What is your opinion on sex workers?
What is your opinion on sex workers?
You mean whores?
I have no opinion.
Women aren't important and neither are professional women
Loaded question
Should be legalized so that onlyfans instawhores go out of business. Imagine being able to just buy cheap pussy
Degenerate whores who deserve death. I understand that prostituion has been around since forever but there was a time where cunt works were lower then shark and ostracised by society and rightly so. Now days they openly flaunt they are taking cock for money, they write vlogs, books and do videos on YT about, work under their real names eben put it on their resumes because they know its illegal for a company to not hire them based on their past. Its a fucking joke.
Any women who sells her body and dignity for an easy ride through life should reap the consequences of it. If you reduce yourself ot a piece of meat then thats all you are.
Nothing wrong with it. Should be 110% legal and regulated just enough so that we can ensure trafficking doesn't become common place.
I wanna get my dick sucked for a cheap price without having to worry about getting AIDS or Herpes.
Nice trips btw
They should be stoned to death. I mean this unironically.
outlaw porn
legalize prostitution
99% do it because they were once sexually abused... pretty sad.
>Should be legalized so that onlyfans instawhores go out of business
You realise more girls would just do it then? Idiot.. America is unirincally based because women cant openly be cunt workers in your country without looking over their shoulder. Here every second uni student is a whore in one way or another. They dont deny it. Same girls will one day be lawyers, doctors, engineers and scientists without a single fuck given about how theyll be viewed by their colleagues because tyhey know the state will protect them.
They're the only honest women on planet Earth.
It's also funny to watch them try to find normal relationships once they attempt to move past their damaged "profession".
I don't consider them people. Just a hole that you need to pay to fill. Kind of like a vending machine.
I honestly wouldn't have much of a problem with it (live and let live) except for the fact that once these trashbag whores get too old to peddle their pussies for money they suddenly turn trad and want to settle down.
Of course that entails not being upfront and honest about past whore behavior, leading a chump into thinking he's got a good wife-material woman on his hands. Imagine being in love with a woman and wanting to spend your life with her only to find out she was a prostitute or sold videos of herself fisting herself to guys on the internet for money. Of course that money is long gone by the time you meet her, too.
Whores are whores because they have no pangs of conscience.
>What is your opinion on sex workers?
They're not virgins, so I'm very jealous.
Also, lovely numerals.
Chinese whores are 160 an hour
New girls every week
200 for two cooms
320 for two girls
One on your nuts
One on your shaft
Literally dont think about sex workers at all
I fuck an asian girl every month
Until now
>Nothing wrong with it.
>Should be 110% legal and regulated just enough so that we can ensure trafficking doesn't become common place.
Fuck that they deserve to be trafficked
>I wanna get my dick sucked for a cheap price without having to worry about getting AIDS or Herpes.
Literally every non virgin female carries herpes m80, especially hookers.
how about outlaw both. Women dont deserve to be empowered by their sexuality.
Not my problem and that makes no sense. Also alot of them now days do it simply because they are lazy and dont want to work at a cafe or at maccas in their off uni time.
We need robot sex workers. Legalize it.
Islam is right about women. Islam is right about whores. This is the mantra that makes me mad, because how can these shitskins be so based while my fellow Europeans here accept prostitution, where white women will whore themselves out for money.
Maybe white shari'ah is the way.
without them i would still be a virgin
>What is your opinion on sex workers?
Human trafficking, pimps should be rounded up and put in work camps until they're too frail to work, then should be returned to the soil.
Why no? The Ancient Greeks indulged in it. People tend to confuse Whores and women. They are not from the same cloth. It’s like comparing Silk and Leather. A woman is married to a man. While a whore fucks the man. A woman cannot become a whore. She was already a whore but was mislabeled as a woman. A whore can never become a woman because the desire to manipulate a man is way to great. The only reason this has become a problem is because of the access of the internet and it shows us more of that percent than we are use too.
Vermin. They're vermin.
>You mean whores?
>I have no opinion.
Underrated post.
No one forces girls to do sex work, its their choice and they can deal with the conseqeucnes of it.
Prostitution should be legal but not socialy accepted. There should be some shame attached but people don't need to be in jail for it.
Wastes of human resources. Absolute dead ends of society.
99% of them aren't "sex workers". I can see this ridiculous title be applicable to actual hookers who literally make money through sexual labor. Being a camgirl is just being paid to do jack shit. What's worse is that they somehow think that "sex worker" is some kind of noble title, and they all want it to apply to themselves. I sent a girl 3 dick pics and then she took me out for dinner - I'm a sex worker guys
Adults are selling their bodies in one way or another, they might as well do it legally.
The simps paying way too much is retarded, but that's on them. An idiot and his money are easily separated and all that.
>No one forces girls to do sex work, its their choice and they can deal with the conseqeucnes of it.
Pimps deal in human suffering. They should be put in prison for 100 years.
>opinion on sex workers?
They fuck for money. Not a bad job if that's what you like.
they're just a cum depository.
