He was right all along wasn't he
He was right all along wasn't he
About what
why wouldnt you listen to racist santa?
It hurts how right he was
Why doesn't he make videos anymore?
that being a cum eater makes you immune to chinese diseases
of course
Little to no audience on Bitchute, so he made a Twitter.
was threatened to stop uploading bitchute videos
he was banned but he has twitter twitter.com
Not very difficult to predict a collapse of society. What makes him different are the solutions he proposes.
I miss his crazy racist videos
i think his children are going to have a very hard time, they have no community to be part of. you can't home-school your kids in a remote countryside home because they will not have a community and this could make them unhappy and likely to rebel.
really what people like us need is real life communities. i thankfully have some of that
I've thought about this too, hopefully they are mingling with the local frenchies but probably not considering he is always ranting about his boomer farmer neighbours using lawnmowers and shit
He's a hero for exposing christcucks, no one can deny the simple arguments he made and they are forced to ignore him completely.
He lives in a rural suburb. He literally has neighbors right next to him.
such as? im genuinely curious what his main arguments against Christianity are
Here's a better question, what are the arguments FOR christianity? Larping as jews doesn't seem like a very productive thing to do.
to be fair, i'm not really down with the primitivist aspects of his views
Yo what the fuck I thought the left couldn't meme.
lmao Varg had a hate mob of autists flagging him and making videos about him for years.
I checked out their channels and they were pretty much all butthurt spaghetti niggers that took Vargs ramblings about brown eyes personally.
nope, and he looks lik a rebbi
Is that Santy Claus? That dirty rotten Turk bastard only brings me coal for Xmas, so fuck him.
>they were pretty much all butthurt spaghetti niggers that took Vargs ramblings about brown eyes personally.
Swarthoids btfo
Well, I will say that Christianity is becoming increasingly non-white and their current religious practices are far more close to the way we used to practice Christianity in the past, they also have adopted some of our old superstitions
not italian, he sounds slavic.
also vargniggers BTFO
no, he's a faggot goth edgelord that murdered another faggot over an argument about being the kewlist kid in their anal butt club where they danced in the forest stroking each other's swords. seriously nigger-tier behavior
>larping as jews
Jews have literally hated christians since the birth of christ.
>arguments for christianity
We have historic counts of the son of God himself performing a large host of miracles and offering himself as a martyr for all of humanity. In just 250 years his followers outcompete the entire pantheon of Gods throughout the roman empire to the point to where his religion becomes synonymous with the western world. Meanwhile varg runs around in the woods on welfare telling us that civilization is "bad" and we need to become heathens again.
Varg is right about many things, namely Christianity being another iteration of pol's favorite religion. That said, I am not certain that the society he wants will ever succeed, ie. some sort of paleo-anarchism full of honorable people (honorable as Varg sees it). Population density promotes civilization/herd philosophy.
Judaism (or any of its current or future iterations) is very good at monopolizing herd violence. Sad I guess, but such cases.
>Jews have literally hated christians since the birth of christ.
Jews also hate muslims. Should we convert to Islam?
>We have historic counts of the son of God himself performing a large host of miracles and offering himself as a martyr for all of humanity.
>Jews also hate muslims
lying on Yas Forums? shame on you, user
Ottoman rapebabbys are not to be trusted.
Vargs meditations on European origins/genetics are not his strongest point, his ideas on self sufficiency, starving the beast, metaphysics/racial soul/past lives and his music are great.
Saudis are jews
varg is an entertaining person but at a certain point into watching his videos you realize that he’s mentally ill and actually has no idea what he’s talking about.
jews, muzzies whats the difference they are both threats to white identity desu
systematic mass flagging campaigns by christians
i am native american and enjoy his videos, he has defended us many times and i'm happy to see that. also admits whites should not really be in north america, which is morally correct if every race is to have it's land. but will it happen here? probably not.
it definitely wasn’t all the times he talked about jews. no, it was the christians, and a thread on Yas Forums totally proves it.
nigger your people are extinct you’re just a degenerate modern like all the rest of us
never underestimate these braindead faggots.
in some forms yes. but even still, you have to admit whites don't really have a place here if you guys were to be pagan i think the only way you could do it is if you went back home to europe. because if you make sacrifices here, they would go to our gods, not yours.
Fucking Christcucks
you little rats mass flagged him because he shit on you, you all come here and lie, pretend you care about race and the west but when it comes time to act we saw where your loyalties lie
>never underestimate these braindead faggots.
they are feral animals, completely brainless and if you ever untighten the grip on their neck they ll bite you
Is that some netflix version of Gandalf?
