Trump is now guaranteed re-election.
Ok nazi
Fuck me, I live in a socialist country now.
omg wut it's like he's being nationalist and socialist omg it's the end of the world
turning point
Government helping the people. Not sucking off wall street kikes.
And obama had a whole lot of jew dick on his breath
This timeline is fucking weird.
Please let me out.
Yeah, but our tax returns are getting frozen as well. I still have to pay by the 15th.
we /natsoc/ now
Not sure about the nationalist part. We still have millions of non-patriots to weed out.
During yesterday's task force press conference they said individuals and businesses have an extra 90 days to pay any taxes owed.
And soon to be national socialist :D
Fact checked. Status: false. Tax payments have been postponed for at least 90 days so far.
except without the juden free, the ethnic homogeneity and any semblance of purpose or unity, but yeah just like it.
Are we going to become a white country?
>Trump is now guaranteed re-election.
Trump is literally destroying the US economy by spending all available funds for a reduced recession now, followed by a massive financial crash after November. He pretends he wants a small government but then creates a command economy to literally destroy the nation.
Also, by then the majority of Americans will be dead or in hospital with coronovirus, so OP is confirmed as retarded and gay.
This. The Dems are so fucked it's unreal. They've finally shown their true colors.
Is Trump going to become the Hitler we need?
ok chink
No because shitskins will need whole whites struggle to pay for them all while putting off kids because recession/depression. Gov't will protect these shitskins from whites killing them with their zogbots
Cool, I just knew it would be a delayed. Hope it doesn't go longer than that because my return was more substantial the $1000, but I guess money might be worthless soon anyway.
Fed nigger spotted
You have to file by Apr 15 but you don't have to pay what you owe until 90 days after Apr 15.
He was a nationalist. Now he's also a socialist.
Mark of the Beast soon. It's all starting to make sense now.
>forces national socialism using de facto authority; applied violence
totally fascist and just became God Emperor.
Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research from Nov 2015
An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.
I'm long past caring about the longterm economic and civil health of this collapsing shithole. I just want my mouthful of the carcass before it's picked clean. Thank you Trump.
King nigger would have dragged his feet and doomed us all. We're so damn lucky to have Trump right now.
>nationalist and socialist omg
cheked and keked
Let us hope user, spics that aren't criminals I'm fine with. but the niggers have to go. They will chimp out if a real boog happens so pray for that.
Trump was playing 5D chess all along. Moving his pieces in for the kill right before the election. Fucking genius to be quite honest.
Wow, he started WWIII a little later than Hillary/Merkel/May alliance was expected to. What a champ.
Then WEED we shall, for we shall be the gardeners that up root the vile weeds of globalism and keep our eden healthy and strong for all hard working patriots to thrive in.
I’m glowing so hard right now you could place me out on a pier use me as a lighthouse.
Proof that the corona-virus is FAKE:
Fuck off commie
National socialist
this sounds like a website i want to visit
>still can't test worth a damn
>just a bunch of bluster as usual
ok hillary
>t. I’ve watched a lot of movies and played the fallout games
Okay zoomer
Why do you think Trump wanted to buy Greenland?
No, but he just may pave the way for the One to come
>being okay with government seizing production
Cant wait to have faggots like you hanging from the trees.
This isn't an economic policy. It's an emergency action.
Temper temper there, you just may violate the NAP
post yfw you realized that Trump became an honest to goodness Nationalist Socialist and both the right and the left were giving him praise for it!
Checked and /natsoc/ pilled
The extension is for people paying in. The sooner you do your taxes the sooner you get your overpayment refund.
Its called destroying your currency.
Do y'all actually think that this is anything like socialism? This'll be around for like a few weeks and then things will be back to normal, stop orangemanbadfagging
Not with Trump in power.
Not violating the NAP when faggots are proven pedophiles.
$5 says elections will be postponed
>trump pretends he wants small government
Lmao, he has never pretended that
Is he deporting minorities? No? Then shut the fuck up.
You're here until the end Kyle. Just like you asked for. Muhahahahahaha.
Your currency only has value because it's the world reserve currency. We wage war on foreign nations to force them to buy oil using the U.S. dollar. We have meddle into the affairs of every nation that does not cooperate. That is the only reason why your dollar can buy you something. It's always been fucking useless.
So populism wasn't that bad after all?
Luckily, ancaps will be just as big a joke in the collapse as they were in good times.
Where do I get those cash payments?
Id rather be a joke than a burger. At least people like jokes.
Note that payment is delayed, but you still need to file by the 15th I believe.
I didnt vote for trump but if he doesn't cave to conservative pressure like a cuck I will have some respect for him.
give every illegal and unproductive/unemployed $2000 to vacate the country via cargo ship to mexico/africa (money is handed to them as they board the ship and anyone who boards cannot leave) and sign a waiver that they will never return or else be shot on sight or imprisoned for life and forced into a prison labor camp. add some extra juicy promise to give them jobs and free housing in their destination country but just kick them off the boat and let them perish
get a better flag
people are going to wake up to those who are unfriendly to them. blacks when they inevitably start looting and wrecking shit. chinese for spreading this virus, stealing US tech, and undermining many western nations. and jews for running the media game that allowed all this to happen.
fuck niggers
fuck jews
fuck chinks
fuck commies
fuck fags
fuck trannies
So is socialism bad or is socialism good?
Because the muh capitalism mutts fell really silent after those 1k trumpbux possibility
What if the child consents?
And they love burgers even more
They don't care about capitalism, they're in a personality cult.
That's soooo 2019, faggot.
At the end of the day that doesn't affect you in the slightest.
This makes me happy bros
How you know my name user?
Look at me, I'm the Communist now
>suspending mortgage foreclosures
but greedy jewish landlords will still require rent payments on time, right?
>all available funds
Your predictions and argument hinge on this point, but it's not a point you're capable of proving.
It's why he's your enemy if you believe that America should be white only.
Yes it does. Stop pretending he's not an elitist who gave them both billions and censorship on college campuses.
The opposing option is to give it to the banks after everyone goes bankrupt and debt becomes toxic.
There are other options outside of those two and you know it.
the rent is too damn high.jpgif
>after announcing he was invoking the Defense Production Act, which was established in 1950 in response to production needs during the Korean War.
>tfw he sperg so hard he hits his homie
>Your predictions and argument hinge on this point, but it's not a point you're capable of proving.
America is literally starting to print new money to pay for the bailing out of the economy right now. This is the proof. And printing new money in excess, as everyone knows, devalues the economy and leads to hyperinflation followed by economic and political collapse.
Murica is fucked.