/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2269 - FUCK MEMEFLAGS TRANNIES

► Detected: 219,872 ► Died: 8,944
LIVE: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

JP Morgan forecasts -14% GDP growth for US Q2, worst since WW2

U.S. Air Force quietly imported 500,000 testing kits from Italy

Germany under lockdown, 82 million people

Nationwide shortages of reagents for testing in the US

France under lockdown, 66 million people

HIV-like mutation made it 1000 times more infectious than SARS

Patients remain on intensive care for 20 days on artificial ventilation

Virus affects blood circulation

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Patients can get reinfected, no immunity

Ecuador under lockdown, 16 million people

China underreports number of infections and deaths

Australia expects 1.5 million infected

US testing delayed, short on crucial chemicals

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

06:40: 58 new cases in the Czech Republic.
04:02: 146 new cases and 4 new deaths in California, United States.
02:43: 57 new cases in Ecuador.
02:30: First case in El Salvador. The patient recently returned from Italy.
01:58: First case in Nicaragua. The patient is a man who recently returned from Panama.
01:09: 152 new cases and 7 new deaths in South Korea.
00:30: 23 new cases in Spain.


Attached: xijinplague.jpg (1400x1050, 568.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

corona doesnt melt steel beams

fuck all sandniggers and their zionist pets as well

BDS, Pilpul, USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, Bavarian Soviet Republic leaders, Bolshevism financed by bankers Jacob Schiff and Olof Aschborn, Israel Gelfand, Goldman Sachs founders in Chinese communist revolution, Sidney Shapiro and Sidney Rittenberg in China, 1918 ammunition strike, Balfour declaration, Rabbi Wise ready for war, Sulzburger family, Frankists, Louis Brandeis, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, Dancing Israelis, Metzitzah B'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision for Jews and slaves of Jews, 20,000 nerves in foreskin, Circumcision related brain damage, Goyim, Kapparot, Tay-Sachs, Jesus according to Talmud, Yebhamot 11b, Simon of Trent, Blood Libel, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Al Goldstein, Shiksa, Loxism, Jacob & Esau, Shabbos Goy, New Haven Jewish slave markets, Black Hebrew Israelite, 70% of Jews v 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, Karl Marx, Moses Hess, Holodomor, Winston Churchill on Zionism Versus Bolshevism, Dresden Holocaust, Israeli Nukes, Samson Option, Mengele's Wall of Eyes, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, 4 billion Jews killed by Roman emperor Vespasian in Bethar, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank typhus, Auschwitz Masturbation Machines, Bear & Eagle in a cage, Shitting Diamonds, TGSNT, David Irving, Magnus Hirschfeld, Epstein didn't kill himself, Sackler family, Sassoon family, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, Bernie Madoff, The Melting Pot: by Israel Zangweil, Poem on Statue of Liberty by Emma Lazarus, I'm not white I'm Jewish, Kalergi Plan & Prize, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, Hart-Celler Act, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Gotthard Tunnel, Anton LaVay, Red Shield, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, AIPAC, JIDF, White Phosphorous, Deut 6:10, Rev 2:9, Das Judenthum in der Musik

>Dead: 8,983
lol, still only 8,983.
How many days has it been stuck at 8,983? Four days? Five days?

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fight their VPN bots.

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threadly reminder that this is the CHINESE VIRUS, they can't keep getting away with it

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Gary, you have to wake up. If you don't wake up, she's gonna get you.

how long before Italy gets the ole' Iron Fist?

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Reminder that if you live in a noguns country it's not too late to take the /thwick/ pill.

150ibs should be more than enough to deal with troublesome squirrels in Minecraft.

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What do the japs think of the chinese. they first released a deadly virus and now it threatens to kill their special olympics.

Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 4 years: 4 YEARS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to Nazis or whatever shit you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're
"epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use Yas Forums). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.

so what the gary bot just reposts the current death count as the same for the past 5 days with the same copy pasta?

i dont understand.

