Just couple of weeks ago you guys were bitching about socialism but Trump wants to give you $2000 all of the sudden you like socialism.
What's next, you also liking Medicare-4-All?
What changed?
Just couple of weeks ago you guys were bitching about socialism but Trump wants to give you $2000 all of the sudden you like socialism.
What's next, you also liking Medicare-4-All?
What changed?
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
"Freedom gibs to everyone."
>Trumpfags are NPCs who are programmed to accept and defend everything Trump says
If you're just figuring this out now...
i been a natsoc for a while now. i was actually good with yang when he was NS but after he cucked out. meh
No matter how you twist it, it is socialism.
Bailing out corporations, it's corporate socialism.
Social Security=Socialism
as long as there's a strong white man at the helm of our nation he can do whatever he wants. i don't want to see another NIGGER up there. that's about it.
>leafs are faggots who suck dogs off
It you're just figuring this out now...
If this is targeted funds to temporarily unemployed or out of business people due to the isolation practices I’m good with it. If people who don’t work anyway and people working from home etc get it, I’m gonna be put off. Targeted financial aid to typically productive citizens in a time of crisis is a rational safety net to avoid collapse. Sending 1000 a month or whatever to heroine junkies and professional niggers to perpetually keep them breathing with no expectation of productivity from them is a waste of precious resources.
Yas Forums is at least 75% NEETs. Of course they want free money.
>What they don't understand is that it will work like every other stimulus check in the past and be based on last year's tax filing. Didn't file because you're a NEET? You're not getting shit.
2,000 isn’t enough
We've always been national socialists here.
yes and that is socialism, collectively helping someone. You know the way Jesus taught us, he didn't say worship the billionaires. Jesus himself was probably socialist, healing people for free, giving food and wine for free.
Not being able to tell the difference to a one time stimulus and actual socialism.
>Now class pay attention and gather around. This is a truly baffling site to beholden. This is the inferior brain of the left. Unable to discern any common sense or intellectual thought. Anyway let's move on.
The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status
>What changed?
The government disrupted my business
Cry harder, fag. Socialism isn't when gub'ment does something.
Unless the workers begin owning the means of production, it's not socialism.
National, Democratic, Undemocratic, Autocratic, don't care what you call it. It is socialism and feels good for little guys like us. This country is only socialist for the rich, feels good that we are getting little bit of it.
Now if they can do Medicare 4 All, that would be just delightful in these hard times when people are loosing their jobs.
No. It’s national investment and self interest to prevent a collapse. Just like we send relief aid after natural disaster so we don’t have uninhabitable ghost towns rotting across the nation. I’m not an ancap or anything close, I believe in limited government with specific functions, border security, military for defense of home land only, and emergency funding in crisis.
The old European royals were known to open the treasury of a crop failure or such occurred. They were not socialist:
Can you cite where Jesus sustained his helpful efforts? Jesus was a one-trick-pony as far as his miracles go. Did he make every blind person see?
Shut the fuck up. I’m just as “little guy” and I don’t want government or anyone punishing others to give me more.
In Germany, Sweden, UK, Denmark, etc workers don't own the production. Turns out, there is a democratic socialism that is still helping people in developed countries.
Welfare capitalism isn't socialism. If I don't have 100% control and get 100% returns it isn't socialism.
Democrats want to give to those in need (niggers) white men won't see shit from the Do Nothing Democrats.
>The old European royals were known to open the treasury of a crop failure or such occurred. They were not socialist
They knew if they didnt, the serfs would rise up and storm the Castle.
He didn't but he also didn't charge for it. Unlike other messiahs who were even more popular than Jesus and there were many messiahs during his time. They all charged for their "healing" services, except Jesus.
It's not perpetual checks. It's literally just an economic stimulus. If you think governments spending tax money to help the nation means it's socialism, then I guess highways, police departments, fire departments and public schools are socialism too.
Stay in school, Cletus.
If I'm going to be quarantined and prevented from going to work, then Daddy Gov had better pay my rent and my bills. Either let me go to work or gimme dem gibs, muthafucka.
Oh and I’m a medical professional, I work 12 hour shifts, spent 50k and 4 years training and you are not entitled to my expertise or my time and labor. You pay me unless I and only I volunteer myself, which I have done both home and abroad. But by my choice, you cannot take from me my time and labor you prick.
Every one of those nations have openly stated that they are not “democratic socialists” all of them, on record, on film, available right now on google.
Yes they are socialist programs. Unless you see a privately own bridge or a police department.
Go for it. Storm the castle. But you won’t for the same reason you are socialist. You are a lazy cunt
no dude everybody remains as richer if everybody gets the same
I don't think you know what the definition of socialism is. No, you don't get to just create one.
Back should be Bernie wojack rage crying
We're all larping here. Next month we're back into acting like ancap retards.
Unlike that chink, Trump is not a socialist. And unlike $1000, $2000 is enough to make business/science/arts and not to worry about some silly bread on your table.
It’s right wing socialism. I don’t mind it as long as a limp wristed faggot isn’t our leader
Shut your fucking whore mouth Pelosi boot licking neo liberal faggot. Neet bux now.
You guys don't like socialism? Send back when your $2000 check comes in. You don't want to accidentally benefit from socialism.
While at it, cancel your social security and don’t even bother with Medicare when you retire. You don't need any socialism in your retirement. I'm sure private insurance will love to take your money and cover you during your retirement.
Yeah, fuck it if niggers and spics get to bleed to system already in place dry for all the gibs, cut me a slice and fuck this whole damn clown system
my work had to close down due to corona chan, so why shouldn't i get some government money while i'm inconvenienced ?
Did you file taxes last year NEET? If not you get what the illegals get. A fat sack of shit.
