Reminder you will die without food, and trucks are not hauling to grocery stores.
Food factories are shut down and there's no food to buy anywhere.

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It will take too long to start growing food in a garden plus a family wouldn't likely be able to survive on a food garden that size. You'd probably only be able to survive a week if everything were ripe for the picking and then you'd have to wait weeks if not months for everything to grow back.

Combined with fishing/hunting and what you can buy or trade for, I think its still worth doing.

oh yeah go ahead and eat the corona infected animals see how well that works out for you

Yep, it's very hard to survive off self-grown vegetables. You need a good few acres to live purely off what you grow.
However that doesn't mean that that a few potatoes and shit u grow in a backyard patch won't save your life when you're fucking starving. If it's Spring where you are, no harm in laying some seeds down at all in these times of trouble.

How many Westerners have at least 5 acres all perfectly organized to live on indefinitely?

Trucks are hauling food to grocery stores. Where else would they be delivering to?

You can't live off vegetables, you'll turn into a weakling. Need meat and dairy, which is why you need at least 5 acres to yourself and then more again for the cattle.

i'm not a fucking gardener, not my job to make food
why do people act like a market is socialism, when in fact it's just everybody doing his job?


This. I came here to say this.

Nothing will grow anywhere in the US yet. Stop stockpiling we had enough to fucking begin with and you're going to waste it.

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It's really easy to grow basic shit. You don't even need to be there anymore once you've set up green house with a drip system. Watermelons year round, motherfucker.

I'm not doing shit, I'll just starve if I run out of food. I'm fat anyway. fuck you

A fat communist? That's a first.

Maybe you should try capitalism.

I guess 1st worlders don't have backyard goats

i have no garden/land, i could at best grow herbs on my window

based and checked, already got mine, the soil in the back garden is already prepped

If you don't even know the basics of surviving like feeding yourself, you are no man at all. Basic shit that everyone should know, even women. You are like an overgrown child if you can't survive without the food chain.

>acts like we live in the stone age
dude manufacturing and specialization is why you don't have to make your own toilet paper and copper cables

> plants
> food

pick ONE.

go for aquaponics plus chicken feeded with
hydroponic forage. Contrary of what the shill said you are producing food from the very beggining.

Depends on what you want to grow.

Coriander, cilantro, watercress, parsley and rosemary are pretty easy to grow year round. Don't need much space. Can't live off that stuff, obviously, and it's not like vegetables are that necessary anyway. But these are pretty good to have around.

Maybe see if you can grow mandarins with some small trees in pots too.

One deer, processed properly, will last a family of 4 for a while.

Good thing my back yard is filled with the damn things.

Food is still flowing you dumb nigger. Trucks are still delivering every fucking day. This is the dumbest thing I've seen today so far.
That being said buying seeds and starting your own indoor veggies is a great idea for life in general. Plants inside clean the air inside and producing your own veggies is a great way to determine what goes into your food.
Ypu can buy one of those little blue plastic kid swimming pools and grow a whole host of veggies like potatoes and carrots and onions and tomatoes right in your bedroom. Just place it by a window and water it daily. You can even save money by digging dirt from your yard.

>make nice beautiful healthy garden

>east side blacks and south side Mexicans brought into the area to switch it blue stomp all over it because there's no getting a black or Mexican to use a fucking sidewalk

>imported Mexican and Muslim voters living fucking everywhere aroud me steal everything that manages to grow in spite of being stomped on.

Yeah fuck it. I'd rather try the old-fashioned approach to ass-less leather pants, an improvised battle axe, and hockey mask if the worst comes to pass.

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Total self sufficiency is a myth. More self-sufficiency in any form is a positive step.

>feeding yourself is for stone age people
>only stone age people could look after them selves
You go back even 70 years and these skills were the norm. If you can not survive with out the food chain and shops should they crash then it is just nature correcting humanity and who ever starves should starve.

Bug men like you will be wiped out, this is a good thing

its March, i'm in California.

whats good to grow?

Aquaponics? Are you retarded?
We're talking about end times gardens here. Where are you going to get all the chemicals to run aquaponics when everything is shut down?
Just use fucking dirt. It's free and contains the proper Ph naturally.
Aqua or hydroponics requires way too much bullshit like electricity for your water pumps and chemicals to give your plants nutrients that dont occur naturally in water.
Just use fucking dirt.

Cactus. It has lots of water and surprisingly nutritious. And people are not likely to fuck with it.

I am generally against white flight but you got to know when you have lost and when to retreat. user don't stay there, move

That's what they want. "White flight" is another term of "racial cleansing" by non-whites with the term shifted to lay the blame onto whites for leaving.

This. Just use a sickel to open it up and certain cacti species bear fruit too. Prickly pears are a smart thing to plant in your yard for when shtf.

