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These kikes will throw 1.5 trillion dollars down the drain, but won't allow 800 billion dollars to go into Americans pockets, which will go back into the economy.
Ideology goes out the window when you are facing -20% economic growth in a quarter
just dont go to work
Do people understand the difference between normal policy and an emergency situation?
Jesus Christ...
Ok but what does he mean by this? Everyone keep slaving away with a pandemic on the loose? Or does he mean employers get handouts which they distribute to employees. Whatever the case, his idea is bad.
He means that Jewish banks and billionaires have kompromat on his homosexual lifestyle, and so he wants you to know that he's totally against socialism for the 1 millionth time.
nothing will work, but gibs for all can at least slow the panic and give the gov more time to prep for panic during the 18th month shortage.
I'd rather we do some socialism lite to keep the normies in control than just let shit totally hit the fan.
Kinsey graham is the slimiest rat in the e3pub party. And I voted for trump
NatSoc, yes.
This. It will be a temporary thing anyways.
If they force our CLOSED FOR MONTHS JOBS they SHUT DOWN fucking mindless moron
Based schizo
ah yes, the critically endangered neocon in his shrinking natural habitat
it shouldn't be.
gut LBJ's great society welfare state and replace it with neetbux, single payer healthcare, social security, nationalized pharmacare, and then call it a day.
Emergency money should be given to the corporations (which are shut down) to do whatever they please with it (which is buy more yachts)
Ok. Let me clear this up. Because it’s driving me fucking crazy when all of the people on pol and everyone else doesn’t understand how this works.
The government. As in the taxpayer funded government. Did not give $1.5 trillion to anyone. The federal reserve did. Meaning that the federal reserve did exactly what it was designed to do. Provide liquidity during financial crisis.
The reality is that everyone who is actively cashing out their stock right now. And with good reason given the 20% drop. Those people needed to have actual cash available to the banking system.
All that $1.5 trillion was a supply of liquid capital. Meaning cash. Not bonds or mutual funds or stocks or shorts or options. Actual fucking cash that can show up in your bank account and be cashed out to buy $2,000 worth of groceries or supplies or whatever people went out and bought.
It was because they knew a bunch of stupid fucks would get scared. Not keep their investment and instead like a fucking idiot sell their stock at the low because they don’t have the Balls to hold on. So the federal reserve and banks knew this so they made that $1.5 trillion available.
Now there’s also what’s called “the repo market” which is what they’ve been pumping $80-100 billion a month into for over a year now.
That is when one bank has a large amount of transfers to another bank. But doesn’t have enough cash on hand to meet those transfers. Which is obviously a big no no. So instead of defaulting they borrow from another bank with what’s called “overnight fund rate” meaning that’s the small percentage of interest that chase charges citigroup for its $8 billion deficit in transfers to Bank of America.
This needs to be understood. No government money was spent. And it was literally just a change in the monetary policy in order to increase the supply so that people could cash out.
MIGAtards need to commit suicide.
Fuck your ideology, I want the money.
Go lecture Bank of America.
Wew lad, amazing you had time to write that out with all the fed cock in your mouth nigga holy fucking shit bitch kys
dude no here even cares abought interest rates or price of oil cause their fags who live st home
Just because you don’t understand how financial panics work and why liquidity is important doesn’t meant that I’m wrong.
It’s not about trying to get the stock market to pop up. It was about trying to get enough cash available to all of the people who were selling their stock.
Firms like Goldman Sachs, Merill lynch or Morgan Stanley that underwrite these major stocks don’t have that kind of cash available. The volume they do on a normal day is 1/10th the amount they have been doing just recently.
This is literally as simple as I can explain it. 10 million boomers have $1 million in retirement accounts. That’s over $10 trillion. A lot of it is locked in through certain retirement fees and penalties that make it unlikely that they would cash those out.
But around $200,000 per person is available to move around. That’s $2 trillion in stocks. That’s only for a few million American senior citizens. There are like 90 million senior citizens in America.
