You have been greatly deceived

you have been greatly deceived

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Other urls found in this thread:

no shit sherlock

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They were pieces of shit as far as I know.

Sumerian religion teaches that the afterlife is a miserable place, for everyone. I hope they're not the "truth" behind the mysteries of the universe.

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I guessing you have been tainted with the tar brush

some bring nice tech.

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It seems to be a dream-like experience so your beliefs matter there.

What is it? I had a lot of shit done to my body.

Says the impressionable idiot who takes 0.0001% of unrelated statues and presumes a trend.

Attached: Black Eyes.jpg (3840x3840, 2.94M)

>kirlian photograph of a pyramid

How the fuck did they do that? It's contact print photography

>pic related

Attached: 1920px-Kirlian_Photography_Cross_Section.png (1920x509, 152.15K)

Nah, the blue eyed soulless wiggers are absurdly shit. Jews are amateurs compared to them.

>proceeds to do the same
Cope more nigger

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>statues from the same region of the world showing the same people

you missed the point entirely

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America's and Sumeria being ancient Aryans is bullshit I think, but that doesn't change that there WAS a proto Indo European steppe Civilisation and that they DID influence found or are the ancestors of practically everyone else

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all only because (redacted) couldt fit a power meter to wireless antennas. DAS DE GREED

Attached: 15966248_1730601480590934_4174349122775441368_n.jpg (733x379, 49.56K)

explain like i'm retarded, I'm actually interested

did they take a kirlian photograph of an actual pyramid in egypt or is that a model on a desk? the latter I see as plausible, but I assumed that was in Egypt or something

blue eyed whites are gods

(((they))) are dysgenic hellspawn

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99.9999% of ancient statues have black eyes.

There is no point connecting them, they're seperated by millenia or centuries. Blue eyes aren't remarkable and none of them have actual connections to swastikas except for the Buddha and the Buddha isn't even contemporary ancient artwork.

This is why people call people like us schizos, because of retarded memes that idiots take seriously.

Attached: b11C0s3.jpg (1521x1080, 277.37K)

>ayo this is egyptian radio here to make an important announcement
>human being has fair hair
>hol up stop the papyrus

Attached: Blonde Nubian girl inside Elephantine Island, in Aswan.jpg (1049x698, 230.13K)


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moses and pharaoh

No, that would be humans and in particular the MAYA


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Finally some good shit

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>99.9999% of ancient statues have black eyes.
Yea but we did DNA tests on the pharoahs.
They're not niggers. They have more in common with white people than they do you.
Naturally. Still you're a kike anyways so I don't know why I'm pretending you're a nig.

They were exactly the same kind of shithead as the jews.
They weren't even some higher influence, they were infiltrators, saboteurs and gatekeepers like the kikes.

> memeflag
> schizo default reply

vril shills
not sure if das a larp

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>The mummy of Ahhotep II was destroyed in 1859

We don't know how damaged that is

rofl that girl has more Aryan blood in her than most Swedes. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Literally no one in the world thinks Egyptians were niggers unless they have the IQ of a lowland gorilla in the Congo

By a bunch of chinks it seems.

I love how niggers think Egypt is "African".
I guess they will soon claim that George Washing is black.


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adreno harvest ?

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Niggers, everyone.

The Greeks say the chariot came from the Libyans.

Those tests produced mtdna only from lower Egypt, from a multicultural graveyard. No pharaohs were tested and the only pharaoh who has had his genetics published, as well as his son, were e1b1a which is the Bantu haplogroup.

Can I ask why you are both getting so defensive? If you want to learn about Egypt I can try to answer questions.

Because these are not sane theories. They're unrelated artifacts being strung together to brainwash people who don't know how to think critically.

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Could be the could be the civilization that got wiped out be a meteor 11600 years ago. Graham Hannock and Randal Carlson talk about it, they even found the impact location in Greenland. It's pretty much Atlantis.

>Blue eyes aren't remarkable
>people all over the world make statues with them
our women are literal angels. our men are gods. we are the only humans capable of mastering our destiny. all we need to do to accomplish this is stop trying to help everyone else

>"people like us"
>absolutely seething at this thread
ok, nigger

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Who do I become more of a God?

t. Blue eyed white

>look a picture of a goat, it's totally the fucking devil guys
Nigga what?



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Egypt had various dynasties and ethnic groups. Also, memeflag.

>Those tests produced mtdna only from lower Egypt, from a multicultural graveyard
There's been more than just those tests. Until a DNA example from a nigger king is provided there were no niggers in Egypt. It's not niggerdom anyways it's Egypt. With Egyptians.

For real though
How do I become more of a God?

t. Blue eyed white

I dont get it.

Kek you're still drinking the (((academia))) kool-aid. You'll always be decades behind waiting on them. Sometimes centuries.

