Someone redpill us on the /Aliens-are-God/ theory

Someone redpill us on the /Aliens-are-God/ theory

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smoke dmt youll find out

DMT opens the gate of your soul to Jewish demons that hate Jesus Christ.
They will feed you delusions
>you are God
>there are no consequences for your actions
>just do whatever makes you feel empowered
But bring Jesus Christ with you and bring up his name and they will go from amiable spirits and wise to evil and violent demons faster than you can say Terrance Mckenna.

You'll find out that demons are real and not as scary as the movies portray, think Jewry on a more evil level. Subtle, dangerous and inviting. Clockwork elves are nefarious, they will try to seal you.

Umm, sweetie, you’ll never guess what ethnicity Jesus himself belonged to

Check'd and this.

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>Someone redpill us on the /Aliens-are-God/ theory
This thread is going to be pruned or deleted soon. Just like the other redpill me on God thread.

I've done a lot of research on this trust me.
Jesus was not Jewish by origin or religion.
pic related is a good reference

Attached: JesusRedpill.png (1208x2700, 995.51K)

Enki=created humans

Enlil=created jews

Both enki and enlil were the sons of GOD. Enlil believed that enki’s humans are trash and slaves(this reason is why jews see us slaves and believe we’re cattle) Enki loved us so much he gave us power and respect. This reason is why enlil tried killing us off(great flood ect.) but enki was always saving us. Also enlil marked his people(jews) with circumcision to distinguish jews(royalty) from goys(slaves). Also I forgot which one the Torah or Talmud is basically the teaching and beliefs of enlil.

Fringe bullshit != sources

You’re just dealing with cognitive dissonance, that’s all

a lot of ancient stories about gods sound like they are describing intelligent visitors from space. Some religions even state it plainly. The vikings believed in other worlds. For example asgard where the gods lived and a planet full of frost giants.
If humans or some aliens gained the ability to do the things we describe gods doing, would that not make us or them gods?

god is the universal set and interstellar travel is impossible. you are born alone, you live alone, you die alone, and nobody is going to save you, ever.

have a nice night.

You and the person who wrote that have quite the delusional concept of what a Jew is.

>interstellar travel is impossible
Tell me why we have a man-made object outside the solar system then?

I'm guessing you believe it's all a hoax, right?

>ok you asked for it
you watch too much television and it's made you ignorant.

Jews killed Jesus

The space probes we hurled out?

Me talking to you right now would make us godlike not too many years ago. So yes, it's perfectly conceivable that some other intelligence could have made us and all that we know.

That doesn't make him not a Jew.

First find me some aliens then we can talk about it.

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The ancients believed Gods came from the stars. When they said God lived in Heaven, they didn't mean the clouds, they meant the cosmos.

The real God lives among the stars, watching over all reality. We will meet him once more.

DMT is a fucking narcotic, it gets you high. thats all it does you fucking psychotic hippies

All glory belongs to God, and only God.

who created ayyys? ask them.

the answer will let you know if they are good/bad.

A civ advanced enough to uplift us so recently would have unavoidably left artifacts behind
Probes, transmission relays, etc.
We have found none nearby thus far

It isn't a narcotic, retard.
It does get you high though.

The picture you posted is a scene from 2001: A Space Odyssy. The entire movie is an art piece for the occult symbology of the world elite controllers. It tells the story of the beginning of mankind all the way until the final culmination of the elite's "Great Work" which is the realization of their ultimate plan for total domination and ascension into Godhood. HAL-9000 not opening the door is the message that not everybody is going to be allowed to continue existing into the New World Order.

Interesting, considering Yahweh initially was just one of the sons of El from another pantheon rather than the one God he is to the Jews.

All the ancient stories have two sons of God competing with each other.

Voyager 1

jesus was aryan

Bang on, Sir.

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Its a lie.

I'll give you my thoughts on the matter. So first you need to have an understanding of the unifying force of nature, because any "magic" or "miracle" that's performed by the gods will be based on the unifying force of nature. I think modern science has been deliberately led in the wrong direction by some very intelligent people who intended to promote a view of the universe far from the truth. So I think the Electric Universe Theory gives us a better glimpse at the unifying force of nature and its properties than the mainstream theory does. You'd have to do your own research on the Electric Universe (EU). There's just too much for me to explain in this thread, but there's no shortage of shills out there actively working to bury it or write it off as pseudoscience. You have to keep in mind that a great deal of money is funneled into science and many people have built their careers on mainstream science and many autists get lost in the theoretical mathematics.

