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shoot a wallaby

Senior Citizens here get the first two hours to shop by themselves. Guess what they're doing? Buying food for their adult kids and neighbors. You basically need a boomer if you want ground beef, yeast, or flour

Go wrestle up some kangaroo for the barbie.

I haven't talked to my dad in 3 years. Not because I don't like him or anything, I just forget where he lives.

Post your grandpa's feet with timestamp

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We are to eat the elderly when food runs out

We can't get houses or good jobs because or you stupid grandpa and his generation. Let him. Starve. He didn't care about our generation and now we won't be caring about them.

I'd tell you to eat the pakis instead, but they're probably full of diseases

I take food to my elderly neighbors

why is your elderly grandpa at the supermarket anyways. he should ask one of his grandsons to pick him up food, at the convenience store, at night to avoid crowds. if this whole thing is such a big deal.

No, he did this. His generation deliberately caused all the problems that lead to this.

>We can't get houses or good jobs because or you stupid grandpa
>because or you stupid
Yea, it's not because you, personally, are hopelessly incompetent, or anything...

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Tell him to move somewhere civilized.
Our shelves are full, here. There's all the TP you want, the supply chain has not been disrupted by last-minute wannabe preppers, and even the few blacks we have are not starting fights in the streets over stupid shit like bottled water or hand-soap.

I'm beginning to think threads like these are being started by people that are trying to foment some action like this, because they're bored.

All the disruptions that might have actually happened in the supply chains are fake as shit, anyway. They're caused by people so scared there won't be more TP next week, that they buy a pallet of the stuff, which screws up the store's inventory arrangements with the suppliers. The manufacturers have no problems with supply, and the grocery stores don't either, it's just the consumers out there that won't do business as usual that are messing up inventories.

You know what?
Get back to me when you're fighting over the last can of dog food for your supper, or post all the vids of rioters fighting with National Guard, or something.
Because other than that, it looks like nothing much is happening.

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dumb nothingburger poster


I don't know too many adults who own a home who didn't get help from there parents or family in some kind of way.

Well, do some shopping for him, dumbarse.

Show me the fucking burger, then!
Where's the riots?!
The warm glow of Philadelphia burning, on the horizon?!
The gunshots all night long? (well, more than usual, I mean)
Air raid sirens?
Apache's flying over my house?
Alien saucers?
WTF, do you even have a bum-fight to show us?

fucking kek

>Show me the fucking burger, then!
Have you checked the stock market by any chance? The synchronized measures to desperately prop it up by every western economy under the forms of inflationary gibs and tax rebates? The government openly telling you "we're going to track you through your phone and you'll deal with it goy", along with our boy Billie Gates trying to piggyback the pandemic to push his chips to the masses? All borders worldwide being closed and citizens being instructed against their will to stay out of the streets, or else? The US government trying to enforce legal backdoors on every company so corporate-level encryption doesn't exist?

Just because the bomb hasn't exploded yet doesn't mean that there's no bomb waiting to explode. That's not even acknowledging the pandemic itself, just its effects. At the moment the entire west is deeply under the control of their governments and these governments can do as they please unopposed. Wars, bombing Syria, dictating the media to shut the fuck up and not report it, Rex 84'ing the protesters against it - all of that can now be done with ease. They can even shut down Yas Forums and you'd be able to do absolutely nothing as a national emergency has been declared and the government can just sidestep any freedom you may hold to make you shut up, and as a justification they'll pull the Corona-chan meme and claim that we're a place of sick psychos who hate everyone while influenced by Russian trolls trying to destabilize the west, and absolutely no one will ever side with you, in fact every normie will further want this place gone and beg the government to imprison us all.

But that hasn't happened yet so therefor all the future is linear and it will never ever happen, right? It's just a happener overexaggeration, right?
We evolved intelligence so we can anticipate threats. How about you start fucking using it for once.

Your grandpa should eat you. Fuck you OP

The boomers are the ones lining up in the morning buying all the fucking toilet paper and all the cheap cuts of meat you fucking asshole. And then they are ignoring all of the fucking social distancing measures with impunity. I gaurantee you- put every fucking boomer on house arrest for a week and there'll be mountains of toilet paper and meat at the supermarket.

People are being so retarded with this panic buying. In Tesco today much of the alcohol was gone, but there was a full supply of bottled water. Normies are so stupid.

Boomers are buying it for their kids.

To prevent the collapse of civilization my province is treating the liquor stores as essential services.



When the Happening is already underway is not the time to START prepping...

PRE is right there in the word

>lack of forethought
>it only counts when it actually happens


Most of that shit was happening anyway, with the exception of the panic-driven stupidity that is...again...based on nothing.
Supply lines are fine. When this blows over (probably summer), there's going to be a lot of people with tons of moldering TP stuffed in closets, instead of a couple weeks of reserve (which anyone who has run out of TP on Christmas eve can tell you is a sensible precaution, under any circumstances).

The one thing that is glaring in all these "empty shelf" pics is the canned food is still there.
Idiots buy bread, eggs, and butter out, and always do, for some reason, even if it's for an upcoming seasonal hurricane or tropical storm warning.
What do they do during these "crisis" make French toast all day?

All the problems so far have been man-made, and I'm not even sure anymore that these suggestions to not "socialize" are making any difference, anyway.

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You better take him some food faggot!! You're supposed to take care if your people!

Capitalism did this


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No I didn't I prepped back in Feb faggot.

Actually I was the one buying for my boomer parents.

go kill some wildlife Bruce

Can't unless your Abo or have permit

Grandpa should be stocked up sooner like the rest of us.

He wrote SIEGE, idiot. That's James Mason.

>Have you checked the stock market by any chance

My portfolio is doing great

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Time to take up fishin


so, you['re saying that Yas Forums's /politically correct message board/ controls the world, huh?

/thread (inb4 distracting auto replies)

Lot of opportunities, right now.
If you have the money.

>Our shelves are full, here.


Not lying, we have no distribution problems.
I don't live in a city, either.
I don't know what's happening in the cities, but I'm 100% positive that if there's problems, it's all self-inflicted.

Hey q, how are u?

I travelled 3 hours to my 87 year old grandad to make sure he has supplies.

White women are fucking kangaroos now also?


That's the most depressing part of this health crisis: Americans have been exposed as selfish, fearful, and stupid.

The shortages and problems were are facing are all due to moral failings, not the virus.

Now go wash your hands.

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Feed the cold, starve the kung fu flu.
Food will only accelerate the boomer-necrosis


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I love how privileged boomers are. Even after fucking over the younger generations

Boomers right to live is suspended.

Tell that boomer faggot to sell his yacht for a can of corn.

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Who needs a fucking guide to know how to wash their hands?
Shouldn't those hands be black?

The stores here are stocked overnight but then cleared out in the mornings.
The main things...bread, milk, eggs, TP, water, juice, and most canned goods.

This has been the case each day since last Friday.

Please tell me that's not toilet paper for dogs...

>commie "hate your parents" campaign

your grandpa should have died a long time ago. fucking boomer fucks

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