The Jews also hate other Jews, ones that don't follow the Talmud for instance, and they have always hated pagan Europeans. They also hate Jesus because they reject him as a prophet of their religion so you're not making too much of a case.
hi varg
I only ever watched Varg for dating advice
not varg, but I like the old chap and the way the christians banded together on him with so much malice and hypocrisy, reporting him for hate speech while trying to pretend to be one of us really rubbed me the wrong way
Hello, Mr. Vikernes. What are your thoughts on Albania having more blondes than Serbia?
is there an archive of his vids anywhere?
Christianity is for cattle but are cattle unavoidable? That is the question. I enjoyed Varg's videos but I am skeptical his ideal society is tenable. Worst case it will get destroyed by an organized group of R-selected cattle. At best, the post apocalyptic tribalism that he wishes will slowly turn into cattle.
>incomprehensible post
Checks out.
thanks for this user, I missed him
r/k selection in people is a meme, with maybe an exception for niggers and spics(who have nigger admixture).
bitchute perhaps, no idea where the archive ended up. For me his best videos were about prison life in Norway, how the media distorts the reality of what happens inside calling them 'hotel prisons'.
There will always be cattle, but the shepherd doesn't need to be Jewish religions or even religion at all. You can even substitute it with race, or ideology.
Even if it is a meme, Abrahamism is a hell of a meme. I see the future winners using some incarnation of that for their justifications, as sad as that is.
>it definitely wasn’t all the times he talked about jews. no, it was the christians, and a thread on Yas Forums totally proves it.
there is no difference between the two
Just genocide every with an IQ of 110 and lower, and Abrahamism will fade out.
>Dumb fuck anti Christian faggot too stupid to understand simple words in ALL CAPS
That's okay bro. You're a dying fucking species.
It's astonishing how the Christgolem suddenly approves of Jewish censorship as long as they're censoring pagans
Yes, but the shepherds... whoever they are... likely do not care about such thing as race. Or, I see it as inevitable that they wouldn't. If you found a group of people more pliant, you'd encourage their existence and ideology.
Eventually, the slaves even cherish that.
Consider how your average christian thinks everyone is equal before god. It's a very convenient ideology for a pyramid structure.
Technically, in places like Korea, Protestants make the most money, have the highest intelligence, Catholics come second and the Hindu/Shinto come last, in India on the other hand it's the low IQ who become Christians while the highest IQ remain hindu
>account name derived from the literary work of a Christian writer
>in places like Korea
I don't care.
>Jews also hate muslims. Should we convert to Islam?
No, but I've never heard anyone ever say muslims are "larping as jews", like you proporte christians to be.
Wow, good rebuttal.
Still PFC after a deployment?! What a nigger.
>Wow, good rebuttal.
What do you want me to say in response to "Christ totally preformed magic XD"
>the left
look at this channel, they re not antifa types, they post Yas Forums memes on their channel, etc, they re christians
literally all of those who attacked him were christians, not leftists, not antifa (irl antifa tried to burn down his house, failed lol), no its all christians
look at this nigger
unironically shilling for trump
yeah I sadly didnt see many of his videos, I hope there is an archive somewhere
>Christianity is for cattle but are cattle unavoidable?
obliviously, its a drastic change and one that will not be easy because all the forces that be would fight agaisnt it but you could absolutely have a society without all the slag
>r/k selection in people is a meme
>an exception for niggers and spics
bro dont contradict yourself in the same sentence
Tolkien was pushing the patience of the Catholic Church very hard though, even being confronted for writing about reincarnation for the elves, and of course, Gandalf being created from an image of Odin probably wouldn't have historically been appreciated by the church
>It's astonishing how the Christgolem suddenly approves of Jewish censorship as long as they're censoring pagans
isnt it?
Frank Thorne?
>bro dont contradict yourself in the same sentence
Niggers aren't people
Unlikely, given higher IQ is correlated with less children and society is set up to reward stupid people breeding. Society wasn't always that way but industrial revolution yadda yadda yadda. Let's say that civilization globally falls apart, I'm uncertain that would actually encourage high IQ behavior still, if anything it might encourage more R behavior, as it's an unstable ecology. But eh.
no that's a norwegian black metal guy
yeah but they re still related to people, you cant say r k selection isnt a thing in that group I ll define to be small enough for its effect to be hard to notice
He always was.
When did antifa try to burn down his house?
after an interview he did on french tv
>hiding inawoods from a meme virus
I was hoping you would give a retort as to what makes the new testament an inaccurate account of history, but I guess my expectations were a bit too high
>Unlikely, given higher IQ is correlated with less children and society is set up to reward stupid people breeding
Higher IQ people are better at genocide.
>niggers invented math
He lives in a town/village.
>He lives in a town/village.
The burden of proof is on you.
>>niggers invented math
I am posting a retarded article as a joke you complete moron