China sending one MILLION masks & gloves to France following shipment to crisis-hit Italy.
China is shipping one million surgical masks and gloves to France as it struggles to contain the coronavirus, with Europe becoming the new focal point of the global pandemic.
French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian confirmed the shipments on Wednesday in an interview with France's BFM TV. The first of two planes has already arrived via Belgium and a second will arrive on Thursday, he said.

China's gesture comes after France sent 17 tonnes of equipment to Beijing when the Covid-19 virus first broke out in Wuhan last December.
France reported 89 new deaths from Covid-19 on Wednesday, updating the total to 264. The number of confirmed cases has also risen to 9,134 – up from 7,730 on Tuesday – health agency director Jerome Salomon said.

Full story:

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trojan horse

I wouldn't accept help from China. They're probably trying to spread the virus on purpose at this point.

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trojan bat

nice try

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They’re all used

>helping the French survive
This will only make Soros angrier.

Those fuckers used up all the PPE to begin with. If china didn't release this virus or tried containing it from the very beginning, this might have never happened.

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China doing damage control.

It's the least they could do after sending one MILLION infected gooks.


Can't wait for China to march it's army through Europe and take over, while claiming to be there to assist with the virus.

Europeans have chosen communisn, and their lives will be the price.

That’s because France and Italy bought the masks. This story and propaganda has already been blown.

China doesn’t do nice for anyone, not even it’s own people. I’d like to ask what the state of the Uighurs is right now before China gets any praise.

I'm never eating Chinese food again Boycotting China good s myself idk about you . This is all bullshit. They don't know how to make laws that ..protect against this kind of shit it was inevitable Pisses me off so much they owe the world trillions of dollars for the millions of dollars they didn't spend enforcing food health and safety laws China literally is responsible for the deaths of 9000 innoncet people that's alot more than 911. We better make them pay

Commies sliding all Ant China threads and bumping misinformation blaming USA somehow for the virus.

Do your part anons and make anti Chinese threads and bump all of those you see!

Boycott China and Chinese food make those chink restaurants go out of business!

They better op you fucking autists chink they created and spread the virus bc of their piss poor food and health regulations. They didn't spend any money or time enforcing common sense laws they should be nuked you chink op

>If china didn't release this virus
There is more and more evidence that it was the US who released the Corona Virus.

COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US.

Attached: Who created CoronaVirus?.jpg (1024x731, 140.94K)

We should be grateful for this. China has no reason to help anyone after all the hate and fearmongering directed at them.

It's the best move right now. They can step up and finally take their spot as World Leader, where America used to be.

so they fucking should
they did this
china did this
it is all on china

We don't make masks and gloves anymore. We could probably supply some napalm though

fuck off chink
go eat a bat

Coronavirus is CIA work

Go fuck yourself
From: USA

Op is a chink.. they better you fucking retard that's where the virus started cunt USA and countries have to deal with it themselves we can't afford resources on other countries you goddamn cunt retard how autisitic is this op?

If China really wanted to help the world they would pay us all $10,000 .
For the jobs lost and wages lost

Op is a chink

Were not even going to help ourselves.

>fuck off chink
Wrong address fag.
I'm not a chink.

This is a chink

We're fucking dying here, nigger. Send us your ventilators.

china is reselling ppe that the eu horded and blockaded selling to fellow eu 'members' ie italy
this is just making a new euccp blok; at eu's own expense; keeping up profit/trade at the expense of members.
you are now part of the capitulation
oh yeah and
>meme flag

I dunno about the US helping fight Coronavirus, but they sure did help us fight Communism virus from China and Russia back in the 1950s.

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If China was really helping they would pay world citizens trillions for lost wages cunt!!

China is our friend and ally agains the zog we need them, this virus was planted.

Gods watch over Chinese bros

meme flag calling me a fag
oh no how will i ever recover

We'll help when it's the Confederate Cough or the Cowboy Clap, but the Teriyaki Terror is on the Chinks. We've got our own problems to deal with at the moment.

This op is a chink autistic retard

USA is suffering worse than China now .. they owe us for lost jobs and lost wages big time and for wrecking the economy.

If you can't see that you must have slant eyes pun intended

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

Ok Chang

They're trying to gain favor for when they start WW3.
>See Frogs? We sent you masks! Masks that America paid us to make but fuck them, you have them. We're friends right?
Fuck'em. Trumps Wartime Powers and Production act means we'll be fine. The frogs can even help the Chinks. An excuse to fuck you pussies up, too. MURICA! FUCK YEAH!

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>virus comes from China
>taking medical supplies from chinks

My friends are losing their jobs . China is wrecking the economy. China owes every American 10,000$ or they haven't done shit cunt!!!

The chinks must pay with their lives

Boycott all Chinese food make them work in sweat shops where they belong . Send your local Chinese restaurant out of business!!

