He's right, you know.
He's right, you know
As a owner of essential stores;
How do you expect me to pay employees a "living wage" depending on where they live and the location of the business for such a low skill job and also make a profit for myself?
Cunt let's be fair, you probably make 10 times more then your best worker in profits
Was thinking the same yesterday. People won‘t be feeling so superior anymore when garbage truck men save their city from even more diseases spreading.
Margins at grocery stores are extremely low and they often lose money on specific items because they rely on the margin they get from common staples they sell at very high volume. It probably costs stores to have fresh fruit on the shelves because they throw so much of it away
Excuse you, since when does business work without exploitation?
You have plenty of profit for yourself, dude.
Get a real job retard
The issue isn‘t the small store owners at all. It‘s the big chains that sell cheap shit so small store owners can‘t sell for prices that would allow for fair wages. And where do big chains get their cheap shit from? Exactly.
Police/hospitals and maybe grocery stores are getting double paid here
Garbage truck men make good money because:
It’s not a desirable job so there isn’t a huge pool of workers willing to undercut their wages
Bagging groceries is literally doable by retards. You sit in a comfy air conditioned room doing work anyone over 11 years old could do.
>blocks your path
Huh, importing a shitton of "people", who at best would do this kind of work for pennies, and at worst would just shit out children for gibs, and then whenever such kind of work couldn't be given to those "people", outsourcing it to China, or Vietnam, or Turkey so that profit margins could be better might not have been the best course of action. Who would have thunk?
im pretty sure you aussies need grocery workers especially when you started hoarding toilet paper like it was democracy flavored vegemite
Maybe own one store and do some work yourself for a change?
all it proves is they are expendable.
The problem is obviously that real estate speculation is out of control and our money is literally worthless. There is more than enough resources to construct thousands of shitty McMansions and apartments for low-wage workers. Sadly some of you won't understand this until a riot happens and your head is getting broken in by a couple zoomers that work at Kroger.
maybe stop importing cheap labor then, ya fucks
Say's the guy who's not working at all at the moment.
>meanwhile a walmart CEO makes billions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing
and they have one.
don't listen to these fucking shitters. if they're so smart, they can go run a store.
I won't be able to afford that yacht this year, I'll have to settle for a 2020 lambo instead
if you don't like the wage don't take the job. no one is forcing you to do it
You do understand that not everyone can have the upper tier jobs right? It's a minority whilst the majority are in shit tier
Any actual fulltime job should pay enough to pay rent and raise a family, otherwise it shouldn't be called a job, it should be called a favour.
No I don’t
Explain it to me
Go slow
The global system has created this problem.
>if you don't like the wage don't take the job. no one is forcing you to do it
>we need more immigrants to combat low unemployment rates
The point i was trying to make is that "essential" businesses shouldn't be focused on making big profits for the owners/investors, but rather to solely exist to offer an ongoing service to the immediate community and create job opportunities.
Most retards think they'll make big bucks by opening a supermarket or any kind of store (firmly believing they're the only ones who have the possibility to do so) with their main focus on selling cheap goods, underpaying and overworking their workers, who in return will do a terrible job at keeping the store going.
The same applies to big corporations as well.
It costs more to produce a product than the actual value of it.
This is because sociopaths need to have a "monopoly" on whatever cheap and easily reproduceable product they produce, driving the costwars with business owner endlessly fighting over who has the smallest dick, while governments give them moneys whenever they pocket or gamble their own money.
If something is essential, you just fuck yourself and everyone around you in the long term by focusing on profits.
>I don't know how to live beneath my means, so you need to pay me more.
I won't argue that grocery store stocking is necessary for an economy, but a guy high on weed and drunk can do your job with minimal disruption.
Most retail grocery don't make more than 3% profit a year in the greatest years they have. They regularly make 1%. Everyone can grow food, and everyone can prepare food, and you can even can your own, plus grocery are competing with every restaurant in town.
they should make at least as much as cops since they are more useful
What if they go on strike right now? What you gonna do? Nobody would want to work in such a place.
A job only exists out of necessity, and SOMEONE has to fill that role. If you spend your life filling any role, you deserve a livable wage. Unskilled people deserve to live happily, too. How can anyone be so content with vulnerable people being exploited?
