
Why are they the easy going, kind type in public, but the raging, ranting, attention grabbing, wannabe Australians in private?
WHO hurt them?
How could they possibly think that they can troll Yas Forums?

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go home hans

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Leafs did nothing wrong. We are good boys.

Because you think we're those faggots on CTV
Most of us are closer to Fubar and trailer park boys

I am home
Please explain why you are the way you are

Why are german women built for BBC?

>like hockey a sport no one else cares about
>mostly Asian immigrants fuel their economy
>change is loonies and toonies like a cartoon
>Justin Trudeau

just watch Kenny vs Spenny
that alone should give you an idea of how all canadians are and can be

They aren‘t
German women are known to have flat asses

I'll explain to you the secret of leafposting hanz if you explain to me the difference btw regular germans and bavarians, why dont you guys like them? They seem pretty based

In Germany we put personality first, looks second. Atleast I do

your women and people are beautiful user

They're jelous aussies got the nice climate

Another common misconception, most of you think were full of chinks, this isnt true. They literally all live I hongcouver and suburbs in bc.

Bavarians are what people think germans are like, but aren‘t
They also can‘t speak proper german and their football club always wins. Also everything in there is way to expensive

the average retard that browses Yas Forums is not representative of the average person in his country.

can confirm, met a cool couple on an FPS game about a years back through text in game chat. We ended up making a clan and exchanging social media, they were both asian and brother& sister

First they took our trees
Next they will come for our leaves

It is is the end hans, there is no future here

Some look indeed stunning
However just looking for big tits and asses is primitive, so the cultured Germans don‘t do that here

yes it is

Would it be fair to say its like the texas of Germany?

First they took our guns, then our homes an finally our humor
Troubling times await you

I live in Washington State by the boarder its almost nothing but (as we call them) Canasians

Fuck of turk

Love them but unfortunately they're born with a big chip on their shoulder from being the little brother to the USA. For gawd's sake don't accidentally mistake them for an American in public sheeshhh - kinda like our Kiwi cousins across the ditch.

that sounds real pleasant, the way it should be

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No, we don‘t have mexicans

I live an hour from the Washington border. When I cross the border there are suddenly homeless junkies everywhere.

This is true

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Canadians are the most popular people here, besides Americans
Popular as in represented much, not as in well liked

here's the color version if you'd like it

Attached: buttmad leaf.png (706x834, 43.82K)

You have turkroaches which is worse

In reality the legal age of sex is 14 here
Guess what happens...

>Imagine being such a meme country that you feel the need to put on a memeflag

in private we drink

Leafs are the worst shitposters
Change my mind

That's the point hanz, it's a big joke were all in on and everyone thinks were being serious. Its post ironic irony. Were two meta levels of shit posting above everyone else. There ya go, I gave you the secret dont tell anyone

Oh no... Hanz doesn't like us...
... Sorry... Off topic but is your name spelled Hanz or hands?

>I‘m just pretending to be retarded. Trust me bro

That was a fact, not an opinion
And no to both

I would argue amerifats are worse, leaf posts are virtually all obviously satirical , where as amerifat posts are uninspired , bland, and may be indistinguishable from non-shitposts by real ,mentally deficient ,americans.

Lmao this is so true. I love Aussies

Made for BBC

too bad nobody cares about canadians
great value USA

This. But were still bros despite all the demoralization and divide and conquer tactics. I love the *real* american people

They're a very divided country. French/Anglo descendant population, half want to be annexed by the USA half hate the USA, their leader is controversial, etc., etc.
Basically they all hate eachother and have really bad identity issues.

Nope. Have you seen your country recently? I was in PEI fall 2017 and there were chinks everywhere. A small town maritime province FULL of them. Apparently some immigration program your faggot PM made to subsidize chinks to invade the rest of your country. Seriously. I didn't go down a street without seeing one of those gooks

You are all Mongoloids. Even the unicorn white ones because you are mixed with Injuns.

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Leafs are the most annoying

Fellow European ere...
Wots all dis den?

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Does your flag even represent a country? last time I saw that pattern it was on a polo shirt dawned by a Cuban refugee

Open your eyes Mongoloid.

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here's looking at you, Ahmad

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>wannabe Australians
the worst leaf shitposter is better at shitposting than the best 'roo

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That seals it.

honestly fuck germany
you still dont learn do you, old man?
two beatings already, do you want a third?
our country is full of repressed anger. Anger at chinks invading. Hindus taking over. Natives acting uppity. When the Canadian wakes up we get so mad we just execute POWs

But germans are bland boring fuckers. Their food reflects this.

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Say whatever abour or obese piece of crao PM. But atleasts she didnt cuck out to idrib elba and catched covid. A C O O M P L A T E KEK. Ah yeah see your "ancestors" being replaced by disgusting chinks.Trudeau gladly offers his wife to them

fuck fuck our*

You don't often see "personality" and "Germany" in the same sentence.
Unless it's something like, "He was arrested because he had a noticeable personality".