individualism more than community.
Because none of them believed the chinks or the WHO. They saw the bullshit long before China finally admitted that they have a "problem"
Early reaction and preparation.
And the German, british, italian, american and french governments didn't pull shit out of their ass until it was too late? Keep in mind that they were the first ones to support the WHO's claims.
IDK either, we're still in quarantine. Nothing much other than barring some forms of international travel.
**self-quarantine, Singapore still has a load of people walking about though.
Because we arent filthy unhealthy fucks
because they are obedient and ready to follow rules. also they were prepared better because of SARS and MERS.
singapore and south korea fight this shit without lockdown. they just test the shit out of their people and everyone takes care.
until better treatment or a vaccine is available, western countries will have to adopt those strategies - or perish economically.
Shut up Chang, at least we give out real numbers.
YOU DUMB FUCK! We didn't see the finished product. How dare you! "Boys, get the rope and Astroglide. We got a fresh one here."
Everyone wears masks here. I'm telling you, they are full of shit when they say that you don't need a mask. That means that they want you to get infected.
Wear the fucking mask.
It's the magic of mask, social distancing and closed border, friendo.
Euroniggers are too over-socialized and they don't wear mask nor close borders.
What the fuck is she even making? Chicken nuggets?
I don't know about other countries, but Singapore was quick to ban Chinese travelers and forcing everyone from outside to self quarantine for 14 days on arrival. They are tracking everyone so they know who brings the disease and quickly quarantine those in contacts.
I hope westerniggers learn to wear mask after this pandemic.
what mask? the paper one is thinner than a napkin
i hope chineseniggers learn to wash their hands after this pandemic
this. masks work. also no one touches each other here.
Because it's a biological weapon against whites
they should learn to wear them NOW, not after this pandemic!
unfortunately there are far too few masks here. it will take many more weeks to produce them in noteworthy numbers.
Singapore and HK and Taiwan all took early action. Banning chinese, mandating quarantine, testing, tracking down people who had contact with someone infected.
they did, they just handled it much better due to a harmonious homogenous society working together
thats too much sugar, yuck
Singapore had an extremely early and effective quarantine
I have a friend in Taiwan.
>They don't trust China a lick; they stopped any Chinese way before this shit got big
>She believes it's a bioweapon because of the lab
>Chinese authorities still killing Hong Kong protesters in the streets
this is useless, it's thinner than a napkin
because they are used to viruses like this and also people dont chimp out and are obedient and not some degenerate rebel fucks who blame muh guberment for everything and dont wait for muh guberment to do everything for them, they are just higher IQ and it shows
Because the simple fact of it is this new novel virus isn’t much different from H1N1 or sars or whatever the fuck that passes through the region every couple years. All the countries mentioned have experience dealing with this and have measures implemented to curb the severity. That’s the simple answer, not magic asian superpowers, not magic aryans selflessly gifting us immunity, not magic governments somehow covering up cases in countries with more social media usage than the west, not magic digits saving us and not whatever other drivel gets thrown about on Yas Forums
i'm talking about ffp2/n95 of course. and even your paper mask greatly reduces the amount of contagious drops from coughing/sneezing sick people.
South Korea were also the first to test tons of people with drive through testing and finding everyone who came in contact with infected and quarantining them too. I also think the fact it came from a "religious cult" also scared people inside. The rest are liars
inb4 muh Worst Korea democracy only speaks truth, other feudal states they speak false
mobile furnaces?
crematoriums overloaded?
chinese are known liars
it's about the material dumbdumb
>Because we arent filthy unhealthy fucks
yes you are
Their countries are mostly not run by feminists and cucks, so they are still capable of quickly taking decisive action, like closing borders. They are not multicultural hellholes, so the people tend to respect authority, and they won't that easily break quarantines. Their populations are also somewhat younger, which obviously helps against sickness.
That's chinese, not the rest of Asia, including Taiwan and Hong Kong.
What material? It's cheap disposable mask China makes in the millions.
The good kind is the cloth re-usable mask as OP. You buy one, wash and re-use instead of throwing masks everywhere.