Lets not say no one that happens a lot. There are plenty that do it of their own volition but youre discrediting yourself
>eben put it on their resumes because they know its illegal for a company to not hire them based on their past. Its a fucking joke
mate, have you ever worked in a position to hire people? You can turn down anyone you want, for any reason that you want, as long as you give an extremely vague reason like them being a "poor fit" or not having good experience compared to other canidates.
Tell me, would you be okay with your sisters and daughters being whores?
They got STDs and smell bad. Plus meth teeth. Also you wasted gets on a faggot slide thread so maybe think about necking yourself?
Why do you care you creepy cunt? How does SW have bearing on them being successful lawyers, doctors, engineers or scientists, aside from boomers and incels (achtually im a christian conservative !!! trad values1!!!) like yourself who have an irrational disdain for it?
You do realise you would be the same kind of boomer that found women showing skin above ankles, or hair not covered by a hijab with your brainwashed views had you been born in another timeline?
The state protects them from creeps like yourself that have some kind of odd issue with it and makes it their personal crusade to criticise those that partake in it.
Most women who call themselves this literally just make money by sending nudes through private snapchat or onlyfans
As long as theyre on a different coast and we dont talk
Prostitution should be illegal. Men who engage in such things are obviously too genetically inferior to reproduce anyway so they should be denied access to pussy for he good of the genetic pool.
Chad can fuck all he wants and create a better world, he doesn't need a hooker he can simply date a receptive female.
Literally just women doing what they've always done to get by
It's one thing to go to a brother and hire an escort for and hour or two of company than it is to get a 20 buck blowjob in a back alley so a junkie whore can afford her fix
>implying prostitution leads to reproduction
are you retarded?
Haha shit mate there would be no consequences for it if imbeciles like yourself had an issue with it.
they're left wing feminist scum
Really? i would kill them, user. This is a shame that families shouldn't go through.
I don't care for whores either but have sex, seriously
Gross no matter how much she sucks in her gut
pay your fucking taxes if it's real work.
Lot of incels in this thread
You missed the entirely dumb kanga.
>every other college girl is a whore
Exactly the same here. But while your girls at least have to give up the goods, our whores just put a striptease on onlyfans or some shit and get thirsty simps paying them. Literally thousands of dollars without sex, they get paid just for existing. That’s worse than being an actual whore because at least the whore has to fulfill a service. It’s like paying a ceo for imagining he runs a company.
Then our stuck up whores call themselves goddesses and call themselves “”””sex workers””” and get away with murder
Sex is just multiplayer masturbation.
Like its so fucking stupid.
"Uh, oh yea, that feels good. do it that way, omg yes i like that."
How about we learn about each other like adults.
>Women dont deserve to be empowered by their sexuality.
interdasting user; I never thought of it that way
they wouldn't exist if there wasn't a market for them. women wouldn't cock-carousel if there wasn't a market for that either. men wouldn't NEET if there were effective punishments for it. instead of looking at supply, you should be looking at demand. supply is a reaction to demand- an entrepreneur tries to grab demand with supply.
basically it doesn't matter what your opinion is faggot.
>supply is a reaction to demand
did you think there was a massive demand for the faggot shit you supply?
No one would ever give a whore a job.
Thats why they stay whores. Because they cant get a job. Also no one would ever write that on a resume kek
Not important. They are just tools for travelers
They’re good for when you need a nut and have no gf or wife. They’re cheaper than both a gf an wife as well.
Most of them overcharge and have an inflated opinion of their value
I support automating them with robots.
GTFO cunt, I wasn't answering the query you moron
Should be totally legal and regulated. Safer for the girls and good for the economy.
Guilt trip excuse. Your 99% bullshit is made up.
>Should be totally legal and regulated. Safer for the girls and good for the economy.
Considering how incompetent the government is, why do you want it regulated? What do you want to do, call the government hotline when the hooker doesn't make you cum?
What a pathetic human you are, buying sex when its freely available if you would not be such a repulsive human.
They are afflicted people. Sex work is not healthy, and something led them down this road: psychiatric disorder, poverty, addiction, or perhaps a disease of the soul.
Sex workers are broken people that should be stopped from harming others in society, and if possible, rehabilitated to the extent possible.
The absolute worst thing society can do is any attempt to normalize or accept their behavior.
Buying sex and pimping should be illegal whereas selling sex shouldn't be so that we can avoid giving undue punishment to victims of trafficking. Yes, willing whores are degenerates and people who buy sex are degenerates.
What king Solomon say about it to the two whores who came to him, seeking justice ?
Who do you think are all the big pimps? Jews.
r u gay??
At the end of the day, there's nothing I love more than a cold beer and a warm place to store my cum. I have no intention of seeking any sort of relationship with them, they're nothing more to me than a quick fuck. The problem isn't that they're whores, its that now they think they are deserving of respect for it.
Send them to the pig farm
All the Redditors defend them and try to say otherwise when having a high sexual partner count is universally a major turn off for males.
They do fuck their futures up even if they don't tell the man they were sex workers. The thousand cock stare is permanent.
Smelly whores.
Prostitution spreads disease and degeneracy.