/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2265

► Detected: 219,583 ► Died: 8,944
LIVE: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

JP Morgan forecasts -14% GDP growth for US Q2, worst since WW2

U.S. Air Force quietly imported 500,000 testing kits from Italy

Germany under lockdown, 82 million people

Nationwide shortages of reagents for testing in the US

France under lockdown, 66 million people

HIV-like mutation made it 1000 times more infectious than SARS

Patients remain on intensive care for 20 days on artificial ventilation

Virus affects blood circulation

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Patients can get reinfected, no immunity

Ecuador under lockdown, 16 million people

China underreports number of infections and deaths

Australia expects 1.5 million infected

US testing delayed, short on crucial chemicals

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

02:43: 57 new cases in Ecuador.
02:30: First case in El Salvador. The patient recently returned from Italy.
01:58: First case in Nicaragua. The patient is a man who recently returned from Panama.
01:09: 152 new cases and 7 new deaths in South Korea.
00:30: 23 new cases in Spain.
00:29: First death in Maryland, United States.
22:46: U.S. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart says he has tested positive for coronavirus. He’s the first member of Congress to test positive.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>US State Leaderboard
154 total deaths
23/50 states on the board (CT/MD/MI/MO/PA new today)


68 deaths
21 deaths
17 deaths
>FL, LA:
8 deaths
5 deaths
4 deaths
>OR, TX:
3 deaths
>CO, IN, VA:
2 deaths
>CT, IL, KS, KY, MD, MI, MO, NV, PA, SC, SD:
1 death

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► China 80,894 (3,237) ► International 137,846 (5,707): Italy 35,713 (2,978) Iran 17,361 (1,135) Spain 14,792 (638) Germany 12,327 (28) US 9,269 (152) France 9,134 (264) S. Korea 8,565 (91) Switzerland 3,115 (33) UK 2,626 (104) Netherlands 2,051 (58) Austria 1,646 (4) Norway 1,590 (6) Belgium 1,486 (14) Sweden 1,301 (10) Denmark 1,057 (4) Japan 899 (29) Malaysia 790 (2) Canada 727 (9) D. Princess 712 (7) Portugal 642 (2) Australia 596 (6) Brazil 509 (4) Greece 418 (5) Ireland 366 (2) Pakistan 307 (2) Poland 287 (5) Slovenia 286 (1) Bahrain 255 (1) Indonesia 227 (19) Thailand 212 (1) Egypt 210 (6) Luxembourg 203 (2) Philippines 202 (17) H. Kong 193 (4) Turkey 191 (2) India 169 (3) Ecuador 168 (3) Iraq 164 (12) S. Marino 140 (14) Lebanon 133 (4) Mexico 118 (1) Panama 109 (1) Taiwan 100 (1) Argentina 97 (3) Bulgaria 92 (2) Algeria 75 (7) C. Rica 69 (1) Albania 59 (2) Hungary 58 (1) Morocco 54 (2) Moldova 36 (1) Dom. Rep. 34 (2) Azerbaijan 34 (1) Martinique 23 (1) B. Faso 20 (1) Ukraine 16 (2) Jamaica 15 (1) Bangladesh 14 (1) Cuba 10 (1) Guatemala 8 (1) Guyana 4 (1) Sudan 2 (1) Caymans 1 (1) Cze. Rep. 522 Qatar 452 Israel 433 Finland 359 Singapore 313 Romania 260 Estonia 258 Iceland 250 S. Arabia 238 Chile 238 Russia 147 Peru 145 Kuwait 142 S. Africa 116 UAE 113 Armenia 110 Slovakia 105 Colombia 93 Croatia 89 Serbia 89 Uruguay 79 Vietnam 76 Latvia 71 Brunei 68 Cyprus 58 Faeroes 58 Jordan 56 Andorra 53 Belarus 51 S. Lanka 51 Malta 48 Palestine 44 Macedonia 43 Oman 39 Bosnia 39 Georgia 38 Cambodia 37 Senegal 36 Kazakhstan 36 Venezuela 36 Lithuania 34 Tunisia 29 Liechtenstein 28 N. Zealand 28 Guadeloupe 27 Afghanistan 22 Uzbekistan 18 Macao 17 Cameroon 13 Maldives 13 Bolivia 12 Reunion 12 Fr. Guiana 11 Paraguay 11 Rwanda 11 Nicaragua 1 El Salvador 1… Total 176/251

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I love you friends

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He caught coronavirus doing this. Now he's dead.