"Real", lol, prepare the white flag for one last war you frog.
>also no one touches each other here.
oh that we know of course.
Can't speak for the other east asians, but we've got universal health care that works, a high priority on education, and communal values.
t. korean
Nigger, all you need to do is wear mask and wash your hands.
The WHO should be sued for encouraging people not to wear mask.
The Seaniggers are done for, especially the one right beneath China as if being shart out.
Because the other east asian countries aren't stupid enough to trust china like the west did.
if anything this has revealed how unsanitary westerner's habits are
get a fucking bidet you mongs
Let's play spot the newfags.
Please stop circlejerking the idea of
It's all tiresome. Also, all governments lie, kys
>That's chinese, not the rest of Asia, including Taiwan and Hong Kong.
All Asian, hence all liars. Don't be such a mark, idiot.
Not even one death in Vietnam yet and the casualties in Asia are minimal outside Chinkland.
There's been studies that show little difference in reducing your chances of getting influenza in surgical vs n95 masks
With 32 deaths, Japan must have at least 10 000 cases now though, assuming doubling every 5 days, and a 20 day symptom to death rate.
HEPA MELT BLOWN MATERIAL. not woven cotton. woven cotton is for comfort and you can make a mask out of cotton with a pocket for real filter. wash the mask and throw away the filter after 1-2weeks. i will from now on go with a mask like this to every mass event. finally people won't stink anymore
wearing masks and washing hands certainly helps. but all your masks and handwashing won't keep this virus from kicking you in the ass. think about your cafés, your street kitchens and how social vietnamese people are.
and your medical system is by now means prepared for thousands of people who need artificial breathing.
you will have the choice to either kill your economic boom or cull 100k of your grandparents.
you did a good job of keeping this shit out of vietnam for many weeks. but now you have it and it's not going anywhere.
yes i read that. but i also read that coronavirusses are more easily kept out by masks.
anyone here know more?
stop protecting asians for free you dumb weeb
looks like sweet potato
he just said surgical masks filter as good as respirators
Seems pretty accurate. But, when there is some social pressure to conform Japanese fall in line, for the most part.
South Koreas response was widespread testing, western govs are dependent on modelling of previous outbreaks. Fuck knows how S.K have so many tests and yet U.S were testing handfuls in comparison. They really have just let this shit spread far and wide
i very much doubt that.
Only asians lie kiddo, maybe stay in school and learn some history?
Everything said here is spot on!
i didn't state that, burger said that. you just got his message the other way like respirators filter as good as surgical masks and in your mind it means very little.
KYS? Really. I would think someone as weak as you type, would do that first.
they are lying about the numbers
Eh, do some of them have it under control better than others? Sure, I can believe that. Do I think any of them are being 100% honest with what they're dealing with and their "official" numbers are accurate? Fuck no!
Nigger, Vietnamese stay the fuck away from each other as soon as flu season kicks in. We understand the threat.
And no, we don't do that kissing as greeting here either, shaking hands is the closest contact.
Wear mask and wash hands with alcohol, idiotas.
>They lie!!!!!!!
Cope more western niggers
If I remove the mask would you die?
goes for Japan.
South korea is the only country telling the truth and doing a decent job
We don't have Mask here.
Japanese are 120 000 000 and all of them wears mask daily, we are 65 000 000 and don't even have enough mask for medical people.
All major conferences are canceled in Singapore no idea why wealthy whites want to go there anyways maybe it's a prostitution racket. Never liked the place and never want to go there for anything other than work
by you you mean americans right
I bet your traditional market sell cloth mask.
NPC just go and buy disposable surgical mask or fancy shit like N95 when cloth mask help.
Or you can just cover your mouth and nose with a scarf.
Westerners just don't have common sense.
Japan has flat out stated that they know the probably have 5-10 times more infected than the official numbers. The problem is they have somewhat rigid infectious disease laws that would basically require quarantine in one of their infectious disease centers on any positive test. These centers have limited space so to every joe blow with a cough from filling them up, they are telling people with minor symptoms to stay home.
IIRC, they all got hit by SARS and learned their lessons. The West didn't.