I have taken a DNA test yet and most my family doesn't seem to have a ton of knowledge of our ancestry. From what I have been told is my mothers side came from around Russia and my Dads side was northern EU and Italian. But non of that info is very sound imo. If anyone is good at telling these type of things by looking at someone can you give me your best guess?
What does my ancestry look like Yas Forums?
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If you have to ask this question, then you’re not white. You’re a stupid fucking amerimutt.
Like a nigger Jew
Meanwhile you prob actually look like a mutt but okay thanks for your input
You were in a drug thread earlier bragging about doing hard drugs, you're clearly black
Kike, spic, nigger, faggot, chink.
Cope harder faggot
You're kinda cute OP, do you wanna be my virtual boyfriend?
Too many guys taking pictures of themselves these days. Why do modern men act like women?
Maybe because we aren't ugly incels like you?
>virtual waifu?
>virtual homo?
Because girls actually like my pics and it helps me get laid? Sorry crusty boomer
Your ancestry is nigger faggot
I shall live this cursed life I guess
Thank you for opening my eyes user
Some variety of beaner.
black irish
Faggatron plus
Married 10 years
Fair enough.
Oh wow finally a maybe serious reply.
hmm maybe, I do plan on taking a DNA test soon. I will be making a post about it, who knows maybe you will be right.
I haven't heard anything about Irish in my family though.
Yeah I mean if you posted a pic on faceberg and got a lot of QT's liking it and hitting up your DM's wouldn't you?
Are you a ftm tranny? You look rather effeminate.
Yeah. No. You’re Mexican, dawg...
Sure, if I was younger. I mostly spend my time avoiding women these days.
No I just got a dumb haircut cause girls like it
Maybe this pic is more your liking. Looks like some fucking country album or some hick shit you're prob used to
Yeah well you're married that's understandable.
You look like a typical white american with no identity. Also putting you pic on Yas Forums is a bad idea
Hate to break it to you bub, but you're definitely a homo.
Yeah prob not the best idea but I don't have much irl that anyone can fuck with.
Worst is they roast me (obviously)
>Hate to break it to you bub, but you're definitely a homo.
Probably a incel who gets a anxiety attack when he even looks at a 6/10 girl.
BTW why do you wear that red lumberjack shirt? Literally everyone uses it you're so... mainstream, I'm breaking up with you.
waifu chan NOOOO, it's comfy here where I live in the cold months...
Douchebag. Shave that faggot goatee.
Only one pic has it
Also no I like my goatee sometimes
Do you often make threads with your pics or pics of your friend to crave for attention?
probably huwhite/burrito mix
yes all pics are of my friend
He is much more popular than me and I just wanted a taste of that.
I can appreciate that you are smart enough not to dox yourself.
looks like there is some mestizo or other mixed group.
I'd say half mexican and half European.
wtf did i just watch
jewish nearly 100% lmfao
You're White. Dumbass. lol.
but it could be southern italian(lots of north african).
really i don't know. i'd say you're white by American standards.
walk into the shower and find out.
Not jewish (even though my boomer parents would coom if we were)
Look like an Irish/Black quadroon desu
Your family from the Eastern/Southeastern states?
i remember seeing this years ago and being disturbed as FUCK watching it
reminds me of (them)
Family the last few generations are from the Pacific Northwest
well shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
Someone posted it a few hours ago in another thread. I am scarred for life now
You look 1/4 Latino
You look like a human mop brother,