Dad, can I have $1000?

>Dad, can I have $1000?
>$500? What do you need a $250 tax credit with endless stipulations for?
>Help! Police! A madman is trying to vote me out of office for $100!

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Seriously, what the hell are they thinking

you know that 100 dollars is a hundred tears, you can't have my 100 pennies.

No handouts, white nigger.

It's your fault for not having a 6 month emergency fund.

The Democrats want the $1000 in their pockets.


Listen, if you don't take the stimulus, the Democrats won't give it to the people who need it.
They will put it in their pockets again.

>the Republicans, led by a billionaire, are trying to give money to the people
>the Democrats are blocking them
The fuck is going on

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>100 pennies
user, I'm not sure how to say this....

Nope, they want to give it to people who are not American. They don't trust their old pet victim class anymore.

The rest is in Shumers pocket.

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Dems know it would make trump look good.

Guys, a black helicopter just dropped $2000 on my lawn. Do i touch it or what?

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The happening has sundered the fabric of reality. We're in the bizarro world now.

stale cigarettes, unwatchable vhs, dim lighting, 70s stucco floral patterns yellowed and withering, these two.

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>The fuck is going on

Honking to oblivion

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This entire media panic was the dems trying to hurt trump before the election. All of it.
The nothingburger shilling at the beginning to ensure it gets to the states. The delay in the WHO and CDC in calling it an emergency. Then, the total 180 to "It's a pandemic and it's too late!". They expected Trump to be the reasonable adult, look at the fatality rate (which is all boomers) and not do anything, so the MSM could shove a camera in front of every family with a dead grandmother and go "HOW DARE YOU, HOW DARE YOU LET MY NANA DIE".
Instead, Trump said "Okay niggers lets play balls", declared a pandemic and a state of emergency and mobilised the army. Free money for everyone, relief for businesses, renters and mortgages. He took the Dem's bomb and defused it. It was either let the markets crash by giving in to the panic (which was likely innevetable because the MSM shills so hard) or lose the next election by being a 'monster that did nothing'. Good politics is usually always the opposite of good economics.

Also, REMINDER that King Obongo didn't do shit about H1N1 until it hit 1k dead in USA and the media didn't make even a fucking peep but Corona had barely hit the US when the stock market started crashing from those MSM niggers.

W e w

pic unrelated

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>Trump bad
>Americans bad

the democrats haven't been the worker's party for decades, that's what's going on

Neither has the republican party, but Trump legitimately brings them closer to it than they have been for a long time

Never go full honk

Actually its more like this:
>Can I have 1000$
>You are violating the NAP and have ten seconds to remove yourself from the property before the automated security system activates in t-9... 8... 7...

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Don't they also know that blocking it then makes them look bad?

checked and truthpilled my aussie bro.

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I was in high school 10 years ago and a bunch of kids went to Mexico and came back with the bird flu. I might have a bad memory but that thing didn't lead to schools being shut down for months. Our entire school was shut down for A WEEK, they cleaned and disinfected the school, and we were back in class days later. There was no media panic, there were no cringy celebs asking people to stay inside, maybe times have changed, but I sincerely doubt it, but this mass hysteria is incredibly stupid cause I've already lived through one "deadly flu virus" and it didn't leave everyone completely immobilized. I could be wrong about how bad bird flu is compared to corona, but this whole fiasco is stupid from my perspective. It feels like a giant globalist stunt and the fact that celebrities are being so vocal about it...Maybe it's cause I just finished rewatching house of cards....

They're seething because they were planning to siphon money from the relief plan into their own pockets which they can't do anymore if it goes directly to Americans. And perhaps more importantly, they wanted to take sole credit for what little money trickled down to their shitskin voters. They can't afford to let Trump look good considering how their whole identity is being anti-Trump these days and election is coming up

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Coronavirus, unmitigated, would kill an estimated 2.2 million Americans WITHOUT taking into account the negative effects of medical systems being overwhelmed.

Corona is different, user.

Is this an Orange Man Bad thing?

jews in their natural state

>maybe times have changed
A republican is president.
That's the only reason they are making panic.

What were the projected mortality rates for bird flu?

This often works both ways, but it's just an example of petty party politics that get in the way of doing anything for the american public. In this case, both sides are in favor of giving an emergency stimulus package ala 2008. But even so, the opposition feels the need to fight against it, because otherwise it's Trump's/GOP's "win" and doesn't "count" for their "team".

