What are we gonna do about the CCP sweatshop trash and fearful zhongguoren expats that are spamming Yas Forums? They're pretty obvious when you read between Xi's pubes in their teeth.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Then who is repeating the template phrase "THE WHOLE WORLD vs. China something" in every thread? They are like bots - saying this combination of words "the whole world or the entire world and then they say some shit about China.

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If you can think, then you get called a chink

Fucking pirate flag now? I guess that's more appropriate for China scum.

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You forgot to add "The whole world", nigger. In every fucking thread you shitpost again and again - the whole world or the entire world something something. You think people are blind?

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I kinda feel for them. Bunch of brainwashed bugs. Especially the expats. Most of them are basically indentured servant bio/economic warfare bodies that got a glimpse of free society. They know that Xi will have them back home and send another desperate serf to occupy their house instead if they don’t do their part in subversion.

Like some of those Indian scam telemarketers. I mad one cry once by telling him that doing what he does was bad karma and shames his family

Don't worry I'll distract them

Ahem, uh rook ova heeruh, I-uh have somuh derisush bata soupa

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I've seen that nigger and that ain't me. I guess a lot of people hate you fucking coronahumans though.

lol, they sound like the lowest quality glowniggers who would be assigned to 3am shift.

Go back to Yas Forums

lol even the shittiest Pajeet still believes in karma eh? What do these coronese fuckers even believe in? Chairman Mao? Confucius?

To their credit, family ancestors. Tell them that their ancestors weep at what they have been made into.

Lol fuck off I do this for free. How much did that American middle name cost ya, chonginus?

>everyone who doesn't think we're all gonna be dead in 2 weeks is a chink shill
Or maybe we're just paying attention to the numbers?
Like the boomer death ship - where only 7 out of 700 sick,old infected boomers died?

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>t. coofer

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China is bad just look at this bridge fell down and elevator broken.

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Well I sure as hell know their ancestors will weep at the money we sue them for. KEK.

Make them miserable globally.

If you see a Chinaman in Toronto, make them feel guilty for what they caused. Not Japanese people, not Korean people. These two have souls.

Burn in HELL!

Probably an expat contractor buying chingchong materials and still stuffing the concrete with cardboard lel

Zimbabwe 2: Amerimutt niggers try to seize farms and reparations from china


Afterwards, all those construction worker were executed by Xi for daring to tell the truth. Holocaust camps where 1 million uighurs are burned each second. Nazi marches with a red flag. WAKE UP SHEEPLE

Calm down, Aiden, or we will have to have Dr Goldstein increase your meds again.

Seize the whole gotdamn country by land, sea, air, and cyberwebz. You're FUCKED.

Americans are tough. We endure pulmonary emergencies every day just from being normal size (unlike starving chinese)


This, it's like a second holocaust over there. Trust me bro I have sources.

The US can't even seize Afghanistan from the Taliban after almost 20 years

At least we don't catch coronavirus from eating pangolins and proceed to burn the world economy with our chinkstench.

I must say, Chinks are never gonna live this down huh. They can make fun of our nothingburgers and MAGA but they're the only ones who are living with the shame of having destroyed civilization by eating batshit and pangolins.

And you insects couldn’t seize Vietnam either... cringe

Southerners in the US catch medival diseases like leprosy and the black plague from squirrels and armadillos (the american type of pangolin). Good think they are too scared of terrorists or poor to fly.

Correct, we also lost the Vietnam war like we are losing Afghanistan right now

Good thing they know how to practice some fucking hygiene, chingaling. Your country was a bio-disaster waiting to happen kek. I hope this time it takes your whole damn bugnest first.

You can drop the VPN ping ling, I’m talking about the Sino-Vietnamese war

> americans know how to practice hygiene but china doesn't

> no new cases in China just months after a bio attack

> so you need make up cases in your mind to cope

>I-I wasn't talking about the war with vietnam we lost
>I was making fun of you about the one you guys lost

>> so you need make up cases in your mind to cope
Shut up chink shill my dad works for alibaba and he said there's actually billions of dead bodies hidden in wuhan.
The only reason other countries are moving even slower than the ccp reported numbers is because of hygiene and stuff.

