Oh no that sucks!

Oh no that sucks!

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What the rest of the story? I bet OP beat him up.

looks like its the ching chongs turn


Proof that the corona-virus is FAKE: womenarestupid.site/blog/proof-that-the-coronavirus-is-fake

why do chinks have such ridiculous names?
>christopher wang
>edward pingdong
>arthur chong

Attached: squash every bug you see.jpg (720x405, 64.65K)

just yet another chink tactic to pretend to assimilate. They still use their "real name" they just pick a fake name for you stupid white people.

Should of stay in your country chinaman.

should of, fucking retard burger education

>nigger attacks chink
>"Better blame whitey"

kind of sad since he was a fencer

like the dumbest english mistake one can make, and its alwaysretards with native english flags. idiot

did the suspects shout "this is maga country", hang a noose around his neck, and pour bleach over his head?
was the victim returning from Subway?

you can't even speak your own native language, retard.

I don't really give a shit about stuff like this because when i was working in the automotive industry a mexican literally said to another mexican guy who didn't know spanish "What's a mexican even worth if he doesn't speak spanish. How are we supposed to communicate without white people knowing what were saying"
Fuck non-white people 5'2 little rats hate us and think this way

>normal white ones
k tyrone

Op you shouldn't brag about crimes you committed not a good idea

Black dude do it?

FAIL. Bug still crawls another day.

Guarantee the guy that attacked him wasnt white

Life imitates art.


actually they shouted this 'this is the outback you fucking slant, good day to you m8'

30 yo "child" confirmed.

Some chinks are alright (same for poos and lebs) but most of them aren't

And im a spic myself (most of us are shit).

go home zhang

>today a student of mine was cowardly assaulted
Nigger that isn't English. This cunt is a teacher?

>cunts dropped

Attached: 447468783475.jpg (220x229, 7.94K)

Should have

Holy shit bro just cause you speak Chinese doesn't mean you are Chinese.

who the fuck is the real racist?


>abandoning kung fu for fencing

Attached: download (8).gif (500x213, 846.24K)

Based. What a cunt


No, you are a filthy chink

Phew. Before I read the caption I thought maybe Covid gave you Biden-eye

kek it's an improvement
now fuck off to china

I'd like to take up fencing
why are we importing chinks to fence?

>Foightin' 'round the world!
Fucken Scarnon poof, me mates call me Bazza and I’ve got a blue with ya sorry ass. You’re a drongo fat cunt who bludges all day looking at shithouse pictures. You are everything that is crook in the billabong. Have ya ever even got a root? Fuck mate, she’ll be right taking the piss outta other blokes cos you’re a sad cunt, but ya’ll take it to another level. This is sadder than having a bat to boongs mate.

Don’t be a ratbag. Just have a crack at me with ya best mate. Fair dinkum, I’m a top bloke. I was captain of the touch footy team and tops batsman at the cricket club. What games do ya’ll play other than “tossing off to pictures of Footscray birds”? I got all competent in my Cert IV at TAFE and have a sweet ass VL Commodore (she just got serviced, the engine sounds so grouse). You’re a fucken fairy who should just off yaself. Cheers for taking a squizz, m8.

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The only appropriate reparation for Beijing’s cataclysmic fuck up is pic related. But beating up randos of Chinese ancestry on the street doesn’t punish those responsible. The CCP’s day of reckoning is coming, but this bring that any closer.

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>but this *doesn’t* bring that any closer.

I'm never eating Chinese food again Boycotting China good s myself idk about you . This is all bullshit. They don't know how to make laws that protect against this kind of shit it was inevitable Pisses me off so much they owe the world trillions of dollars for the millions of dollars they didn't spend enforcing food health and safety laws China literally is responsible for the deaths of 9000 innoncet people that's alot more than 911. We better make them pay

Sorry, chang, but speak the lingo, or face the dingo. If you want to babble in changlish, stay in China.

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>CHINK got his ass kicked ha ha ha!
>I'm racist just like you guys.

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Fuck chinks

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Gosh it’s almost like if your race causes a global pandemic due to immoral needlessly risky behavior others might resent it when it hurts them
It’s almost like if you ruin millions of lives there might be some blowback
Fuck chinks
You thought the anti Muslim hatred after 9-11 was bad? As they say: you aint seen nothing yet


He's earned $9k on GoFundMe so far. This is the guy behind this, yes?


Seems totally legit.

>Constantine's fencing teacher Mark Holgate
He was in Australia studying fencing. What kind of rich twit. He was probably being a mouthy shit and earned a slap.

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its actually a based name.

reminding us of a now lost, but once great white city.

>didn't say "cunt"

Lmfao "this one anecdote one time changed my fucking life"

based aussie.

Do niggers next

Nigger, I don't even know where to start.

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Guarantee it was a shitskin

You suck at English but I agree. Fuck the chinks

At the top-left.

Attached: hang-saueo-smla-devntart-com-how-to-hang-yourself-31676765[1].png (500x946, 329.28K)

Outgroup think exists. Racism is perfectly natural. We are born to prefer our own race and culture. Ignore all lefty studies that say that you are not born racist. It's a lie.

FUCK (insert race here depnding on where you live in the world).

>One good thing that may come of this is it will stop the influx of immi grants.
Can someone upboat that post in the DM comments to the moon please. Right now it's at 4 ups to 7 down.

Constantinople (A city in Turkey)

This is stupid. That young man didn't do anything wrong.

rip dolly, pic doesnt include videoing event for us to enjoy absolute kino.

That's his fault for stepping out of the chinese restaurant


And yet white people are assaulted, robbed, raped and murdered by niggers on a daily basis.