I'd asume the same covid is worse because we have so many cases popping up, it can get bad enough that in 48 hours people in their 20s need resperators. Boomers are gonna flood in the ICUs and fuck over the other generations one last time

Bird flu had higher mortality rates but was much less contagious.

What gives corona such high casualties is that it's very contagious (It could reach infection levels of 80% of the population) while having a 0.9% mortality rate, which is very high for something so easily transmissible. That translates into millions of deaths.

>we have so many cases popping up
Which makes this whole scenario suspect, and the panic unwarranted (imo) We had dozens of kids with bird flu in our school (which affected everyone equally not just old people) and they didn't shut everything down.

>Was much less contagious
How so? Aren't they both types of flus? Forgive me, I'm an actual idiot and I hated biology

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At this point I think it's more incoherent screaming.

>Trump: *does literally fucking anything*

>Seriously, what the hell are they thinking
Jews can't help themselves. They can't wrap their brains around the christian idea of actually giving money to people in need.

Lol but corporations who spent all their extra cash on stock buybacks and lost it all when the stock market tanked. Get bailed out by us, the taxpayer.
Taxpayers literally paid corporations for corporate stocks that fucking tanked.
Kys retard

im pretty sure it's literal fake news

Some strains of flu are more contagious and deadly than others. Even during a normal flu year, the flu can vary from infecting 5%-30% of the population and cause 12k-60k deaths. Bird flu was highly contagious from birds to people but not nearly as contagious from person to person, meaning it was much more easily contained.

Coronavirus is both MORE infectious than the flu, (not the most infectious disease in history, but enough that, uncontrolled, most of the population would get it) and more deadly by an order of magnitude. Both of those things magnify the normal yearly deaths from the flu of around 50k into the millions if we do nothing.

This guy gets it.

Attached: Attachment.png (708x362, 101.21K)

This, if the fatcat motherfuckers get a gigantic bailout for no reason, the hardworking citizens who actually do everything deserve something too, way more than those scumfuck bastards.

Hmmm...okay. Cheers for keeping me informed. Although I wonder what the response would have been 10 years ago

Go back to bed Donnie, you're drunk.

Nice fake news, the Democratic proposal from the House is strong.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1240458828107386881&ref_url=

No, give it to the white person it was supposed to go to.

Are they aware that this looks terrible for them? Silence would be better.

The Democrats actually hate poor people and now cannot hide that fact.

>The fuck is going on

The republicans want to give money to the people to literally keep the economy alive as long as possible.

The democrats know that we don’t have the money for this and also they don’t want trump to be able to makes thing better. It’s a desperate political move for elections.

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All this and you guys still shit on bernie

israel will be looking for that $40b you owe it!

Bernie is certifiably fucking insane

$1 Trillion is being taken out of the treasury to bail corporations out while the average American has to dip into savings LOL


how so? I thought biden was the senile one


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senility and insanity aren't quite the same thing, user

he looks good lately desu. this look is working for him.

no audio ?

This is all just politics. If Trump gives us $1000, he wins in November, no questions about it.
They'll commit political seppuku, but save Dem's chances.

Bernie wants to give anyone who can get into America by any means full citizenship and welfare. USA would cease to exist in 4 years

/ptg/, you really do have to go back. Imagine thinking they care about "hurting trump" when all the politicians are on the same side. Imagine STILL falling for the left-right clown show they put on to pacify you. Fucking cringe. Stay in your containment thread.

You're doing it wrong, you're supposed to end with them saying you owe them money.

Just fyi for the future.

they're thinking that they would be giving their money away when it's really just giving it back to the taxpayers.

This system is rotten to the core, when the chips are down and the people need help, those in power choose to play political games instead of doing the right thing. These people need reminding that they are beholden to the will of the people, not the other way around.

>no audio ?
Welcome newfriend. Leave now or you're here forever.

But seriously we can't let drumpf get the printing codes

>They'll commit political seppuku, but save Dem's chances.

The party that defined themselves on gibs prevents gibs from being giben. Literally at that point, the only thing the Dem would have is being the "WE'RE NOT TRUMP" party.

Covid 19 is SARS. Yes the virus is in a Corona envelope but what's in it SARS. We have been through it before in 2003 but not this widespread.

Turns out that the Dems were all talk and the Reps actually DO care about the common man. They just revealed their hand.

There can be no doubt that it is happening

I hate Democrats too, but GOP also voted $1000 per Americans down

They both voted it down and passed banking relief...

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Hopefully people realize this. But I wouldn't bet on it.

N8gger. Vlc and turn volume up. Fucking newfag

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