Italy coronavirus deaths rise by record 475 in a day
This just proves Italy is not white
Madrid: fallece un agente de la Guardia Civil de 37 años por coronavirus
No presentaba patologías previas y había desarrollado su trabajo con normalidad hasta su ingreso hospitalario. Deja a una hija de cinco años
Speak white
Spanish is whiter than english
The Iberian peninsula is populated by a mixed species of people with native Iberian blood and Moorish blood. The only white people in Spain are British tourists
1000 deaths a day soon.
Still whiter than le original anglo
>Madrid: fallece un agente de la Guardia Civil de 37 años por coronavirus
>only old people are infected by the virus goy.
The Anglo is the only white race because they’re the only pure human from Europe to have not been conquered by foreign animals.
The Anglo is a descendent of Adam, Jesus himself is an Anglo
Looks like it will flatten off in about a month.
And Italy's case numbers are still accelerating.
No end in sight.
Ew logarithmic
We had 25 deaths here yesterday. There will be 37 today and 50 tomorrow. It’s doubling every two days. Buckle up. The ride is about to get bumpy.
We had 90 on vents here yesterday. There will be 135 today and 180 the day after. We may have as many as 10,000 excess vents. A patient needs it for 5 days. So we have 2,000 lifeboats a day. Anyone else gets to turn blue.
Nearly at the halfway point
That's logarithmic retard
>The Anglo is the only white race because they’re the only pure human from Europe to have not been conquered by foreign animals.
Say what muhammed?
Those mitigation efforts are sure working out in Italy.
>There will be 37 today and 50 tomorrow.
going by the numbers it's crystal clear that nations like Germany and France are fucking lying.
>A retard
So whats the % from total cases? Because its sure as shit cant be 2% or whatever the fuck they say about the mortality rate for this virus.
Why logarithmic sucks is look at all the retards replying to him thinking it's slowing down
they will peak this week anyways
if this trend continues after monday it will be very odd
>not even 10k dead worldwide after two months
>Italy will flatline in a couple weeks
>30-40 deaths a day in the US and barely increasing
This faggot virus is weak as shit
Yes, what non retards use to track logarithmic functions, like disease outbreaks
The Anglo didn’t give British Palestine to the Mohammedans and Kike it was the UN which is controlled by the Teutonic US a republican left wing state
Forgot to mention Japan doesn’t even have 1k cases yet despite its population density
Yes, now you realize the reason for the panic was testing martial law
There's nothing inherently wrong with it, just retards will glance and think "oooo the flatting da curve"
Yeah, so the peak will be about a month from now and we can expect around 16,000 dead by the time it's run its course. That's less than the flu. A typical flu season in Italy has around 20,000 deaths.
If they just get it back, what is the point?
Because unlike inferior european continentals, Japanese have proper hygiene habits and common sense. The people who are getting sick are European boomers who immigrated here. I’ve literally seen Hungarians rubbing their hands on garbage bins to prove they’re not worried about this virus
How does this graph show when a peak is gonna be at all?
You're asking questions, bruh. Listen - it's DEATHS and that's all we need. Why do you care if those DEATHS are "corona" or not. People died and we are panick!
Don't ask about the details - health condition or age. It's a DEAD person ffs, porca miseria!!
That's not what that bullshit even means. 'flattening the curve' is just some shit they're putting out to make people feel pacified. The high thin curve has less area to begin with
Growing food, that is the future.
Kiss those cubicles good bye.
romans survived antonine and cyprian plagues, im sure they will survive chink flu
You'd know from the logarithmic one. Infections are always heavily weighted to the start no matter what protocols are used. Once the angle is less than 45 degrees, it's no longer exponential
Show us the bodies. No bodies = fake.
>Show us the bodies. No bodies = fake.
You know they despawn so as not to impact our fps
Oh, there is a ceiling. No one knows where it is. If a country literally did nothing that ceiling is probably about 20% of the population dies. Best case scenario is only 0.1% or so of infected die. In a country that does nothing probably about 40% will get it. For some reason not everyone gets it and for some reason not everyone who gets it will die. Even if you do nothing.
Isn't this expected for every country once the hospitals get flooded?
Your dogs are probably going to cost children their lives.
That is reality.
Does it stop?
Is this the rapture?
Huwhite Texan here, he said a 37 year old proto-spic is dead. No prior illnesses and I think it says he got frequent checkups. He had a five year old daughter.
When was the full quarantina introduced? We should be seeing a diminishing in deaths 2 weeks from that date, otherwise something is off
I don’t care if some spic died, there’s no news when a raccoon gets hit by a car
It's ogre
basically a 37 yo police dropped dead from it randomly is what he is saying.
In reality it's probably closer to a 25% death rate we just cant count the bodies fast enough.
He was probably a heavy smoker
That is why they told us to have a lot of kids. To keep each other alive.
I had no idea I had children really until about a year ago.
Good. The less of these brown subhumans, the better. Hopefully they all die
It will be worse for us thirdwolders
when he saw that idiot, orgasm, or whatever that was
It's not a rise by 475 it's risen to 475 you liar.
buying weed 'a
>day 60
>still a fucking nothing burger
Post me when death toll is higher then death toll caused by normal deceases in quarantine and hospital overflow.
Italy will reach that number in about 2 weeks or less.
>everyone infected
>force everybody to stay indoors and eat canned spaghetti-o's for a month
>now everyone is infected and unhealthy
>more people die now
If they hadn't set that up, I would never had known.
That is troubling to some apparently.
Sorry. I'll kill myself now, really.