and not inflation. I have a PHD in econ, this is unprecedented, we are legitimately experiencing some black swan shit here.
1) equities selling off hard to raise capital
2) foreign currencies basket experiencing more QE than dollar
It's all fucked.
and not inflation. I have a PHD in econ, this is unprecedented, we are legitimately experiencing some black swan shit here.
1) equities selling off hard to raise capital
2) foreign currencies basket experiencing more QE than dollar
It's all fucked.
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a jewish clown show
We always knew it was fucked. Just didnt know that it would crash so quickly. There will not be a recovery in the near future. Probably take decades now to recover.
Does this mean fiat currency is finally dying?
1929 saw deflation after a crash, too
The money isn’t there. It never was. The Jews were though. They always are.
Gold backed currency incoming.
no more jewish usury based dollar meaning no more Jewish control over USA.
I have $27,000 in my bank account. What does this mean for me?
>muh PhD econ
shut up city fag
the markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay sane
its funny you should mention the black swan. that story is a literal kike insult to gooks after chinks experienced problems in america under obama. it goes like this some rich gooks said they could fuck america hard no lube for insulting them and the kikes laughed saying your just crazy so the jews wrote a story and made it a movie
but now regardless of if you think any of the other stuff was effective they have destroyed america and by extension europes future. they get the flu and the world trembles. its like paradise lost or one of those other books i will never read
who is getting all the money that is disappearing... conservation of energy says it isn't disappearing its going somewhere who is where its all going?
Ironically, it means the dollar is not dying.
buy physical gold you can hold.
the dollar index is 101 right now. what do you have to say about that, econ dweebus?
stay in the dollar, it's buying power is going up, ironically.
>the markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay sane
ain't that the truth.
Trump was nazbol all along
the capitalist Zionist kikes are finished
the means of production belong to us
Thank you based trump
>who is getting all the money that is disappearing
It's usury based, it was never actually there to begin with.
shit we're gonna be rich then
>I have a PHD in econ
Never heard of supply and demand...? USD... CASH BABY... is in demand. Everyone converting to CASH because of the fear of further losses or needing to make their accounts payable for the future as the economy goes to shit.
Theories? Is the dollar getting more valuable because some investors assume that the US will be an even stronger power in the near future?
>who is getting all the money that is disappearing
It's not disappearing, it's cashing out equities into dollars, causing equities to decrease in value, while propping up USD in value.
The sell pressure in equities is so great right now, the FED's QE actions can't even get inflation going.
...the black swan story goes back to the romans. Used to be a saying that there was no such thing as a black swan. Couple hundred years ago black swans were discovered in australia. As a phrase it means "something thought impossible, is happening". Fuck off your ass with your hollywood jew shit.
How is it black swan then?
Everybody is buying government bonds and there is a flux of debt gibs incoming. Probably other movements increasing the demand for dollars.
I've already said what I think, unprecedented given Fed actions.
>PhD in econ
>No idea how markets work
Real and robustly hetero, story checks out
It means your USD will go a lot further if you spend it in other countries like Mexico. Your USD is not really worth much in the domestic economy since it's a vacuum but if you go to Thailand or Cambodia or some shit you're going to be living larger than ever
Cash is king. All the metalfags and coinfags being exposed.
>Theories? Is the dollar getting more valuable because some investors assume that the US will be an even stronger power in the near future?
Dollar is getting more valuable because equities sell pressure and foreign currency QE. It's a weird situation, we should all be going down together.
Good. It's been decades in the making. Postponing the hurt just making things worse.
Everybody wants dollars to stuff under their mattresses.
So SPY puts or calls tomorrow?
Hand it the F over or jail!!!
Meh freedom.
At least my gas will be cheaper I guess. I'm hoping the fact that I work at a medical devices company means my job is safe.
When does the inflation come soaring back aka when is it the best time to get physical gold?
Equities, securities, commodities and precious metals all fell today. All of them. Think about that for a minute. Investors are fleeing to cash as quickly as possible and aren't even hedging.
That's real panic.
You’re more qualified than me to answer your question because you have more money than me
Come and take it.
bid if true
>How is it black swan then?
Because the Fed takes action expecting certain results based on known monetary rules, the market is completely ignoring Fed action, putting accepted monetary rules out the window.
Fed has almost no ammo left to attack this problem.
27K doesn't mean I know shit about macroeconomics.
>PHD in econ
stopped reading there.
(((They))) did obviously.
Just in case your not a bot, NYPA
Prove it.
Its PhD by the way
>and not inflation. I have a PHD in econ, this is unprecedented, we are legitimately experiencing some black swan shit here.