That is true but pushing this mentality is the reason more immigrants are going to take jobs
>Zoomers don't understand basic economics
Nobody in their right mind would pay someone over minimum wage to use a machine that does 2 digit math for them and put beans on a shelf. Go fuck yourself, wagie. You're gonna die in the next month or two and be forgotten and replaced by someone I didn't have to give a nickel raise to 3 times.
They are still focused on making profits.
There are good ways to conduct a business and bad ways and it always depends on what kind of business you run.
As a biz owner you should be able to handle your money well and profits should be secondary, but if you do everything the right way, profits will come themselves without needing to cut corners.
>Retail does regularly make 1% in profit and that is why you're wrong
At least, they still do profit instead of losing money due to their incompetence.
A 1 or a 3 might be a small number for the layman, but it can make all the difference.
Also where do this numbers come from, from which stores in what kind and parts of the country?
>everyone can grow/cook/can food
>grocery store compete with restaurants
A minority doesn't make the majority.
People might go out to eat but still buy stuff for home.
Even the upper class needs to do shopping even when they can eat at restaurants every day..
The majority of the people don't have the time or money to waste 20$ on a soup, because they're stuck working what's available to pay their rents.
>grocery clerk
>$75k/yr full benefits
>new priest class e.g. judges/doctors
>cashiers and baggers are the only grocery employees
le room temp maymay
For doing monkey work?
Put the beans on your own damn shelf, fat cat. It'd be good for you.
essential =/= irreplaceable
I too could boil down any job to shit tier slang. You also benefit from these people. Who else is gonna serve you a big Mac at 2am unless you want to import more immigrants.
>Inb4 it would disincentivize working to get a better job
Yeah because if I had to choose between working my comfy office job with AC and working the physical labor job of stocking shelves in awful heat for the same pay, I'd totally take the labor job.
Grocery store and drug store workers use to make a living wage. Then there was a bunch of pay freezes in the 90s. The stores that had unions broke the collective bargaining by utilizing Got Mine boomerisms and fucked anyone who got hired after said contracts.
When I worked in a grocery store all the old timers started off making $13 a hour in the 70s. Then the pay freezes started in the early 90s. So by the time I started working there in 06 they were pulling $30 an hour while I started with $10 and eventually topped out at $15.
Of course it's right, but repuglicans don't care.
OP is Chinese shill
they are getting a living wage while most people have already been laid off lmao
Yeah you are right. I know a guy who worked for WinCo for his while adult life, about 30 years. He just retired a millionaire at 55.
But we must have less so the elite rich fucks can have more Goyim. What are you, anti-Semitic?
Won't be able to afford Blacked.com and your Nintendo Switch if we inflate the economy just for you :)
Not allowed to strike and they can easily replace them with automation.
He is but not for this reason. When boomers sold off manufacturing to China the "service economy" became the norm and those jobs should be paying more to compensate.
>but muh margins
You can afford to stay in business if you stop giving yourself excessive bonuses and hiring tons of highly paid retards to sit around and do nothing. I've seen grocery stores with several layers of management that stand around doing fuckall while having one person working a register and stocking shit if no one is around. Who's really eating the profits here?
Fuck off. Essential means that the workers will be difficult or impossible to replace on a short notice. Any retail worker can be replaced by a fully trained person within a week, and therefore do not deserve to be paid more than they already get.
/thread (I can fucking /thread my own post, fuck off).
Good thing they have such a wage. Otherwise they won't be alive.
they should quit and force the supermarkets to hire them back at the wage they think is a "living wage" then. It's likely the supermarket could find someone else willing to work at the current wage
No, it takes no skill to this kinda work. Everyone could do it. Please kill yourself
I approve this
Maybe worry less about "profits" and start worrying more about what people will do to because of those "profits."
I think living wage is a joke and instead of increasing the number of currency, we should increase the value of currency. But "profit" niggers are part of the problem.
>providing work which people couldn't survive without isn't a real job.
I don't know Moshe, I don't know...
This is nupol if you own anything and profit from it you are a Jew
essential =/= irreplaceable
If your job is critical but anyone can do it you still have a very weak position.