Destroy and vandalize chink restaurants!!! Support American food fuck these dirty chinks dipping dog meat and dog food meat into basedsauce they are spreading the virus on purpose

Op is a chink

>buys all the masks and gloves while not telling anyone that shit is hitting the fan
>shit hits the fan in the west
>lie about numbers to not lose face, pretend everything is alright while you're building mass graves
>rook everything ok in china we help you, take mask prease rememba this america fault!

Maybe US should do that, since evidence is pointing that it was the US who is responsible for Corona Virus epidemic.
Remember when US were telling whole World that there were weapons of mass destruction in IRAQ.
And it was proven to be a 100% lie.

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China will pay

This could have easily been avoided if they didn't eat fucking piss stained flying rats and shit.

>release bioweapon
>hide it from the world and let it spread
>arrest anyone trying to warn others
>have the nerve to get upset when people shut their borders to you
>act like children and get offended when people say you caused something that you literally did cause
>send shills all over the internet to try and save your public image
>use SJW tactics and cry racism because you know it works
>pretend like you're saving the day by sending some fucking masks to countries you fucking infected in the first place
I genuinely hope China gets nuked off the face of the planet and every chink outside of China is rounded up and executed for this, the dirty chinks stole it from this shithole too.


kek watching mutts burn in a cesspool because of a common cold, best time line ever

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China is scum. Every disease comes from you or Africa. You’re thieves and barbarians and the only reason you’re still here, is out of our kindness and the sheer ignorance of our spoiled, naive, female populace. You should be embarrassed for calling that nation your home and spouting their retarded propaganda. Wake up or do the world a favor and off yourself.

Fuck off chink.

Fuck winnie the pooh

Tiananmen square yellow.

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Hussein gassed his own people and killed a half-million civilians. Someone had to have the balls to show the world you can’t get away with that. Our WMD intelligence was wrong, but the conclusions would’ve been the same regardless. He has to go.

Everything good in this world has come out of the West. Every meaningful invention and technology. China? You only steal what we invent, and infect the world with disease and pain. You’re a scourge. And you all have tiny dicks, empty sacks and no muscle tone, so you’d get fucked in any type of conflict with us.


You got rot of nerve posting China disinfo proprogranda as reliable info, Xi shill.


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Those niggers stockpile all the masks, then pass a few of as some great charitable act.
What absolute moron would fall for that?
Who in their right mind would EVER believe the ccp has humanitarian goals.
Christ, you people are the kind of retards that would willingly hop aboard a slave ship.

and then open your mouths.

I'm not fun of China,I don't really like that nation as a whole that much, individuals yes, but not the whole nation per say, but I smell a rat here,
and that stinking rat is in the US from what several sources are saying.
Again, remember huge lie the US sold to the whole World about chemical weapons of mass destruction in IRAQ.

Also don't forget this fat lying pig, Mike Pompeo.
DAILY REMINDER: "We lied, we cheated, we stole" - Mike Pompeo.

‘We lied, we cheated, we stole’: Pompeo offers honest, if disturbing admission about CIA activity.(VIDEO).
In a rare moment of honesty, Mike Pompeo admitted to an audience that the CIA trains employees to “lie, cheat and steal.”
While he seemed to find the whole thing funny, not everyone is amused, as RT found out.

The CIA often asks American citizens and international leaders to believe some extraordinarily high-stakes claims.
From warning countries around the world not to invest in Huawei technology ‘compromised’ by Chinese state security funding to asserting that Moscow
meddled in the elections and pushing Trump to expel Russian diplomats, it would seem that maintaining integrity and confidence would be a high priority for the intelligence agency.

According to former CIA director and current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, however, that notion is laughable.

“I was a CIA director, we lied, we cheated we stole… like, we had entire training courses.
It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment,” Pompeo told an audience in College Station, Texas earlier this month amid self-amused chuckles.

POMPEO-VIDEO in the article link:


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ok chang

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this post was made by eurasian gang

You mean they're releasing all the masks they took back a month ago.
China Delenda Est.

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This. This right here is why China is DONE as a country and will never be one again after we are done with you.

They're rewarding the obedient nations while punishing the US for trying to be more independent.

get out

Sending hoards of cheap masks isnt really as much of a help as it is a pr stunt and maybe overproduction disposal

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>and then open your mouths.

i am only eating taiwanese food form no w on

Still hiding behind memeflags, I see.

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>I'm not fun of China

Let’s hope you make masks better than you make pig iron retard chink

It should be Sina Delenda Est

Proof that the corona-virus is FAKE:

What if I that said Trump has been learing mandarin?

they should be sending cumloads of elderberry syrup

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Fuck you you stupid ccp rat. Go back to cockaroach internet you fucking insect.