They cashed their stock out and went and bought toilet paper and food and other dumb shit. The federal reserve was literally just making that cash available for those people so that they could go buy their dumb shit before they bunkered down for an inevitable quarantine.
No. Neither was working for the government.
>tfw petroleum engineer
Hahaha you butthurt bitch how's your funds doing atm lol, find a bridge bitch
Every single fucking country on earth had a central bank. All of those central banks are doing the exact same thing right now.
You’re all economically illiterate. You’ve never taken a macro economics class and it’s fucking obvious.
This isn’t even the complicated shit. Dumb Instagram thots go to community college and pass classes where they’re tested on this basic concept of liquidity and markets.
But the dumb faggot Australian pol cuck can’t even take 5 minutes to read up on how the worlds financial system works.
This is literally why jews run the world. Because you’re all too fucking stupid and lazy to learn how the world actually works.
Meanwhile this asshole is trying to sneakily pass the EARN IT ACT which effectively ends end-to-end encryption.
people not going to work is the worst possible thing. that's probably why they don't want to use the neetbux option: people who are needed to keep supply chains working will spend it on hoarding and sit at home.
I don’t have funds you dumb Aussie fuck. I have ammunition and food. I saw this shit coming back in November and unlike everyone else I actually spend my go bucks on actual real things that will be useful during the next 3 months.
By the way. The Australian dollar has fallen 12% in the last 3 weeks. At this point a new car or phone is going to be 50% more expensive by October. Have fucking fun with your shitbag Aussie central bank. The Chinese are quite literally going to buy every single inch of your real estate and economy now.
What if the government is my employer?
>You’re all economically illiterate. You’ve never taken a macro economics class and it’s fucking obvious.
basic analytical thought is all that's required: people here are literally a danger to themselves and others.
It’s a back up plan Dick Head!!!!!! This is what you pay taxes for....instead of government being mommy and fucking daddy your whole life it only intercedes into shit when it gets all fucked up like when GOOKS plant a FUCKING BIO-WEAPON into your society.
I can't even tell if your being ironic at this point. Back to Yas Forums retard and make sure you ride it out, your gay stocks are sure to rebound bro
>>Now there’s also what’s called “the repo market” which is what they’ve been pumping $80-100 billion a month into for over a year now.
>That is when one bank has a large amount of transfers to another bank. But doesn’t have enough cash on hand to
Nobody cares. If they were stupid enough to have their money in the slot machine when the casino went bankrupt we want them penniless, homeless and dead.
>but won't allow 800 billion dollars to go into Americans pockets, which will go back into the economy.
retarded Keynesian detected.
I literally own know stocks.
I don’t own an airplane either. Yet I can understand How the fucking work.
You and your children will be owned by chinks and Jews because you’re too stupid to learn how the worlds economy works.
I'm giggling right now. He must haven't expected this from Trump but since he rode his coattails for reelection, Linsey can't do shit.
He is right you piece of shit.
He's saying that the people should still get their paychecks from their employers.
At least the Europeans understand how central banks work.
This is why Australia’s dollar will be toilet paper in 3 months.
Lindsey the faggot thinks we should just bailout businesses
If they were proposing checks beyond this crisis, then sure, we’re going full commie. If a federal government isn’t going to do anything during a national crisis of all times, why even have a federal government?
>the federal reserve did exactly what it was designed to do
>give $1.5 trillion to banks
And where did the fed get this 1.5 trillion from? Their asshole? The further the market crashes, the more 'liquidity' you'll need as more people panic and withdraw their shit (They won't be able to anyway) so I suppose your solution is to just shit out even more fantasy dollars until you inflate your dollar worth and have to run around with a god damn wheelbarrow full of cash to purchase a loaf of bread
Yes, Australia's dollar will be toilet paper because seppos are getting salty defending their precious kike masters on Yas Forums
>lend money at 0%
>guarantee the return on the money will be more than 0%
>guarantee the returns
B..bu....but it’s not socialism
Fuck off with this kikery
right, because if he were homo it would hurt him how?
