see image.

Attached: real_covid-19_death_rate.png (1024x1024, 385.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

post a link faggot

bump and nice digits

Saged and hidden

>so far 80% of infected in the Netherlands don't even have to go to the hospital
Yeah, no.

No such thing as COVID-19
It's chink commie propaganda to crash the western economy

a link to what?
the johns hopkins map that i got the data from?
imagine not liking truth.

>nothingburger retards are now coping by burying their heads in the sand like an ostrich

imagine thinking going to a hospital changes mortality rates.


braindead retard OP, not everyone infected has had enough time to recover yet. it takes 3-19 days.

this is the most retarded math that I've seen in a while

didn't use the number of infected.
used the number of recovered.

>posting chinese numbers
kys, retard.
We all know those can't be trusted either way.

it's proper statistics math.

If 80% of the infected don't end up in the hospital, meaning THEY'RE FINE and get through it in a few days, maybe max 2 weeks, the mortality isn't 40 fucking % now is it? The hospitals here aren't full at all. All of the patients with heavy symptoms are in the fucking hospitals. The death rate so far is nowhere near even 10%

You don't do deaths divided by recovered you retard. You would do deaths divided by cases.
Doing it your way if there were 10 cases with 6 deaths and 4 recoveries you would have 6 / 4 = 150% mortality rate. That's not how it works.

i see you didn't read the part of the image where i clearly stated that i removed china's numbers from the stats because they are undoubtedly false.

your fear will not stop this truth from getting out.

Then they don't get tested either, so they don't really count.
This virus is extremely dangerous because when he goes unnoticed easily, spreads like fire and then you get the corpses.

imagine thinking that not being in the hospital means you're fine.

that's exactly my point , you low IQ mutt.

>using the number of recovered when nearly all cases from especially Italy aren't even closed yet as the massive numbers only started to appear recently
Jesus Christ..
Those are ONLY the cases that are tested. From all the people here that have got coronavirus, only 20% even need a hospital. The rest literally just wait it out or sleep it off at home.

>You don't do deaths divided by recovered you retard. You would do deaths divided by cases.
you do deaths divided by recovered because you have to use the stats from full virus course run through to finality (death or recovery).
active cases are irrelevant to the mortality rate.

How stupid are you, litetally kill yourself mutt

Doesn't take into account the fact that not everyone who got it has been tested and therefore wouldn't count in the total number of infected.
It's still a high death rate, but not 40%

Imagine spending your free time reading /cvg/ threads and then actually believing the contenr

I don't even know how to explain it any different than I already have. This guy is such a moron. When hospitals aren't full, anyone can get tested and so far we have like 2/3k infected. So far only 20% of those needed to stay in the hospital. MEANING the rest are fine, as otherwise they'd also be in the fucking hospital.

>Doesn't take into account the fact that not everyone who got it has been tested
irrelevant since this is recovery vs. death based stats, not infection rate stats.

imagine not liking real numbers out of fear.

I'm actually quite comfy. My lifestyle hasn't changed in the slightest.

Based Nords don't get the disease in meaningful numbers

Med plebs die like chinks

>So far only 20% of those needed to stay in the hospital. MEANING the rest are fine
which has nothing to do with the stats of recovery and death if they weren't infected, jackass.

of course it wouldn't.
you are a shut in.

so a useless statistic with no nuance that only serves to spread fear and nothing more?

Attached: 1547417051005.png (1280x720, 672.63K)

OP is confirmed faggot and cannot maths. The only true sample to use is south Korea because the gooks tested everybody. Fake and gay thread.

Attached: OP.gif (150x148, 929.73K)


around 20 of the dead italians did not have underlying health issues.
still nothingburger. actually better than nothingburger. purgevirus is the best we could hope for

>only serves to spread fear and nothing more?
fear is a self-inflicted wound and you cannot blame others for you being paranoid about it being spread.
i provide info.
you choose the emotion you tie to it.

People told me that Bergamo is a cemetary.

imagine thinking sanitation conditions are the same across the globe as in south korea.

It doesn't include people who currently have the virus; only those who have died or recovered. It's assuming the death and recover numbers are the total population of people with the virus and thus the math is bullshit.

I remember back in the day when in order to troll people you had to do more than be bad at math.

why are germans so negative?

You're either doing some pretending to be retarded bit or else so incredibly stupid that nobody can get through to you to make you realize what you're failing to understand here. You absolutely do NOT calculate a mortality rate with deaths divided by recovered. The denominator needs to be the total number of cases.


>american education

Attached: 1299366440731.jpg (425x300, 66.16K)

They don't go to the hospital because their symptoms are so minor that they probably would have just assumed they had a cold or mild case of the flu if not for the media coverage.

Calling it "Corona-Chan" isn't going to save you either.

Attached: yep.jpg (1200x794, 170.68K)

Mate, you're legit fucking retarded. Most people (80%) of the people here that got the virus, GOT OVER IT IN A FEW DAYS. It is literally a nothing burger until you have so many cases the hospitals (ICUs) are full. THEN you'll start to see more deaths. The only reason the mortality rates are so high right now is because this shit started in China. Most other countries only just started to see many cases. Nearly all cases aren't over yet, so they don't count as recovered, even if the people are doing fine.

