I'm hearing that EVERY user is getting a $2000 stipend from the Feds. Is this true, and what are the stipulations?

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Other urls found in this thread:


You cant be a faggot, cuck, beta, or nigger.

Sorry OP, you dont qualify since you are gay faggot beta cuck nigger...

You missed your chance OP, you were supposed to apply yesterday.


the fucking democrats are blocking it.

Attached: here we go.jpg (1432x1526, 69.67K)

$1000 a month for only two months


Attached: 1584579826380m.jpg (1024x711, 224K)

>he didn't knew about the dead line
>he didn't called up to say he wanted it
>he doesn't get free bux
lmao nigga you fucked

>Potato Trump

The fine print says to qualify you can't post memes from Reddit sorry OP you're out of luck.

can't imagine how fucking retarded they are for blocking this
it's unfathomable
even if they know they're going to lose the election they keep shitting on themselves as if it will help them smell better

It is all Trump’s fault and no we need to make it clear right now and every day from now until Election Day that his lies, incompetence, and downplaying of this threat put his own political benefits ahead of the safety and health of THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS.


just filed my 2019 taxes yesterday. Damn it feels good to be on the list.

You and all your normie friends were probably calling it just a flu just like his dumbass up until the moment the media suddenly started taking it seriously, fuck you

Democrats are blocking it lmao

Post the real one.

Attached: 1584581791747.jpg (1000x1414, 690.56K)

right? the trump derangement syndrome is real. They won't fucking recover from this. He's more socialist than the socialists, and the people won't forget it. He adapted to the situation, and their only response is "well you like this now, so we don't."
I don't care if it's within his new war time powers or not, he should just string up pelosi and Schumer both. I don't think anyone would stop him.

Attached: 1584562779118.jpg (736x457, 66.51K)

Same, wasn't going to bother since I barely worked last year, but after filing found out I'm getting back $84 plus at least a thousand Trumpbux so it's worth it.

>trusting trump
Of course he fucking isn't. It's a bullshit rumor to buy himself another couple of weeks to lock down the entire country into martial law before the great American chimp out when everyone finally realizes how hard they got sold up shit creek by Zion don. He isn't going to give us jack shit. He lies nonstop and this is the only way to buy more time because he hasn't gotten the troops deployed yet for when half the country is unemployed and given nothing and expected to pay (((Kushner))) $4000 just to get tested while still being expected to pay all our bills and rent or mortgages.

He literally just sold our entire country to the Jews. Why do you dumbfucks believe a single word he says?

Wtf why are almost ALL my pictures gone from downloads

Attached: (((Pure coincidence))).jpg (300x207, 11.01K)

I think some yangfag from this board made it iirc


it reminds me of when rockefeller in the early 1900's was getting really rich on Standard Oil and his publicist told him to go on the street and hand someone a dime. The publicist took a picture, it ended up on the newspaper and everyone loved him.
With shitmer and poolosi acting like giving money to people in need is a sin there's no need to do anything, they're already hurting themselves. >Don't interrupt an enemy when they're making a mistake

And not a single proof was posted that day. I swear 90% of this board is nothing but blatant lies.

the bill was introduced in the house and the usual suspects went into an uproar, but since the pedocrats control the house there's little chance it would pass making them look really, really terrible

Link to the bill? I'm a 1%er but I want my Coronabux too

Proof that the corona-virus is FAKE: womenarestupid.site/blog/proof-that-the-coronavirus-is-fake

> bag nearly secured

Attached: nearlysecured.png (602x808, 85.7K)

What about rent??

Point #2 ain't happening, that is going to get shitcanned ASAP. There is no way they will just be like "ehh don't worry about bills..."


Fuck that pic is gone too of the doom doctor. What the absolute fucking shit happened to all my downloaded pics??!


Attached: 4ge456.png (610x607, 392.97K)

Shut up kike

>believing Trump was going to help goyim
You got rused.

the electric needs to stay on during a quarantine if there is no entertainment there will be chimpouts

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Hello yes, where are the trump bucks

Once again the dems snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

That is crazy. A mom, dad, and three kids will get 7k a month.

That's 84k in their pocket for a year. That's like a 140k salary.
>most people live paycheck to paycheck, and do not earn 130k house hold income. Imagine giving that much money to some country folk who live off of 40k a year. You could never go back. 1k a month is plenty and the sweet spot. Maybe 200 more per kid

>real one
>cant crop edges

lol wtf, a dime? even back then that was like what, three dollars or something? if bezos or gates was photographed handing a homeless guy a $5 bill they'd be dragged over the coals for it

Attached: trump bloomberg.jpg (660x439, 20.57K)

Again, not one single proof has been posted about a single thing being discussed here, not even a tweet as astoundingly pathetic as it is to say that out loud. And you, leaf, in particular I remember because you're literally the same paid shill that's on here seemingly 24/7 and exclusively talking like some cardboard cutout of a boomer. If that kike has resorted to actually paying someone like you to shill here it's even worse than I thought.

Still no one has posted any proof about any single thing discussed here from any source at all period. Every one of you is trying to blow smoke up our asses.

>tfw work in for profit education

is my company going to close?

Attached: 1581649773818.png (500x522, 125.85K)

The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

the dems stopped the most socialist policy of the century

Maxine Waters is a California Democrat and black woman of all things. Is Trump any of that? The Republicans are going to cock block it and cuck Americans for the Jews yet again. First hit
The Zionist GOP is butthurt because the proposal doesnt include giving Jews enough shekels.

Yeah that's what I thought. This is another of Jared's shill threads.


>This provision would authorize and appropriate funds for two rounds of direct payments to individual taxpayers, to be administered by the IRS and Bureau of the Fiscal Service.

Specifically says TAXPAYERS. That's all the info we have so far so until a proper bill is written you should assume you're going to need to have filed taxes to get the Trumpbux.

the stipulations are you must sign a contract of fealty to israel and swear an oath to serve the jews

Look it up, dumbass

Pacifier for the masses.

Old people, Old people, Old people, Old people, Old people, Old people, Old people!

Have ruined your economy, made you unemployed, you can work, your neighbors can work, but, we can't go to work because the FUCKING OLD PEOPLE might get sick!!!

>he sold our country to the jews
That was Woodrow Wilson over a 100 years ago you absolute fucking retard. Kill yourself, faggot

>tfw filed taxes early this year

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The national debt will be 30T at least when this is over.

>Not owning a shower sprayer or facecloth.
Damn user you really are dependant on the littlest of shit.

In 2008, you had to make at least $3000 in 2007 (not counting SSI) to get Bush's $300 check.

I rey hope so user I realy hope so.

Kids too user

Don't be a cunt
Wash yo hands
Stay home
These are not hard to do.

that's the plan
he's destroying the fed


heres how it works. trump says you got trumpbux, you didnt, and his administration just continues to say you did and how great a leader he is,

Attached: whatmovie.jpg (930x458, 43.64K)

Tf is universality

That's why you getting $2k. That's $4k - $6k a household. You do have a wife and kids.....right?

nice edit, grandpa, the white space on the top and bottom should be bigger