Anyone else having fun with this BS?

Anyone else having fun with this BS?

>Went to the grocery store like I usually do

>Clerk tried to make me leave because it was "senior shopping only"

>Apparently it's a new thing now where only senior citizens (65 and over I believe) are allowed in grocery stores during a certain time

Just laughed at him and kept on shopping

>They tried to pull the old "Please leave or we'll call the authorities" line

>Basically told them I'd sue for age discriminate and violation of my civil rights if I wasn't allowed to shop and being excluded just because of my age

>That shut them right up and they left me alone after that

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u showed those overworked retail workers gj user

Are you jewish by chance? SAGE

oh wow you're so cool, hey guys we got a tough guy here

> haha bros i was a total dick to the employers at my local grocery store who havent gotten off work and are just following upper managment
> Lool so based right?

God you are insufferable

Stfu cunts. The Mutt needed his groceries, why should he back off because of ''senior shopping only''?

OP you are based and anti-retailpilled. Fuck those wagie cucks up.

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What is that thing?

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zoomer/newfag spotted

Why couldnt he just have gone the next hour after? Gives the seniors less of a chance of getting the virus from young a symptomatic people since most old people with the virus will probably be struck ill quick

>hhahaha im so edyg and cool fuck the rules brooo! ill jsut do whatever i want !! mom you cant control me!!! XD

I walked bob dylan through walmart

>Oh god, oh fuck, oh nooooo, not the booomers, nooooooooooooo, fugg fugg fugg, please oh God, someone save the booooooooomers, noooooooooooo, why does this have to happen, not the boomer remover nooooooooooooo fuck fuck fuck, please bro, we need to save the old small boomerinooooooos, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

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Separating old people from young people is not an effective form of quarantine. Old people can be just as asymptomatic as young people.

The whole idea of "senior only shopping time" is so stupid and ineffective that I bet it was cooked up by some idiot diversity hire in management who neither understands basic biology or sanitation.

You want to protect old people, don't let them shop, period. Have their families shop for them and deliver food to their doorstep.

Impotent Midget Jew rages and berates amateur trumpet player for disturbing "the silence of creatvity" in affluent NYC area.

Total (you) bait larp. None of you dick beating pussies on here have the sack to do somethign like that.

Senior here and it's stupid to kill everyone to (fail to) save us.
Everyone dies. Accept your mortality like a man. If you croak, you croak.

Dont let these contrarian fools bother you OP. I got a chuckle out of your story and agree with you, its discrimination to tell you that due to your age you are denied services offered to others. They dont know that the early morning might be your only free window to get supplies. Not everyone works 9to 5 like boomers . Your experience is just one more example of boomers expecting the younger generations to sacrifice for them so that they can change nothing. Look at the people still going out to eat, all boomers.look at the videos of the packed Costco's and Walmarts. All boomers. So we should all sit at home and make no money but let them still go out in large groups and oh, dont forget make sure your boomer landlord gets next months rent early!
Fuck em. I'm not staying at home or changing my routine unless a doc tells me to. I didnt change when terrorist attacked us on 9/11, and I won't change now. I refuse to give in to fear for someone else's sake when they are not afeared themselves

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Funny, lol. Fucking kike.

Unironically based. You can stay alive BasedBoomer.

This is one of the most important places in north America, who are you!

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I cant wait until they start pressing homicide charges for this ridiculously selfish behavior like they do in Italy right now. You could have potentially killed someones grandma, just because you are too retarded to observe the stores rules that they set up to protect senior citizens. Keep being that edgy, badass, teenage angst ridden, pizza faced, basement dwelling, fedora tipping, neckbearded faggot that you are OP. Im sure that personality will get you all the bitches, and your clearly superior IQ must have netted you a fortune by now.

>cont. Cause I derailed my train of thought a bit
It would be fine if the stores offered the shopping time as a suggestion, let it be known they are asking the community, but to try and actually enforce it as a store policy is by definition, discriminatory, specifically ageism.

you should have pretended to have a cough

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Why do I think this is a cool story, faggot?

A well formed rebuttal to my point. Thank you, and yes I do agree. I was just talking about the situation at hand, and not what they should do though.

Boomers can’t have their freedoms taken away! We have to have ours curtailed instead.

Are you going to say this when your parents or grandparents get it ? Have you practiced the wojak face ? Pathetic

The boomers can use clicklists and curbside and delivery just like everyone else. Why is it ok for all the old people to be in a large group, weve all seen the Costco videos. It's not like young people are more likely to carry it. The boomers are just as likely to be spreaders , more so in that they are still physically shopping vs using non contact methods .
Its rules for thee, not for me, something boomers are great at. Why should we show more concern for their health than they show for themselves .

