How are you spending your time inside? For me it's ASMR, porn, food, and Netflix

How are you spending your time inside? For me it's ASMR, porn, food, and Netflix

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Why is she so pretty?

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is that pokrmane ?


Working out, cooking, and reading some philosophy.

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same way I've been spending my time the last 17 years (30 year old L337)

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go away normies

ASMR is Jewish hypnosis retard

Why do you have such shit tastes OP

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i liked asmr roleplay before the genre wasnt totally figured out and people still tried/experimented

now its all just people smacking gum and deep throating their microphone

whats the point of roleplaying as a doctor or hairdresser if you whisper and smack gum for 40 minutes who are you roleplaying as exactly? the worlds shittiest hairdresser?

ASMR (((glow)))
she's literally a hypno-jew
hot? yes. unfathomably beautiful. but don't let her professional-tier make-up skills and zionist trickery fool you.
unintentional asmr is the only thing that's acceptable.

what is asmr

old opie and anthony episodes and waiting in the dark for intruders.

kys and Sage

I repair ground service equipment at an airport, im being required to work though all of this.

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Locke?! Fuck him and what he did

maintenance as well. it feels weirdly normal because everyone is freaking out but I still am going about my day?

Nothing is good for you user

Glow isn't pretty? Cmon man. Who is pretty for you?

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the concept of an intense relaxation stimulation thought to be linked to personal attention and grooming among other things.

Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here. I'm still Taxi driving until the shit hits the fan.

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>I repair ground service equipment
That's a pretty fancy way of saying you're a plumber.

I ask myself what was the fuckin' problem, to throw at least 1 atom bomb on China, when the virus was still only in China ?
It would prevent it from spreading further !

video games and spending a lot of time with my beautiful best friend: my dog
also this is the only good asmr

Nothing compares to this

I repair jet tugs, plumbers are just playing water legos

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this sucks.

i prefer ASMR with a story. like when they are roleplaying as a hairdresser or something.

fucking disgusting. unintentional or bust

>doesn't post this
cmon user

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I was actually sick

Kys you mentally ill weeb.

working, as always. nothing has changed for me.

Why is there so few porn ASMR? This is an untapped niche. Only AftynRose is nice, but she doesn't post anymore.

Same thing I always do
Yas Forums and twitch
Thats my 'life'

Learn how to grow your own food with all that free time, niggatard.

I'm learning norwegian, cooking and working out.

Weed, Minecraft, Ukulele, and YouTube

manga, vidya and music
pretty standard

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Good man. Unironically people like you are the only reason why society doesn't collapse.

I'm not, my job won't shut down

Listening to K-Billy's Super Sounds of the Seventies

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>your time inside?

I don't follow boomers orders sheep

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>unironically watching porn in 2020
Go away leddit

that had the opposite effect i am now murderous brb gotta beat the neighbors wife

No longer have a job.

Sleeping till 4 pm.

Self-isolating myself from the outside world for a week to be safe.

Go out only to get food and medication

Watch Tucker Carlson.

Watch Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and mob movies.

Shit posting on Yas Forums

Waiting for my Trump bucks

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My favorite is WhisperingV, that bitch needs a better microphone though.

She looks like Danica Dillan

Both two great things, but tomato sauce doesn't go well with icecream

Based, I've only ever listened to the Patrice O'Neal episodes, are any other ones like them?

Nicotine, porn, gaming, alcohol, weed, in order of time spent. I'm living the dream.

Thank you for your service

Play video games
Jerk off
Get some work done

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Let's see her without makeup

>that white shirt and red shiny skirt in the wearable triggers video
Jesus Christ

Following the happening 24/7 except to sleep and eat. Keeps me entertained and informed

Trying to harness my autism

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I always wondered why Catplant’s face looks shifter to the right a little. It’s not symmetrical.

School, piano, drawing, Internet when I'm not doing any of those.