>Newsom said Tuesday that nearly 99% of the state’s K-12 schools are shuttered. Districts generally ordered closures between two and five weeks, but Newsom said it’s likely most and perhaps all won’t reopen before summer.
>He has also called for the shutdown of bars, movie theaters, fitness centers and other gathering places, and for restaurants to only serve to-go orders.
>California State Parks announced it is temporarily closing all its campgrounds. But trails and beaches would remain open, along with restrooms. Visitors were reminded to maintain social distancing.
how's it going guys?
shit, is everyone dead already?
They're already rioting in france.. chimpout in LA...when?
Police also not arresting people for
Misdemeanors and releasing inmates
Californian here.
I went out to eat yesterday. Absolutely no one was out. They’re all panic buying deenz.
I stocked up back in January. A “flu” was spread around my workplace despite everyone being vaccinated, and I already have recovered from the “flu” last month.
2 new workers have tested positive for corona virus at my work. They also had this “flu”
Corona virus has been undetected in California, but it’s been here since January.
They've suspended parking fines I also was alerted about. Basically you can park in the red if you have a good excuse, like dropping off or picking up groceries.
the bean people mostly replaced all the blacks in LA
I got sick last weekend and recovered in a day, yet I had to go get a doctors note to return to work, which will be... tomorrow.
Ralph's sometimes has a line outside the door. They let ten people in, when ten people leave. No bread, eggs, or milk. Target had a "seniors only day" yesterday, where only anyone over 65 could shop. I bought chick fillet today, and hopefully I won't die.
Sup fellow Californianons. I haven't left my house since Saturday. It's supposed to be 70 on Saturday. I'm going to go on a long hike in the forest alone.
Chick fil a is super sanitary with their food, I’m sure it’s fine
My local doctors aren’t accepting new appointments until June. So if you get sick you’re fucked
LA fag now in Hanford
according to a few family friends national guard are lining up near Tulare California
sheriff said they've been training for lockdown scenario all week
>lockdown scenarios
Tell these national guard fuckers to stop flying over my house 5 times in 10 minutes
Read this from my local news station
> One last request was that she be with her family when she left this world but they said they didn’t know that was possible because they had to have permission from the CDC,” she says.
So she and her sister stared at their dying mother from behind glass.
“I turned to the nurse in the hall and said, ‘she doesn’t know we’re here this isn’t fair she has to leave thinking that her kids don’t love her,'” she says in tears.
The nurse grabbed an iPad and put them on Facetime and even played her favorite song.
“We can’t be there but we’re here as close as we can be and it’s okay to go… and she opened her eyes and looked at us … and as the last verse of Elvis singing I did it my way my mom took one breath and left,” she says adding no one should die like this, “I wanted my mom to be more than a virus.”
Even in death there is no peace. Gatherings of ten or more are not permitted in the county.
“So what am I supposed to do I can’t have a funeral? I don’t know and as of yesterday when my mom passed no one knew how to even dispose of her body,” she says.
She’s sharing her story so that everyone will take the warnings seriously and protect ourselves and most vulnerable, “This is not the flu, it’s not a party, it’s not a vacation. This is real, this is real and anybody who thinks differently, tell my mom it’s not.”
She says her mom had a big heart and helped many people and did not deserve to die alone.
Nope, I’m going to work tomorrow
I'm on call for jury duty next week any fellow LA bros think I'll get called up?
I left the Bay Area as soon as I heard the Canadian Border was closing. California is fucked. We already have stricter lockdown measures in Canada and don't even have confirmed cases where I live.
California is gonna be worse off than Italy in about a week. Guns and violence is for sure on the way (if the national guard doesn't get called in first). Sorry to say but y'all are fucked.
Still getting paid in USD while working remote. Feelsgoodman.
West side LA here. Everybody under the age of 40 is going about like nothing happened at all. Going to and fro their friends houses, eating out every meal “working from home” also known as bullshitting. Tons of cars on the road.
Wasn't there just a news story about how retard Newsome was begging people to stop going to the beach and acting like nothing is wrong?
People are going to be pissed when they realize how much bullshit they've been sold.
This is really the end of globoomo.
>Tulare California
fuck, so lockdown to martial law next week?
