How’s it feel to choke on a cock, trumptards?
How’s it feel to choke on a cock, trumptards?
Anything to dunk on Trump!
It'll bounce back faggot :D
>being happy that the economy is going to shit because it makes a politician you don't like look bad
Do leftards really?
Your .001 percenters are about to flee the country, nigger fucker.
How would a pandemic not tank the economy?
>cheaper stocks is bad
brainlet opinion. we're able to buy more stocks now because they've become so cheap. they'll rise again, eventually.
>didnt even start in the US
>trumps stock market
how fucking weird do you have to be to call it then and then revel in its collapse from a pandemic related shutdown
fucking trump derangement syndrome at its finest
>call it then
call it that, then
Imagine being happy about people losing their jobs en masse.
Well it was Obama's economy until like 2 months ago. That's what I was hearing from liberals.
Hope you're all preparing to buy in cheap in April. You'll all be rich cunts receiving big yearly dividends in 5 years.
by reacting scientifically and quickly?
I am happy, it will teach them who really runs the economy
If I buy enough Ford stock will they bring back the cars I want?
listen, op, you need help, the kind of help no drug can resolve. hell at this point the wu flu would be an improvement. this is what we want you to do. eat two cans of chili, and wait about an hour. then eat some ex-lax, you can even get the wal mart brand so you can save money (your a kike so you know what thats all about) then i want you to spray your children, your family, all your liberals friends so that you can scare the literal shit out of them. then op, we just want you to put the shotgun to your mouf, and pull the trigger.
>i hate trump so much i pray feel people to feel pain so i can laugh!
find jesus user. repent. live life free from anger.
They sure do. They've been wanting a recession since he took office for just that reason.
Lower it goes the more I buy, the more I buy the more I make when it bounces back
oh man, i'm so pumped to buy cheap in april!!
Like no one did?
The man took credit for stocks rising when he had absolutely no basis to do so. It only makes sense he shoudl take responsiblity for it falling.
Nope, It's based black president's economy, remember? If the economy was "his" when it was doing fine, than I'm certain he'll take responsible for it being fucked now, right?
>people losing their jobs
>losing their life-savings
>losing their businesses
>some are even dying
Hey but at least this might hurt Trump right? Party of love and peace.
Obama's economy is officially over. When it bounces back it will be Trump's.
Yes. Just get majority control
Imagine if Sanders was president right now. Universal Healthcare collapsing. Borders open. Far more infected. Country collapsing because of handouts.
The stock market has already started recovering anyways.
Ford stock is crashing because they're making cars in chongland. It's lost over half its worth since this began.
Bringing back Fairlanes customs and Tbirds are we?
faggot OP would rather the world be torn asunder than to accept that Trump was doing fine
Yea, the virus is trumps fault, and all other countries failing are trumps fault too, right?
>completely ignore expert advice and botch the response
yeah it is
>mfw you post in a thread where nobody except you knows how economics works
>Obama’s economy
>trump didn't make any financial gains
>all of trumps financial gains erased by covid-ick
I mean really goal post shit
>How’s it feel to choke on a cock, trumptards?
Ask your mom. She was gobbling mine last night like it was thanksgiving and she was a turkey
The world can burn as long as Trump is consumed by the fire.
Fuck this orange asshole. I'm with her now.
this quarantine bullshit is unsustainable. soon enough some big corp or sportsball league will say fuck it and return to normal operations. then everyone else will follow just like they did with the shut down. then the economy will roar and Trump will reign supreme
Haha Trump sucks because a bunch of things not related to Trump.
Take that Magatards!
the appropriate scientific reaction was to inform the public and encourage them to go about their daily lives as usual. trump did exactly that but the kike media decided setting off a global panic was a better idea.
Glassing China so it would not spread?
Kill this pussy
its like setting your house on fire just to spite firefighters to work...
Fuck you, dipshit. I just posted.
Are you sad that the orangeman is not going to be president soon?
The one trick pony just ran out of tricks and not it’s off to the slaughter house with him.
Yeah but no one cares about you
This but only because it would result in the genocide of white liberals as all of them are lazy and retarded
>They sure do. They've been wanting a recession since he took office for just that reason.
We never really got out of the 2008 recession; just look at job-listings and the unwillingness of corporations to train... no, this is Depression territory.
The correction needed to happen, and likely *still* needs to happen.
recession by definition requires 2 down quarters. we wont have those numbers in until July and even the kikes cant afford to keep up the charade for that long. once this chink flu panic is over the economy is going to boom like we've never seen before.
The thing about democrats screeching is that they've alienated all the bernouts while making an unelectable senile old fuck their nominee
1) the economy will come back to live during the summertime, 8% gdp growth
2) the firing of illegals now means a large migration of them back to mexico means that when the economy comes back increased enforcement will keep them out
3) as the recession is self-inflicted and the market was due for a correction anyway we'll see one of the fastest recoveries in history
4) Trump will take credit for everything- illegals gone, stimulus, beating the virus, economy coming out of a 'recession' that was self-inflicted in record time and all of it will lead to Trump winning easily
5) liberals sucking China's dick and Biden being functionally retarded are just icing, but even better is that because of the recession the Democrats probably won't do much planning on Biden's campaign and be so dumb as to actually run on 'muh recession' and then get rekt in october in debates when the economy is back and hiring is better than ever
Everything is coming together in a weird way that means the Democrats are hated by the left and the right and are basically a party of neocons and cocksuckers right now.
See How is it possible to be so unintelligent? Biden is a walking corpse, there has never been an election which coincided with a recession in which the challenging candidate was so shitty.
This virus is the best possible scenario for the US economy long term. It'll bring manufacturing back to the Americas and out of the hands of communist authoritarians overseas.
Idk Trump's whole thing was if he couldn't fulfil campaign promises was the good economy but thats kind of shit the bed.
He claimed credit for it a month ago. Also daily reminder that he passed Stimulus Package 2 which bailed out all the big banks at the time.
>who cares about everyone suffering and dying as long as we are in power
The ironic thing is this is the shit everyone feared a Trump Presidency would become and it turned out to be liberals projecting their evils onto others.
Troll or not, you deserve the rope.
“If you take credit for the rain don’t be surprised when you’re blamed for the drought.”
Trump has touted the stock market as his greatest achievement, so I can’t blame liberals for being smug now that it’s going up in flames.
>Anything to dunk on Trump!
This tweet didn't age well.
>all these lies
Trump put out a china travel ban on january 31st you retard. Trump has been trying for FOUR YEARS to shut down the borders, build the wall, ban travel from china and middle east, and drag american companies out of china. Go bitch at the democrats and their unconsitutional courts for endlessly and illegally blocking trump.
Get aids then chinky stinky you faggot.
A month ago wasn't it Obama economy?
I remember people saying that it was all because of the nog
Even if that’s true it’s pretty much impossible to blame King Nigger for coronavirus.
Not the point.
The point was that when it was going well it's Obama who did it, when it goes bad then it's all Trump fault.
Not saying that king nigger is at fault for coronachan
I agree that there were full TDS retards who refused to even say Trump’s name and would freak out and credit Obama for all the stock gains under Trump. But it’s also true that Trump bragged about his stock market numbers quite a bit, and their collapse seems to put more egg on his face than on the people who gave Obama all the credit. No one took them seriously anyway.