NYSE to temporarily close floor, move to electronic trading after positive coronavirus tests



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There's that pink Wojak again

No floor, NO FLOOR

why do they even need a trading floor?

>that image

Did people seriously think the equity bubble was going to keep growing ad infinitum?

If that's their excuse for piss poor performance, so be it.

When red wojacks make it to Yas Forums from Yas Forums it’s my buy signal.

They don't. It's a novelty.

-13% after opening bell... Calling it!

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Yep going red tomorrow, pattern has been red, green, red green too long, it won’t repeat again I can feel it.

boomers unironically did

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hehe, I like him

Still not back to Obama times.

"the floor" is irrelevant you retarded fuck. 99.9999% of all trading is electronic already



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No one trades at the NYSE anyway. It's all computers in New Jersey

Because everyone knows you can’t have a real stock market without people shouting and waving their hands around all day

no one does that anymore

Yeah. He's the mascot for bad investment decisions.

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I do it. Pretty much everywhere I go

Punk Wojack for Time Person of the Year 2020

This can’t be fucking happening

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dow futures tanking right now

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that's just autism Park Chong Su


It's been electronic trading for 15+ years
The floor is just a media room

Proof that the corona-virus is FAKE: womenarestupid.site/blog/proof-that-the-coronavirus-is-fake

They always want to believe so bad that they do

Fuuuuuuck. This is going to be a depression.

these stocks are falling because of the virus
which means they stop falling when the virus is under control
which means buy the dip

Do I even want to look at my 401k and IRA right now?


What, exactly, is preventing the global economy to get right back to where it was pre-pandemic after all this is over, granted that the workforce won't be heavily culled?

We still have all infrastructure and manufacturing needed to do exactly what we did before. It's not like any of it was lost, like it would've been in a war. It was merely put on hold to stop the spread of a virus.

Don't fucking say banks. I know it's the banks. They'd never accept the loss, even though they could shrug it off and let everyone carry on like nothing happened.

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I've been watching SPX500 shit out yesterdays gains for the past 3 hours

There isn't one. The thing on Wall Street is just there for the tourists. The real deal has been housed in a data center in New Jersey for decades now.

> What, exactly, is preventing the global economy to get right back to where it was pre-pandemic after all this is over, granted that the workforce won't be heavily culled?

debts need to be repaid
those who can't repay become insolvent

are you an adult ?

>need to be

Literally nothing would happen if they didn't.

There’s a solution here, we make China pay back everything.

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You just can't stop production in a massively interconnected globalized economy without fucking up the whole supply chain.

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does this mean the TVIX is gonna go up?

Same reason managers need open floor plans: so they can feel powerful look out on a field of serfs.

So we restart resource extraction first. Mining, logging, drilling, etc. Then the plants that process extractions. And so on, and so on. Bring back workers when there's materials delivered.

imagine being this retarded

go take a macroecon class you fucking mong

these stocks are falling because they've been pushing into bubble territory for years. the Virus is just the catalyst imo. the S&P gaining basically 50% in a bit over a year is not in any way normal either.
Fuckers got way too greedy last year

Why not answering me instead of spewing ad hominems? Would make you look a hell of a lot smarter than that inane post just did.

Its gonna rely on a bunch of broke mother fuckers to dump money back into the market.

The end is here

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i made 24 cents trading bitcoin today. babys first stock. i honestly just wanted to be able to say i made money during this stock market to my grandkids as a joke later on in life

Just buy 10 stocks of UVXY and get rich


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i just had twins man ... i dont know if i have the nuts to invest half of my current remaining savings in something i truly do not understand.

Should've parked some spare cash there when the flu first hit US shores. Now you're about a week late.

what the everloving fuck is this value, i should have bought at 10 but now its at 110, what the fuck
Are there any other stocks i can get on board with that have this amount of energy right now and are under 10 bucks a stock?

dude, that fucking chart is insane but did you really just recommend to buy after a 1000% percent run up?

Do you know what it takes to do those kinds of things? You cant just "start up" a steel mill that's been closed for 30 years.

Trump certainly could.

It's a measure of volatility in the stock market. Also it is usually only a way to lose money slowly. Although if you invest now it'd be a way to lose money quickly.

You can play penny stocks. Maybe you'll get lucky. But probably not, so only play with money you expect to lose.

i mean ... isnt shit pretty fuckin volatile right now and shouldnt i expect it to remain volatile for the forseeable future?

Shouldn’t they just close it? Won’t keeping it open just mean vulture funds can buy up all the companies for nothing?

depends on the sector you're looking at

Shit, I've got money in a NASDAQ triple inverse and I'm feeling pretty comfy. Planning on moving into biomed probably in a week or so

>What, exactly, is preventing the global economy to get right back to where it was pre-pandemic after all this is over

Derivatives. Basically debt you can't fucking collect on cheap. Imagine you wanted to buy things while they are cheap and help clean up the mess. Well most of the shit they offer you is fucking useless to you. You can't claim debt on houses, cars, land, etc. All you are doing is collecting percentage of liens on shit. It's a fucking shit show and all the banks have them on their ledgers. They are being propped up by government hand outs thus the term "zombie banks" and ALL debt is tied to derivatives in some form.

There is no way to unfuck this other than a world wide financial reset or let shit go completely to shit and pick up the pieces of what is able to survive. This economic mess was going to happen anyway, Corona-chan was simply the catalyst, the pin to prick the bubble, or the spark to light the fuse.

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