I read somewhere they stop posting when an image of Xinnie the Pooh is posted. Spam it around for a while to check if it's true.

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Re read my sentence you island monkey, I said we both lost

>I said we both lost
>still cringing at the other guy for losing
kek. yeah, doesn't matter how you try to kikespin it, you're still a faggot here.
You are like a tranny cringing at another tranny who also cut his cock and balls off.

tik tak to!

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Hot fucking words for a literal abomination on a destitute chain of islands. The only thing your “people” have won is malaria

This is fucking great. I bet even their VPNs are getting CCP ICBMs targeted at them for this blasphemy.

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>giving others shit about their "countries"
>is a memeflag
Go dilate faggot. Your crotchholewound is closing fast.


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Can you comment on wooden doors to gas chambers and Israeli nukes pointed to european capitols?

This but with “biohazard”

I don’t have a mental illness you second hand cumrag

fuck xi

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nothing they could possibly say or do aside from an apology and cleaning up wuhan so the world stops getting sick from them is going to matter

>I don’t have a mental illness
then why are you a tranny with a hole where your dick used to be? hmm?

o shit I think it's working bro.
My buddy in this thread just called me from china saying they're knocking on his door.
I just saw the ccp fly over my house.

Please don't post the ruins of banishment that would be devastating.

Whole lotta projection there from a monkey in the tropics

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chairman pooh

Attached: vvtSrRMS_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23.22K)

whole lot of mucus projection from that festering crotch-wound you have there tranny faggot lmao

Oh c'mon, my leafcuck friend. Let's sue 'em. All those hungry vancouver chingchong women will be after your (((money))).

Fuuuuuuck. Please stop man.
My buddy said they're gonna give him another year in jail for every illegal picture in this thread.
Stop he's already at 7 years.

Its another shoah for sure.

We said Never Again. Now we must act. China MUST be held accountable for the holocaust. Millions of people in Hong Kong and Xinjiang cannot allow their voices to be silenced by the oppressive anti-semitic regime of the CCP.

Kek how tall are you? 160cm? Also, I never brought up trannies so they’re clearly on your mind buddy. See the harder

lol at these weak ass pictures.

I was talking to someone who went to university in Beijing. They had videos of Tiannenmen square on servers in the university. Guess what happened, they got taken down and no one went to jail. Exactly like what happens when you have a video doing math about the holocaust on youtube.

I think the CCP shills legit fucking disappeared after I spammed these. They must have a camera-mounted machine gun pointed at them that kills them if they even think of laughing at these. So they avoid them completely. FUCKIN KEK.

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>I never brought up trannies
Then why did you cut your dick off?
>See the harder
See the harder what?
Don't try to pretend like you still have a cock faggot lmaoing @ your life

And I know you're just an expat cuck they sent here to proselytize for Maoism, so I figured you'd still be hanging around.

>didn’t address the height question

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you've posted this exact thing in every thread ive seen, fuck u

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>Exactly like what happens when you have a video doing math about the holocaust on youtube.
Europoors actually do go to jail for that though.

Attached: Jinnie-the-Pooh-T-Shirt-•-Stand-with-Hong-Kong-Shirt-Xi-Jinping-Shirt-Freedom-of-Speech-Shirt-Xi-Jinping-Pooh.jpg (600x600, 227.14K)

wow, talk about overreaction.

you realize he just trolling right? paranoid schizo gets you nowhere in life, remember this.

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>h-how tall are you?
kek. I'm 6'2, fren. Any other questions?

Noooo please. 13 years. STAHP I'M BEGGING YOU.
They said they'll kill him if you do this for the next 3 hours straight.

I'm sorry, billions?

>I’m 6’2
Glad you had the courage to post a bold lie like that
Yeah how’s it feel to get cucked by Bruce. Does your sister go to Bali often?

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