With that out of the way, an EU idea on planetary formation is that they are formed in the core of stars. Fusion takes place on the surface of the Sun, and the heavier elements then rain downward into the core until the planet is eventually ejected. I believe when these planets are first forming that they are seeded with life by the gods, who live on a planet that is revolving around the star. When the planet is first born it has an abundance of electric energy, and is capable of supporting the higher form of life that the gods are. The gods have enormous minds which are supported by their internal electric field and their environment, which is an elaborate temple constructed for the purpose of artificially raising the ceiling on the growth of the mind which is imposed on us by our environment much the same way gravity imposes a limit on the physical size an animal may grow before crushing themselves under their own weight.

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digits of truth

Ohh my god you are such a fuckin' retarded little faggot, I should blow your entire fuckin' family's heads off you stupid fuck.

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>How to tell somebody you've never tried DMT: a quick-start guide

Never once did your own holy book even hint at this being the case.
I'm sorry, but you hvae crafted your own god to fit your own image, as men have done for eons.

>Jews killed Jesus
>Therefore, Jesus couldn't have been a Jew

American logic, ladies and gentlemen.

>Someone redpill us on the /Aliens-are-God/ theory
Uhh, basically humans are too far separated from the rest of the species on earth, meaning we somehow passed a great filter that no other species on the planet has been able to pass. The fact that no other life on the planet has passed this filter means it's not just uncommon, it's a rarity. Since there's little history indicating how humanity passed this filter, or even can recognize what the filter is, it stands to reason that our passing of this filter wasn't our doing. Therefore, aliens.

>kike detected
No one hates the king of jews like the jews themselves

>bring up his name
Did you know that our best SCIENTIFIC reason for why we trip on psychedelics is that it's inside our own brains?

Do you understand that the things that occur during a trip are formulated within our brains?

Right there, where all of our thoughts are, including our most intimate, closely-held and most frightening thoughts are.

There's a reason why you 1. brought up Jesus while browsing the library of your own mind, and 2. why it scared you.

A Muslim would hvae had the same experience with Mohammad. A Jew with Abraham and a Hindu with Shiva or Krishna. An atheist would simply say "cool" and enjoy the ride.

aliens commute via telepathy and must be summoned

theyre demons user

look into sumers
basically entire 'evolution' from apes who only used rocks as proto-tools into fully developed civilization happened in no time because the alien civilization accelerated it

What makes you think the atheist would be unbothered by it?


And so the energy within the planet flows outward and into the void, and its the movement of this energy which grants the perception of time and allows the trees to branch upward toward the sky and all life to exist. But eventually this energy begins to wane, and eventually the planet becomes unable to sustain the bodies or minds of the gods, and so they must leave this planet and move on to the next one that is born.

This flight from our planet and to the next is accompanied by a great catastrophe which eliminate many global civilizations. As mankind comes out of their caves and finds a world in ruin, they begin to rebuild in the absence of the gods. Some of these people don't know what happened, and some attempt to rebuild what the gods once had and attempt to defy the gods.

These rogue states that attempt to defy the gods are methodically suppressed, either through careful timing of natural catastrophes which were anticipated or through the use of devout followers of the old gods here on Earth like the Israelites, who march from city to city and eliminate these rogue states, burn their libraries and bury any knowledge of the past.

And after the past is thoroughly buried then the Jews silently work from behind the scenes and manipulate the various civilizations around the world, carefully leading mankind where they want us to go so that we could finally reach here, this point in history.

And I think it's important to keep this in mind: we wouldn't have this great, big global civilization if we knew the world was doomed all along. People wouldn't have kids, we wouldn't build castles or any other wonders if we knew the end was 10 or 20 years away or whatever. Everyone would be nihilistic and say "what's the point?" And so I think the end of the world will be a swift, violent event that catches us all by surprise.

>aliens commute via telepathy and must be summoned
And you know this how?
You are aware of many cases of a person claiming to having been abducted by aliens against their will,yes?

