>Answers promised after school shutdown confusion
>40 London Underground stations to be closed
>Italy deaths rise by record 475 IN 24 HOURS
>Europe sets up emergency lifeline worth billions
>Answers promised after school shutdown confusion
>40 London Underground stations to be closed
>Italy deaths rise by record 475 IN 24 HOURS
>Europe sets up emergency lifeline worth billions
Other urls found in this thread:
start forming raiding parties
Another seethenonce doomer virus thread. What a pile of steaming wank, I hope you get cancer lad.
oi mate can I see your raiding license?
start forming nonce-burning gangs
This shit will be over by the summer when it's peaked. Why tf are people getting so stressed?
The narrowboat raiders will come out of the apocalypse on top
i'm not GCHQ, but OP is
Michelle Barnier has the corona virus.
God is on our side lads!
i like threads where we post pictures
hope i get gang raped by a tribe of black studs ngl
No one else at work today, kinda like it.
That's what GCHQ would say
Based, me too
post flowers
>he's not in the brit/pol/ discord
don’t lump me in with the fucking nufag tourists
That too
>he uses the tranny discord
Are you too scared to put pube on the list?
he's fucking terrified
uni is cancelled for the year and I still get my student loan
god it must suck being a wagie right now
Fucking hell I didn't think about that
I wanted to get out for all the birds in spring but it's looking like that's not happening
I did get some nice wildlife stuff in Hirst Wood pre-lockdown at least, pic related.
sensible words from gordon brown
in b4 bleating about gold as if that has any relevance
it'll be more holidays than i can afford for me please sir
My uni is just being moved to online so I still have to pay tuition, absolute shite
Getting some last minute pussy before the lockdown
Yeeeee boooiiii
lmao paying for khan academy
reporter on the radio said downing street has said there is zero chance of a lockdown.
found some other sources with a quick search
Anyone done delivery driving jobs for any of the supermarkets? What's it actually like?
I see most of them are hiring at the moment.
It's easy to be calm and sensible, when it's not your balls in the wrangler. Pity he couldn't be like that when he was in charge. Pontificating from hindsight is easy.
Me too
>giving police powers to detain people suspected of having coronavirus
death squads confirmed
Based and slag pilled
Yeah the local ones are hiring people on the spot all you need is name address and NI number lol
They said they wouldn't close schools. Oh wait.
Theyve just refused to come in kek
Nice one lad, I don't live too far from there and walk into Bingley on the river sometimes. Have you seen the 'we are anonymous' graffiti by the river in Hirst wood?
just want a race war t b h
i'm having to eat the weirdest fucking meals
we both know you aren't and frankly it's a sad reflection of the state of your life that you've resorted to lying to anonymous strangers on the internet about doing something that literally everyone else does as if it would have made you any less pathetic than you already are
that's how it should be
Never believe anything until it's been officially denied.
someone shopped bobbies guarding TP here the other day,
looks like life is imitating art yet again
bet it must be comfy living in the falklands rn
>no10 spokesman
>not official
Do as you are told, stupid bongs
>a negro denied his water
what are the supermarkets like today lads?
Empty where I am
Same as always. Big windows, automatic sliding doors.
Based, full brexit it is.
where are your neetbux, Francois?
Yeah they could literally just pay the Zimbabweans to get the covid for them
Oh I doubt that. You arrogant bongs are going no where
you seem awfully emotionally invested in this
>not caught covid despite living in house with supposedly infected people
>working outdoors got face bitten by midges
>allergic reaction and it swells up overnight, eyes can barely open
>basically can't go outside now
it's always the last thing you expect.
Sir Chris reiterating that chad herd immunity is still the goal
>EU memeflag
And a driving license I'd hope
Lmao to those guys who said the army isn't making moves this past week.
Lockdown soon lads