Is the government going to start murdering us?

Is the government going to start murdering us?

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and systematically so

Most likely, because if you pretend flu is a new disease, it's number look even worse than this

the government is going to help us beat the virus and survive

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No, they're just going to make you get a subdermal microchip implant to make it easier to identify you and to make sure you've been vaccinated while also making use of the newly normalized power to control whether or not you get to leave your home or work for a living. Basically you're going to become livestock.


>>COVID attacks your body by entering cells with the ACEII gene. This is present in the lungs, all organs, your small intestines, and even your veins and arteries. This is phase 1 and typically your body handles this like a mild flu.

>>After two weeks or so your body produces antibodies. Normally this would wipe out the virus. But COVID uses the antibodies that bind to it and your cells to enter more cells. It turns immunity against you and starts reproducing like crazy.

>>This trait is present in all the horrying viruses like HIV, EBOLA, MERS, SARS, and now covid. It's why we can't develop a vaccine. Because all a vaccine does is get your body to develop antibodies without having to suffer through the disease. We actually developed a vaccine for SARS a few years ago but all the mice we tested it on died because as soon as they got reinfected with SARS the virus spread like a wildfire through its body with the antibodies meant to protect them.

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screaming city


thank you based fashposter. mind revealing the flag?

>You Reap What You Sow

you willingly elected a game-show host orange buffoon, and now you are asking what the gubberment is gonna' do.....

its the Joos bro,

damn right.
you are needed a good little slaves, now pay your taxes and work work work like busy little bees...the government loves you.

getting shot in the face is very painful

Everyone wants to be tested, right? We are DEMANDING to be tested. So, next they will be going door to door (maybe in conjunction with the Census) and offering "free cheek swabs" for "the test." And then they will have everyone's DNA. "Because it's a war."

We're so fucked.

You mean this?

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If vaccines don't work, why do they want people to get a vaccine?

You've been shot in the face and survived?

Uh oh where did everybody go?

Fuck all that. I don't have to answer the door for anyone. Private property. No soliciting. Fuck off. Eat shit. No Trespassing.


no only you!

Yes. Run a case fatality rate on the flu but subtracting having historical data to estimate global infection numbers, it's just as deadly if not more.

Until martial law.

Under every McDonald there is a network of tunnels where they can hide bodies.

I gave my answer.

Dude wtf there is no way this wasnt engineered if this is true

He means cumshot

Hide from who?

take your pills schizo, you won't do shit.

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e actually developed a vaccine for SARS a few years ago but all the mice we tested it on died because as soon as they got reinfected with SARS the virus spread like a wildfire through its body with the antibodies meant to protect them.

We are fucked up.

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What a projecting faggot you are. No one's making me take a needle.

They probably won't pin you down and stab you with it. The vaccine may not even be real. But if you don't have proof of vaccination tied to your ID, you may not be allowed to leave your house or have access to healthcare or something.

yes, you're going to be held down while the government redistributes the toilet paper you stockpiled in your basement muahahhaha

We have Flu AND Coronavirus, so why even compare.

Oh and BTW both diseases come from China.

Literally a projecting faggot with fantasies of men holding you down.

>They probably won't pin you down and stab you with it. The vaccine may not even be real. But if you don't have proof of vaccination tied to your ID, you may not be allowed to leave your house or have access to healthcare or something.
Yeah they can fuck off. They can't stop me from participating in society if I've committed no crime and if they make religious exemption a crime, then it's civil war all over the place. I bet a half million Americans at least feel the same way.

>projecting faggot
>projecting faggot
I don't think i'm the one projecting here, faggot.

>no u
Well I'm convinced, faggot glownigger kike.

again, take your pills schizo

>faggot glownigger kike
and now you're just spewing verbal diarrhea, because you have no intelligent comeback.

>bow down and thrall to authority, goy
You. :)

>I bet a half million Americans at least feel the same way.
I would have thought the same about being told entire massive industries need to stop doing business and people need to stay home for weeks or even months with kids sent home for the remaining 4 months of the school year. But what happened in reality is everyone went along with it. People tend to go along with what they're told by authority figures even when it's extreme and blatantly self-destructive.

People went and are going along with it because the virus is a legitimate threat. Having said that, if things don't start looking scary, people will want to be free and will demand it and then just take it.

Where have you been?

>People went and are going along with it because the virus is a legitimate threat.
You can say that exact same sentence and have it apply to the vaccination you believe most people wouldn't go along with.

Why not?

I never said that, I just said that probably a half million wouldn't quite strongly, and as far as what everyone else does, I don't care. As far as I'm concerned you can all take it and more, but I'm not going to do it.

>bro you're glowing

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Not before it kills itself. Oh, yes, that's right.

Yeah I would like to opt-out. They're talking about registration at birth though.

Americans are about to experience what life in the soviet union looked like, first hand. Many mutts will not

And it should have happened long ago

What do you mean? Because AI is taking over?

For what purpose?

>about to experience what life in the soviet union looked like
That's what I was thinking. It's not just Americans though.
>And it should have happened long ago
Why? What's so great about it?

The health inspectors and the food inspection agencies.

>It's why we can't develop a vaccine

Eat the nano bugs!

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Based and truthpilled. The rage I feel at the stupidity of the western world is of such intensity that I am soon going to implode. The globalist media is using a fucking common cold as a vehicle for unprecedented fearmongering, and now that the masses are terrified they shall willingly embrace a complete overhaul of the existing legal framework. Say hello to queues for necessities, limited movement, debilitating vaccines and chips in your skulls. Thousands of years of history going down the drain, and all it took to establish the new world order was a few decades of relentless indoctrination. Nobody has a brain any longer. Fuck this world.


Start implies they haven’t done that already

What... if they go to the street will they be shot ?

Dark windows.

The dead do not turn on the lights at night.

I hope they get all the low IQ nigger degenerates

Let’s say USA shuts down. What happens to workers?
Has Trump promised business injections yet? How long can sick pay last?

>implying they would do that without releasing a death virus

Mere happenstance. All "intelligence" is artifice regardless. Doubly so, when mentioning government. There's a more subtle spirit, unobtainable to some, yet unique to the human condition. When accessed by all, I don't know what will happen. What do the algorithms say?

feminist reeducation camps

not really. you could go start your car engine right now. and you could have done it 10,000 times previously. do you say ill "restart" my engine? no.

So are they just going to line us up and shoot us? Wait for us to die off as they register newborns?

Nigger pay attention they "started" a long fucking time ago. Ask Vicki Weaver when they are gonna start.

>id: lazy pig

They're saying China is already under control.

Let's see, they manufactured a virus and delayed closing the borders just long enough for people everywhere to catch it, so I'd say they've already started

Here is the game plan and the outcome.

>Still seething 4 years later.

Get over it, Trump won.

No, user. Man, it may be a happening, but this isn't Biblical. In fact, what they're doing now with restrictions will probably avoid a Biblical happening.
We're getting "The Stand" (1994) lite. [sic]