Can we talk about age of consent? What's with americans believing that the moment a girl turns 18...

Can we talk about age of consent? What's with americans believing that the moment a girl turns 18, a man is automatically not a pedophile (the word isn't used properly, either)?

Why shouldn't age of consent be set at the exact moment a girl is able to breed? Inb4
Yeah, as if an 18 year old girl and a 14 year old girl are any different in terms of maturity. We're fucking talking about women here user, get a grip. And plus, I knew exactly what the fuck I was doing when I was 14. Teenagers are aware of sex and what it means, they're not children

Attached: age-of-consent-europe.jpg (1800x1800, 742.09K)

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MURICA. Lol pedophilia is attraction to PREPUBESCENT children. Clearly teenagers have sexual features. Personally I’m attracted to adults but we cannot pretend that for 100,000 years men and women got pregnant at age 13-15.

Excuse me, men didn’t get pregnant*

it's only 18 for porn.

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I’m surprised Cali has a higher age than the entire south.

Threadly reminder

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16 is still too high

14 year olds should be allowed to fuck 14 year olds. Adults no. So simple

It had me until the jewish conspiracy came up. What a clown.

Isn't this an anglo thing? In Britain people were calling a soccer player named João Pedro a "pedophile" because he dated a 15 yo actress while he was 18.

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It’s every English speaking country pretty much. I personally think the maturity thing is important but yeah that’s not pedophilia.

No it isn't, our age of consent is 16 like most of Europe

He means the attitude not the law. It is an Anglo attitude that attraction to ANY teenager = pedo

If you're to lazy to read you don't get a pure wife to raise

sick incel

No it's an attitude held by populations in other European countries too.

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fuck off normie

Reminder: C sections have dysgenically selected for primitive women over the last century.

Tall hips, narrow birth canal, African, small brain size
Short hips, wide birth canal, Eurasian, large brain size

C sections allow women with narrow birth canals to produce more offspring.
Also allows these women to produce offspring with large-brain males. Which is impossible in nature.

Attached: pelvis hip diagram female.png (977x562, 16K)

The age should be either 13 (when a person's body develops for sex) or 25 (when a person's brain finishes developing). I assume the logic with 18 is that its midway between those two.

Kill your self you Pedo jew cunt!

Implying the jews aren't the ones who made age of consent laws to begin with

notice her short hips, and her ability to wear low cut trousers.

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stfu no dick having no pussy getting fucktards

Pedos get the rope first. KAGA

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pedos witnessing one of the craziest moments in our lives and worried about underage pussy.

better stfu when it goes down

If there's grass on the field, play ball.

Women never mature enough to decide for themselves what husband is right for them. Wether they are 8 or 45+ there still just as retarded about selecting mates. This all sex with females is rape. Because females are never cognitively mature enough to know when they are ready if they are ready or if they are mating with the correct male. This is why marriage was created. Doesn’t matter if the female is pre pubescent if she is married off to a man that her father and family approves of she is set up for a good future. Otherwise in current modern day way of deciding how females mate, which is we allow them to decide for themselves they do nothing but whore themselves and ruin themselves and bring their children down with them.
Age of consent is ridiculous bullshit. Basically age of consent is “you may RAPE a girl when she is ‘x’ age outside of wedlock”
Fucking stupid.

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Well he is a nigger

Nope they love underage sex thats how you know this guy is a kike

When did POL get so many pedophiles on the board. Kill yourself, Im even ashamed you are using the Australian fag!

Yeah I think you should marry young but only so you can groom them into a good housewife and they form a proper bond with you as said gotta wait till they are pubescent

Are you a fucking Muslim or something?

Attached: Moslem-Child-brides-Islamic-Pedophile_thumb-300x277.png (300x277, 103.06K)

Mary was betrothed at 12, retard.

Yes and that is fucked. Why do you think I give a fuck about Mary you imbred hick

I said I don't think you should fuck children, if you are the only person she is every with do you really think she'll care if you started banging at 14 or 18?

>Yes and that is fucked
>inbred hick
Not even christian.

You kill yourself you retard puritan faggot.

Not even religious and the only faggot here is you trying to turn the conversation gay.