>You absolutely do NOT calculate a mortality rate with deaths divided by recovered. The denominator needs to be the total number of cases.

this is a positive post. down with welfare, down with socialism.

that's irrelevant to the info we have outside of leaving a margin of error for 2%-3%
still leaving us with a massive mortality rate.

> It's assuming the death and recover numbers are the total population of people with the virus and thus the math is bullshit.
It's even worse than that. He's not doing deaths / (deaths + recovered) and merely failing to include people who neither died nor recovered. He's doing deaths / recovered, as in he thinks if there are 10 cases, 6 deaths, and 4 recoveries then that means the mortality rate was 150%.

>This dumbass
Try running these numbers with flu hospitalizations only, you'll be wowed


pls user you are embarrassing us

Take infected numbers in spain, divide by deaths
Now do same with netherlands numbers
Compare ratios
Understand that you are basically repeating the same shit that italians did a long time ago, that spain repeated 11 days ago
If you keep climbing like us, you'll see how bad it really is.
There are spreaders that eventually kill it, and there are people that spread it and then just melt.
This thing is a weapon

>Most people (80%) of the people here that got the virus, GOT OVER IT IN A FEW DAYS.
you've only had 2 recoveries, liar.

Attached: Capture.png (369x191, 6.54K)

bye bye debt accumulated by spending on people who will never pay a cent back in the rest of their lives.
>OH NO we can't have that

Attached: 1566353585901.png (792x470, 195.13K)

Imagine starting the thread saying you eliminated the Chinese numbers, but the math on your graphic uses the Chinese numbers.

recovered vs deaths?
wow would i be wowed that viruses kill at a high rate?

they want the panic so people go get vaccines, then people who don't get it are made out to be bad guy enemy. then if you don't have the rfid chip implanted you are quarantined into fema camps and set to die.

you provide useless info that adds nothing to any discussion because it has no nuance to it. that was my point.

Attached: 72067171_p13.png (900x750, 243.41K)

Op is a faggot

>A fucking flu

lmao, this isn't the Ebola

read it again.
i clearly omitted the chinese numbers, not used them.

>it has no nuance to it.
it's not subtle.
it's fact, not useless.

>percentage calculator
The road to recovery is longer than the road to death. It will take more time before these stats normalize.

i also appreciate the fact that i must be right because instantly this thread was attacked.
thanks for proving my point again, Yas Forums.
never change.

Not yet, give it a week or two.

time is not relevant to the current situation of statistics.
eventually the numbers will level out, until then we have 40%.

You're still full of shit. I live in Washington. 90% of the deaths here were people 80 and older that lived in nursing homes. We likely have 20000 cases. If I used your math here, the death rate is 80%. Just stop already, there's enough disinfo. Troll elseswhere.

I believe it, but it only works if you actually release a killer virus

>around 20 of the dead italians did not have underlying health issues.
still nothingburger. actually better than nothingburger. purgevirus is the best we could hope for

Source pls

>90% of the deaths here were people 80 and older that lived in nursing homes
using age as a gatekeeper, huh?
you've had zero recoveries so far so your stats are yet to be determined.

Attached: Capture.png (373x192, 7.04K)

Underrated post

So it's 100%!!!


ny-post cites this study, but i didn't bother trying to google-translate it

Plus we have had recovered people. Patient zero is fully recovered. Also, many dianosed are recovered but not double negative test confirmed.

Because nearly all of them only got the virus this or last week and can't be counted as recovered yet. Jesus Christ you're retarded. Dude, the infection numbers are probably way higher than they're saying anyway. So many people don't even realize they have it, don't show symptoms or they just can't test people etc. The real mortality rate probably isn't high at all.

The maths on this is wrong, but if you do deaths + recovered, and then find the percentage of deaths from that number, it ends up being (roughly) 29% if I'm not a maths retard.

That still sounds too high to me, maybe that's the death rate from the total hospitalised cases?

No, your logic is flawed from the start and your numbers are meaningless.
See No one should trust anyone who needs a "percentage calculator" for basic elementary math.

but that would make sense since everybody in washington state is a fucking pussy.


I saw that too......

>this or last week and can't be counted as recovered yet.
the stats are updated everyday, kid.

During an outbreak the death rate ratio is the :
> Case Fatality Ration: Death / ( death + recovered )

And its around 29% (with you numbers and without China)

Wrong, the real COVID-19 death rate is .03-.3%.

See: South Korea and Germany.

He's hopeless or a troll. I pointed out south Korea and all he could sputter was "muh, hygiene".



>implying i needed the calculator and didn't use it just for the screenshot
and you wouldn't double divide by deaths just to pad your numbers.

>must be right because instantly this thread was attacked
We attack retarded threads for sport.

two countries do not supply the world with enough info.

that's not how things work here.
it never has been.
it never will be.