>Confirmed Coronavirus Cases - 40
>Recovered - 1
>Under Quarantine - 1592
>Under Hospital Supervision - 262
Can it be assumed that most of these 262 people are infected?

Change the /cvg/ into Chinese Virus General

im glad itll get cancelled. the less niggers in japan the better

As a previous OP said, that means /cvg/ becomes /cvg/

Coronavirus takes boomer that died 12 years ago.

Extra spoopy. Kills dead people.

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Up to date numbers:



look for signs of ccp subversion in local media
pic related, translated by hong kong frens

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what ever happened to this guy???

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>What do the japs think of the chinese
Well, around 80 years ago they fought the deadliest war in human history

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NYT article

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just really glad the ratio of Democrats to Republicans infected and died is almost 6:1

my wife joked it was due to onions consumption but maybe she's right

50% of people who get this don't manifest symptoms. Their immune system just beats it while they walk around spreading it to others.
It's literally impossible to contain a virus like this. You could have had it last week and you wouldn't know. If every single person with even one of the symptoms were welded into their homes, each isolated individual would have an asymptomatic carrier going to trains, malls, restaurants, and theaters spreading it around.
This isn't going away until we get a cure or vaccine. It's really only useful for at risk individuals to be in lock down because it isn't feasible to lock down anyone else for long enough for the virus to go away.

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Four days? Five days?

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Our Gary, Who Art in /cvg/
Hallowed be Thy Namefaggotry
Thy Pasta come, Thy (You)s be done
IRL as it is on Yas Forums
Give us this Thread our Threadly digits
And forgive Us our Shitposts
As We forgive Those who Shitpost against Us
And lead Us not into Cooming
But deliver Us from Degeneracy
For (You)rs is the Best Post,
And the Power, and the Glory,
For Ever until /cvg/ Ends


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Team creme survive and T H R I V E

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did you mean to post that pasta somewhere else?

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>Germany under lockdown, 82 million people
Yet my bro who is living in Berlin is sending snaps of him and the boys getting drunk in the park with a bunch of other people etc


I am. I did not even prep for this and now i will get 20k nok in fines if i go to the store.

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nigger are you stupid? those two people don't look alike. one has a mole on her face and the other doesn't, that's a huge giveaway. people can have the same names, how many Pedro Garcias are there?

>germany +2801

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Stfu nazi

>Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 4 years: 4 YEARS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to Nazis or whatever shit you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're
>"epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use Yas Forums). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.

Did China actually called the virus as the "US's and Europe's Chernobyl" ?

Wow you made that fast. Bravo


nobody is helping Italy because it's the long-con revenge for the Roman Empire. Liberal Society should've never happened.

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He's a time traveler

This dude is just maximum retard.
Everything he says is so fuckign cringy, he is so uninformed.


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Luxembourg getting absolutely DESTROYED by Corona-chan considering their population size

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Hopefully his account gets suspended under the new twitter rules

Umm, guys. You know how the pollution has been dropping dramatically lately? I think something is going to happen.



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Wait what happened to nothingburger Bill?

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why are swiss cases slowing down dont cancel this happening

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He has a target audience which is boomers with 0 attention span. nigga plays it well

italy dosn't have hospital ships?

But then we won’t see his redemption arc, when he gets the “just a flu bro” and begs Coronachan for mercy.

It's done, China has found the cure:

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The numbers will slow down starting today
This pathetic pandemic is over
Happeningfags BTFO as usual

How many do we think will happen tomorrow, user?,

I had a friend call me in what seemed like pure terror. Is he just gay?

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9K 9K

Why are we shutting everything down?
For the sake of boomers?
I lose my job, my school cancels the semester, my gym closes, and pic related (the biggest outdoor party in Canada) gets cancelled BC a bunch of boomers will die?
The same boomers that sold us out to the globalhomo agenda, who have all the wealth, own most houses, and eat up pensions and welfare?
Why. Tell me one reason why I as a zoomer should give up all this for boomers?