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You guys think there's gonna be a war?

How would it actually unfold?

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Lots of Mexican boys gayposting right now

Threadly reminder that this is a HOAX

Here is an explanation:

For example, if I used 1000 COVID19 tests in schools or factories on people who said they just had a cold, I would find corona viruses in 5 people. If the "new" corona viruses are really so important this season, I should have found them too.
If I as a doctor were to examine 1000 people in my practice who have acute respiratory problems (ARE), I would probably find significantly more cases (eg 15 "positives"), because only people who seek help because they are alone come into the practice can not cope with the disease.
If I do 1000 tests in the emergency room of a clinic for all patients with acute respiratory problems, I have to reckon that up to 15% of the tests will be positive, which would be 150 cases.
With a limited number of available tests (here 1000) I find the more cases, the greater the proportion of those examined who show clinically strong symptoms of an ARE.

When I know that the mortality rate of severe pneumonia patients treated by intensive care medicine is 20-30% in most countries , the alarmist reports from Italy appear in a different light.

What does it ACTUALLY feel like to get coronavirus?

Is it a slow process? What happens?

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We love you too, autistic femcel spic.

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Yummy yummy eat up!

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I don't understand how everybody makes a single roll of toilet paper last so long. I poop at least four times a day, and I need a roll of toilet paper every time. First, I take a bunch of TP to layer the toilet seat so my butt doesn't get cold. Secondly, I place a wad of TP into the toilet bowl so that the water doesn't splash up. Thirdly, I can't poop all at once, so I go through multiple stages of pooping out a little nugget, and wiping everytime I do so. Once I'm empty, I take the rest of the TP left on the roll and cover up my poop, so that I can ensure that everything flushes properly. I can't be the only one who does this, right?

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I am cured of corona bros. It started 3 days ago when I accidentally left the window open for a -5 night. In the morning I had a tight chest, then a slight burning in the chest and throat. Slight sniffles. No fever, no cough. All of the symptoms have stopped now. I hope all the other cooferbros may be cured as well. I hope this shit won't come back.

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I want a bunker bf

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>Snopes defending Trump
What wacky timeline is this? Anyone else from the Berenstone universe?

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thats just from the cold

i forgot the picture

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What was the death rates of severe pneumonia last year?


RIP France.

Brainstein timeline reporting in

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Can confirm orange man good now and Pelosi bad

The tight chest started a few days before I left the window open.

it feels like pneumonia and basically has all the flu symptoms

Everything is going to be fine, right?

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>Kong Hong
What's happening there right now?

I weep for those who live in the nothingburger timeline.
This shit is too much fun.

cornucopia timeline reporting in

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Imagine being a burger in 2020 and living in burger

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Did this tweet already get deleted? The fuck?


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I wonder why China is such a vector of disease?

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The amount of asian roasties being caught wiping their snot on random surfaces is disgusting. Any yellow fever fags get the rope.

There is a reason the Krauts are reporting much less deaths than anywhere else. They are doing correct testing and analysis.

This is a mass hysteria.


Thank you very much for your questions. I can imagine that in Italy at the time of the flu season, the conditions in the hospitals are becoming problematic. Unfortunately I have no way to compare what is reported this year with the situations from previous years.

What you can read from the very up-to-date statistics above is that in Italy not more people die than usual during this flu season .

To answer your questions, the following would have to be researched, for example:
A .: Questions about the baseline (annual average) and possible secondary interests of the rapporteurs

How many hospital beds per inhabitant are there in the regions to be compared?
How was the occupancy of the beds last year?
How has the incidence of acute respiratory diseases developed in Italy this winter compared to previous years?
Is there an outpatient deficiency situation, so that people are increasingly forced to use the hospitals?
Do the prospective European grants for Italian clinics play a role in the media presentation of the situation by individual hospitals?
What is the rate of nosocomial respiratory infections in the clinics in focus compared to others? (A much higher rate of antibiotic resistance is known.)
Is it true that hospital care has long been a problem in regions of Italy? (Staff, ventilation places, etc?)