Your already dealing in FIAT NIGGER, good luck cunt
Low IQs detected
Bail outs for me, not for thee.
Fuck off.
You're dumb, not even worth answering your retarded question holy shit.
AND HOW DOES THIS HELP EVERYONE WHO'S GETTING CANNED BY THEIR SHITTY COMPANY? "Enforcing payment" does nothing when employers are cutting staff.
The situation is really becoming something like a litmus test for who is an NPC and who is not, in real time. The Saul Alinskyite faggots purposely being dishonest on some, Rules for Radicals, the ends justify the means kike shit are going to quickly find themselves lumped together with the NPCs and it's going to be their own faults too when eventually everyone realizes how fed up they are with anyone who seems to demonstrate an inability to understand context.
Can you imagine a situation where the NPCs are euthanized for the sake of society and there will be also Rules for Radicals practicing faggots there too going, "Wait! Don't euthanize me! I was just acting retarded!"
It'll take awhile for non NPC normalfags to break, but even they will get fed up and just say fuck it get rid of 'em all.
>down the drain
More like down under 600 feet into the mantle.
>government takes my money
>government gives me some of my money back
This cocksucking faggot's focus is to make sure the people don't get a dime and his corporate masters get billions. Lindsey should have been hung for treason decades ago.
>You’re all economically illiterate.
can't wait until this economic model is smashed into pieces and you can take your rightful place cleaning toilets
Honestly have no clue what the fuck you're trying to say. If your city goes into lockdown will you defy the law?
Who do you think lives at the bottom of that drain? Follow the money, who holds the shares?
Look user you're right but just let us BRRRRRRRR for a while ok it doesn't matter
I understand you're a jew which is why you have no understanding of humanity and think pilpul is an acceptable substitute for logic. No one here is falling for you jewish shell games you filthy kike we are getting that fucking bag even if it takes rioting in the streets and putting your banker relatives heads on spikes.
So fucking think about what you need to do a search on based on relevant terms in my post in order to understand it you retard. Your generation has really been spoonfed way too fucking much and this, in combination with common core education and has made it so you can't even think to do research on shit you don't understand using search engines on your own. The "Just google it" generation that can't even think of the right questions or relevant search terms to ask or type into a search engine on your own. Shit is sad.
boomer having a stroke, ignore
No I perfectly know which words you're using, but the problem is you're incoherently rambling about some cooked nonsense that doesn't actually mean anything. Typical boomer turning every slight against them into a life lesson.
You won’t riot. You won’t do shit.
Everyone is going to be bought out by chinks and Jews because you’re all too Dumb to understand how central banks work.
“Muh jews” is so much easier than reading a fucking book.
>Judy you were you meant to be only with me.
>La- da- da- da-
>Judy you were born in moonlight.
not if we go back on the gold standard faggot, which your generation took us off of incase your senile ass forgot
This. I don’t know why people are fighting this so hard. This is a form of disaster relief. The government sends billions in aid to ungrateful foreign countries filled with people who hate America. The government has bailed out Wall street, the airlines, and countless other money sinks.
My money is taken from every single paycheck to fund generational Welfare whores and foreign invader baby factories. The government has taken hundreds of thousands from me over my lifetime of slave wage servitude. If they’re going to send me a check for a thousand bucks I’m fucking taking it.
>sh-shut it down!
Nigger the post wasn't even addressed to you. So since you jumped in with your comment all bent out of shape when it wasn't even addressed to you shows that you have a problem with it, and your follow up question was you trying to steer the narrative back into your control. I gave you the benefit of the doubt as an NPC, but given your reaction now and your obvious deflection, it appears that you're in fact one of those dishonest shifty fuckers who act retarded about not understanding things just to achieve your goals.
boomers are finally having to sacrifice something for the good of the nation and they're loosing their minds like the spoiled children they are
Also, you retard, you knee jerk reaction labeled me a boomer just because I am critical of your misguided on the majority generation when in fact I agree with the Trumpbucks temporary stimulus. Dumbass.