they are going to chip all the goyim, what can be done about it?
they are going to chip all the goyim, what can be done about it?
Emigrate to China and accept 2nd class status
I live in America where my president sells out kikes and BTFO's globalists, so I wouldn't know. But good luck with that woke diversity.
>sells out kikes and BTFO's globalists
anyone got any proof that the ID 2020 is a microchip? doesn't say anywhere what exactly it is.
I agree that it probably is, just want confirmation.
The problem with people today is they need everything in black and white and can't read between the lines. There is no direct admittance it's microchipping but most people already own cellphones which are incredibly vulnerable external tracking devices, so the next step up is internal. Everything you read on that website screams microchipping, but they dance around it because when implementation comes hard and fast with more specific wording, the victims (newborns) will be unable to object.
Don't see a problem with this tbqh
I agree it's what they're going to do, was just hoping they'd spilled the beans somewhere by now.
the tattoo for the vaccine is bad enough anyways.
No shit UN user
This is going to go from bad to worse before it gets 'better'. People will be desperate. People will suck cocks.
Do you remember your childhood movies? All those conspiracy crazy stuff and the clowns mocked for seeing things that aren't there. Except it's true, we are living it and they are us.
There are crazy people here and nutty theories, but god damn how I wish this place wasn't right so often
I don't really see the big deal here.
You will have no privacy, the government will have total control over you. They will make China and North Korea look like boy scouts.
They are satanists, they have that symbol hanging on their wall.
who cares
mark of the beast. do not take it, death is preferable.
No way. Thought it was fake at first. So we are going to get chipped in our bodies? Why is Gates so sure that will happen? And what will it do?
>People will suck cocks
sounds like a dystopian medical tyranny
Bill Gates is a sick fuck
>They will make China and North Korea look like boy scouts.
Two based nations
What even is that symbol? Anyone know?
>uh oh your chip says you didnt go your yearly brain numbing nigger cattle shot
>looks like you'll be denied access to banking until you do goy
It's a way to track dissidents and step up the next level of social control. It's sick but it's been the plan all along
They don't even hide their agenda
These niggers want to impose social credit with microchips; they can even sense when you are thinking about betraying them. All freedom will be gone, we will lose all humanity.
They don't need to. They'll make it cool and everyone that is against it seem pathetic/racist/stupid.
Mark of the beast. Don’t accept it.
> official identity
Like how your highschool relationship has to be Facebook official? Kek
Wont be put there, too easy to remove
It's actually a tattoo I think. A literal mark on the hand to pay with (or forehead if disabled).
You will not be able to buy or sell without it because not having it will mean you are coronachanned.
Those NPC will think as one.
>sell outs globalists to BTFO globalists
They're planning to eventually control who is allowed to enter spaces.
No chip? Can't shop here.
Anti-chippers will be the new anti-vaxxers; Anti-vaxxers is just a joke of a meme to get people on board with hating someone who wouldn't vaccinate. It's how these very intelligent but very evil people think, set up a line, meme it with bots, create controlled opposition. Put crazy ones on shows like tucker carlson, create echo chambers to support ideas, manipulate the algorithms to support their goals.
In 10 years, anti-chippers will be hated by all normies. You will be coerced.
They will create systems which make it difficult for non-chippers.
Your insurance premiums will skyrocket, or maybe they won't even give you health insurance because you have no chip.
Our dystopian future is planned.
They want Everyone chipped within 10 years. Once everyone is chipped, then control is easy.
It looks like a woman holding a bluebird which made me think about L'Oiseau Bleu by Metzinger which is vv interesting
Yes, Microsoft, google, facebook.
"Sommerfeld-goubau tech is also a highlight of development in the BIOMEMs field for the past 2 decades due to its ability to transmit frequencies that can pierce the skin, as well as provide power to a receiving antennae as small as 10 micrometers in diameter. It was also found that Facebook line of sight systems work in conjunction with its google counterpart."
And there it is. It's the Rockafellers.
DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons)
If they are so clever with there magicians and microchips why wont they fight me.
they cant do shit
They basically outright say that they can be persuaded by money to roll out world wide chipping in a certain way.