>people all over the world make statues with them
No. Those are almost all of them. A small handful seperated by thousands of years.

There isn't a race on the planet that doesn't know about blue eyes. Babies are born with them and mutations as well as aging happens, producing various colors of the eye. There are almost as many red eyed statues as blue, from what I've seen.

Yes I linked a page showing more genetics. The 2017 study is mtdna in lower Egypt only, it's practically worthless and the study itself acknowledges that because it's only from one site. And again the site was literally a multicultural graveyard. People would travel from as far away as India to die there.

You don't even know what an Egyptian is dude, stop acting like you have a grasp on their genetics.
>Comprising 60% of the Egyptian population,[9] the fellahin lead humble lives and continue to live in mud-brick houses like their ancient ancestors. Their percentage was much higher in the early 20th century, before the large influx of Egyptian fellahin into urban towns and cities. In 1927, anthropologist Winifred Blackman, author of The Fellahin of Upper Egypt, conducted ethnographic research on the life of Upper Egyptian farmers and concluded that there were observable continuities between the cultural and religious beliefs and practices of the fellahin and those of ancient Egyptians.

Some other groups that have been in Egypt for all of known history:

Attached: Blue eyed Ethiopians Egyptians Sudanese Berbers and other Africans.jpg (5120x2880, 3.74M)

t. kiisara

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Step 1. Learn to fucking write you illiterate faggot.




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Yeah but most were of the same stock of people.

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Not a single white mummy has been shown to the public. All of those have African skull shapes and limb proportions. As for hair:
>Hair gets its color from two different types of pigments: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is the pigment that gives our hair its darkness, while pheomelanin gives our hair its redness. Your hair color is especially distinctive because it has its own unique combination of eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin has two subtypes: black and brown. If you have more black eumelanin in your hair, then it would naturally be a darker color. Consequently, if there is a total lack of black eumelanin and low levels of brown eumelanin, then there is a high chance of you being born with blonde hair. As you grow older, the eumelanin levels of both kinds drop, which causes the greying of your hair.
>Pheomelanin, on the other hand, is responsible for adding red and orange colors to your hair. It’s rare to have a high concentration of pheomelanin, which is why there are so few natural redheads in the world.
>It does, however, exist in some quantities in everyone’s hair. It is also more stable than eumelanin. Eumelanin breaks down easily through the process of oxidization, but pheomelanin does not. Pheomelanin tends to hang around within the hair even after being exposed to extreme conditions. Therefore, under wet oxidizing climates, the eumelanin in the hair is lost over extended periods of time, leaving behind the red pigment, pheomelanin.
>In short, the answer is yes! There is a chance that your hair could turn red after you die! If you need a point of reference, you should look at the ancient Egyptians. Their mummies seem to sport a healthy shade of murky red, despite the centuries of decay. It does take longer, though, for the oxidizing process to occur in controlled dry conditions like an Egyptian tomb. Even so, nature doesn’t discriminate. Red hair, the fashion of the undead, eventually gets to us all.

Attached: so called white mummies.jpg (2700x7680, 3.68M)


>Cranial analysis of the Jebel Sahaba fossils found that they shared osteological affinities with a hominid series from Wadi Halfa in Sudan.[8] Additionally, comparison of the limb proportions of the Jebel Sahaba skeletal remains with those of various ancient and recent series indicated that they were most similar in body shape to the examined modern populations from Sub-Saharan Africa (viz. 19th century fossils belonging to the San population, 19th century West Africa fossils, 19th and 20th century Pygmy fossils, and mid-20th century fossils culled from Kenya and Uganda in East Africa). However, the Jebel Sahaba specimens were post-cranially distinct from the Iberomaurusians and other coeval series from North Africa, and they were also morphologically remote from later Nubian skeletal series and from fossils belonging to the Mesolithic Natufian culture of the Levant.[9]
>[The Egyptian] samples [of 996 mummies] exhibit morphologically simple, mass-reduced dentitions that are similar to those in populations from greater North Africa (Irish, 1993, 1998a–c, 2000) and, to a lesser extent, western Asia and Europe (Turner, 1985a; Turner and Markowitz, 1990; Roler, 1992; Lipschultz, 1996; Irish, 1998a).
>A 2006 bioarchaeological study on the dental morphology of ancient Egyptians in Upper Egypt by Joel Irish found that their dental traits were most similar to those of other Nile Valley populations, with more remote ties with Bronze Age to Christian period Nubians (e.g. A-Group, C-Group, Kerma) and other Afro-Asiatic speaking populations in Northeast Africa (Tigrean)

real talk, how do you get to be as dumb as you are lol

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>Amenhotep was blond

Guess you should tell that to the ancient egyptains

Attached: pharaoh amenhotep.jpg (660x680, 86.08K)

