Can we talk about age of consent? What's with americans believing that the moment a girl turns 18...

Can we talk about age of consent? What's with americans believing that the moment a girl turns 18, a man is automatically not a pedophile (the word isn't used properly, either)?

Why shouldn't age of consent be set at the exact moment a girl is able to breed? Inb4
Yeah, as if an 18 year old girl and a 14 year old girl are any different in terms of maturity. We're fucking talking about women here user, get a grip. And plus, I knew exactly what the fuck I was doing when I was 14. Teenagers are aware of sex and what it means, they're not children

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what if the child consents tho.

I think it's because people that age make stupid decisions

the age of consent should be the age of marriage

Wow she is literally made for black cock.

No they do think you are a pedophile if you like 18yods

12 is a good age and that’s gos’s Will not mine

you'd know

If shes interested in you and you too. Then fuck her.
No one cares and maybe 0.1% of cases the police somehow knows about it

14 for girls 16 for boys
since women mature faster

>wanting to marry a braindead teen with the mentality of a 7 year old

Because old men will manipulate young girls into sugar daddy relationships for shekels before they are remotely mature enough to realize the effects of such a relationship

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In that case men 30
And id be fully following the law currently

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>What's with americans believing that the moment a girl turns 18, a man is automatically not a pedophile
It is a combination of christcucks, feminists, and Jews.

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Very soon consent will be irrelevant because no one will answer when a woman cries for help

>We're fucking talking about women here user
why not include males?
anyway, for al the anger these thread cause, i don't any 18AoCfag going places like Germany or Mexico with automatic weapons and mowing down as many people as possible for being a hebophile nation. i.e. for all the millions of angry comments on Yas Forums over the years on AoC, no one actually cares

Give no ground to pedophiles

America is one of the most ferociously feminist countries in the world. If men can fuck younger women, it's bad for the post-wall 30 year old ones, who will now have even more competition in the dating market. So they make it illegal.

Most of Yas Forums are brainwashed white-knights, who don't even know that they are controlled by women, so will shill for them at every given opportunity. eg:

>whereas if u have AoC at 17, u have exactly the same effect.
yeah well argued with that pic user

Doesn't she unironically LOVE black culture?

>Because old men will manipulate young girls into sugar daddy relationships for shekels before they are remotely mature enough to realize the effects of such a relationship
Honestly this. I think it's good to protect women from predatory males for a good while. Age of consent is 16 in loads of countries, and I think that's probably fine. If we say 14 or even 12 is fine, there's going to be a lot more emotionally damaged 20somethings running around, and there's already enough of them as it is.

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Is this b8 or a serious question. Don't waste my time.

It has NOTHING to do with pedophilia. Don't be dumb.

>It has NOTHING to do with pedophilia. Don't be dumb.
what do you mean?

The best I can offer you pedos is a compromise like this, a woman over the age of 18 that has a tinder account will be auctioned off. All proceeds going to train them in the art of homemaking on official schools setup around the country or if you diddle the little you will be executed like the subhuman animals you are.

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Chang's law

he means by setting an AoC and then monpolising underage sex kikes make a lot of shekels and gain leverage over powerful people.
It not about any inherent moral code, its a way of kikes gaining wealth

Well, for starters 2nd: pedophilia is for 13 and younger, they are underdeveloped and normally can't have babies, hence disorder
3rd: Modern society is far more complex, needing more developmental time, hence educational requirements also inflating.
4th: a child under 18 cannot consent to anything by law unless emancipated by the courts.
5th: significant research has shown inappropriate sexual relationships with under developed individuals more often lead to disfunctional adults, whom then pass on the disfunction like a disease.
6th: there are age range exceptions in the US depending on the state, so 17 can be with 19, etc...

>Honestly this. I think it's good to protect women from predatory males for a good while.
kek get a load of this fucking faggot.
This is why women dominate men in your country.

Lol I love this

no mutts law, get your laws right u dumb mutt

You won't do shit, faggot. Go suck more jewcock.

Fuck off pedophile

>What's with americans believing that the moment a girl turns 18, a man is automatically not a pedophile
It seems you haven't been reading up on the recent opinions of women. Apparently it's now "basically pedophilia" if you think it's alright to date a girl when she turns 18. They want you to only date girls that are the exact same age as them I guess, whatever that age may be.

stop posting tiktoks you fucking scum fuck zoomer

That's the plan. Trick wamaz to wear the pants so we can play vida games at home.

>2nd: pedophilia is for 13 and younger, they are underdeveloped and normally can't have babies, hence disorder
u utter dumb fuck. can't u read? hang yourself
11~14 is hebe, 15~19 is epheb. paedo maxes at 10.

>seething millennial
like clockwork

Shut the fuck up, Mohammed. I hope your dick gets bitten off by a rabid German Sheperd you sick pedophile degenerate. Fuck you.

>Trick wamaz to wear the pants so we can play vida games at home.
That's not what happens though. You still have to do the work, it's just that some of your pay now goes to women as well as jews.

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>Don't want my daughter to be preyed upon by wealthy 65 year old men
>L O L, look at zis faygot Leef! Beyta mayle alert eheheheheheheh
Please tell me more about how to have a civilized and developed country, you.......... Indonesian.

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Why do you spam this thread? you fking idiot motherfucker

he means that the AoC question isn't a question of being attracted to sexually immaturity. It's a question of mental maturity. MOST females between 12 - 17 are physically non distinguishable from 18 y olds.


I meant 14-17

Sure, but not really:

Nor does your comment detract for my simplified point.

I agree consent laws should be changed but you must stop sexualizing young girls. It is pure evil

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like pottery

>Don't want my daughter to be preyed upon by wealthy 65 year old men
too late man it's already happening

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Consent is overrated, seduction rocks.

Yea, instead of marrying her to a successful provider you'll just let her get fucked by shitskins. Great job, moron.

thank women and feminism

at the heart of it women know that males desire young fertile girls, this is a threat to women as they age and their sexual market value starts to decline (the wall) so they pushed policies like age of consent via shaming tactics to prolong their own sexual power in society.

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He must be her dealer

>>Don't want my daughter to be preyed upon by wealthy 65 year old men
fucking kek. That still happens you moron. The only ones who are actually punished for fucking your daughter (((illegally))) are the white goyim.

>m-muh mental maturity
this isn't a consequence of age or brain development, this is a consequence of children being raised by papa government, media jews, and schools that drag adolescence out for decades so that they can empty your pockets and fill your childrens' heads with propoganda
Children are(were) more intelligent than they're given credit for, and back when they were being raised by their own fucking parents, having the age of consent lower (e.g. 10-12 across almost all of the USA prior to 1885) was just fine

>the gook reveals himself

it really ties back to Freudian logic

its better if they are manipulated by guys their own age

Look how sad and disgusting this is. Why would you want to make it easier for shit like this to happen?
>to a successful provider
You really think the 45 year old man paying her for sex wants to marry her and have a family? Really Burger?
Please tell me about the Banana-laden Islamic shithole country you come from.

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Have none of you fucks ever had to listen to a teenage girl talk?

It's not worth it.

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>its better if they are manipulated by guys their own age
i hope you aren't serious

Disembowel pedophiles

>ou really think the 45 year old man
so if i'm 19 it's ok?
i can get my 14 year old gf?

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remove the make up and that bitch will look like shrek

girls are never wrong and never make mistakes, everything bad that happens to a girl is mens fault

Fornication is degenerate at any age and should be illegal. Age of marriage could be lower with consent of the parents and the priest.

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Young girls are naturally more desirable than older women. It's simple biology. Men who disagree do so simply to comply with societal norms. It's sad, really.
To explain, let me list some of the traits that men typically look for in the perfect girl.

The perfect girl
>is small
>is cute
>is pure
>is impressionable
>is soft
>is naive
>is innocent but has a natural curiosity for lewd things
>smells good (faint milk/crayon/fruit smell)
>will always look up to you
>will listen to you
>will trust you
>is interested in your hobbies
>doesn't care only about money
>likes to watch you play video games
>will let you teach her all kinds of things
>likes to cuddle with you
>has perfect skin without blemishes

As you can see, all of those exclusively apply to younger girls. Also, they tend to have a slightly higher body temperature, which feels great when cuddling.

>Yeah, as if an 18 year old girl and a 14 year old girl are any different in terms of maturity.

You are fighting a losing battle. Instead use the antis logic against them and increase the age of consent to 35 where most say brains have fully matured. Make EVERYONE a criminal and allow normies to deal with a stupid illogical laws.

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>Why shouldn't age of consent be set at the exact moment a girl is able to breed?
A man can sex any cunt he owns? Why should a father not do sex to his toddler daughter? Why should he not be able to marry her off when she's 6yo? He made her, he owns her
Cunts always make stupid decisions. Who she is to marry ought not be decided by the cunt but her father. Letting cunts decide things for themselves is how we have single moms and 40yo barren career woman whores.

AOC is 16 in most states.

please post a picture of your hand