That's a tearjerker
good for you man. wash your hands.
Hi user
Hope Hanford is good to you
No dude the courts are closed. I don't think they're opening next week either. DMV is closed. Welfare office is closed.
>West side LA here. Everybody under the age of 40 is going about like nothing happened at all. Going to and fro their friends houses, eating out every meal “working from home” also known as bullshitting. Tons of cars on the road.
Pretty muc te same ting in South Jersey.
This corona-meme was DOA to everyone but the oldest boomers and desperate Democrats.
This is what I've been warning people about since January
I live near LAX. It feels like the calm before the storm here. Everyone is pretending things are okay but we're all nervous. At least traffic is good for LA standards.
Do you really think this is just going to blossom overnight? I don’t know anybody symptomatic at all.
>This is what I've been warning people about since January
Nigger you can't even prove to me that corona-meme WuFlu is real.
Hello california anons, ventura here.
I live in the mexican part of town and it's like none of these beaners have a clue what is going on or give a shit.
fresnofag here
we go on lockdown tonight
Fuck thats sad
Elk Grove here. Most people are acting like nothing is wrong, expect for the groceries being full. I'm surprise about the amount of people that still buy shit at my work
What happens to people who have to travel for work like constructionfags?
Like previous poster said, the virus has been going around since January unchecked. People are so young in the Bay Area it really didn't matter. But now it's going to get to seniors and people at risk because young people are eating out in restaurants, going to bars, movies etc...
My intern friend, who's parent is a nurse said hospitals are already filling up. You guys in California don't even know how many cases there are because the fucking government won't test anybody! And people dying of the virus don't even know what it is because they can't get tested. I guarantee it's at least an order of magnitude higher than what it is right now.
Idk tho, I mean maybe it's fine? I don't know
Apart from enjoying a cigar in the sunshine on my front step earlier today, I've remained inside my home since Sunday evening. Seems the responsible thing to do. My job was cancelled until further notice, and I'm fine with that. There's more than one way to skin a cat.
Park rangers were outside of my house this afternoon. Tons of people out walking around.
415 here
Live in a Mexican neighborhood. All quiet, surprisingly. I don't think they're too keen on rioting. Saw a couple of them drag racing but other than that nothing totally out of the ordinary.
Fullerton (Orange County) here.
All the goddamn eggs, bottled water, toilet paper are gone.
Nothing else changes. For the time being my job (and anything that isn’t restaurant/bar/gym) is “essential.”
>it's like none of these beaners have a clue what is going on or give a shit.
Nothing is going on but an last ditch attempt globohomo powergrab. There is no reason to give a shit since Trump's got 'em by the balls.
>What happens to people who have to travel for work like constructionfags?
>Thinking Democrats give a shit about the working man
Hello newfag.
Still quiet here.
t. Gay Area
i havent left my house for 3 days. its been work, video games, chasing the cat, and annoying the wife. i feel like im in my youth again. my moral has never been higher. lifes great.
>My intern friend, who's parent is a nurse said
>My dad works at Nintendo.
used to be a camarillo fag, fuck oxnard, that is all
Yeah my fucking normie neighbors were having a party last night. They asked my wife and I to join them but we didn't go.
The fucking normies man
Just drove up to Truckee from San Jose today to get groceries to GF's parents. The only safeway in the Truckee area got swarmed and was almost licked clean, like maybe some produce left and nothing else and her mom is immunodeficient so GF and i decided to go shopping for them because it was all around easier and safer.
Stopped in 6 different cities and called over 10 safeways and 10 walmarts on the way there and ALL were out of rice/beans/flour and other decent prep foods, literally had to pick from the scraps of the off brands but managed to get them enough for a month or so.
I prepped for Coronachan back in January so me and the GF and my family are set but people who are just trying to prep now? By the looks of things in the places we stopped today, seems like they would be far up shit creek. Most places said they restocked over night and were cleaned out in the morning within an hour of opening. When will the normie faggotry stop?
I don't think most mexicans are incline to chimp out like blacks to be honest.
>When will the normie faggotry stop?
Hopefully when they all die, which will be soon.
805 Califag here. Tomorrow SLO county will be on lock down at 5pm. Only 6 confirmed cases, only because we dont have enough testing kits however they expect many more people have it. Shits getting interesting.