No its not you dumb fuck. Bubble is popping and same thing happened in 08.
>Equities, securities, commodities and precious metals all fell today. All of them. Think about that for a minute. Investors are fleeing to cash as quickly as possible and aren't even hedging.
>That's real panic.
exactly, this is insane.
>monetary rules
once you said globe, i knew you were a shill
The wonderful Jewish bankers will save us all. All they have to do is write on some paper and make some entries into a database. What's a few more entries anyway?
Not like we were ever going to dig out frmo the national debt anyway. Just didn't know it would come tumbling down so soon.
Ultimatum still stands. Thieves will be shot.
They already have you fucking moron
buy privacy coins.
>stopped reading there.
It takes a lot to understand jewish math, don't knock it. People have died for questioning it.
6 months ago
So is the flight to cash for the purpose of buying things right now instead of worrying about the future? Why would they want to be a bag holder when inflation inevitably hits?
Help me out here, silver is crashing so i figured this would be a good time to buy... but i can't find anyone to sell me (physical) silver, seems sold out everwhere. I didn't think this was how supply and demand was supposed to work, what am I missing here?
wait for a turn and go all in
This QE is a reaction to the deflation, though. Due to the extremely high uncertainty, people are wanting cash for liquidity so that they can quickly pivot as the future becomes more clear (?)
what is negative rates, what is equity purchases
This is normal. You don’t have a PhD in shit. The CNBC talking heads even understand this process.
Why is inflation good for the US?
No virus in Aussie land?
No panic created by the media about the virus?
No lockdown?
Actually its pretty easy to explain this cause I was thinking about it today
the markets are fucked what is unusual this time is that EVERYTHING is fucked every safe haven is crashing, bonds, commodities, precious metals, etc. So at the moment the only thing in demand is cash.
Looking forward to it! I love the chaos.
Paper IOU's saying you have silver are being sold hand over fist to make up for losses. The second those paper slips value fall below a certain threshold they will ask for physical delivery, which wont happen because there isn't enough silver to cover it all. Then the real fun begins.
If gold and silver are dropping I'd buy.
Put it all in puts. We’re taking this DJIA to 10k, screenshot this or your mother will get kung flu.
It's all a show. None of this is real.
Price is not real because you can’t find a seller. If you find someone selling coins you’ll probably find that they won’t sell them at the prices you see online, you’ll have to pay more. So having physical coins is actually worth more right now.
There were way more silver certificates than actual silver.
The silver market is crashing because the paper certificates are worthless if you can't redeem them for the physical silver.
It's basically musical chairs at this point.
Yep it's time to cash the eff out. The only place to go for the next year is the mattress. Expect home invasions to rise as people know this now. Hide yours well and have like 2 or 3 k in go away it's all I have money when inevitably held at gunpoint. Everyone wanted a happening, they got it.
so what the hell are a bunch of pieces of paper going to help me do when the economy crashes? wipe my ass?
i spent all my cash on firearms and ammo
What happens when they can't deliver the non-existant silver?
trumpbux populizing the bailout by giving the taxpaying Americans stock options
That's why everyone needs to buy physical metals and not paper.
Its estimated the banks have issued about 55x more paper gold and silver than has been mined.
everyone has been predicting that if you kicked the door in that the whole house would come crashing down, they should have liquidated it back in 2008/2009 but Dubya and then Obama didn't have the guts.
That's legal?
The debt is rising by the trillions daily now. Arent we going down together?
>trillions in QE
>hyper inflation
>loss of faith in currency
>economic collapse
>localized fighting and balkanization of USA
I forgot to add that the last time this happened was right before WW2.
If you own the government, then yes it is.
Paper silver and physical silver are two different assets. The former consists of financial products that are contractually tied to the physical holdings of a third party. Thus, their values are intrinsically tied, and usually the price tracks very closely, but under the current conditions, the price is decoupling.
Higher demand for the Dollar and lots of people in wait and see mode, no idea what to invest in, not that fucking complicated.
I don’t understand how deflation can be a problem that’s hard to deal with. Like just fucking print more money and give it to people. Which is what trump wants to do. Trumpbux will fix the deflation quickly. And make no mistake, deflation is really really bad.
Doesnt it mean that no one thought of it at all. Never even considered
>No its not you dumb fuck. Bubble is popping and same thing happened in 08.
Demonstrably not true. Dollar slid 9% from Dec 07- Mar 08.
Yes, they base it on future mining.....
no, but who was going to check?
who really wanted to even know how bad it really was?
Government can just default whenever
>So is the flight to cash for the purpose of buying things right now instead of worrying about the future? Why would they want to be a bag holder when inflation inevitably hits?