There will be vigilante groups at supermarkets soon to deal with fucks like you

>Why should we show more concern for their health than they show for themselves .
or others

You sound like a nigger OP

>seniors are more likely to experience severe symptoms and death from infection
>seniors less likely to be asymptomatic
>by keeping them separated whenever possible you are reducing the likelihood of someone who is asymptomatic from coming into contact with them
Wheres the flaw in this reasoning?

Stop being a twat. Grow up man.

Excellent point.
>if you dont let businesses discriminate against you illegally we'll use illegal violence to threaten you
Well you've really cornered that moral high ground , huh , boomer?

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No ones gonna kill grandma. And Grandma shouldn’t be out if she’s so scared of a fake pandemic. She should be locked down in a bed in a psych ward I mean nursing home I mean senior living apartments I mean condo.

The proof

Of what?

Proof that the corona-virus is FAKE:


so what about all of the previous people who gave grandma a flu that killed them?
maybe bill gates microchip can track that and charge them with murder

literally kill yourself

Because people have lives . Fuck boomers

I did it today at Ralph’s cuz I had to go to bank. Called the director a faggot to his face


I'm an orphan, i'll gladly wait this boomer remover out on my throne of toilet papers.

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Aside from the sarcasm and trolling I'm beginning to think that there's a disproportionate level of mental illness and truly non-productive minds at work on this board. A lot of the sentiments are little more than recipes for failure in life. It's like going through skid row.

Sounds like you're a nigger or a kike.

I don’t think people with HIV will be risking it.

Total bullshit.

The store is allowed to set their own rules.

OP is a lying faggot.

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>overworked retail
80% of them are part time employees you branlet. fucking hell even dunkin donuts only has like 4 girls at each location who are full time, the rest are all part time to avoid paying out benefits.

soon you will not be able to go to the store, as funny as you wanna be for now americans really cannot behave unless maximum brutal force is used; total national lockdown via manifestation of the full fascist might of the military police state is imminent

Consider the following. My wife has a moderate case of asthma. Apparently chronic respiratory illness makes the virus worse. If this virus isnt a hoax, and you end up spreading it to me through your edgelordery, which causes my wife to become severely ill, or die I will be torturing you in my basement well after you are praying for the sweet release of death. This isnt meant to scare you, after all, we will likely never see each other, and it would be near impossible for me to trace the origin of such an infection. Im just letting you know how this could play out if multiple first world governments havent shut down their entire economies just to play a prank on you.

Good thing we have guns in America u retarded aussiekunt

I used to always say the boomers don’t care what happens after they die because they think the world ends with them. Now I think they’re ensuring the world literally does end with them. If they have to suffer we all gave to suffer with them. Pure narcissism.

Martial Law is pretty much the only way to deal with the entitles children and retarded boomers that infest this country.

No one cares about your wife like you don’t care about the entire world suffering so that she might live, you selfish prick you.

You know those "everyone out of the pool" breaks were so the lifeguards could go fuck off for awhile right?

Imagine being so entitled you thin a business should be forced to serve you

Why are you even shopping now, faggot? How unprepared were you? No wonder no woman wants your seed.

“Suffering” equates to not shopping during an hour of the day, and sitting on your couch. What a sheltered life you must live. I would feel no remorse stabbing a corkscrew through your eyes because you felt my family was less important than eliminating your boredom.

Store can still set rules that run afoul of federal discrimination laws though you kike. Explain clearly please how the store policy is not ageism?

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That's what you get for forcing businesses to cater to your little pets. Ooga booga, dickhead.

Then why dont you just shop for your wife if you actually love her? Or use clicklist or delivery. Simp.

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thanks jew, very cool!

Underrated post


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>hurr, u wanna hurt ppl with your edgy
>I'm going to hurt you
That's not the moral high ground you're taking there Simp.

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>Basically told them I'd sue for age discriminate and violation of my civil rights if I wasn't allowed to shop and being excluded just because of my age
well jewed user, don't take shit from any goyim.
remember they are subhumans meant to serve.

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Who the hell do you think you are? Who the fuck are you? You think you're some kind of Yas Forumsack? You're a newfag! Anybody know who you are?

I do that already. All I am saying is, if the carelessness of some edge lord results in her death, that has freed up a whole lot of my time to devote to making the rest of their short life as agonizingly painful as possible. Im not the only one who thinks this way. Actions have consequences, and karma is a bitch.

i hate this meme
are you a tranny perhaps?