Women peak sexually at 15-16, then it’s constant downhill from there

You are taking advantage of young minds in a predatory way. Even thought hey bleed they haven't completed puberty so they are underdeveloped in areas. You think just because a child can have children she is ready to be fucked. Look at the rate miscarriages in under 16 women, what does that indicate about the ability to form life in the womb.

you're the only gay one here.

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14 is the ripe age

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>Look at the rate miscarriages in under 16 women
not any higher than normal
>haven't completed puberty
girls are done with puberty at 14 on average

Nice creep shot

Behavior therapy and a study from 1995 are you kidding?

kill yourself fucking pedo

this is not a study people like repeating

Not really, in Canada it was 14 up until it was changed a few years back to 16 and the only time you ever hear anything about it is when there's a teacher student relationship, which is pretty rare here, can't remember the last time I heard about it happening

>this is not a study people like repeating
You do understand the scientific method right and the reason why studies needs to be re-conducted. Also consider the sample size, culture and upbringing.

ok fine, fund a study to repeat it then

cope more, this is what men WANT so why should it be illegal? the proof is there. fuck off jew.

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All of these this year

cali is a fucking cucked nanny state

It’s the NZ flag

Why would I fund a study to repeat a hypothesis I disagree with and dont see any merit in.

Look up Quebec "influencer" Gabriel Roy. He was jailed 3 years for fucking a 14yo.

to find out the truth?
you scared of it?

Cunt you are the jew or you are falling for there lies. Men want it so it should be legal are you fucking for real cunt, how many men want to kill pedo cunts like you, should we allow that?

Fuck off Pol you queer cunt or change the flag not LGBTIQABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

I'm Canadian you idiot

Not at all scared of it if you pedo cunts thought it would yield results again you would re conduct the study just so you can link it to justify your sick and twisted ways. You sure your not in some Catholic cult.

gay AoC used to be 17 here, but they lowered it to 15 recently
so now there are 15 year old boys on youtube bragging about getting dicked by 40 year old men

Some are Canadian or right on the boarder you fuck head how about you read and open your Chinese Canadian slanty eyes

Trying to but when I do all I get is the author with the quote from the $20 bill

I pick this flag to trigger snowflakes like you. Oh look, your flag has 6 snow flakes, what a coinkidink.

You’re a fucking retard always saying ‘cunt’ every day on pol. Are you on welfare? And PS I’m not a “shame” to the Australian flag because it’s an NZ flag. Lmfao patriotic Australian dumbass can’t even decipher his own flag.

Sluts nowadays are geting fucked before 14 so if you want that sweet virgin pussy for life you need to go 12 or even lower lmao


I think you need to sit down with your parents and have a chat because I think its time they come out and tell you that you are a fucking FAG.

I don't think you know what that word means

You’re the gayest cunt on pol. You’re always swarming any gay related topic. Go suck a dick ya closet case fuck.

Mate NZ was apart of NSW and for all intended purposes is part of the country, plus you fucks nicked the flag (you may of used it first but we designed it). Hows the new court mandated boyfriend doing for your wife?

Ok I'm sorry for calling you an idiot before, I didn't realize at the time that you were actually retarded

Enlighten me oh wise American


CLOWN Nz was never truly a part of NSW, your clownish founding document merely includes a clause that says we can join at any time. Words on paper don’t make it australian. And the Australian government had no authority here. CLOWN.


jannies must be Pedos too

Pedophila is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.
In other words, 13+ is not pedophilia.

Mate your the one supporting that LGBT poofta above in the comments. Be careful or Australia will need to send another hero to your country to sort you fucks out.

Btw I doubt Joseph was like 30 when he married Mary.
Mohammed was like 41 years and Aisha was 9

If I come to Canada ill fit right in, hows the welfare over there?

Most probably is that he was 16 and Mary 13 or something like that.
But again there are no source of the age when Mary gave birth

Oh I forget you just suck the DICK of HM

>hows the welfare over there?
Depends on your color.

Damn any rear view? (If over 18)

Your assuming that everyone goes through puberty at the same time there are many 13 year olds who haven't.

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