I would be willing to bet it's just out sheer panic right now.
this, the USD has benefited from this crisis, all the money is flooding out of Europe into the US hence the USD is appreciating against the EU and a whole host of currencies including the AUD.
Then everyone is in a gulag. How did I end up here?
Silver is (((crashing))). No it isn't, user. That's only the jews trying to dissuade you from abandoning your dollars.
THIS. interest rates on US bonds are going up because everyone needs cash at the moment.
They'll jump out of their high-rise offices before that happens.
everyone else is just crashing harder
WW3 soon. Our kids will become the new boomers. Hopefully we'll do it better by not spoiling them with an easy life.
>I have a PHD in econ
What does this function mean?
f(x)= a+b^x
>all you cunts have failed maths.
just in time to hyper inflate the dollar
but only the american people have any clam to a bail out
It's not going to make sense because this economic event has nothing to do with economics. No matter where you put your money its still on Earth witch is currently a psycho hell planet. We need to see Italy reach a peak and start reporting fewer deaths. Until then we are in limbo.
How was there not a civil war over this? Was this after the depression?
i'll take that.
>everyone else is just crashing harder
seems so
Buy jewelry
So this is the 21st century's Great Depression, the start of it anyway?
I think you're right.
>Fucking brainlet with a PHD.
Allow me to explain then:
1.The hole world monetary system is proped by commodity trading, particularly Oil. USD is also called the Petrodollar because of this (all international oil is traded in USD).
What that means is that when oil goes down the dollar value goes up.
2. Having a Chad president that will do whatever it takes gives confidence to USD bagholders to well... hold the bags.
3. Surplus circulating currency generates inflation. If 20 Trilions dollars is wiped out of the stock market, printing some more money to plug that hole means jack shit since it's not money thrown into circulation so it doesn't affect main economy.
yep three and a half years or so
and at the worst part of it
We were this close to greatness.
wishful thinking maple leaf
junk jewelry maybe
no stones
t. idiot
No ; you do not have a PHD in econ ; not even something related to Finance. Antoje with small trading or econ experiences knows that the USD Is a safe haven asset class; monetary policy has been uneffective before. Stop spreading false information. BTW stocks were clearly overvalued above 2700 ok the Sp500 . Buy below 2400 AND enjoy a New balanced market.
Like I said in another thread (about the stock market)
>It's going to go much lower. Remember when they said 18,000 was overvalued, that was during "good" times. Now that we are in a "national emergency" I can see it going to at least 15k, lower as more restrictions are put into place. Great depression 2.0 here we come. At least we still have our manufacturing and farming jobs ... oh wait nvm jk.
Yields on bonds are going up because its a safer alternative to stock markets because its backed by the government. When there is market uncertainty people will inevitably move to safer investments with low rate of return.
>but only the american people have any clam to a bail out
not being around in 2008
What's the problem then?
The velocity of money went down, come on! I have no econometrics and no degree and I get it! Why would this be a freaking... grah.
You're a moron.
>manufacturing and farming jobs
No better time to get back to it. Especially since he's wielding his pen like a sword right now.
typical neoclassical moron, quantity of money has never hold. with endogenous money it doesn't matter how much fed QEs if the end demand stay unchanged.
Amos with assets over 100k in this market, how much you down? 30k here? Started with 130k beginning march. Down to 100k. Thinking on dumping another 15k soon. What you think?
It's the $12 trillion USD margin call.
Foreign entities borrowed $12 trillion USD.
Now they are desperately scrambling to get their hands on USD to pay it down.
There is no other currency that is borrowed outside its home country like the USD.
Guess what dumbass, your tendies are made by farmers who raised the chicken, killers who work the slaughterhouses, factory workers who package the meat, and delivery men who get it to the grocery stores, and a fuck of a lot of them are going to get laid off.
Hope you really like your chaos, because them tendies are gonna get expensive.
So I'm rich? What's the big fuckin deal bitch?
Amos=anons fucking autocorrect
The quantity of inflation is equal to the quantity of interest on loans. Interest = inflation. With interest rates at zero, we won’t see near-term inflation no matter how much the Fed pumps into the system.
also, seems like last time something like this happened a figure rose and a world war was kicked off. Clock is ticking. Just a matter of where it starts this time and who are on what side.
I love the black swam episode where Jon Hamm gets a guy killed and gets in trouble for it
The problem is it will take some time to do that; unless
>Allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
hmmm, no.
No, the stock market going down means the dollar deflates. It's obvious why; the same dollar buys more of the industrial sector than before.