I really hope I can have sex with someone because the corona panic, maybe chad won’t be available and I’ll finally get my shot. Anyone can relate ?

Can we go back to posting meaningful stats about who corona chan kills and who it sends to the hospital? Knowing that 100 more people are effected in X countries is not as impactful.also while i'm posting this can anyone post some stats?

this is whats happening here

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> Anyone can relate
Absolutetly not
I'm a chad myself and I drown in pussy 3 times a day.
can't relate sorry. Must be something you incels get comfy about.

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we're at praying and hoping right now
wait for absolute despair before buying

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we actually don't have too many cases, so it's not too bad. How's it going in India?

We got OG China (81,138) and international champion Italy (35,713)
on its left and right we got Iran (17,361) and Spain (14,769) on its feet Germany,(12,327) the US (9415) just surpassed France (9054) wich is just a tad ahead off Korea (8565) numberwise but theyve pretty much halted it while france is only getting started, then we got a powergap all the way down to Switzerland (3057) UK (2644) and Holland,(2056) My question is
Who will be the next to go to the upper leagues? (8k+) My bet is for Brazil, anyone surpassing 8k is gonna need a solid population base. Toughts?

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Interesting comments, are the normies waking up??

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I lived there for six months once; they have bad hygiene practices

Hopefully they learned to wash their hands and cover their mouths when they cough from this whole thing

Officer how can I not be racist when she exists like this in China?

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Ah shit El Salvador is down?
Hoping they secured that fucker, they did the most possible to isolate and contain...

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Sure. There will be no survivors, isn't it just fine?

just have sex with corona-chan

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Yo is this correct? :
Confirmed cases - 2626
Dead - 104
3.9% of cases dead.
Up to 80% of UK will get coronavirus.
UK Population (2018) - 66.44 Million.

Lets take a conservative 60% infection rate :
60% of 66.44 million = 39,864,000
Fatality is 3.9% so 3.9% of 39,864,000 = 1,554,696 dead in UK.

Let me know if this makes sense.

Top-tier Asian Stacey right there.

>wall of text
Very nice but what was the death rates of severe pneumonia last year?

49k from 2017 data

When is shit going to get real? I mean really REAL? riots and power outages and all that.

I want all of the nothingburger shills to feel pain.

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>Chinks BTFO
>Boomers BTFO
>Travel roasties BTFO
>Economic migrants BTFO
Have there been any downsides to this yet?

Minus 2% Not -14% dumbass Lol!!

meant for

Italy going to overtake Wuhan tomorrow
(log scale)

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49,000 died in Italy from severe pneumonia last year?

France sure has a lot of niggers.

Yes. The cure has already been found. Literally a nothingburger lol.


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Yeah everyone's pretty chill here.
No one knows our govt isn't doing jackshit and we're definitely going to get fucked.
No one's getting tested.
What about your fight with the C*inese?
I hope you guys overthrow China and split up. China as one is never good to anybody.

I really want to desu but even her rejected me :(

I think the infection estimate is too high

Not even in China have that much dispersal.

Maybe 20%-50%

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there's no way the infection rate is actually 3.9%. gotta be thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of undiagnosed infections out there right now. real fatality rate is probably under 0.5%

that was beyond foul.

One of the most fucked up things I've realized from all of this is that the usa is fully capable of deporting and denying all non citizens entry. They just chose not to in times of peace. Flooding white countries with brown hordes is a willful choice senators, congressman and local municipalities choose every day. The virus is the least of our worries.

You were saying?

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Yep, that all makes good sense to me, I suppose a Gov shill would say oh we expect less than 3.9% CFR, but it's running at that in the early days when the ICUs still aren't full. Add all the extra non-Corona deaths as the NHS becomes maxed out..

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You tell me. Overtesting is what's filling ICU's not COVID aka another seasonal virus.

