Norwegian Krone(NOK)
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This is happening around the globe m8.
The stock market crash caused people to buy shitloads of dollars very quickly, so the demand increased its price.
I suppose this is what happens when your countries wealth is held in the stock market, and not gold.
Welcome to the poor house neighbour.
So is America magically winning in this situation? Cause this is apparently happening with other currencies.
no country's wealth is held in gold, brainlet
Prepare to DIE!!!!!!!
Wait what brainlet values sek higher than nok?
Well our wealth is trees.
But many countries have a thing called a gold reserve. Look it up faggot.
>So is America magically winning in this situation?
If you didn't use your oilbucks to build a Godlike SHTF bunker and buy Navy Seal tier gear you kind of deserve it. Breivik did a CIA level op with his own money and that was 10 years ago.
you don't get it, the NOK is by far the most JUSTed currency out of all the major economies in the world today
Why is everyone buying CHF? The whole "Swiss Francs is safe" is such a boomer meme.
Ok, vad fan händer där borta egentligen????
America is fucked.
This will make the economy stall as no one will see any reason to invest.
That will cause a japenese-style deflationary crisis, and the banks will start charging people just to keep their money in place.
This happened to the japs in the 80s and they still haven't recovered.
fuck you
Nordby is gonna shut down
Oil+Chinese Flu is the perfect storm
you've been safe for centuries
yeah, dollar is gaining on worth fast. Makes me wonder how they do it despite all the hysteria going on.
No worries, soon we will all be Greek.
It was a totally disastrous years in general, the last 2. Good moment to put the 300 euros cash i have around in the bank and win 1000 nok out of nowhere.
Like always, when this is over it will recover. just avoid at the moment shopping online to european/american sites because you will be paying more than usual.
Have you seen Gold in NOK? My god.
All the Swedes will come back home to sweden for gibs now.
And all the nigger swedes working in norway are also coming back for gibs. This will truly crash sweden
explain the oil-thing for a brainlet
Is it that they base so much of their economy on oil which can't be traded atm?
US dollar price is tied to oil price. Russia refused to stop dumping oil so as oil gets cheaper, US dollar should too but it's opposite of what we're seeing.
what the fuck is going on
Written december 2019. Now open up and read VG :^)
Did someone say krono?
I guess when everyone is shitting their pants you just look for the cleanest pair to wear.
>Makes me wonder how they do it despite all the hysteria going on.
its gaining because of the hysteria my man - flight to safe
I earn my salary in USD
As stated in the previous thread, I will get a 33% raise
lmao imagine believing that "gold reserves" are worth even a small fraction of a country's economy
Welcome to the 'Oil Based Economy Club', buddy.
China shut down means China uses less oil
Opec + Russia meet, try to hash out deal to reduce output to keep price high
Russia says
>Fuck you this is perfect time to fuck over American fracking
and goes on to flood the market
Saudi says fine, this means war, and they start flooding the market even more.
get used to it faggots
brainlet, the dollar is not tied to oil. Oil is a meme from 2 decades ago.
This is the same guy who subverted the Occupy Wallstreet movement with feminists and proto-Bernie bros (i.e. a useful idiot).
It's like I'm talking to children who weren't around for the '08 bailout and think it's funny to "hate" the country responsible for not letting the rest of the world starve out of our own goodwill. Your entire existence belongs to us and us alone.
magyar energia
The last years Norway has been shifting from an oil based economy and try to diversify, they havent been producing so much and you could see that in hospitality workers in Stavanger (centre of oil production), job simply dried in there and everyone has been coming to Oslo.
Now is the moment to see if diversifying was good enough and will prove the strenght of the economy, which well, since everyone is falling apart theres not much to do about it because we all are inter dependent
This mean I can buy a mansion there for 100k usd?
Saudis are still selling their oil in exchange only for US dollars. They are still the biggest oil export in the world.
no more bordershopping in sweden!
Talk to me when it hits 24.
in times of crisis usd and eur gain because they're considered safe assets (basically the safest amongst currencies)... this has nothing to do with oil
Republicans have been lying to you.
Stock market isn't the economy and doesn't affect 99% of people.
Until the rich assholes lose money, then we bail them out. But that's about normal folks only interaction.
In my lifetime we have had and will have again, the biggest transfer of wealth from working class to rich the planet has ever known. (banking bailouts, now we are expected to save rich folks again).
End corporate welfare. Bank bailouts, cruise liner bailouts, airlines, airlines again, airlines again, stock market, cash for clunkers.
It never stops.
Russia is gaining on them fast, however
Is thins gonna have any impact on me personally in my day to day life?
Pretty much every country uses a transaction with a dollar middle man for everything, not just oil.
>DE JA VU starts playing.
>us dollar
nigger you can literally measure time with with inflation in USA. If you have any savings in USD you are bound to lose part of it in coming years due to inflation.
True but its a safe bet on how much you'll lose.
Dollar's value is based on the US economy as a whole and it's military. Oil is a part of it but not the petro dollar meme from 2 decades ago.
In Russia (basically the same happened to us in 2014 and happening now) prices in stores skyrocketed. I bet you will see a significant increase of iPhone and PC prices since those things are fully dollar-based.
Do you get paid in dollars when you suck dick?
Since Norge is rather a big food importer than producer it may happen that we end paying more for the food and goods.
Хa-хa, лoшapa
I mean being heavy reliant on oil and locking down your country in an hysteric overreaction was bound to bite you in the ass