What are Yas Forums thoughts on Jehovah's Witnesses?
What are Yas Forums thoughts on Jehovah's Witnesses?
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Strange people who actually believe in scripture that there is a population cap on heaven yet still actively recruit daily.
6th generation protestant heretics.
I love hitting their cannery for preps.
They are mostly Traditionalist, and closer to Christianity than most.
- Anti Homo
- Anti Degeneracy
- Anti Drugs
- Anti SJW College culture
- Anti Women in Leadership
In many ways they are like the Mormons, except the JW's are kind of Anarchist, in that they don't Vote or believe in Mans Govt.
Imo they stick too close to interpretations of past and failed prophecies. and they cannot admit when they were wrong very well. It would be a pretty good religion, if it weren't for their Anti Free Speech stance, and Anti Free Thought.. Or at least, if they had a deeper doctrine.
Overall probably the best Christian Main Stream Religion.
I knocked up a girl a while back who was a JW. She kept the baby. I lost every court case except Child Support.
>inb4 degenerate.
Small town. 98% JW. The judge was a Watchtower Elder and her mom was part of his congregation. I got zero custody, zero visitation, and owe zero child support.
Ironic thing is the girl was a HS dropout. I called her the trailer park princess. Daisy Duke look. Tall. Slim, long blonde hair, green eyes. Gorgeous. I am a small business owner/farmer. Veteran. No criminal history. MScs in Agricultural Science.
But the judge did what my baby-momma wanted because I am a Christcuck (though not hardcore) and refused JW. I do miss him. But I know he is being raised in a fairly decent community and... there really isn't shit I can do. The judge shit on me everytime I tried.
So, all in all, fuck JWs.
Pathetic piece of garbage you are.
Meh. It happens. Her community refused to let her be with me and I refused to convert.
Pay for your kid.
did you know that JW don't celebrate Halloween ??
they don't like strangers knocking at their door
its a glowie cult and they're trying to recruit Iranians like, in Iran.... crazy shit
the glow stuff goes way beyond Iran of course that is just their latest hijinx.
Useful idiots. I grew up as one. Left at the age of 29. Cults are a helluva drug. Thanks mom and dad for making me get baptized at 10y/o and stunning my whole life.
what about not taking blood transfusions ? even if you are going to die and it's the one thing that will help you
Many faiths hold to that. They have their own blood bank so they can get transfusions with their own blood if needed in most parishes.
i grew up JW. When I was 22 I became a woman.
I literally can't. It's not that I object, but if I was told to pay CP I would be entitled to visitation and the JWs didn't want him to have contact with me.
Puppets for the jews who stalk people.
If you are implying you grew up a JW boy and at 22 became a woman. Sad double news, you are still a male and still in a cult.
Based anarcho capitalist decides to grow up for 22 years then become a women
>announces on Yas Forums
How can we get the based gods to intervene? NO malarkey
I’m one. We are woke
>follow the scriptures
>girls are taught to be trad, 90% are
>all races are peaceful and friendly to each other
>we stay out of politics because Satan controls the government and there is nothing you can do
There is a limit in Heaven but everyone else will live in a restored Earth that is rid of Satan and elites
Our religion is literally exposing the NWO
Literally this stuff that’s posted on here is predicted in the Bible.
People hate on us but that’s because we are the true religion, Jesus said the majority would hate God’s true followers
Really makes you think...
On the prowl visiting people's doorsteps now more than ever since they know that a lot of them are sitting out this covid bullshit at home.
In NYC, the JW's here are nice, but a bit more persistent.
Should you give them a name or number, and the address from their usual rounds to various apartments, they have your ass on the biweekly.
One of Zionism's many many intrepid and idiotically evil offshoots. Just one cult among many. Oddly different, but only among the already oddly ridiculous Abrahamic crap religions in which it is a strange perversion.
We were ordered to write letters instead of visit houses due to Coronachan
We don’t want blood with aids
Lol nah most JWs fucking hate the Jews desu
Why don't you celebrate christmas, it is fun. :(
It’s Satanic that’s why. It is literally a celebration of the Satanic Star Satan used to make the Jews find and kill Jesus
It’s a hard pill to swallow though I get it
Why are you activelly recruiting though
I didn’t fault you for that. You are much better than Jews with the medical stuff. Have had Jews contaminate surgery rooms sneaking in to swipe instruments to bring to their Rabbi to sterilize. Fucking nut balls there
Was raised JW for most of my childhood.