Social programs are not socialism you fucking retard.
>you could have voted for the Yanger and gotten $1k/mo for the rest of your life
NatSocs complaining about socialism
top notch stuff
I hate you fucking people. Socialism is a Ideology, not a system of economics.
Big companies are getting bailed out why shouldn’t you, I agree and your deserve this money.
It's just, ehhhh
It's socialism and we don't like socialism around here. So it's best you send it back when the check comes.
Look at Israel, free college, free healthcare, US gibs tons of cash. You don't wanna be like Israel do you?
Oh so now you call it "Social Program"
You need to go back.
>What changed?
They realised that (((God))) was actually Satan.
I did. So I would get gibs.
So you niggers are actually this stupid? Sad, but to be honest we have this stupid whites in Russia too.
Everyone does that isn't retarded. Socialism is an ideology.
Some anons lost there jobs we went from normal to shtf real quick.
These two faggots spent most of last year shilling for yang
Obvious necessity > longterm hypothetical necessity.
socialism = ownership of the means of production by the workers
drumpf gives some fed monies to people who filed their taxes so they don't starve to death in the event they need to self isolate and can't work in light of this does not equal socialism you massive bunch of faggots
As I stated before, I work in medicine and if I get a check from government I am either sending it to a buddy of mine who runs a restaurant he started or buying additional supplies for coworkers. I’m already making more than usual with overtime work, and have assurance that if I contract the virus I will be on paid leave until recovered. Plain and simple this should be only to those directly effected by forced business shutdown. If your Shylock law firm shuts down instead of just teleconferencing and working from home that’s on you, if you haven’t had a job to be put out of by this, tough tits.
National Socialism.
I’ll literally support trump no matter what he says.
He has the same enemies as I’d like my politicians to have.
Is he a little too friendly to the Jews for my liking? Yes. But Israeli Jews are getting more based since they got their own country so fuck it- I’m cool with Israel
nO iTs GcOmMuNiSm
It's not socialism, it's a short term loan that you pay off with inflation
/pol is now for gibs
I haven't seen anyone change my mind
While at it please consider supporting Medicare For All. This would really help people, especially those who lost their jobs or those who never had insurance ever.
Let's help each other collectively
Guys social studies is socialism, social drinking is socialism, if it says social it’s socialism. Duhhh
I’m glad school let you out to curtail virus spread, but fuck off pol and back to TicToc
Anyone that says Socialism is an “ideology” and not an economic system belongs in the gas chamber
He paid the price for it. Welcome to America.
Cringe & bluepilled
this is pasta
Fuck out of here 50Y fag
King Nigger didn't give us shit in 2008
Free healthcare
>for white people
Free college
> for white people
Minimum wage
>for white people
Redistribution of wealth
>from Jews to white people
Government subsidized housing/land
>for white people
Free abortion
>for non white people
Nobody's going to change your mind because you're being a bombastic prick
define socialism you cunt it's the workers ownership of the means of production, he's not nationalizing anything, he's not giving it to every citizen, just people who filed their taxes
It's not UBI it's temporary disaster relief,
I guarantee you FEMA get's more money then what will eventually go out to citizens who paid their taxes and they overcharge the fed government 10 times the cost of basic household items,
You literally called Affordable Care Act a form of Socialism what are you even talking about?
well this is a national socialist board. socialism on its own is gay
>While at it please consider supporting Medicare For All.
There's no way in hell I'd support universal healthcare with an open border, but I would support a public option of some kind
Temporary aid for pandemic is not the same as a monthly welfare check for niggers with 15 kids.
I'm not talking about communism, what you describe is GoyMmuniZmmm
Democratic Socialism where government helps working people not just the billionaires with "Social Programs"
it all worked out in the end, YANG GANG 2020
Socialism is state ownership of the means of production. Please fuck off back to plebbit now.
Closed the border yess and then Universal Healthcare
Now we are talking
You just described Communism. Congratulations.
I like gibs and help for AMERICANS and not opening the borders and Giving gibs to illegal aliens while giving trannies free dick chop surgeries. A national form of socialism if you will.....Turns out the overwhelming majority of Americans seem to like and support this form of socialism on a national level over the woke open borders LGBTQP tranny type socialism.........Who would have guessed it.
the purpose of socialism is communism, it's grinding between high inflation and high taxation, just because you put "democratic" in front of it doesn't make it anymore righteous
many brutal regimes were voted into power, pure democracy is three wolves voting to eat two sheep, people will always vote in their own interests the reason why the US is unique is because you have inalienable rights, voting for democratic socialism will make them history
and shut the fuck up about billionaires envy isn't empathy
The problem with communism is that wed give a ton of power to a small select few people who in all likelihood would use it to wipe out a substantial percentage of the population for the sake of the “better good.”
>The Soviets butchered Kulaks, Ukrainians and Cossacks (all white btw).
>Spanish Rojos butchered the priesthood and religious villages
>Chink Commie Party butchered much of the Yangtze River basin tribes
After all that killing, the people in power usually just implement a system that keeps them in power for as long as they can.
Humans are power hungry. Commie radicals are no different
AcA was not socialism, it was a deliberately devised fuck up designed to collapse the medical system to raise support for socialized medicine in the aftermath. My primary issue with it was that it literally picked specific corporate insurances and forced people to pay for something whether they wanted it or not. It decreased market competition in both insurance as well as medicine itself as the administrative burdens needed to navigate government red tape forced more and more medical offices to combine to stay solvent. I still work the same medical office and serve the same community now 10 years after I started. But the office was a physician owned and operated one with very affordable services then and is now two steps later a part of a 8 hospital and 57 small office corporate group where patient care is fucked over by corporate hacks with MBAs in a different state: