This happening will not "blow over"

The whole nation has called in sick for over a month straight and people think things will go back to "normal". Doesnt work that way for an employee or a nation.

This is nation changing.

Here are some permanent changes that will occur in the nation
>telework will be more common as employees realize traffic and office is a waste of time
>because of telework lots of commercial real estate will lose value
>this will change the real estate market forever
>cars will become increasingly expensive or a "shared service" due to changing work location patterns.
>teacher unions will lose power as parents realize the benefit of self directed online learning
>classroom sizes will increase dramatically and alternatives schools will open up

Discuss other obvious future implications

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want to fuck that teddy bear

the teddy bear is interested in this proposition.

Everyone will strap on vacuum pocket pussies and VR fuck shit.

let's skip past the pleasantries, shall we? which fema zone are you moving to? IV? VII?

Never change, /pol. never change.

>Dating is going to become stranger and more depressing as people become more isolated
>Delivery companies and shipping companies stand to win. Death Stranding incoming.

FEMA zone III reporting

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cities will slowly dissolve and become more rural again. The whole nation will become lots of small hamlets.

I don't buy it OP. Cubicles and open plan offices were rapidly adopted by businesses because of the wicked real estate savings, and despite a measurable productivity loss. But teleworking, and I know this from having done it for a few years, is simply not the same thing as in-person working in a team. You just can't collaborate as closely and a lot of the non-verbal aspects of work are harder if not impossible.
I don't think the changes you describe will come to pass.

Managers will resist this work from home trend because it will impair their need to be in charge.

AI drivers for trucks will be implemented sooner than expected

But a lot of office jobs people are not collaborating to begin with.

Lots of jobs in accounting, financial analysis, and operations research are already solo. I worked in a few big companies doing ops research and I and everyone else just showed up and went to our desk for 8 hrs and maybe met once a week for two.

This is true, managers are judge by how many people they manage. This is also why pointless jobs exist, managers lie to their managers saying they need more "resources (people) on the project just so they can manage more people then justify a request for salary increase.

I hope so. Also some of these lazy ass niggas will hopefully die off, so I stop getting calls on Saturday to come in because jamlaliqia needs time off again.

They also don't like this barrier that they can't walk by unannounced, they have to make a call which the employee can answer now or later. They don't have the ability to intimidate using the office environment, they can receive more measured responses because there is less direct intimidation.

is that 12 yo female teddy? asking for a friend.

That sounds pretty good.
But nothing good ever happens so I'm going to say your predictions are very gay.

this will become the norm as biological warfare becomes more frequent

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Specious nonsense.
>You just can't collaborate as closely and a lot of the non-verbal aspects of work are harder if not impossible.
Not really.

>NEET is the New Normal

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he looks like he knows you do


The virus isn't just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That's why people are being released only to die later after being "reinfected".

WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.

WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, poorly defined

New: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says

14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier

31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery"

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Virus invades nervous systems

>>teacher unions will lose power as parents realize the benefit of self directed online learning
it would take a long fucking time for normie parents to think that
like over a year or more

anyone who has taken online classes knows that last parts bullshit

Oh no half or more of the population will die and we're closer to having national socialism oh woe is me

Starfish! Starfish! Have you in a row!!
Starfish! Starfish! Have you on Yas Forums!!

There’ll be a lack of trust between Americans that will go on for awhile. Mental health will be a serious issue after this.

Fuck off fear mongering jew faggot.

>omg guise all these major changes are going to happen
no. they aren't. shut up.

Decades of hard learned experience in how to use medical testing and not hurt people has just been blasted to smithereens.


So what kind of job skills should I acquire? Especially if I want to work from home?

It took 40 years to discover the Spanish Flu could cause Parkinson’s. We will be discovering things about this virus for years.

Based and patchwork pilled. Moldbug was right.

>super cheap oil
The muscle car will come back with a vengeance.

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There is only one tip for calling in sick. Put on your "I smoke six packs a day and have lung cancer" voice and cough intermittently over the phone.

fuck off, reddit

>panic run on guns and ammo shows normies just how restrictive the current firearm laws are
A political movement is launched to restore the 2nd across the nation

>gov issued surplus M16A2 for all citizens of fighting age

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>increased anti Chinese rhetoric instills a patriotic fervor among all Americans, giving us a clear enemy to rally against for the first time since the cold war ended
Explosion of military research and defense production

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This is true, but I can see an easy transition to a work week that only involves 2 or 3 days in the office with the rest spent telecommuting.

Office space is already hugely overvalued.
Every wonder why there is so much empty office square foot in your local downtown yet they just built a new building? All that office space is tied up in wall street funds, and is valued at x squarefoot. Let’s say $15 per square foot.
In a real capitol economy the price would drop till new businesses could afford to move in there.
But we are in a financialized economy, not a capitol, they cant devalue the space because that would devalue the fund. But someone you can still build a new building even if a building two blocks down is half empty... leading to weird soulless empty downtowns. With no real density to support local culture and business.
Anyways to answer your question a lot more work for home won’t happen because most office jobs are makework jobs to keep people busy and a big part of that is forcing bodies into seats for various psychological reasons.

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>barrier that they can't walk by unannounced, they have to make a call which the employee can answer now or later. They don't have the ability to intimidate using the office environmen
Yep. Most companies actually need the people they have, but only 20% of the time. 80% of the time they are running well over capacity.

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I thought the phone on the table was a McDonalds bag.

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>cars will become increasingly expensive or a "shared service" due to changing work location patterns.
You just said they’ll be used less. You also said real estate will go down in value due to there being less of a use for office space. One goes up in value yet one goes down. Explain this logic.

True to all, but the teachers things.

>>teacher unions will lose power as parents realize the benefit of self directed online learning
>>classroom sizes will increase dramatically and alternatives schools will open up

Teachers will never get outsourced and directed home learning has its limitations. For a few weeks it may work, but only because of the groundwork laid out in the months before. And homelearning means basically that you are outcourcing a teachers job to parents, who have no interest and education to teach kids. Esspecially during high school.

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Watershed moment in the history of the world.
>Manufacturing is coming back to the western hemisphere
>more time for recreation
>leisure leisure leisure
>at home doctor visits
Watershed moment, fellas.

Cars are a mass produced product and benefit from economy of scale.

If less people buy then the cost to produce goes up. This is why sports cars are more expensive.

My theory is that cars prices will actually fall as auto makers struggle to maintain relevancy. Also because people will buy less commuter vehicles, the price discrepancy between sports cars and commuters will disappear hence this post

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Based and red pilled.

All the midwit colleges are going to get played when everyone reasons the online version provided by the text book are as good or better than showing up for class.
But you are right for K-12
Remember the real reason for compulsory schooling: to babysit kids so both adults can work. Everything else is secondary to this state/economy reason de jure. This is why it is extremely hard to kick even violent people out of school, everyone is garnered a babysitter from age 6 to 18. Same with lowwitted people who should be being taught how to haul lumber and dig ditches for 4 years so they can be simiskilled by age 18.

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Send the teddy bear in to replace you or you're fired! He seems well enough.

You will be able to vape your medicine to fix your lungs. The cure for all respiratory and lung disease is in vaping.

the future is going to be glorious

"Normal" was fucking shit.

True. But if they are brutally murdered, then the managers won’t matter.

You say that now, but trust me things can get a lot worse.

I'm in V, but I can get to III or IV very quickly.
Which will have the most swing sets at the camp? I have kids.
It's warmer in III and IV I know.

Incel power fantasy.
typical wagie
Now get off Facebook and take these files across to marketing,

Because they use fear and intimidation, a great way to communicate your displeasure with management is to kill them. Then management will be intimidated and afraid instead of the employees.

Im wondering if people will just stop shaking hands after this kek
Also the economic ramifications are far worse than you're making it out to be

Youre fucking GLOWING

It’s going to be bad news for corporations, because people have TIME now. They’re cooking. They’re cleaning. Some are starting gardens. This has been stolen almost entirely from people since the boomers ruined fucking everything.

>Also the economic ramifications are far worse than you're making it out to be
What’s your take?

>Big Change
People will realize how fucking useless their marriage partner is.
>annoying to spend all day with
>can't cook
Marriage will finally consciously devolve to just wedding-themed parties without the legal contract.

not really, it takes years to reprogram someone, if anything the first few weeks you miss the offics