Famous people who lurk and post on Yas Forums why do you come here?

Famous people who lurk and post on Yas Forums why do you come here?

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fun and shitposts

Pee and poop

I'm based

I like to see when you freak out and then I lock down the bunker underground

Every since that one time my wife went out looking like a bitch in heat I've been hoping she gets raped by a pack of niggers, and it would be all her faut.

You guys are the only ones who understand that.

Mel Gibson?

Oprah sent me.

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Are you a jew?

same reason you come here

No. 100% Aryan.

Because I honestly can't stand the Hollywood bullshit. But you can't say anything if you don't want to be out of a job.
Also I'm too based for normal life but I like the money.

fuck off back to r*ddit you fucking cancer

So niggers can anonymously tongue my anus and tickle my prostate gland. Pee pee poo poo

Also you're a faggot

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No famous people post here. It's all a larp.

I am not the father

This is also why I love this place.
No one knows who the fuck I am and would never believe me if I was dumb enough to tell you retards. So I can say whatever I want and just be me.

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I mostly lurk & post on Yas Forums Yas Forums and you likely know my name.

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i wish you were mel

tell us stories nigger

Clues pls. Bradley martin?

Move this ego masturbation shit to /soc/, or better yet r*ddit you filthy niggers, this has nothing to do with politics

Yeah. I feel you mel. Ever consider making a "revenge of the christ"? Its like passion of the christ, but when jesus comes back all pissed that human are still doing retarded shit.

What do you think you’re looking at, sugar tits?

I really rather not.
I don't want anything being able to be linked to me and also I just want to be a lurking normal fag like I usual am.

You're no fun cunt


Fuck no, the money would go to my wife. I aint earning money for a filthy little cuntsucker who takes advantage of me.

By larp. At least the Weird Al larp earlier this week was believable

OJ her pussy

Then tell us who you are, we‘re going to call you a larper anyways

Yoi little shit. I am going to come and burn the fucking house down, but you will blow me first

I am Hillary Duff ofc

I'll put you in a fucking rose garden you cunt.

Nope. I am Zyzz brother Gyzz

Idek I'm pretty famous in some universes and among entities and spook dimensions. Some spooks would peak into my window speak some mlustered gibberish and leave and droves of some nike spics or arab nike mafia fags. I hoard crystals so it's no wonder they're consulting me for my crystals I'm a manifester and Corona is devistating every where even some spooks died fron it like 30 or sum thin'

Jeez even sum fucking frunko punko afro chief mutt niggers would peak in my window

Idris Elba here, and no, I won't post proof. I come here because it makes me laugh.

Pol is my canary

Cause it's all I've known for years you cuck

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i like seeing what the racists here say about the goings of the world

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ever saw mib? the journal stand with the dog its Yas Forums were real news mixes with shit so the normies cant understand..

Yeah right. Post timestamp (please I used to be a fan of Zyzz)

appocalypto was shit by the way..

Stop raping kids you cunt

Lmao post pic LARPER

I will just say I usually play in comedies but that's all you're getting
I am going to get going to sleep though frens

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Whatever muhummed

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same here brother..

alex jones?

Hi Kevin Spacey here
I hate the jews because they keep giving me little girls instead of little boys and i think that's what the jq is all about

im in for that one

Yes Gerard Joling here. I come here to get redpilled and fuck niggers.

so that you know, that i know that some of you know.

nice you sir are a great actor.

Cunt you can't "used" to be a fan of Zyzz. Zyzz is eternal.

are the rumours true? did you catch the gook flu by cucking justin?

griska bogdanov here we have the bog pill my young ones

Traps, who are not gay

Good night adam sandler

you can stay in your shithole next time.

i'm literally posting hints on my twitter.

i posted a hotel called TIO PEPE at 1pm

what more do you want from me!

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Cant hassle the hoff.

Hey, i saw your ama.

So can you do another 1pm post?

What are your thoughts on the current happening? Any infos?

Pic related no positive tests in my hospital.

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Timestamp or something. (Another AMA would be cool :) )

Tom Hanks here, just read your post and think it deserves a answer. I'm in self isolation and feeling like death warmed up. The reason I came here is to tell you all the truth. I'm in critical just now and barely have the energy to type, but what i will tell you is my wife and myself is a whole lot sicker than you could ever imagine. The reason you haven't seen a photo of either of us in the media is because we have spent most our time on respirators/breathing machines. I'm currently running a high fever. I need to call the nurse, i'm sorry i have to cut this short. Tell the world the truth, this is the only place i can share this.

-T. Hanks

>Double dubbys of truth
Low key I hope you're the next guy to play James Bond. I swear if they give it to that fucking hoe what's her name I'll be mad as fuck.

Can any of you famous folk spare us a dollar? AUD has gone to shit.

I'll let you sleep over at my place. We can go shooting and feed the animals next door.

>i posted a hotel called TIO PEPE at 1pm
What where can't find

Fuck off Joe Rogan

Malay Mike is a faggot

Post proof, wanker.

I'll send you a care package if you do. I have a drone.

I come for the bobs and vagine.

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Fake and gay but I'll give you a chance to confirm

I met you after a play in NYC that you were in called "A Lucky Guy", we sent you a letter jacket, what color was it