You know niggers are just going to trash your guarden and take all your fried chicken.

>cali weather
same. i am isolated on a big property about 45min away from the central valley farmland, lots of food should be growing there. just gotta not get shot scavging it

Depends on what you eat.

But when you start shooting them they will fuck off. I hope you have a Land Rover or something and plenty of diesel and ammo or it's a long journey home

Houston port closed last night, no more Saudi oil means the trucks will have to stop by the end of April.

That's why you just put one of these inside your house and take good care of it and nobody can get your foods in a shtf scenario.
I have a few in my basement for just such a scenario. Lights and fans and water. If electric goes out I'll just move them upstairs to the main floor and give up a room for my indoor garden.

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Are there much white people left in that area? If under 20% honestly it's just a hopeless case.

I got cows and guns. Stay the fuck away.

Cattle is ambitious. Pigs are better and chicken are by far the best if calories per acre is what we are trying to maximize.

Self-sufficiency is a binary option. Either you are self-sufficient, or you are not. Either you need the system to survive, or you do not. This is what many don't seem to get. Only genuine self-sufficiency is one that strives to create 100%

True self-sufficiency requires a community, you're right if that's what you meant. Nobody has time/skills/resources to simultaneously be amateur carpenter, blacksmith, pottery maker, glass blowers, make clothes, etc.

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Wise and autarky-pilled

Yes because we dont have any oil in america.
Do you hear yourself? You're panicking you dumb leaf nigger.
Did you know we supplied Japan with oil up until the start of WW2? It's one of the reasons they attacked us. Because we cut them off.
If no more saudia oil, I say good. Kick those sand niggers out for good.

Majority of Europe lives in flats / apartments
That combined with lack of firearms means that when shit hits the fan here it's gonna be a megaboogalu

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Starting garden today hurr can’t be done well at least I’m trying so I’ll be busy taking my mind of corona boogaloo so why not

Wrong. There is alot more meat from cattle that can be smoked and dried for long term storage.

Based burger. Just some rusty pitchforks and some veggis here. But whatever. Will stand my ground.

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Sometimes life doesn't give you the choice. If vegetable is all a person has going, it's a darn site more healthy than eating nothing. Not everyone has room for a dairy herd and a pig pen you numpty. While almost everyone can find some mud to beat up with a spade and throw some seeds on.

A pitchfork is a damn fine tool.

The fresh vegetables section was unironically the only section that wasn't decimated last I checked, seeds included. Too many sheeple buying frozen dinners and the like.

Cattle is by far the best. Chickens are for eggs, you don't eat birds. And pigs are for keeping the Muslims away.

Dr. Peter Ballerstedt - 'Ruminant Reality: Diet, Human Health and the Environment'

- "We did not evolve to eat meat, we evolved because we ate meat."

- youtube.com/watch?v=cRmwobXCc4c

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Not only that but it's only 2 terminals that are closed. Not the entire fucking port.


You land, and thus territory, is only what you can defend.

I have hay fields user. If you need round or square let me know and we can trade for some ground burger in a shtf scenario. I will also be grinding my own wheat for flour when shtf.

I only got an acre. That's enough for a decent vegetable garden and some chickens. Also I can forage and if i'm really desperate i can take a 2-3 mile drive or walk to the nearest lake and catch fish. If shtf i should survive but i'm not sure for how long

I´ll order a bunch of weed seeds. Hemp is very useful.

>place package of toilet paper out in open in front yard
>perfect shot from angle in attic window

you can figure out the rest on your own

You can still use it for trade/barter with your neighbors and you can also can it for winter, plus it's exercise and will help you stay sane, there's literally no reason to not do it, assuming you have other things prepared already. Plus, cold frames, etc. The idea is not to live off of it but have it as an option / supplement

I'll let them take from my fried chicken tree if they let me take the bbc mmmmmm

All I need is Cannabis Sativa, some Morning Glories, peas, beans, tomatos, potatos and cabbage. Also a decent apple tree, and I'm done. I'd never need to buy veggies again.

Guys it's not just the main veggies that take so long to grow. You can grow micro greens for salads and leaf lettuce and arugula and shit like that. Those things grow quickly. Much quicker than carrots and potatoes.

>food factories
You mean farms you fucking Autist?

Sounds good. Plenty of deer, hogs, and dove around here too

Just don’t be a retard and grow zero calorie food like lettuce

Have a comfy garden already established.
With figs, blueberries, strawberries.
Potatos, various tomatos, capsicums, eggplants, spinach, beetroot, carrots, bok choy, okra, chilis, zucchinis, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflowers and cucumbers.

You can get started easily with a greenhouse, within 4 months you will start harvesting your own small amount of food, and learning a useful skill on the way.