Sheep! They have the sheep riled up!

Look at this stupid fucking bitch.

A week ago I bet this lefty whore had no idea wha this was and now she thinks she should tell a man she doesn’t even know how to live his life

Fuck I hate women like this

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Other urls found in this thread:

She's right tho

No she’s not there are like 40
Cases in this state

She is right and you’re a fag but I don’t care, hope you get it and infect all the boomers in your office. Also hope you die.

You people are a bunch of hyberbolic fags

That ho is right. How much of a bitchboi do you have to be to not be able to spend a few weeks alone with your thoughts?

You don’t have to literally shut yourselves into your homes for a couple thousand cassss

Are you people really doing this ? What a bunch of retarded faggots you’ve become

Why do people hate their homes so much? I've made my home as comfy as possible.

I don’t hate my home I don’t want to be in the same place all day every day

Literally nobody has suggested that we all need to sit at home like hermits it’s not necessary

You douchebag, its not about you. You could kill dozens of people by asymptotically spreading the virus, all because you were too much of a pansy to stay at home. Think about that for a second. You are incapable of complying with the easiest request in the world. Really, I hope you catch the virus and become one of the young deaths I read about on the news. We are all better off without weak willed nancy boys fagging up the place.

Who employed an illiterate like you?
What do you do?
How much do you make at it?
Are you any good at it?
What are your coworkers like?

>guys look at this woman! isn't she so stupid? what a dumb whore kek fucking liberal
>what do you mean she's right? fuck you guys you're all retarded and paranoid
I genuinely mean this, kill yourself.

You shut ins are all enourmous pussies

>you might infect 3 old people who you wasn’t even come into contact with because you are alone in an empty office building

Literally boot licking faggots the lot of you

virgin hermit v.s. chad asymptomatic carrier

brb gonna go poz some boomers with my deadly viral load

Proof that the corona-virus is FAKE:

If your entire goal is to kill boomers, by all means go for it. I understand the call to chaos and destruction. If you are just incapable of “being in the same place” for a few weeks, then you are genetic trash who deserves to die.

>wanting to get out of the house makes you genetic trash

quite the opposite

>being incapable of being in your house for a relatively short duration makes you genetic trash
Yeah, pretty much. Discipline is pretty important in life, and this is asking for an amount of it so small that i dont feel comfortable even calling it “discipline”. Have fun being an edgelord who tries to impress thots with his cool inability to follow simple requests. I have already procreated, and have a happy family. So if one of us sucks at life, im pretty confident its not me.

This looks like a Canadian post. If the user comes into contact with 0 people... how many fucks do I give.

Answer = 0 Fucks

ur a fuckin' faggot dude

Ride on public transportation when you find out you have it.

just ask claire out instead of seething and whining on Yas Forums about how bad she triggers you

you can't even go a few days without needing to go suck cock or you'll go insane. Your words not mine.

It's a kike subversion that the virus attacks only boomers

475 dead in italy in Just one FUCKING DAY !!!
They weren't boomers !

The current situation is REVERSE EUGENICS !!!
The good goyim stay home
while conseravtives are tricked into going outside.


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>go out with some nosey bitch who is taking shelter in place advise from the likes of De Blasio and San Francisco


>including the apostrophe in fuckin’
Hit a nerve did we

>Goes to empty workplace because bored
>Finds 10 other workaholic wages there coofing all over

Retard. There might be 40 confirmed cases but there are certainly more unconfirmed cases. Not only that but it is contagious even before symptoms are shown

>durrr, there is only 40 confirmed cases. It's not like everyone is losing their minds right now over they fact that there's a shortage of testing kits.
>the virus doesn't have a 2 week incubation period.

People like you shouldn't have the right to vote.

Pathetic that you niggers follow quarantine rules. You are extras in a movie.

I’m not following any of these goddamn rules please the rest of you should tho

>hope you get it and infect all the boomers in your office

who talks like this? do you have no parents? are you a rape baby?

>staying at home

>hurr durr I am not in quarantine I don't stay at home
> get infected goyim go die outside
fucking kike

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I've never met a woman named Claire that I liked. If a female is named Claire you know she's terrible.

look at this special boy

you are an NPC if you can't entertain yourself for a few days alone and MUST go outside. I mean you want to go to work because you are so bored, do you even have a soul?

the problem with fags like that is that they’ll go on and on about hating boomers (and most often, they’re wrong; they’re actually hating on Gen X) but do absolutely nothing to fix their situation because it’s simply easier to blame a generalization as the cause of whatever they’ve been convinced by social media that they’re lacking and entitled to. Perhaps the worst part is that if you were to strip away all their social media influence and benzo trance, there really isn’t much wrong with their lives; they’ve just been convinced there is by (((them))) and are generally too weak/lazy of a person to say “hey, what the fuck...” and get pissed off enough to do something about it. Sad.

am I the only one that saw the nude leak of Epstein thread like 20 minutes ago?

