Anyone have any anecdotes of the mentality of the people in the webm...

Anyone have any anecdotes of the mentality of the people in the webm? Do you think said mentality is healthy in the long term of our societies?

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>If you want to be a star, first you have to burn like one. -Adolf Hitler
Their determination is admirable. They're living the lives boomers denied them, and on the cheap like they were in the 1960s-1990s now that flights and hotels are rock bottom.

The unhealthy part is giving a damn about suicidal dumbasses. It's inevitable with individualism, so it absolutely requires a strong base that convinces everyone to adhere to, like family, or religion.
Deep down, you wanted it this way.

>>Race War
>>Gender War
>>Class War
>Generational War

Lol, that's the thing. These guys are not going to get themselves killed, but other people. I'm actually really interested in the sociological explanations for these kinds of behaviors. My gut tells me that we're not going to deal with this problem as efficiently as the East Asians because of this mentality. But, that's just muh feels

>be them
>low inhibition
>do what they want to do
>fuc girls and guys whenever cause they dno't care about race theories and blackpill

>be you
>constantly socially anxious
>constantly think ppl are judging u so u judge them twice as hard
>stocks up on shit while being a neet/hiki
>think ur better than ppl online but irl u know the truth u aint shit lol

what else?

>hat on backwards
First indication of degeneracy.

Hey boomer, how many times today are you going to start the same exact thread?

This is the absolute truth for everyone in here. Most of you don’t matter as much as you think you do

There you have, the elite have actually managed to fulfill the age of old dream of extending childhood so people are more easily controlled. These people are 21 but acting and thinking like children with active sex drives. 12 year olds in the 1800s had more maturity than these people. Disgrace.

If they sober up long enough, they might learn about geopolitics and trade wars affecting their future. Can't have that.

People are no longer taught respect. Mostly everyone in the anglosphere hates their family. Parents hate children, children hate their siblings, there's no love or respect. They don't give a fuck if their elders die. Absolute psychopathy.

The price of having over 110 IQ

Faggot retard the people they "kill" can stay tf unside if theyre so fucking scared

True and based but their elders are faggots who deserve it.

Those niggers should fucking hang.

I am better than any 4channer that is online

There's nothing inherently wrong with them having fun, except when doing so will exacerbate the spread. They're not thinking long term about what they're doing and how it will affect other people.

Why do you think SK and Japan have the virus under control? It's because they know as a culture how to keep that hedonism in check. We are fucked and it's partly because of the people in the webm. You'll see that I'm right.

Those girls are ugly af.

entire post is true. however, in a true shtf scenario, these kinds of people will be the first to fall.

These are the true soldiers on the front line. Good for them. Rest of the world hiding from the invisible virus.

These girls are whales

I think they are heroes. So many fucking bitter and smug old people in my town are shaming teenagers for choosing to enjoy the last days of their freedom to protect cunty boomers. I cannot fucking wait for these CNN chugging faggots to just die.

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>can stay tf inside
So can these fucking retards, retard. You spend every weekend boozing and trying to get pussy, Spring Break is no fucking different.

OK, Zoomer.

He's one that would say "OK, Boomer" in the face of a Boomer.
He knows the world is fucked and having fun, knowing it won't change.
He is American

That blonde pig is TWENTY ONE?

Every single one of those retards deserve's a bat to the head.

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whats wrong with the first guys face?

He's a fuckwit

>That head.

Her face is so fucking wide. Holy shit.

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It's disturbing to say the least.
>hunger and poverty are more important issues than a plague which is tanking the economy and will cause hunger and poverty.
Really sums the whole thing up.

thank the lord these stupid sharts are gonna accelerate it

>low immune from drinking, drugs

LMAO, darwin award going all the way round.

Thanks. I saved this webm. I'm gonna show it to my class when schools eventually open up again so we can laugh at the idiot Americans.

They may be young but damn they're all fucking ugly, especially the ostensible females. Back in the sixties the whole country was crawling with fine pussy, many of them on a Michelle Pfeiffer tier. Now? It's like being locked up in a giant home for Downs Syndrome adolescents.

>Do you think said mentality is healthy in the long term of our societies?

No. All those spring breakers should be thrown in gas chambers. Not even kidding

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its starting to look more and like age is not a factor in death rates. the virus may keep coming back harder and harder (like HIV) until the patient is dead, so at first we just saw the old dying, but the young keep getting sick worse and worse and they are starting to die now. without treatment it could be a death sentence for any age.

>Why aren't the youth in America voting?
>"Coronavirus isn't gonna stop me from partying, I've been planning this for 2 months"

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Most of us here will catch the virus, even if we stay home. Partying on Spring Break will increase the odds, but who cares. These are the types of people who will also not care about STDs. I would be more concerned about that. As far as what this means for our country, I'm surprised it still works somewhat today, let alone 20 years from now.

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>> what's wrong with the first guys face?

He looks to be of Irish descent. That would also explain his bone head idiocy and love of alcohol.

It's like he only knows how to speak in the most vapid of shiboleths. I can't take it anymore user...

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Good! good for them! perfect!

Looks tipsy

This is what jews do to a society; they niggerfy it.

remove that cross memeflag kike

Don't forget; these are supposedly college kids on their "spring break". This is apparently the intellectual elite that will be leading us at various levels of responsibility in the future.

Look at those entitled eyes. This is the facial expression niggers start pulling when they have had gibs all their lives.

Its like shes expressing
>I cant believe im not getting my (taxpayer's) money

dont you me
u virused fucker
subhuman weak immune manlets

This guy will end up in some executive position in a huge corporation and be bringing in high six figures while the anti-partiers will still be seething in their $60k/year code monkey jobs.

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my spring break was decades ago, why do
these females look like 30 year old fat slags?

god damn this generation is not aging well.

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Hieu? Is that you?

Obese retarded golems kekw

>south korean "man" having cuck fantasies about white people fucking
checks out

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I'm honestly on their side. Survival of the fittest and they're the fittest.

the chad superspreader

The zipperhead shows himself.

Hopefully they die from health complications first good lord, I drink like a fish and I'm just simply more intelligent than these slack jawed stone eyed fucking pieces of shit. This is why I cant go out, these fucking people are everywhere with their loud annoying music and extreme ignorance, in fact, if I could classify them as terrorists based on their extremism of ignorance I would. And no one here would disagree. Fucking helll I'm in NV and there are these types of niggers everywhere. I had one carribean couple who after 4 attempts of me trying to explain the simplicity of how a reward card works before they finally just gave up with blank looks on their faces and walked away. We are 2 different species and they don't deserve to enjoy the fruits our society has produced, and yet they do. And people think they're brave. Some one please kill me.

>seeking pure pleasure for the price of safety is good
fuck off

Imagine a spaghetti eating manlet who has the coronavirus thinking hes manly

hows the weather down their?

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