/ptg/ President Trump General - Starry Night Edition

@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>TrumpTweet: WE WILL PREVAIL 3/18/19
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Nursing CEOs 3/18/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/18/20
>DefSec Esper on (((FakeNews))) 3/18/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 3/18/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FoxNews 3/18/20
>AgSec Perdue on Dobbs 3/18/20
>AgSec Perdue on FoxNews 3/18/20
>Trump2020Adviser Harp on FBN 3/18/20
>StateDeptVideo: Iranian Regime's Misinformation Campaign 3/18/20
>WHVideo: WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx: If you feel sick, stay home 3/18/20
>WHVideo: SG Adams Message to Young People 3/18/20
>WHVideo: Who needs to be tested for Corona-chan? 3/18/20
>WHVideo: NIAIDDir Fauci: What To Do If You Feel Sick 3/18/20
>WHVideo: What should you do if you think you might have Corona-chan? 3/18/20
>TrumpAd: Trump: Presumptive 2020 Republican Nominee 3/17/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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New baker needed.

Thread theme:


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What did she mean by this?

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Be nog, get nogged

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Hold the line boys. Help is coming, But it will take a little bit

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Berniebro here. Im voting Trump

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Niggers be noggin. Checks out.

She knows she’s losing power.

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>Corona Virus is literally a democratic voter plague.
democrat votes in the BIG BLUE CITIES are the plague.
Our fren Corona Chan is the cure.

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bee nice

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What you said!

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Die on a ship with covid and sea sickness. Priceless.

My Gf's Bf posted this on my reddit feed. I think it is cringe

The circle of life

How long until trump dares to speak against the rothschilds like stalin did

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Nig status: Nogged.

Goodnight, every-wan.

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The chaos is only gonna get worse, wont it? I wonder when will the complete meltdown happen.

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The hospital ships are currently planned to House only non virus emergencies. The idea is to keep those who have the Virus off the ship

glad to see wolf in the spot now
he's very cute

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Wouldn't they kill him?

It's the dawn of the next era in Human History. And instead of a hot war between nations, we might just luck out expending that destructive energy against a semi-live, organic nanoparticle.

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Trump already knows how the (((other side))) works

would a chinaman eat this?

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We could literally round up the Rothschilds and execute them

>gets bullied every single time i come on here
>for no reason at all
>think it's time to dish it back at them
>oh no no no, stop it right there you dum cat
inshallah you will all apologize to me

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>All of North America, soon South America with the help of brazil.
>Then we move to Europe, then some of the Stan's, India after, then Africa easily, we can control the population there good. Then the Emu's and Church shooters. Then all of China, Malaysia will collapse and Japan as the final nation.
We really don't want israel or any of the rest of that mess inside our border!
All we need are trade deals and tariffs where necessary to protect American Workers.
The Business of America is Business.
Nothing personal, it is just business.

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Has this term ever been used to describe non-nigs? It's like how (((Asians))) are always Muhammadeans.

If you want something valuable data-wise, the twitter handle tied to CtrlPew has a bunch of firearm 3D CAD and printing models right through their main link.

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Its the war on the unknown. We thought the war on terror and drugs was a waste. Imagine fighting nothing for 20 years and spending bilions. Lol

Never. It means niggers 100% of the time

What are these?

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inshallah everyone who uses islamic words will get the Big Iron

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If you lurk a little and watch anime, in six months you might not even be cringe. Start with Neon Genesis Evangelion, in Japanese with subtitles.

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delet this

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>mfw i ever got a date with taylor swift

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>tfw watched it dubbed

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gn big guy
That's smart. They could do the same segregation with on shore hospitals.

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fucking scientists

Sick of these "scientists"

How big is this Iron, precisely?

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Its insect, Peter.

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I dont watch anime. And does MLB The Show 20 count as vidya? Thats what i got today. Im good to stay inside for a few months.


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Unfortunately, that was the perfect thing for the Military Industrial Complex. Now, that same focus is being shifted to industries that regularly have to actually fucking perform or they get shut down and the owners are locked up.

I see. The Turks are behind all of this.

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>ywn eat her out

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sounded like Chuck Jewmer's apparent problem with the Republican suggestion of a one-time payment of $1000 doesn't work if the shit lasts for more than a month, but any person not being a disingenuous cunt would easily understand that if it went to more months, there would be more $1000 checks
depending how it all plays out, we may actually get that UBI afterall, if it turns out to be financially viable even after the virus stuff ends

i will personally take care of anyone trying to kill kots
>in minecraft ofc

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tried looking in the washing machine?

That final flag is based.

Trump guy here. I'm also voting Trump. I'm 29 and Trump is my president.

>scientists say

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Now all the "youths" (some as old as 85) all have Corona virus because patient zero coughed all over them.

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ANNNDD the "cool wine ants" (female winos) vote is Trump's!

Thinning out the herd, no doubt new ones will sprout up once the CCP psyop goes

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Welcome home, brother. Follow the rules and you'll do fine.

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That's good news, because she clearly has Chlamydia now.

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>the Turks
No user, the bugs. Remember Buenos Aires

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Welcome, these may be some of the stranger comfy times but there is indeed comfiness to be had. And for those with a deficit of comfiness we are a surprisingly adept group.

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whatever you say

Can I gargle whiskey if I don't have an alcohol based mouth wash?