You are retarded

nobody at all has said we all need to self quarantine.

Its more dangerous to make your once a week grocery runs than for me to go to an empty office building

You guys are just a bunch of NEETS gleefully living out an apocalypse fantasy

I always thought the NPC shit was a meme but this pandemic is proving otherwise.

There are some people out there who really can't function - let alone adapt - to a non-wageslave life. They HAVE to get out of the house and interact with other people; their minds literally can't handle it even with social media at their fingertips.

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Of course niggers like yourself don't understand how bad SARS is.

So I have an ultimatum: Bill Gates and the Illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle. WOOOO WE GOTT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE WE GOT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. They got a big herd of nigger cattle yippie ki yay we're nigger cattle herders we got a herd of nigger cattle, they are the most docile fucking nigger cattle we got 'em so docile we got this awesome big fucking herd of nigger cattle and they shit and they sit there and they watch TV and they shit ITS THE BEST FUCKING HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. We took away all their guns now they just shit and we watch them and were rich. We are so fucking rich. We have so much fucking money. We got this herd of nigger cattle WOOOOO. We're milking the fucking nigger cattle it's the best thing ever. So that's what the Illuminati got and I got a space alien. So here is my ultimatum: you can live in hell with my nigger cattle OR you can put me in charge of the space alien temple, the third temple. OK? Have fun with your nigger cause I sure as hell ain't gonna fucking suck your jew nigger cock. Fuck yourself you think i'm gonna fucking enjoy nigger cattle after I had a fucking space alien are you fucking crazy? I got a fucking space alien of course I'm not gonna fuck, fuck with nigger cattle fuck yourself. You fucking think i... enjoy your FUCKING NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE GO GO GO GO YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE. You got a fucking herd of nigger WOOOO we got 'em so docile they just shit all day aint that so great?

Dude already has symptoms. Right there in the way he writes. RIP

>if you dont enjoy sitting in your house like some kind of a piece of shit it makes you an NPC

No a change of scenery and getting outside is good for you fag

people go out for groceries because they need to eat. You go to work because you are an npc that can't handle being alone with his thoughtless mind.

You say that like it's a surprise, are you new here or something?

i’m working (read: not working) from home and day drinking like everyone else. out running every day, too. it’s fine
all this nigga wanna do is go to the office and fart in a task chair. no wonder you can’t stand your own company, boring fuck

>ITT amerisharts prove they are below 90iq
I gotta get out of this place

>wanting to go into the office

suicide. now.

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>a change of scenery and getting outside is good for you fag

Not denying that, but it's not worth it when other peoples' lives are on the line, if your brain literally can't handle it then just go in your backyard and exercise and do some gardening if you have a house. If you don't, then well tough shit, watch a nature doc or something.

is it bait? it’s bait isn’t it. i plead intoxication

Go and read, start gardening, go fish, take a jog, say hi to your family that you've ignored for the past five years. Who the fuck said you needed to be glued to a chair or to a computer you dumb nigger?

Hey man do whatever
just don't push the idea people shouldn't stay at home while the virus is rampant outside

475 died in Italy just yestarday
this aint China
this is here !

If you wanna risk it then GO

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Amateurs .

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you must be working off a non standard definition of that word

what is it with these posts where you get unreasonably angry about the littlest things on tinder. calm down, stinky.

Stop projecting your horse shit on me

I like to get out of the house, I like to get up and have my routine.

Sitting at home alone is no different than sitting in an office alone Im not risking anybody and its not even a serious issue in my area for now,

Most restaurants and shit are still open nobody has asked them to close or shut down.

Italy is on the other side of the planet from me.

Both California and Jew York had the virus long before it reached Italy

if you feel so uncomfortable at home that you "lose your mind" then something is terribly wrong going on in your life.
Seriously. "Home" means the one Place on earth you WANT to be at any given time. It is your shelter, it is your "safe place", where you are supposed to feel good and welcome.

if this is not the case anymore, you should reconsider your life fundamentally.

>sitting at home is no different than sitting in an office alone
so why the fuck do you want to go so badly

you are a bunch of boring nerds.

