Throw me down this rabbit hole. WTF is adrenochrome? I only know it's apparently taken from kids' pineal glands for Jews to chew on.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Frazzle drip

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it's nonsense but similar things are real

just schizobabble dude

the schizos think they fit in here, you have to filter them out and ignore their blathering to get to the odd decent thread

If you can't figure out what's real and what isn't and need other people to tell you everything, you shouldn't be posting here

You mean the billion chicom or corona shill threads? Gtfo leftypol bitch. Elite pedo rings are a reality denying it is just getting annoying.

Start with the Dutroux affair and franklin cover up

some made up drug that HST dropped in FaLiLV to impress the hippies of the time. Same thing WSB did in Yage Letters. The guy had barely been to Mexico.

This nigger glowing.

It’s a drug Oprah makes in her basement by raping kids with over 9000 penises

Basically this


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Adrenochrome is the oxidized form of adrenaline. It's a highly toxic byproduct of the adrenaline cycle. If it remains in your blood it can cause serious damage to your brain and cause all sorts of mental illnesses, the biggest being schizophrenia. Your body usually destroys it as its formed unless you have a preexisting condition that prevents that from happening, but you would know before that because of the nausea, dysphoria, memory issues, and violent vomiting that come with having too much in your body.

To purposely consume adrenochrome is a death sentence for your brain. You will develop mental illness from it. So for the elites to do this, it doesn't make sense, but then again Hillary has had weird bouts of behavior time and again. Who knows if it's from a different condition or from purposeful consumption of adrenochrome.

Its a common chemical which is found in the human body but is also cheaply and easily synthesised and can be bought from any fine chemical supplier. Or if you want you could make your own by exposing the contents of an epipen to oxygen until it changes colour since all it is is oxidised adrenalin. It doesn't have any hallucinogenic or other interesting properties.

calm down pedo

Schizo bullshit taken from Resident Evil Gun Survivor

Just cut off the tip and suck. Gets you really high bro!

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>it's nonsense

hey Schlomo!

The Resident Evil and Silent Hill games are predictive programming this kind of stuff.

The short of it is schizos took a line from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and ran with it because they're schizos. Adrenochrome is not hard to come by and has none of the properties these retards will say it does. Sawdust will keep you alive longer than Adrenochrome.

>Implying elites don’t know dosages

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>store at 20 degrees celcius
What is that, 70 degrees Fahrenheit? That seems pretty cold...

You can order it on the clearnet. It's nothing. I'm sorry this one is bullshit. Call me jew all you want. It don't do anything to you. I've tried it. I had a friend that had access to all sorts of chemicals when I was a teenager. Absolutely nothing.
Look up Santa Cruz chemicals.

Adrenochrome is a good marker to test someone's validity.

Accurate dosage does not matter. Just having it in your body causes damage. This is why those with adrenaline issues or who live in states of constant fear end up developing mental illnesses as they age.

So to inject it purposely is causing damage and its stupid because it will just make you sick and increase your chances of developing mental issues later on as you age, no matter the dosage.

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>So to inject it
Who the fuck said anything about injecting it?
You drop it on your tongue, or eye with a dropper

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That’s basically room temperature you cold blooded fuck

>pineal glands
no? im pretty sure adrenochrome means adrenalised blood - that is to say blood with adrenaline in it. cannibal niggers in africa for example like to torture their victims before eating them because it gets the victims flowing and in turn eating their flesh gives the niggers an adrenaline rush. there are hunters and livestock workers who probably know what im talking about

if any of this is wrong please reply and correct me

>gets the victims flowing
*gets the victims adrenaline flowing
excuse me


It's a psyop and it cohenicdently reappears again in election year

>there are hunters
S. Thompson

Yas Forums is a schizo board of peace.

denying adrenochrome, or more accurately denying people torture babies to extract it is not denying peado rings. It's freely available to buy online. The wuhan being the only source was BS as well

>It's a psyop
Suuuuuuuure thing, bubbo

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Yeah that's the excuse that LARPers pose when the sources of their fantastic stories get revealed

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Based and ewwwwwwwpilled

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Mostly schizo theories but some of it is true and there are some interesting coincidences

Oh look guys, a jew nigger

Covfefe = Covid infected iron


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This guy gets it. It has been like that forever.

Wuhan wasn't the only source. It was the source for synthetic adrenochrome after they rounded up the evil scum manufacturing it in other parts of the world

Either way it's stupid shit.

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Many celebrities infected with corona, coincedence? Italy and Spain hit hard, coincedence? Think about "royal" bloodlines controlling the elite with blackmail videos and adrenochrome addiction

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here's a thread by a true schizo outlining it all

This sounds like a dreamlike happening of the ages. As much as I want this to happen, I know it won't, because nothing ever happens.

Let's hope I'm wrong.

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Serious answer? It's a myth. It can be made in a lab and doesn't really get you high. There are pedos among the elites and probably the other shit like human sacrifice but the adrenochrome thing isn't real.

>doesn't really get you high
Wtf, did you try it?

It's happening

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It’s still real.
What’s your problem?
I don’t make it or take it.. I’m not claiming it’s a smart thing to do

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It probally wasn't exactly synthetic, especially since China is renown for kidnapping people to harvest their organs.

>It's a myth. It can be made in a lab and doesn't really get you high
I saw this exact (verbatim) excuse in a ewetube vid.. and it claimed others would too...
something something almonds something

only half the western world is shutting down. asia is fine and going about their way

Pls, someone giv Hellary a nice case of Coronachan...but can lizards get that virus?

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The whole pedophilia ring is 100% legit, it has been going on for so long, look up the child disappearance in the Hopital General under Louis XV.

Anyone for some walnut sauce?

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