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Good point


Post deathcount predictions

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of course not. it's all about flattening the curve

Back when this virus was new faggots would mock how little the death count would grow, garybot was born from this

Because we are entering that brave new world they used to write about

>there are now so many worldwide cases that they had to resize the red dots to be smaller

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Pure terror IS pretty gay, but you should expect massive numbers coming as governments realize "social distancing" is a meme and doesn't work. Use this final week to prepare how you can.

6 gorillian

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I just minorly wheeze a little bit when I breathed in how fucked am I pol?

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There is no reason. Its time to rise up against the tyranny of the old and weak

You are already dead

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Government stopped reporting numbers to avoid herd riot.

>this totally worked on a small town of ~3k people so that means we can just scale it up to millions of people especially in a multicultural shithole where everyone will cooperate with each other

Boog soon
All will be right in the coming months, the day of the zoomer will arrive soon

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if you don't leave your house you don't get infected.
it's really simple and you were warned months ago.

f*** off, mexican

Because the Spanish Flu first went for the boomers and the the boomers.

It's up to us Millennials to save you both. All those years indoors playing video games and chatting on AOL Instant Messenger are about to pay off. Buckle up zoomer, we got this.

look at this

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I know this is a bait post but I still have the urge to tell you to slit your subhuman throat.

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9 000

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*pang pang*


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When your drunk uncle makes a twitter

is there anywhere i can find testing data for the US? no. of tests, not just positives. ideally with a per state breakdown.

texas has only done 1,900 tests for eg. as a result their positive rate is hovering near 10%.


I know this. I'm fine because I have an actual house, but what about people living in apartments or duplexes? Those have central AC, and like what happened on Diamond Princess, the virus will spread through the ventilation system and infect people "socially distancing" themselves in their apartment.

>we need to route that money through Medicaid and other nigger handout programs so that none of that money ends up in the hands of working people. You goyim are more than welcome to apply for one of our many generous low interest loan options

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I don’t think it will answer your question, but I think you might find this essay interesting.

an excerpt
>Third, Americans are cocky. When your national founding myth is one of achievement with minimal adversity, it is eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasy to become convinced you are the Chosen People and life is simply about navigating oneself from success to success. Of course, I think we all realize this isn’t how things actually work. From time to time something or someone punches you in the face. And when that happens to Americans, we absolutely, positively, lose our shit.

>Americans have no sense of proportion. The same thing that gives us our can-do optimism and arrogance means that when we face unexpected challenge we fear the covenant with God has been broken and doom doesn’t so much beckon, but instead will crash down upon us presently. And so we panic. We overreact. But we overreact with the power of the world’s largest and most stable and most technologically advanced economy. We overreact with the strength of a continent. We overreact with the world’s most powerful long-range military, a military that absolutely controls all global waterways. And in doing so we reshape the world. Not on purpose, but simply as a side effect of our panic.

>I always assumed the next fear-response would be because of something that some dumbass country did to the United States, thinking the Americans were over the hill. Then the full force of the United States military and economy would crash down upon it and wipe it from memory.

>a common Russian phrase during the Cold War was “Americans feel that if it is worth doing, it is worth overdoing

If your the real slim Chinky, please stand up, please stand up... love your work, please keep it up

We have 5 deaths, 1 infected minister, over 200 cases and there will be more because 2 infected doctors ignored their quaranntine and treated patients. Also our zoomers are faggots who still go to city and party just like mohers are still going to church. Easter will fuck us like Pis didn't.

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>VEGETA! How many infected does the scouter say?

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>stem cells
I'm not that rich. Next solution please

amen, brethren.

How is it bait? Average age for deaths in Italy is 80 with 3 pre existing conditions and thats with triaging medical care lol
South Kore with the rigorous testing shows most cases are mild or asymptomatic.

get torches and pitchforks

You should act on your desires/kill people. You have nothing left to lose now. Be free.