As fine upstanding Christians we have a moral duty to help our great ally Israel. The virus has struck them most harshly. They're predicting 30% unemployment.

I propose we tighten our belts and send this upcoming $1,000,000,000 stimulus package to Israel. It's the right thing to do.

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Other urls found in this thread:


lol the jidf can just hire them all to post here

Pissreal can bail their own people out

the ayes have it, another hundred billion to our greatest ally

>"my heart breaks"
>blue checkmark


Indeed! A fine Christian you are!


What about a loan? Hahahahaha

Fucking kek. That would just be sweet, sweet revenge. Nothing illegal about a nice little 70% interest rate loan that increase by 2% interest every month it's not paid off. I'm sure they'd understand.

Attached: Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg (1218x1600, 363.44K)


They're the richest country in the world and we pay all their expenses already so that they may live luxuriously like royalty

They deserve more. Look what they've been through.

>as christians we have to bailout those who killed our Messiah and inhabit the holy Land
Ok retard, 3/10 bait

Damn...what can we do to help?

It's the duty of every White American Christian to do what they can to help Israel.

How can we send them help?

Is there a website where we can donate?

UHHHH WTF my name is Kody and my ID is Kody. surely this is a sign from G-d

Low interest!

I miss when Yas Forums could just laugh at obvious sarcasm and play along rather than getting angry. Fucking zoomers.

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Israel had always high unemployment, people just ignore it for decades.

His heart breaks because 5000 Jews are out of a job. His heart breaks. Is this all they care about

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Yeah, some of us got laid off. Expect less subversive shitposts on Yas Forums

The fact that so many schools and universities are closed and the younglings don't have to sleep or go to school we may not see as many subversive posts, but the shitposting will be yuge.

Attached: giphy (5).gif (400x225, 619.75K)

And just how autistic are you feeling today, Kody?
Is your address [redacted]?

UHHHH WTF you are a faggot and my ID is a string of numbers and letters. Surely this is a sign you kill yourself.

Oy Vey the Unemploymencaust is upon us!!

The kikes will even lay out each other high and dry if it comes to sheckles.

OUR UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IS NOW AT 5%. Never before has it reached these unprecedented levels of 10%. Now that our unemployment is at 20% we need America's aid. PLEASE AMERICA HELP US WERE AT 30% UNEMPLOYMENT!



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>As fine upstanding Christians we have a moral duty to help our great ally Israel
I'm a Christian and I know that Israel is the synagogue of Satan and spread nothing but immoral detritus over the world at all times.
They are the children of lies.
Maybe you need to read the New Testament again kike.

Attached: Satans synagogue.jpg (800x419, 117.1K)

Please, consider sending your trumpbux to help an Israeli in need.

>Please, consider sending your trumpbux to help an Israeli in need.
Hey aren't they weeks away from creating a vaccine? What happened to that?
What happened to the cancer cures from Israel in 2012 and 2015 ?
Where are they? Your lies can save you.
How about that.

You should probably take a breath and not get so upset at obvious bait. Maybe go get laid man.

I suggest you take your kikery to reddit.

Ok little baby zoom zoom.

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We get it, you don't like jews. For shits sake shut the fuck up about jews. We have major home price inflation to deal with.

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Tech, suppoat.

That's more like it. Now post a wojak.

These markets are crashing so fucking far were not dealing with inflation. We're dealing with deflation. It'll just be during a recession. With a little depression.

If you put all the cash into 5 dollar bills it costs to own a home out right, are the wheel barrows big enough to carry it in?

A yuge barrow, yes.

>$1,000,000,000 stimulus package to Israel. It's the right thing to do.
Any less than $50,000,000,000 is antisemitic.

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No. They arn't.

How many people in the us right now, can in cash, no credit, buy a home of honestly good construction?

how about you send them some free blankets.

Realistically anything less than 6,000,000,000,000. Is implying you're a nazi. Surely we can sacrifice $1 for each Holocaust victim?

>*Coof* here's your blanket sirs

I bet lots of the people cashing out and destroying the stock market are citizens of Israel.

Change that question from the US to *insert nation* and then answer it yourself.

Will be done my greatest alie ,we will bring 6gorilion dollarinos together with a cure for corona and aids .all you have to do is tell your relatives in US of A not to stop making capeshit

>80 years and still believing the 6 million meme

>NY rabbi: ‘Not even 1 million’ Jews killed in Holocaust

Crypto kikes were never part of the chosen people.

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you're saying only 6,000,000,000,000,000 died?

you are wrong, it was way more than 6,000,000,000,000,000 it was 6,000,000,000,000,000,000!

>He can't count
Um, maybe check how many zeroes that was, dumb shit.

they've run out of debtors so they've resorted to jewing themselves with the corona hoax.

As a Christian who actually listens to Christ. I say death to the synagogue of satan!

You don't get what i am telling you.

Poor defenseless helpless non aggressive isrealites, why only 1B why not 6 billion?

It was destroyed by the romans an all levites were rounded up an executed.

Nor do I care to.

If normies think that this is what Americans are being suggested to do... What on Earth would they start to think?

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Jews are celebrating shemita, during shemita they do not work and forgive the debt of other jews

Thats the problem these days isn't it? No one cares, no one listens. No wonder we face extinction.

And they pull their money out of businesses/stocks

Spoken like a true Republican.

>tfw us donates another 2 billion to israel to aid their crisis while american society collapses

>tyrome and ahmed cry about gooks dying mockingly
>kikes die
>africa is burning to death in the fires of corona
>trump said "free money lmao"
>china needs to pay

apologize niggers. china is truly doing gods work

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Then why are they running the USA?

Communists, leftists, antifa, people like you, foriegn invaders that want to sell heroin and meth to our children and take over our lives.


Trump better give us our socialist neet bux and bail out israel or hes fucking hitler and i will protest.

also he needs to fire his whole time and hire blacks.

Here's your you.

Now go reread how I don't give a fuck what you have to say.

Go read up on roman an the main record keeper that recorded the raising of the temple and the after math of it.