Times like this really spell out the things we already know. I’ll be moving far and away if we live through this.
Anyone heard back about their unemployment application yet?
>Yeah my fucking normie neighbors were having a party last night. They asked my wife and I to join them but we didn't go.
>The fucking normies man
No one tell this user he's the normie.
Lets hope for a 9.5 earthquake during the calilockdown.
you worried about looting?
>Just drove up to Truckee from San Jose today to get groceries to GF's parents. The only safeway in the Truckee area got swarmed and was almost licked clean, like maybe some produce left and nothing else and her mom is immunodeficient so GF and i decided to go shopping for them because it was all around easier and safer.
>Stopped in 6 different cities and called over 10 safeways and 10 walmarts on the way there and ALL were out of rice/beans/flour and other decent prep foods, literally had to pick from the scraps of the off brands but managed to get them enough for a month or so.
>I prepped for Coronachan back in January so me and the GF and my family are set but people who are just trying to prep now? By the looks of things in the places we stopped today, seems like they would be far up shit creek. Most places said they restocked over night and were cleaned out in the morning within an hour of opening.
X Doubt.
Then you're obviously a fuckin' spic piece of shit who needs to go eat another five tacos you obese retard. Fuck off you fuckin' nigger.
I live in California, close to Anaheim area. It’s rather chaotic I would say. Prisoners are being released from what I hear, everything is shut down, petty crime is no longer being punished. Other than that doing just fine.
That little guy is getting high off the fumes!
Always happening Brother the niggars are getting ready to roll up on your house
Having a wife makes me a normie? Fuck off spastic.
Lmao. Nah I'm pretty white. I don't like beaners either but unless I'm wrong they are IN GENERAL fairly peaceful compared to niggers. The threat from them is population replacement, not chimpouts.
>a fifth of Kung Flu deaths in California are in my county, in my city
Fun times, haha
Kek the monkey riots in thailand are fucking classic. You couldn’t script this shit
209 here.
Went to the store yesterday to see how bad it really was. Not quite Venezuela, but was quite empty of perishables. Saw the long lines and thought maybe I shouldn't be here. Went to CVS bought some whiskey and vitamin C. Seriously considering wearing my m40 mask just to freak out the normies.
There are no fumes you stupid cocksucker.
Oh, I should also add OP, that I work at a prominent bay area hospital that is responsible for processing and housing LOTS of incoming corona patients.
Hazmat tents got set up last week and we locked the whole place down to all but patients and family of patients who are near death. Lots of overtime for every department. I haven't seen the covid patients in person but there are a good number in my department who have and they say the shit is pretty grim.
>walking alongside pt while nurse/HSA transport him to CT or wherever theyre going
>dudes body is grey
>ventilator and all kinds of other shit attached
>looked comatose
>body is totally limp, nearly no motor function or response to stimuli
I didn't believe it at first but I went back and checked the unit cameras and that shit was freaky. you couldn't really tell much in terms of color of the skin but there was something off, like the guy just had the life sucked out of him and he was just a husk. Ill be goddamned if I let that happen to me, looked worse than death.
This is bullshit. Same fucking thing happens with heart attacks, stroke, regular flu, opioids, diabetes. Old people die when they get sick, especially if they eat the normal American junk food diet and their immune system is shite.
510 here, we're just bored as shit
>Having a wife makes me a normie? Fuck off spastic.
No, brainlet, believing that corona-meme is real makes you a standard normie dumbass nigger.
You can't even into an obvious psy-op.
The nignogs are getting ready to roll up on your house
doubt it all you want faggot, I saw that first hand today many times over.
the north bay and central/northern CA are about to get buttblasted by this thing
just keep telling yourself that boomer
ease up bro, not saying it's bad. That skunk doesn't have a scent?
nice looking cat BTW, I'm feeding a stray and it's snow on the ground so I see his tracks.
>no pictures with timestamps
>no blacked out hospital ID
>no proof whatsoever
>"It's totally real and out of control and deadly guys because I seen it"
gtfo with this bullshit.
>I left the Bay Area as soon as I heard the Canadian Border was closing.
Its been here since January, you probably already have the virus and are just spreading it by leaving.