I guess they were all just doing DMT while sleepwalking, hu?

Next time you use DMT, ignore the elves and “move away” from them
They’ll show their true colors then
See how friendly they are then.

I don't.
I just don't think they'd see fucking "God" there.

religious people see God fucking everywhere. In a piece of toast. A fucking cheeto. The mole on the breast of the hooker they visited last weekend.

Why is god fucking everywhere, but only to wackos?

Why do "Christians" on this board keep meming and pretending they believe?

I'd be willing to bet one of my fingers, literally cut it off, if at least 99% of "Christians" here do not actually believe the stuff the Bible says you must believe.

I know atheists are obnoxious, but your LARPing is not much better. Shoot yourselves and go to your God ASAP please.

They invented him you fuckin' dumb ass little cocksucker. I should fuckin' smash your fuckin' retard head open bitch.

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Your pic is from a retarded cult which has no relationship to the origins of anything in this place.

>tfw someone actually posted this
I'm gonna go sit outside now

>at least 99% of "Christians" here do not actually believe the stuff
Cognitive Dissonance.
They believe, even while knowing it's all bullshit.

>psychedelic plebian detected
Indole alkaloids are a gift from God desu.

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umm sweetie you'll never understand modern day jews and that of the bible jew

at some point in the future mankind develops the means to manipulate spacetime. they go back and guide mankind's development, setting bushes on fire, appearing to bronze age men as angels, appearing to modern man as aliens. this has been happening for longer than you can imagine, and what we all started as wasn't mankind, but something else entirely. heaven is a technological singularity that uploads minds before they die.

Christ Cuck detected

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Let me tell you a couple of three things. First of all, learn English you dumb fuckin' beaner. Second, it's from fuckin' Stanley Kubrick you moronic fuck. Not your grandpa's cringy little spic ass retard cult. Fuck you.

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Funny how you have to make a distinction between them in order to make your point make sense.
Even funnier is how much your hatred of Jews and love of Jesus being justified hinged upon that distinction.

Fucking based

Look at it from the Gnostic Perspective.

God is an Archon, the Chief Archon is the Demiurge aka Saturn.

You know the movie is all about Saturn.

The Black Cube Monolith is just the start of how deep this shit goes.

Where can I read up on the EU?

I have a certain degree of respect for Hoffmann, but after all my psychedelic experience I can certainly say that if you turned to abrahamic heresy then you're a fucking retard and deserve to be executed.

I've done DMT many times, including Ayahuasca and is 100% correct.

Did you ever think to bring Vishnu with you?

In the novelization of the sequel, the planet Saturn turns into a star called Lucifer and the old sun burns out.

The Earth Chronicle series + the Book of Enki (stichen)
The Biggest Secret (icke)
Alien world order (kasten)
Erich von Däniken (all books)

What does this mean to any of you? Answer carefully.

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aliens wipe the earth out every 6,000 years or so using a ray gun that swaps our magnetic fields, making oceans wash over entire continents, because we become a bunch of degenerates from modernity and enslave ourselves to the divergent, demonic parasitic race that continually arises through inbreeding and greed based natural eugenic sexual selection, and takes over, aka jews

aliens bring select humans into alien constructs built millenia ago with massive stones to survive floods and repopulate earth, blue eyed blonde haired people, the ones the ayys seeded the earth with at the beginning of all the cycles

everything starts over again, with all the shit races evolving out of the germanic godlike beings chosen by the ayygods, shit races (jews, niggers, gooks, homosexuals) continually rearising and corrupting humanity over and over again every few thousand years

thats basically it

also they chilled with hitler cuz he's cool

pic related

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>every 6,000 years or so using a ray gun that swaps our magnetic fields, making oceans wash over entire continents

1. Where is your proof of this?
2. How do you know for a a fact that it is aliens and not indeed God, or something that just occurs on it's own with no direction from any entity?
3. Your understanding of race and genetics is really poor. As in you are as wrong as an asshole on your elbow wrong.
4. Funny how the people you say are "pure" look a lot like how racists in my country imagine themselves to look, and also what they say the "pure" race looks like. Hmmm....
5. Homosexual is not a race.

10. You are a stupendous moron.