Why aren't women panicking? They don't seem to give a shit at all

Why aren't women panicking? They don't seem to give a shit at all.

Attached: l.jpg (1080x1290, 874.63K)

no risk of rape when you stay at home

Well, in this case there is nothing to worry about.
But women are egotistical, self-obsessed and stupid. That's why otherwise.

idk, the grocery store qts are very on edge

Too busy having amazing sex.
Unlike you lot.

My girlfriend has been absolutely freaking the fuck out for the past 2 weeks, but I just want to finally stay home and play doom eternal and half-life: alyx on my new index


try again

they think the virus will act in accordance to the privilege they've been benefited with as western women in 2020

NPC don't care about anything

It's cute when they make that stupid look on their faces.