Generally good people, a little judgmental, but they are against a ton of the cucked shit in society and their interpretation of the bible is pretty good.
Like another user said they don't take being wrong very well and I disagree with the no blood thing but overall they're good people.
That being said I would never go back.
More info?
Deliberately mistranslate scripture to fit their narrative. Greek is not a dead language, Hebrew is not a dead language, it isn't some grand mystery what the gospel says. Zero scholars look at the new world translation as anything other than a joke.
We are trying to save lives. I know it sounds all high and mighty but think if it this way, we are going door to door to basically help redpill people
You are a lying faggot.
Then why do they circumcise their infant boys?
Can a JW marry a non-JW (albeit Catholic thus Christian) guy?
I hope you have a very happy birthday.
We don’t mistranslate, we stick to the source 100% and add God’s name back where (((they))) removed it
We have many videos on our website explaining how we translate and how being as close as possible is important
This man is based. Take note all you faggots.
Not all do, it just depends on the country where we live. Many parents decide against it.
Unless you somehow convert them then no. Technically you can but it’s frowned upon
What do you think about freemasonry and jews?
Mormons are better
>everyone on the planet is wrong but me
No he’s a lying fag, he’s pulling that out of his butt
I remember there being a ton of people at my meetings that were married but their spouses weren't JWs and stayed home. It likely has to do with whether the JW was baptized or not. So I would say yes.
No, unless the JW gets expelled or the non-JW becomes a JW
A spiritual elder would never hold a position in law enforcement, or politics etc
Do you know this?
I kind of respect respect your patience and persistence, the whole door to door thing must be a pain in the ass, you've gotta be really devoted to put up with that shit.
They believe such weird stuff they may be disqualified from Heaven despite being nominal Christians.
He's a judge. He is high ranking in the Church. She said he was a "Watchtower Elder." I don't know much about JW except that I have a son being raised by JWs.
You break up families and shield pedophiles. You encourage parents to disown their own kids if they leave “the truth.” You’re also hypocrites, one of the major things you teach is terrible to be. Like you’re not even supposed to be on this site. You all deserve to be either banned or killed. Hitler was right to throw you in the camps right along with the kikes.
Freemasons are corrupt and to be avoided and their organization. On our website library archive there is an article on a former Freemason who left because of their skull worship rituals
As for the Jews dislike their religion as well as other religions and we try to convert them out of it
We do have Jews as in race but they just mind their own business and are based and redpilled unironically
No the other Bibles aren’t wrong just translated without God’s name
No, he is correct, language is a powerful tool. You how ever are a powerless moron.
Matthew 24:14 tells you to keep spreading the gospel door to door until the end comes, so they hold to that
Nice people. But they want you to join the club.
If Christians are Jew.0s, then JWs are Jew.0.0s.
What is the difference between JW beliefs and evangelical christian beliefs? I cannot give an opinion on the matter until i know these things.
They believe that faithful normies get to live on a paradise Earth after Armageddon. 144k extra good boys get to live in Heaven and become heavenly bureaucrats.
The problem is most door knockers are absolutely stupid boomers that need to be redpilled themselves.
You faggots are crypto jews. Its all in the name. jw.org
>you can but it’s frowned upon
Fuck you lying faggot you get rumors spread about you, spoken about behind your back, and fucking shunned and mentally abused. You’re a cult and you all deserve to be violently killed.
im completely fucked already. full jewish sex change.
It really is hard, especially with me being a huge introvert, but the love our brothers and our hope makes it worth it for us
Fun fact, we are the only major religion that doesn’t kill each other in war
Being on Yas Forums is conscience matter, as long as I’m not being a coomer and not being pro Nazi or commie then I’m fine.
Our organization shielded in the past but that was a mistake, we were learning a lot and have fixed many issues as the light grew brighter on us. We are imperfect and we know that, it’s weird when people talk about the pedo stuff when we have waaaaaaaay less cases then Catholics, Muslims, or Jews
Doesn't matter if it's Catholic or close to whatever they teach, if you're not part of them, you are wordly.