Spinal cord or just inside your brain
im fukken spooked
of all the wild conspiracies that have gone through here, this is one i 100% believe
This is only a trial run for the mark of the beast. The real mark won't happen until the 2 witnesses (one being Elisha) have preached for 3.5 years and are then killed, rotting on the streets while the world celebrates and makes a holiday around it. Also the antichrist will first have to suffer a fatal wound and be healed. This stuff is all to get us used to what it will be like to take the mark of the beast. When everyone is so used to it's format/syntax, it will be easy to accept.
Ok so what happens if I refuse this? I’m assuming it will first be optional then mandatory later. When this happens, cant I just live in the woods/ nature?
soon it'll be time to make your ancestors proud redcoat
It's literally not a conspiracy. Every country in the united nations has already signed a commitment to chipping ALL newborns by 2030.
They don't even hide it.
some of this will be metaphors rather than literal.
I can already see the redditors circlejerking over being micro'd and how fucking stupid everyone is for being against it
You won't be employable if you're not "verifiable" with this "wonderful" new system. It's all preparation for the actual mark of the beast that is to come. That mark will be in either on the right hand and/or forehead. If they allow someone to get this particular Gates thing in their left hand, we'll know for certain it's not the actual mark of the beast.
Does this mean Jesus will come back soon?
They will coerce you. Turn the public against you, refuse you entry to stores, refuse you healthcare.
No chip? you're a health risk, you could be infected, go get chipped and then you can come into Mcdonalds
Revelation uses prophetic language, indeed. Like Alexander the Great is "the cheetah", ect. We do have to discipher using Holy discernment given to us by the Holy Spirit. That said, all the signs must be in place for the legitimate mark of the beast to be imparted. So this seems like a run up to it. A priming.
And good luck getting vaccinated without taking the implant in the process.
Trips of truth
Get ready. Understand what is to come.
Perhaps they will develop a delivery system to implant the chip in you through the vaccination.
Okay I don’t give a fuck if I can’t work anymore or buy mcdonalds can I just stick up on supplies and move to the woods? I heard Zion is really nice
It IS a conspiracy, just not a conspiracy THEORY. More like a conspiracy fact.
We don't know who Anti Christ is yet. He must reveal himself first. Probably after the next great war which will end the new great depression.
If Martial Law happens, shoot the cops and the military. anyone trying to search your home should be shot dead. anyone trying to force you out of your home should be shot dead. anyone trying to force you into your home should be shot dead. anyone trying to take your guns should be shot dead.
How can i be ready?
Parallel realities are converging and it's creating unpredictable waves of possibility across the globe. Least predictable time in the last 50 years. This shit is less predictable than what 9/11
Sounds nice man, I wish I lived over there!
Jesus Christ!
There are many anti christs
My question to you is will you get the rfid chip?
>implying your phone isn’t already a digital tracker
>implying your router isn’t already a digital tracker
Fucking retards worried about this shit when it’s already here
And The Vaccine Alliance.
What coincidence.
the anime was cute and comfy but i don't get or care much for the short format of animations, it's just annoying that it ends after 2 lines of dialogue
The word mark in the greek you unlearned retard. Go get your fema food with your chip
>eat the bugs
>live in the pods
>get chipped like a animal
>wageslave in cages
What else im missing? lol americans are ok with living like this, worse than animals?
So go get your chip already
Enjoy your firing squad sweaty
big difference between a chip under your skin and a chip in your room. Also, people don't have to use technology but they will have no choice but to get tagged. Not to mention with current devices the user can choose what OS, software and websites they use. The more motivated people can even figure out what they are sharing and how much they want to share.
we're powerless despite what the guncucks tell you
Trump will save the planet. I heard he owns Tesla's time machine or something.
Some of us will die as a martyr for the names of the Lord. My ancestors are smiling upon me, can you say the same?
>implying i have a cell phone
>implying my router follows me around
>buy tattoo gun and my own microchip
>change the narrative
>suck on my microchipped gooch
There is no afterlife. if there was there is zero chance a human could fathom it and far beyond what previous, less intelligent humans have written on it
>People will suck cocks.
Leafposting at its finest.
Bring on the implants! I'm so sick and tired of having to carry a phone, wallet and keys.
>bad goy posts undesirable thing online
>blacklist his chip