>Eric Crubezy's team showed that Predynastic cemetery in Adaima in Upper Egypt showed "Khoisan" dental markers (formally referred to as "Bushmen canine")
>In 2008 Keita found that the early predynastic groups in Southern Egypt were similar craniometrically to Nile valley groups of Ethiopid extraction, and as a whole the dynastic Egyptians (includes both Upper and Lower Egyptians) show much closer affinities with these particular Northeast African populations.
>In 2013, Terrazas et al. conducted a comparative craniometric analysis of Dynastic Egyptian skulls with ancient and recent crania from other parts of Africa, and found that the ancient Egyptians were morphologically closest to modern Afroasiatic-speaking populations from the Horn of Africa. Both of these fossil series possessed Middle Eastern affinities and were distinct from the analyzed prehistoric crania of North Africa and the Horn region, including the Pleistocene Rabat skull, Herto Homo sapiens idaltu fossil and Early Holocene Kef Oum Touiza skeleton.
>According to Robins and Shute the average limb elongation ratios among ancient Egyptians is higher than that of modern West Africans who reside much closer to the equator. Robins and Shute therefore term the ancient Egyptians to be "super-negroid"
>Zakrzewski (2003) studied skeletal samples from the Badarian period to the Middle Kingdom. She confirmed the results of Robins and Shute that Ancient Egyptians in general had "tropical body plans" but that their proportions were actually "super-negroid".
>Trikhanus (1981) found Egyptians to plot closest to tropical Africans and not Mediterranean Europeans residing in a roughly similar climatic area.[52] A more recent study compared ancient Egyptian osteology to that of African-Americans and White Americans, and found that the stature of the Ancient Egyptians was more similar to the stature of African-Americans, although it was not identical:

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>Not a single white mummy has been shown to the public. All of those have African skull shapes and limb proportions. As for hair:

...Didn't wealthy kikes used to eat mummies back in the day? So much so that we lost the majority of them? What if...?

it's literally situated on the African continent you retarded English teacher

his mummy didn't have hair unless I messed up on this pic

Attached: Amenhotep III.jpg (4792x2880, 3.51M)

Europeans, not necessarily kikes.

And yeah it's disgusting on so many levels, primarily because we struggle finding AE DNA, probably because those freaks ate it all.

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childrens blood has lots of stem cells and likely other compounds which can be beneficial to sickly, weak inbreds. not to mention (((they))) are much susceptible to mental illness, such as psychopathy and schizophrenia, schizophrenia inducing psychosis, a state of mind not too dissimilar from ones achieved from the practices engaged in the earliest forms of religion, mysticism, which the kabbalah happens to revolve around. mysticism revolves around taking drugs and inflicting pain on yourself or others to induce psychotic states of mind. combine this with sexual selection for psychopathy and you have satan worshipping blood drinking parasites

>There are almost as many red eyed statues as blue, from what I've seen.
ok, nigger

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>It also turns your hair straight

Can you deceive someone who believes nothing?

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So they were niggers?

dude just post the dark fayum mummy portraits

Attached: Fayum-mummy-portraits-2.jpg (1200x486, 156.8K)

I'm not a liar. I'd love if people like you enjoyed the truth as much as I do.

There are few red eyed statues, and few blue eyed statues. There are zillions of black eyed statues because ancient civillizations were primarily dark people.

They may or may not have curly hair, Egypt has all types. I'd imagine they did weird shit with hair though besides combing it. Some of them are wearing wigs or have hair dye for example.

Attached: Albino.jpg (1160x2219, 268.45K)

obvious north african and cap skulls.

Prehistoric people were made from gold?

He is calling you a nigger

oh no here it comes

another red eyed statue

Attached: screen-shot-2019-06-02-at-7.10.41-am.png (1026x1366, 1.42M)

don't let lucifer deceive you brother. accept god.

They're ethiopid, somalid, or even blacker primarily. Look at how dolichocephalic they are and how the chin tucks away.

Attached: Ramesses Tutsi .jpg (570x278, 61.2K)

Litterally all painted in photoshop

The Fayum portraits give you a good idea of the 2017 study of the Abusir people, with that diverse Mtdna. Lower Egypt was metropolitan, it wasn't like the far more homogenous Upper(southern) Egypt.

There are actual Indians depicted in the Fayum portraits as well as some Arab and (((white))) looking people, alongside darker Egyptians.

Attached: Fayum portraits.jpg (2295x2336, 2.7M)

Mummy's hair is now wigs and what ever treatment they used last but the fucking oxygen had enough fucking time to oxidize nigger hair blond


Some of them are touched up to make them look more blue and sometimes you see fake ones but those in particular are all blue eyed.

Some are wearing wigs and some are dyed, yes. Not all of them though, not even most of them. Most of them don't have hair at all.

Attached: Some Egyptian busts and statues.jpg (3856x3335, 3.62M)