Cases are starting to finally ramp up. It's going to start quadrupling soon. It's a slow ramp up

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When hospitals are full the death rate will double

Small reminder for my fellow Schluchtenscheißer

Tyrol is under quaratine completely now

sources tell me that upper austria and vienna are next (expect monday unless something changes)

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Who wants to bet that China's going to use this to shill their own fake numbers for propaganda purposes?

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You can always rape her like we do here.
Roasties' opinion doesn't amount to shit.
Go get her boy!

It is, it's another fucking annual virus. Media hype and testing is filling ICU's not how deadly this thing is.

>Until recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated the annual mortality burden of influenza to be 250000 to 500000 all-cause deaths globally
why are people panicking over this again? it's not even at 9000 deaths

>log scale
>looks linear

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You could see the absolute disgust in his face, god fucking banish chinks.

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first it was nothing, now the shills say there is a new cure 50 times a day.

I can sense your fear from a mile away.

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Alright stop posting this shitty webm mutt. We get it, the chinks suck.

For sure, its always been my dream to take advantage of a cubanon with self esteem issues and self hatred. You won't be a virgin much longer frend. I'm going to grease your cheeks with bacon fat and take a journey down the ol' rabbit trail. UwU

ah yeah, protests have been slowing down now that this whole COVID-19 thing is happening. But there are a few court cases about police brutality.

Poo, that vagene is a cock

Rush hour in Seattle today.

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How big will she grow

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Good luck fren, hope you BTFO china for Good.

It's literally a flu with dollops of media/political hype. German Pneumologist explains here. More testing = more cases. And the pasta niggers are cooking the books to get more gibs from the EU.


I wish I could im just not mean hearted,
I’ll just wait till SHTF and I’ll hopefully ascend

Why would the government grind the economy to a half for a nothingburger, literally all the care about is the economy if they thought the consequences of letting it spread would lose less money than shutting things down they’d let it spread

thanks fren, keep yourself safe too even if the Indian government isn't testing

15 million people get the influenza and recover from it, without getting pneumonia.

>4 people die world wide
>everything shuts down
God the human race is truly pathetic now

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This is totally not a lie! They totally contained the virus! We can do it!

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That's a massive lowball to reduce panic. Event 201 suggested 65 million.

Kek weak low-T incel.


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just give our girl some time and she'll make some space

You have got to be fucking kidding me. LMAO! They really aren't right in the head.

You're posting webms that have been posted here for years and years

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And we love you too

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Go get infected then and post results

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Holy based.
It's always comfy to shit on the beach than in a closed b*x

Closed. U cunt

oh r-really ? ok but just be gentle it’s my first time and promise we’ll cuddle after desu

Because they're surrounded by scientists who want grants and because they know they could revert this in a week by their paid lackeys in the media calling it a nothing burger. Just like the panic buying was instigated by a few days of media scare stories.

Not wanting cock isnt low T, but wanting cock is, low T poo fag

Trying to best Spain, good luck frogs!

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We're 70 days in with a novel virus with no actual vaccine or proven treatment. This has every potential to become endemic like the flu if it is not already, with the ability to permanently damage the lungs or leave you disease ridden for life. With high contagion and possibly the ability to be reinfected this will make the flu look like pussy shit once it finally reaches its peak, it is also unlikely it will follow seasons like the flu and will run rampant year round.

>I can sense your fear from a mile away.
I'm not afraid at all. It's literally just another flu. There's a cure already. Pretty soon it will be readily available and getting corona is juiste like having the flu. You can leave work for a couple of days and pop some pills, and you'll be fine.
In a few years, getting corona will just be a minor inconvenience.
Happening canceled, sorry.

The real fatality rate is likely about that. 6/7 people who have it don't even know it. We need to quarantine so we don't get others sick but it is not anywhere near 8% as some people claim.

s-stop with the webms.

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why foreinghers just cant buy notebooks and roll through the roller?

Probably already have it. And certainly still here posting.

we get a bunch of newfrens every happening, just trying to get people up to speed on the root of the problem

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Do the math yourself then? Im talking about confirmed cases in the UK and the confirmed numbers from those positive cases dying.
3.9% of the confirmed british infected have died. Thats no bullshit. I dont know if it will stay like that and im not implying thats what its gonna do..but dems the numbers

Ok that's it! I'm not gonna buy anything that is made from China from now on!

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I hate chinks

same guy?

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Corona will steal all those kills going forward, and more.

>Out of map shithole
What's this?
someone's replying to me from nowhere.
oh gee, that's a real sad thing.

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"As of February 20, tests of most of the 3,711 people aboard the Diamond Princess confirmed that 634, or 17 percent, had the virus; 328 of them did not have symptoms at the time of diagnosis. Of those with symptoms, the fatality ratio was 1.9 percent, Russell and colleagues calculate. Of all infected, that ratio was 0.91 percent. Infections and deaths onboard suggest that the disease’s true fatality ratio in China is about 0.5 percent. That 0.5 percent is far less than the 3.4 percent of confirmed cases that end in death cited by the World Health Organization, but troubling nonetheless."

My take: 7 people have died as of 3/7/20. I used to work on cruise ships (including the diamond princess a while back) and I remember hearing on average 1-3 people die per cruise - because there's so many elderly. So this looks like double the average. It's still a small sample, but at least there's good data: sciencenews.org/article/coronavirus-outbreak-diamond-princess-cruise-ship-death-rate


In a week come back to this thread and we will meet up and see wether this is still on going

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me too

Too many nothingburger anons showing up lately. Not sure what's up.

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Holy shit I haven’t seen that pic related in years, thx for reminding me why I hate chinks
also fuck u, u made me throw up my coffee

My nigger, we're going to be locked in a room for 30 days together. all we're going to do is fugging and cuddling and watching Japanese cartoons *nuzzles homosexually*

>Gary Neville has closed his hotels & he will hand them over to the NHS.

You're sick for an average a week or longer from data we are seeing. If millions contract it retardless if rhey are elderly, how long do you think hospitals can sustain hundreds of thousands of critically ill patients? The US could not and we have the most ICU beds in the world.

Can we get anymore based than this?
Literally shitting in the open to assert dominance.
Based as FUCK.

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When you get infected by two different serotypes of corona, it invades your white cells and uses them to replicate, increasing fatality rate 100-fold.

wtf am i watching

naw, that's just how the roll

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And good thing it isnt on your out of date map. We dont want Poos infesting our paradise

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Hey niggers check out stefan molymeme latest video, this virus will change the world forever

............. WH....WHAT THE?!?
That's it, China's been stable for too long, time to split it again.

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no shit are you a retard? why do you think we point that out all the time?

they are both missing an arm though. did they eat their own arm?

Fair enough user.

i have much worse but i think i'll stop for now

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I just want some of that YuMmY BAT SOUP!!!!!!!!

Apu ate his arm for revenge on Corona, so the chinks fighting back. /thread

There was a period of no nothingburgers and a ton of shills pushing slide threads. Now we're on to cure threads and more nothingburger. Full damage control as often as possible.

kek, nice timing mutt.

I may be late but can we talk about the fact that they purposefully decreased the size of the red dots even though the numbers are only going up.

you are a fucking retard, just complete fucking waste of air. wait a week and remember the stupid posts you made and kill yourself.

I started randomly getting sneezes and a bit of runny nose out of nowhere

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That sounds like the perfect life I never had :(

they eat babies

Not going to lie Magatard fresh off the boat. I've been willfully blind to it user. I'm so fucking stupid it hurts

>faggots ERPing in the middle of the thread
>meanwhile another user is posting chinese gore WEBMs

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it's like the burger is missing something.

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i suppose

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>9 posts by this ID

That clump of cells looks remarkably human...

why are people panic buying custard? I've been to three supermarkets today and the custard fridge is empty in all of them


He looks pretty good desu.
Honestly don't get what's wrong with that guy.

>That clump of cells looks remarkably human...
I always think the same when I see g*rmans

Same bro, fag larping aside I hope you make it frend. That life is there for you eventually if you live long enough

This is why Nanking happened.