You will surely be chastised if you are baptised and marry a non believer. They will cut your privileges and I think even go up on stage and call you out by name and say you've been chastised lolol
destroyed my family, made my father a judgemental piece of shit. Criticizes everything i do, when i see him makes me watch 4 minute videos of birds flying around and does absolutely nothing but talk about jehova. We can no longer have any intelligent conversation about anything unless if it involves the bible, and trust me if it’s not about the bible he’ll make it about the bible.
Honestly, I'm too lazy to knock doors 24/7; and if I wasn't, it wouldn't be a top priority on my routines.
How are you guys different from christianity? And I mean in terms of canon and teachings
>way less cases
>percentage wise have more pedos per congregation than any other religion
faggot. Your a shunning cult and you’ll all be hung right alongside the kikes on DOTR
I don't like them.
Christians get involved in politics
We don’t
Christians got lazy with sex morals
We still are strict
Christians have been accepting gays and some just hate them
We still don’t but we don’t hate them, they need to repent
They call God, God
We say Jehovah’s his name
Christians believe in heaven and hell
We believe in heaven but most will live in paradise and hell isnt real because God doesn’t torture
I could go on
Get real buddy. Jehovah wouldn't like you on this site looking at porn and talking politics with incels.
Jesus would tell you to read the scriptures in your free time and try to find the deeper meaning in every sentence.
If on Yas Forums, you're not a spiritual JW, or one that would deserve everlasting life, as jw say, if there ever was to be such thing.
You're one of those jw that just goes for social pressure or old habits but not really ready to die for your faith.
Grew up in the religion, my mom was baptized and my dad may or may not even believe in god. Either way, they all gave me the choice not to be part of the religion if I didn't want to, and I ultimately decided I didn't belong. They always treated me nicely, I still have a very good relationship with most of the people there, including the elders, and I believe they understand that I don't want to delve deeper into the religion and I merely adopted and internalized their morals. Even though I stopped reuniting with them and going to the temple from an early age (we don't call it "temple" btw, but I'm not sure what term English speaking JWs use) they always treated me with kindness and warmth, though I guess that's at least partially because I was never baptized so I wasn't never formally excommunicated.
To me, most of the stuff I hear about JWs is a complete fabrication, all of the ones I met are genuinely nice people that do their absolute best to follow the teachings of the bible, but maybe I just got lucky and that's exclusively a thing in the area I grew up in.
> god doesn’t torture
> what is the Old Testament
Knock off brand jews
Weird-ass Neo-Platonist cult infused with some very old Jewish concepts. They are still more correct than most Christians about the nature of God, but they got everything else wrong.
Ah I see can you give me more I now it's tiresome but i'm really curious to know more and everything I find is biased
I would die for my faith, Jehovah doesn’t judge people for recreation as long as it doesn’t affect their faith.
Yas Forums helps strengthen my faith and shows how real what we learn is
I read the Bible and go door to door but even we need time to have fun
>they got everything else wrong.
I met quite a few of them outside of a door knocking situation and they seemed more or less normal.
I also watched some (((shockumetaries))) about them when I was younger about their process of systematic shunning (wherein a jw elder can decide that no other jw on earth is allowed to talk to or associate with you) that turned me off of them for quite some time.
I enjoy their literature, both Watchtower and Awake are decent reads if you're bored.
I take issue with them theologically, they as an organization predicted the end of the world wrong at least six times. Also I read elsewhere that they don't believe in the trinity etc.
My cousin is an ex-JW and used to go door to door he said no Christmases or birthdays was a giant ripoff and that young JWs believe that the next door they knock on to share gospel could be the very last one and trigger the end of days (apparently they believe that once every one on Earth has heard the gospel - the world ends etc.)
Oh so you’re his assistant trying to make an (((organic))) conversation? Kys
>only major religion that doesn’t kill each other in war.
You’re a dumb retard nigger. Plenty of other main religions abhore violence and killing, people themselves make the choice to go to war not your religion. My grandpa was a witness and he fought in the korean war. When he passed away he died a jehovas witness, and he fully believed in their teachings. To say that your religion is the only religion that doesn’t go to war is some of the most retarded shit i’ve ever heard one of you say
Christians believe in the holy trinity being all the same entity. God, the son, and the holy spirit are all the same at once lol. God is the son, son is God, holy spirit is God, son is holy spirit. Etc etc
JW believe each one is different and separate. Jehovah is God. Jesus is his son. And holy spirit is Jehovah's active force.