Do NOT take a bunch of cash out of the bank because of coronavirus
Your money is safe
Do NOT take a bunch of cash out of the bank because of coronavirus
Your money is safe
ok boomer
It's all just worthless paper whether it's in a bank or your mattress.
Sorry, already did. What you gonna do?
Half in, half out
Too late. That was the first thing I did.
NOT doing it first thing tomorrow morning
Funds are safu
We are much closer to a full-fledged banking crisis/ "bank holiday" than we were two weeks ago. Holding financial assets outside the banking system makes a lot of sense right now.
Basic reverse psychology
economy must crash even faster
This, normally I agree that anything the fucks the kikes and our bullshit privatized banking system is cool. However, with the economy the way it is the overall health of the banks is the only thing that’s somewhat helped in keeping the economy from totally collapsing on itself. The economy is already shitting itself as it is because of mass sell-offs. People are losing their jobs. The last thing we need is to totally overload the retardly corrupt banking system and wreck our economy further. Plus, fiat currency isn’t going to be more valuable than what’s on your card anyways. At the end of the day it’s either worthless numbers on a screen or worthless numbers on pieces of paper. I know a lot of accelerationist anons probably would love if the banking system collapsed though.
Can't take what's not there.
Money is just imaginary fucking numbers these days anyway. Bank runs is a thing of the old days.
Reverse psychology. They want the bank run to happen. Probably will use some crisis actors to start vids on twatter.
I told my family about a bank run about 2 weeks ago and said to slowly withdraw cash, but not all, just a reserve because.
>germonoids will do bank run, bank knows the drill, stops money withdrawal or allows like 200€ per day.
The thing is, the bank run will be used as excuse to implement new laws to protect (((the economy))). They will use this as first step to get rid of paper money and having full control over the money.
The system will not crash, sadly. It will be only a small crash that they will blow out of proportio to use as excuse for dumb shit. One user said it right
>corona will be the new 9/11
Do not alarm. Funds are safu. Have good day.
Brb going to the bank.
oh god it's real
why did CNN do this to us
yup i definitely WONT be pulling all my cash from the bank
Took my money out over three day period last week, no rush at all. The line to the based boomer metal store was quite long tho
looks like the Rothschilds don't want to lose money lol
Too late niggers. Try to take 10k+ out right now, your bank won't let you.
Anyone who stores enormous amounts of cash at the bank is a fucktard.
always do the polar opposite of what cnn tells you to do
shit i need to withdraw all my cash asap
based silver/gold chad
they are litterally telling amerimutts to take cash out because Amerimutts will do exactly that when told to not do it because they think they are smart, because its more likely Amerimutts will consume it that way which means short term more business
They know how retards work in a panic situation.
Come on they, i mean, the media even got the germans to hoard toilet paper.
The same germans were super rational when the virus just started.
>pol meming to stock up on shit from day one
>germane does fuck all, not even acknowledging it much
>a bit later: it's just the flu, bro, just wash your hands, bro
And now were sold out on toilet paper, even in the rural areas. These people are retarded.
That's right, it is worthless. So give it to me.
nigges gonna have a field day robbing hinkies house to house. yes crackers withdraw your money just for the black kings to take it from your fat ugly hands : )
i want to save more headlines like this so I can share them to my buddies in the slums in a few years so we can have a good chuckle
easy glider
chirp on lil squirrel
These news faggots are the ones driving the fucking panic.
Fuck the msm.
>Not keeping couple of thousand of euros in your mattress for rainy days
Never gonna make it.
For those anons with more than $5000 in the bank, DO NOT take out more than $5000 in cash. A SAR (suspicious activity report) will be generated. If you attempt this 3 times within a 30 day window, you can be arrested. This is not a LARP.
I tried to do this back in 2015 and the bank manager pulled me aside, asked what I was doing. I explained it to him by saying I am buying vehicles with cash, he chuckled and advised that I do not, and said a bank check is the "right way" to do this. I asked why I cant get my cash, he explained the SAR process (trying to cut down on drugs, crime, etc in cash) but it also protects banks against mass withdrawals.
I went on Yas Forums, told my story, and heard other stories of people actually being arrested. Look it up.
Again this only applies to those of us with actual money in the bank. I have $95,000 in a bank account and I can never withdraw it all unless it is in the form of a non-tender transfer.
Plan B is liquid. If the dollar is about to crash, best to get things that wont lose value.
>Buy guns
Maybe, but dont overindulge. Fat fudd fucks wont pay 50% of what your firearms are worth. Been there, done that, traded up. At one time I had 36 firearms, sold off about half. I refused to sell to lowballers so I wound up trading up in some cases, or doing a cash plus trade. It took more time than it was worth and I probably broke even.
Don't buy extra gas either.
fundzu are safeu
>mainstream bug media says to not do something
I literally always do the opposite. Never regretted it so far.
That mouse is so cute
literally going to get cash out right now because of this.
if the economy crashes it wont be worth fuck anyway, so why would you go on a bank run.
that's 1930s thinking, fucking mongs.
>hur dur i need cash because 100 years ago they thought the same thing and i can't literally just order shit on amazon and not even enter my fucking card.
>not having your life savings stashed away under your mattress or in a fire proof safe at home
Did you learn nothing from the first great depression?
yes, your money is a meme
same thing with gold bonds
Exactly. I ran an account dry by routinely making random sized cash withdrawals from the drive-thru ATM every day after work. $100-$450 a whack. It took a while but it worked and I didnt get any black vans outside my house.
Only problem is that it takes a long time- it is not a crisis event
why would you need cash when you have a credit and debit card?
>corona will be the new 9/11
that's a good way of putting it
>Mfw I'm talking to people that can easily take all their money out
It crashed. It’s done already. Hyper depression now
Naaaah lmao fuck that. In gonna draw out atleast a quarter of my savings over the next week. Atleast 5 digits worth. Doing my part to crash this bitch with no survivors
If you dudes are taking money out, can you slide a few hundred or so my way? I don't really need it. There's just these fancy hookers I saw and they're kind of expensive.
so we should take all our cash out of the bank
germans WILL NEVER EVER go full bankrun boomer
didnt happened 2008 because our merkel said everything is fine and safe ( i wasnt tho ) but our boomer cattles believed her and thus we survived the bankingcrisis far better than any other nation
Get all your money out right fucking now. I work with people who's family is in banking and overheard a phonecall saying the banks are closing. Something is happening and your money is in danger.
>dont wear masks if you arent sick, sick people arent roaming around without masks
lmao k
i emptied my bank account of 60k and left $100 in checking. fuck these retards. i even asked for linen money bags to carry it with so any thugs driving by would see it
No need to. I print my own
Okay I'm taking a bunch of cash out tomorrow, always do the opposite of what the jews say
you know a town in Italy did that years ago
and everyone in the town agreed
Yeah, that guy a few days ago knew what he was talking about. And that quote hit me the same way as it did hit you. So i'm even more chill about corona now. All i worry is when they start forcing this gay vaccacine on everybody. I just hope they make it a non mandatory thing.
Not anti vax but anti- new shit that has been developed under pressure and long time effects not known.
>always do the opposite of what the jews say
This advice has served me well my entire life. On the way to the bank this morning. Time to get cash if (((they))) say I don't need it.
So are we just going to forget about the “trump bux” now that this bill has passed without any mention of it. Technically trump didn’t say it and nothing was concrete, mostly hype here and idiots who were jumping to conclusions. I thought it would have been very unifying and cool to see the president actually think about the common man and send some support their way knowing that somethings me 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Now it’ll just be forgotten and people here will act like they weren’t hyped for it to cope. Just unfortunate
>inb4 bank clerk coofs on your money
paper money is dirty as fuck
I hope the same for this event. As of now, a lot of germans are sitting at home by choice. So there might be not even a forced quarantine. A forced one could lead to more panic. But right now they got some new hope. But still hamstering TP and food, for about a month now.
So, you are the Federal Reserve Bank?
Based but a post like this could unironically get your dog shot
gf was watching news yesterday and one of the ladies on there did a short spot trying to sound genuine and caring, telling people to not go out ant take out all their moneys. That was an odd change in tone. fuck the media. die
gf was watching news yesterday and one of the ladies on there did a short spot trying to sound genuine and caring, telling people to not go out ant take out all their moneys. That was quite an odd change in tone. fuck the media. die
why the fuck would paper money have any more value in your hands than in the bank? If the money goes worthless, then the paper money is just as worthless as the bank money. The value of money isn't real. There's no gold standard. Cash is worth only "what the man says it's worth", and that applies to paper money just as much as the money in the bank. You literally gain nothing but a bunch of soon to be worthless paper, so unless you are really short of paper to wipe your ass, there's no point. You're better off collecting bottlecaps at that point.
>I know a lot of accelerationist anons probably would love if the banking system collapsed though.
just put it in a ziploc bag for >1 month
>>germany makes a new law to sanction those who withdrew large sums during the crash
I'd like ot say that backwards laws violate the Grundgesetz but it's pretty clear that our politicians care about that anyway.
>act like they weren’t hyped for it to cope
I was a bit hyped, if this makes you happy. I wanted to see the threads about niggers being incredibly stupid with their trumpbux.
call this a week ago.
A bank run inevitably follows goods shortages.
Either prices skyrocket, or people can't buy what they want at all because of rationing and realize their money is no good in the system.
There is no downside to withdrawing, it's not like you have a term deposit- you can always just put the money right back
Sex with animals is morally wrong
the reason to have cash on hand is when all of a sudden your brank freezes accounts and tells you that, woops, none of your money in your account actually exists
kek saved