Because it gives me something to do

you know, society really doesn’t ask that much of you if you think about it. except maybe just don’t be an asshole this one time, because every day this lockdown continues the money printer go brrrr and the future gets less certain. but no, you want to sit in this chair not that chair. baby always got what he wanted didn’t he

Who says you're alone? Do you have a list and times of who comes in and out of that office?
Point being that just because you're alone doesn't mean some dumbass might've come in thinking the same as you while you're not working and spread the SARS everywhere.

>Being so empty and soulless that being alone for a few is like torture.

Fuck these things off. They can't be human.

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You just wanted to be alone with her at the office. Now you're mad because she was never interested in you.
Don't worry, it's all over.

>you are a bunch of boring nerds.
maybe, but i can stay at home for 2 days without feeling the walls crumbling down like a faggot.

exactly what i mean with

Then go and drive around if that's what stimulates you or do like I said and start picking up some hobbies. You're the one making this seem difficult.

what is reading, drawing, learning something knew, watching movies, watching porn, watching jewtube

wage cuck conditioned to go to work even when he doesn't have to.

Good wagie.

Fuck society jesus christ we are doing more damage to it by staying home

Dont care nobody in my city has this

>Being introverted gives me value

it doesn't

That was our entire interaction, I unmatched her for being a presumptive bitch

>I get bored sitting at home

What makes you think im losing my mind for real its a fucking figure of speech yo autists

Thats the point of going to the office

I still need to work retards

Goddamn this whole thread reveals what a bunch of useless cuts you are all.

>Go explore your hobbies! Go read a book

Im not fucking oFF WORK I still have to work just now I have to do it in my living room

Fuck no Id rather still go to work and do work in my work environment.


I dont get a wage you fucking losers

don’t let wagie out of his cagie
he’s gonna go crazy

>I can't stay at home I'll lose my mind
You are such a massive faggot holy shit. Literally the easiest thing you could possibly do is too hard for you
Imagine having to count on you to get anything done hahaha fuck man that's rough, I'm sorry

>Haha being a fucking boring retard that likes to stay home gives me absurd feelings of superiority

fucking sad

prediction about drake getting coronavirus from two days ago comes true.

You don't belong here.

Nobody tricked you nigger.
Conservatives will die because they are inferior and retarded

you got me, i’m the boring retard. haha. it was me all along. what a twist!

I belong anywhere I want bong

So would meeting face to face one on one with someone be unwise at this time? My landlord wanted to chat at his office, but it'll be the first time I've really left the house in about a week.

Do I bail or just insist we keep our distance while meeting?

Yeah now youll be able to get your life together maybe

>Im not fucking oFF WORK I still have to work just now I have to do it in my living room
then do so!
jesus christ user, you spare the time to commute if you can do homeoffice (assuming you can in your job) so you have more freetime on your Hand and no fucking Boss behind you that looks over your Shoulder every 5 Minutes. Take the Perks and do your Thing, how can you even be bored at home when you have Work to do anyways?

Even if you multiply the ifections by 5 to accout for those who are not showing symptoms its still a tiny fraction of the population

Its literally nothing

>it’s not necessary
maybe not for you, you stupid fuck


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My commute is not long and I dont have the kind of job where my boss is looking over my shoulder

He isnt even at my office and neither is anyone else

yeah man. you got any office chairs i could sit in? maybe a wall calendar and one of those bobble heads? i’m in a bad place right now

This is stupid but I agree

The tests aren't 100% accurate, your city may not have tests, and carriers can be asymptomatic. No cases in your city is a stupid reason.

You're literally the one that is too boring to find anything to do at home. You have no hobbies other than hanging out with other people. You are very obviously the boring retard one here hahahaha

You literally have no idea what society even is.
Human society is under the crumbling house of a dead god. This is it for you.

"i go to work to stimulate my mind, you're the boring one, clearly I, user, am the superior being and nothing can entertain me like my job! So while you stay home and enjoy relaxation, time off, and less stress during a strange time, I will be doing what a real, and SOCIAL person does, going to my empty workplace, to work."

LOL everything they say about salarymen is true, INCAPABLE of seeing past the end of their noses.

maybe, still doesn't invalidate my points. You have more time and can do your job in the office as good as at home. Just pull your shit together wagie.

now, i gotta go to work since i have a Job that can't be done from home. Notice something? If you have the possibility to stay at home, do so.

>Caring what women think

So if we assume there are 5x the reported casses or even 10x the reported casses it’s literally nothing still

I’m not I still have to work all day and I’d rather get out of the house to do so


What you got fired? You are a non essential employee?

Most of us aren’t off at all just inconvenienced


entertainment industry insider successfully predicts drake getting coronavirus: