Evening lads.

>Australia announces travel ban on all non-citizens and non-residents

>Qantas and Jetstar to suspend international flights and stand down 20,000 workers

>Aussie share market plunges amid coronavirus chaos and emergency rate cut

>One Aussie state has all but shut its doors with the "toughest border measures in the country", threatening fines of $16,800 and six months in prison.

>A recession is probably around the corner, and it's not all thanks to coronavirus

>Queensland Government passes public health measures to bolster powers ahead of expected rise in coronavirus cases

>Coronavirus Australia live updates: Queensland announces 50 new COVID-19 cases

>Australian Schools Will Not Close Despite Coronavirus Fears


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Other urls found in this thread:

>why didn't you stop it?

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Remember, bed time by 9pm.

Sir, step away from the TP, sir

Only one packet per customer

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It's being proposed to bring the army in to alleviate the panic buying.

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Whelp we're in the shit now, was out Ubering last night and clubs were ignoring the 100 people rule, while the rest of the restaurants were empty.

Good money for me however as everyone was ordering in and all the chinks/poo's weren't driving out of fear.

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fuck that, 11:30pm, US stock market opens. it's become quite an entertaining pastime

you have been pozzed by coronachan my friend. Godspeed

> Government cant stop reeinngg about people not buying enough shit.
> Government reeinnggly sends in the army when people buy to much shit.

me too. Usually watch it til 1am. American tv presenters love to yell tho. Do all yanks yell all the time like that?

Yeah mate, drop the cunt.

Get with the program OP.

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Better than the current solution which is to call people 'unaustralian', like anyone gives a shit


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I hope you have family user. Uber is going to go broke very soon (I'm not joking).

heh that was funny coming from that wanker of a prime minister.

>doesn’t realise his generation destroyed australian culture and created the “me first” attitude that’s prevalent today.

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Who's the bigget cunt in Australia?

Ubereats can just increase the delivery charge. It's not like people can buy groceries so what else are they going to do

>gas the boomers poster gets fucked by Corona-chan

>if only you knew how bad things really were.

Kek. Calling non-whites and boomers unaustralian like it means anything to them.

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It was just some dumb boomer on Sky but still funny because our politicians could actually do it :)

>you have been pozzed by coronachan my friend. Godspeed

I already know I'm going to get it, so fuck it - might as well earn lots of money and then cash in, turns out having Ankylosing and being up to the eyeballs in anti inflammatories means I'm more likely to recover.

Either that, or i'll be on life support in two weeks looking to escape and infect as many boomers and jews as possible.

I'm going commie soon lad dw

Reminder it’s not illegal to go to a restaurant and coof All over your plate and Cutlery and the waitress still has to take it

It’s not illegal to coof on the train, It’s not illegal to coof All over the produce has the supermarket

Remember one coof Can kill a whole bloodline
Go get em

well, it's technically true as most of these panic buyers are literally not Australian

Been to local Woolies last 2 mornings for 8:00 am opening.
Both days had uniform coppers at the store entrance

Where on Earth can I buy .22s without a license?

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>turn country into soulless economic zone
>complain about consumers not acting like citizens
Yeah, boomers are so cute.

>hoarding properties is fair dinkum true blue aussie spirit aye cobber! bless israel!
all LNP members need to be decapitated

You don't understand user. Uber is down 60% this month alone, and they have NEVER posted a profit.

Uber will go bankrupt during this recession.

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>Who's the bigget cunt in Australia?
Dunno about the bigget cunt but scomo is well in the running to be the biggest cunt.

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Who here /wog/?

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My uni unit tomorrow just informed me they haven't migrated to online sessions and my class tomorrow is face to face on campus.
How ded am i?

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posting this for the user who asked for a strategy on abandoning the sinking ship that is Australia...

how old are you? if you are under 30 working holidays visas are available for pretty much every European country.

'For Australian citizens, the Working Holiday Maker program offers the opportunity to travel and work overseas in over 40 different countries or jurisdictions. Australian participants can generally stay for up to 12 months and undertake short-term work and study.'

pick a country and start from there. a lot of the countries allow you to apply for the visa overseas as well, so you can always change when your mind when you are getting settled.

Norway is so comfy

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>Ubereats can just increase the delivery charge. It's not like people can buy groceries so what else are they going to do

Pretty much this, apparently in Spain and Italy they are allowing the food drivers to still operate and all the gig organisations are just bearboning it.

Hory Shiet China just single-handed saved the world from evil Anglos, again:

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roll call will have /strikethru/ effect thru his name i guess. F.

Yeah I especially like the idea of calling the Chinese unaustralian.

If I were Chinese, and I lived through any part of communist China, I would think we were five bad minutes away from being shot in the street trying to buy food for our starving family. Of course they're hoarding food - they don't trust institutions generally.

Calling them unaustralian only makes sense if the idea is to make people assume that people actually doing this are ordinary australians.

Yeah NOW they are, because there's no food available but the first cab off the rank would have been immigrants who come from failed states

You've made your bed.
Now lie in it.

This isn't even a fucking joke i work at coles and most the people who were buying toilet paper where in Arab country clothing or asian.

The firearm or bullets? Just make the gun. It isn't a hard one. You can also get nail gun blanks and combine them with ball bearings in a tube.

Do you need a bank account to get the dole?

Depends on your city/uni

How long until the riots and looting start?

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They've done this forever. Politicans and the media always call behaviour and ideas they don't like "Un-Australian".

The Bankstown Habibs probably cover the guns, but bullets, yes.

Been out innawoods the last week or so, when I left the TP thing had just started

Came back today, went out to buy groceries this morning and the local woolies and IGA are almost completely out of meat. There was one steak left at the IGA and only some chicken thigh packs at woolies. 2 minute noodles gone, rice completely gone at woolies with bugger all left at IGA, pasta almost completely gone.

AND YET. Canned food like tuna, beans etc. still in ample stock? Do people realise that if shit truly hits the fan and we lose power, non-canned meat is highly perishable?

Also, top lol listening to a woman complain that there was no organically grown leeks the middle of a panic buying crisis

ye bro sup? hopefully our med communities band together unlike these greedy selfish anglos, indians, poos and chinks. they all seem to be selfish cunts desu.

Is this a pasta or something?

>How long until the riots and looting start?

Not long I think, the LNP are refusing to increase newstart and with approximately a million Australians going to be out of work while they keep giving handouts to businesses and boomers, it's going to get nasty indeed.

It's like they're just realising how low societal cohesion is, and that we're one food shortage away from complete societal fragmentation. It's almost like diversity isn't our greatest strength and this whole social experiment isn't working.

Tonight of course.
Government's shutdown policy has scared the herds.

Then "leftists" on social media have the shit opinion of how "white people are to blame with the hoarding problem".

Scott morrison seems to care alot about people hoarding toilet paper and food, but didn't seem to care when people were hoarding houses

why doesn't the government straight up buy stockpiles of food to hand out? why are they giving it to biz that's gonna fail? like what's the deal here?

I was thinking the same thing, saw this exact post earlier. Perhaps there are more anons who have gone innawoods than ya think.

Coles have restrictions 2 mince per customer. Fresh delivery full shelved in, cleared out by lunch we weren't even busy everyone is just buying it lol.

Highschool exists to keep young women away from older men who might marry them and raise intelligent, healthy children - and young men away from the workforce where they might compete with their 40 year old single mothers for that checkout job.

Basically when you hear the media ,social commentator or a politician saying this is un Australian. You know that what ever or who ever they where criticising is actually in fact Australian

they're incompetent and corrupt kleptocrats who are only bailing out airlines and other big corporations as a favour to their friends. this is evil organisation that is currently in power and they must be overthrown.

lads my shifts have been reduced to the bear minimum already, and I'm an apprentice. I'm so fucked, it's actually more profitable scamming centrelink

>It's not like people can buy groceries

>TFW i spent all day on the woolies website deciding exactly what i want
>when it comes time to decide which day i want my stuff, EVERY day is locked and can't be chosen
>i literally wasted my time

Why the fuck do they let you even add shit to your cart if they aren't delivering.

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I don't know why Scomo thinks that anyone cares about or values his opinions. He's not exactly an inspiring figure.

It already has.
Criminals are starting to loot for commodities. Not too long ago a group of 3 busted into a jewelry store in sydney and looted the place

Nah I'm just confused by it all, like I can kind of understand people being a bit panicked but some of the stuff they're panic buying (like toilet paper and perishables) just seems daft hey

Doubtful seeing as I just typed it out, could be a similar one

What a time to be alive

not innawoods yet but bugged in my house. Haven’t left besides replenishment run in 8 days. NEETs shall inherit the earth.

I wonder if you could have a cash register recognise multiple purchases and increase the cost as a function of purchase number?

The first two are the ticket price, but the cost increases for every number over until buying 5 or 6 is like three times the original price

self check'd

Nah I'm just confused by it all, like I can kind of understand people being a bit panicked but some of the stuff they're panic buying (like toilet paper and perishables) just seems daft hey

Doubtful seeing as I just typed it out, could be a similar thing to what you saw before

Some of these batflu carriers are in Oz right now
I wonder if the muzzies would let us know if any of them have it or would they just send them into our society to spread it?

Saw at work today pensioners getting $750 flat from centrelink wtf is this shit??!?


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Guys, I have just realized something : coronachan is currently holocausting normies worldwide. I went out for a walk yesterday and the city was filled with normies fucking kissing each other on the cheeks, hugging and shit. They will psychologically collapse if they don't act out their social life 24/7. So, the real nature of coronachan is : normie holocaust.

anyone have youtube kino i can binge?

Same thing over here, apprentice too and my hours got cut. Don't know how long this is gonna last.

yeah, via Australia Post, nah

supermarket IT department is shit and do bare bones effort in software updates.

Won’t be able to travel anywhere for 6 months anyway

pensioners and neets*
wagie ragies
wagie dies
NEET eats tendies, sauce and fries

Government is accountable to business, not (You).
(You) are nothing, (You) are the problem in their eyes. Public debate is debating why you’re the problem, politics is about dealing with that problem. Your humiliation is (((their))) goal.

Not that user but what are some good Industries to get work in?
>tfw can still get citizenship for a certain Western European country based on blood but poor
>tfw grown up in this mutt shithole full of faggots who act like they're not on the same level as Amerimutts
This country died in the 70's and the proper white Australian will not exist centuries from now. Our culture has already been reduced to ashes

>not ditching class

I love every second of it. Im legit not going to get sick becuase I barely see anybody anyway.

What the fuck were they trying to steal? Dreidels?

>why doesn't the government straight up buy stockpiles of food to hand out? why are they giving it to biz that's gonna fail? like what's the deal here?

It's a gigantic case of business worship crashing up against cold hard reality, the LNP think their ideology is gonna keep them safe from what comes next.

It's like believing Jesus will save you when your standing on the road as a truck comes racing towards you.